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- name: yaml-schema
- version:
- synopsis: A library and program for validating YAML/JSON against a schema.
- description:
- yaml-schema is a fast Haskell library for validating YAML against a schema. It
- contains a very simple interface.
- .
- You can interact with it with Strings, Text, ByteStrings, or Files. You can
- also construct schemata with Haskell code, and validate using those.
- .
- JSON is a proper subset of YAML, so this will also work with JSON data.
- homepage: https://notabug.org/pharpend/yaml-schema
- license: Apache-2.0
- license-file: LICENSE
- author: Peter Harpending
- maintainer: peter@harpending.org
- copyright: Copyright 2015 Peter Harpending
- category: Data
- build-type: Simple
- extra-source-files: README.md
- cabal-version: >=1.10
- library
- default-language: Haskell2010
- default-extensions:
- FlexibleInstances
- LambdaCase
- MultiWayIf
- OverloadedStrings
- build-depends:
- base ==4.8.*
- , bytestring
- , text
- , yaml
- exposed-modules:
- Data.Yaml.Schema