customize-users-tables.txt 752 B

  1. // -*- mode:doc; -*-
  2. // vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
  3. [[customize-users]]
  4. === Adding custom user accounts
  5. Sometimes it is needed to add specific users in the target system.
  6. To cover this requirement, Buildroot provides support for so-called
  7. _users tables_. To use this feature, set config option
  8. +BR2_ROOTFS_USERS_TABLES+ to a space-separated list of users tables,
  9. regular text files following the xref:makeuser-syntax[makeusers syntax].
  10. As shown in xref:customize-dir-structure[], the recommended location for
  11. such files is +board/<company>/<boardname>/+.
  12. It should be noted that if the custom users are related to a specific
  13. application, you should set variable +FOO_USERS+ in the package's
  14. file instead (see xref:generic-package-reference[]).