MIDI_Interface_3.xml 520 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE msxconfig SYSTEM 'msxconfig2.dtd'>
  3. <msxconfig>
  4. <info>
  5. <name>MIDI Interface 3</name>
  6. <manufacturer>M. Fujimoto</manufacturer>
  7. <release_year>1995</release_year>
  8. <description>MIDI interface using the same UART and I/O ports as the
  9. turboR GT internal MIDI, but without MSX-MIDI BIOS ROM.</description>
  10. <type>MIDI cartridge</type>
  11. </info>
  12. <devices>
  13. <MSX-MIDI id="MIDI Interface 3">
  14. <io base="0xE8" num="8"/>
  15. </MSX-MIDI>
  16. </devices>
  17. </msxconfig>