4 년 전 이 릴리스 이후로 89 master에 커밋합니다.
The file with the code for syncing with the vertical interrupt was not included in the previous release. Includes a few miscellaneous internal changes.
4 년 전 이 릴리스 이후로 97 master에 커밋합니다.
The program is still a work in progress, only the cycles/frame and the ACK timing tests are implemented.
4 년 전 이 릴리스 이후로 121 master에 커밋합니다.
This release is functionally equivalent to 1.0, but it uses fewer bytes. The main changes are internal: the code has been split into modules and segments, and it should be easier to add new tests now. The BASIC files are now generated by a Python template, instead of having to maintain two separate files. It's also prepared now to be more easily packaged in ROM format, although there's no ROM-enabled release yet.
4 년 전 이 릴리스 이후로 134 master에 커밋합니다.
This is the same version published on the MRC forums, with one very minor bug correction (one LF byte slipped in after the EOF byte in LOADER.BAS).
This version is the cycles/frame measurer only.