123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165 |
- namespace eval vdp {
- set_help_text getcolor \
- {Return the current V99x8 palette settings for the given color index (0-15).
- The result is format as RGB, with each component in the range 0-7.
- }
- proc getcolor {index} {
- set rb [debug read "VDP palette" [expr {2 * $index}]]
- set g [debug read "VDP palette" [expr {2 * $index + 1}]]
- format "%03x" [expr {(($rb * 16) & 0x700) + (($g * 16) & 0x070) + ($rb & 0x007)}]
- }
- set_help_text setcolor \
- {Change the V99x8 palette settings. See also getcolor.
- usage:
- setcolor <index> <r><g><b>
- <index> 0-15
- <r><g><b> 0-7
- }
- proc setcolor {index rgb} {
- if {[catch {
- if {[string length $rgb] != 3} error
- set r [string index $rgb 0]
- set g [string index $rgb 1]
- set b [string index $rgb 2]
- if {($index < 0) || ($index > 15)} error
- if {($r > 7) || ($g > 7) || ($b > 7)} error
- debug write "VDP palette" [expr {$index * 2}] [expr {$r * 16 + $b}]
- debug write "VDP palette" [expr {$index * 2 + 1}] $g
- }]} {
- error "Usage: setcolor <index> <rgb>\n index 0..15\n r,g,b 0..7"
- }
- }
- proc format_table {entries columns frmt sep func} {
- set result ""
- set rows [expr {($entries + $columns - 1) / $columns}]
- for {set row 0} {$row < $rows} {incr row} {
- set line ""
- for {set col 0} {$col < $columns} {incr col} {
- set index [expr {$row + ($col * $rows)}]
- if {$index < $entries} {
- append line [format $frmt $index [$func $index]] $sep
- }
- }
- append result "${line}\n"
- }
- return $result
- }
- set_help_text vdpreg "Read or write a V99x8 register."
- proc vdpreg {reg {value ""}} {
- if {$value eq ""} {
- debug read "VDP regs" $reg
- } else {
- debug write "VDP regs" $reg $value
- }
- }
- set_help_text vdpregs "Gives an overview of the V99x8 registers."
- proc vdpregs {} {
- format_table 32 4 "%2d : 0x%02x" " " vdpreg
- }
- set_help_text v9990reg "Read or write a V9990 register."
- proc v9990reg {reg {value ""}} {
- if {$value eq ""} {
- debug read "Sunrise GFX9000 regs" $reg
- } else {
- debug write "Sunrise GFX9000 regs" $reg $value
- }
- }
- set_help_text v9990regs "Gives an overview of the V9990 registers."
- proc v9990regs {} {
- format_table 55 5 "%2d : 0x%02x" " " v9990reg
- }
- set_help_text palette "Gives an overview of the V99x8 palette registers."
- proc palette {} {
- format_table 16 4 "%x:%s" " " getcolor
- }
- proc val2bin val {
- set binRep [binary format c $val]
- binary scan $binRep B* binStr
- return $binStr
- }
- variable mode_lookup
- set mode_lookup(00000000) 1;# Screen 1
- set mode_lookup(00000001) "TEXT40";# Screen 0 (WIDTH 40)
- set mode_lookup(00000010) 3;# Screen 3
- set mode_lookup(00000100) 2;# Screen 2
- set mode_lookup(00001000) 4;# Screen 4
- set mode_lookup(00001001) "TEXT80";# Screen 0 (WIDTH 80)
- set mode_lookup(00001100) 5;# Screen 5
- set mode_lookup(00010000) 6;# Screen 6
- set mode_lookup(00010100) 7;# Screen 7
- set mode_lookup(00011100) 8;# Screen 8
- set_help_text get_screen_mode_number "Decodes the current screen mode from the VDP registers (as would be used in the BASIC SCREEN command)"
- proc get_screen_mode_number {} {
- set mode [get_screen_mode]
- if {[string range $mode 0 3] eq "TEXT"} {
- return 0
- } elseif {$mode eq "invalid"} {
- return -1
- }
- return $mode
- }
- set_help_text get_screen_mode "Decodes the current screen mode from the VDP registers (and returns it as a string)."
- proc get_screen_mode {} {
- variable mode_lookup
- set val [expr {(([vdpreg 0] & 14) << 1) | (([vdpreg 1] & 8) >> 2) | (([vdpreg 1] & 16) >> 4)}]
- if {[catch {set mode $mode_lookup([val2bin $val])}]} {
- return "invalid"
- }
- if {(($mode == 8) || ($mode == 7)) && ([vdpreg 25] & 8)} {
- set mode [expr {([vdpreg 25] & 16) ? 11 : 12}]
- }
- return $mode
- }
- set_help_text vpeek \
- {Similar to the BASIC vpeek command, read a byte from the video RAM.
- This command has the same view on the VRAM as the programmer sees (as opposed
- to the physical VRAM content):
- - The whole 128kB address space is visible, if the machine has less VRAM
- then some parts will either be mirrored or unmapped.
- - Depending on the current screen mode, the VRAM addressing is interleaved
- or not. This command follows that addressing scheme (IOW, normally you
- don't have to care).
- See also the 'vpoke' command.
- }
- proc vpeek {addr} {
- debug read VRAM $addr
- }
- set_help_text vpoke \
- {Similar to the BASIC vpoke command, write a byte to the video RAM.
- See the 'vpeek' command for more info about the VRAM address space.
- }
- proc vpoke {addr val} {
- debug write VRAM $addr $val
- }
- namespace export getcolor
- namespace export setcolor
- namespace export get_screen_mode
- namespace export get_screen_mode_number
- namespace export vdpreg
- namespace export vdpregs
- namespace export v9990regs
- namespace export vpeek
- namespace export vpoke
- namespace export palette
- } ;# namespace vdp
- namespace import vdp::*