Boosted_MSX2_EN.xml 5.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE msxconfig SYSTEM 'msxconfig2.dtd'>
  3. <msxconfig>
  4. <info>
  5. <manufacturer>openMSX Team</manufacturer>
  6. <code>Boosted MSX2 EN</code>
  7. <release_year>2004</release_year>
  8. <description>A super-charged Philips NMS 8250</description>
  9. <type>MSX2</type>
  10. </info>
  11. <MapperReadBackBits>largest</MapperReadBackBits>
  12. <CassettePort/>
  13. <devices>
  14. <primary slot="0">
  15. <ROM id="MSX BIOS with BASIC ROM">
  16. <mem base="0x0000" size="0x8000"/>
  17. <rom>
  18. <sha1>6103b39f1e38d1aa2d84b1c3219c44f1abb5436e</sha1>
  19. <filename>nms8250_basic-bios2.rom</filename>
  20. </rom>
  21. </ROM>
  22. </primary>
  23. <primary slot="1" external="true"/>
  24. <primary slot="2">
  25. <secondary slot="0" external="true"/>
  26. <secondary slot="1" external="true"/>
  27. <secondary slot="2">
  28. <MegaRam id="MegaRam">
  29. <io base="0x8e" num="1"/>
  30. <mem base="0x0000" size="0x10000"/>
  31. <size>512</size>
  32. </MegaRam>
  33. </secondary>
  34. <secondary slot="3">
  35. <SCCplus id="Konami SCC+ Cartridge with expanded RAM">
  36. <mem base="0x4000" size="0x8000"/>
  37. <subtype>expanded</subtype>
  38. <sound>
  39. <volume>13000</volume>
  40. </sound>
  41. </SCCplus>
  42. </secondary>
  43. </primary>
  44. <primary slot="3">
  45. <secondary slot="0">
  46. <ROM id="MSX Sub ROM">
  47. <mem base="0x0000" size="0x10000"/> <!-- it is mirrored all over the slot -->
  48. <rom>
  49. <sha1>5c1f9c7fb655e43d38e5dd1fcc6b942b2ff68b02</sha1>
  50. <filename>nms8250_msx2sub.rom</filename>
  51. </rom>
  52. </ROM>
  53. </secondary>
  54. <secondary slot="1">
  55. <FMPAC id="PanaSoft SW-M004 FMPAC">
  56. <io base="0x7C" num="2" type="O"/>
  57. <mem base="0x4000" size="0x4000"/>
  58. <sound>
  59. <volume>13000</volume>
  60. <balance>-75</balance>
  61. </sound>
  62. <ym2413-core>NukeYKT</ym2413-core>
  63. <rom>
  64. <sha1>fec451b9256570a0e4869355a40329c57f40705f</sha1> <!-- EPROM dump, same as 9d789, but then the memory mapped registers are 0xFF -->
  65. <sha1>9d789166e3caf28e4742fe933d962e99618c633d</sha1>
  66. <filename>fmpac.rom</filename>
  67. </rom>
  68. <sramname>fmpac.pac</sramname>
  69. </FMPAC>
  70. <ROM id="BASIC Compiler">
  71. <rom>
  72. <filename>phc-70fd2_basickun.rom</filename>
  73. <sha1>22b3191d865010264001b9d896186a9818478a6b</sha1>
  74. </rom>
  75. <mem base="0x8000" size="0x4000"/>
  76. </ROM>
  77. </secondary>
  78. <secondary slot="2">
  79. <MemoryMapper id="Main RAM">
  80. <mem base="0x0000" size="0x10000"/>
  81. <size>2048</size>
  82. <initialContent encoding="gz-base64">eNpj+M8wouEI9z4DAJBx/wE=</initialContent> <!-- (chr(0) + chr(255)) * 128 + (chr(255)+ chr(0)) * 128) -->
  83. </MemoryMapper>
  84. </secondary>
  85. <secondary slot="3">
  86. <WD2793 id="Memory Mapped FDC">
  87. <connectionstyle>Philips</connectionstyle>
  88. <mem base="0x0000" size="0x10000"/>
  89. <!-- See 8250 config for info on mirroring stuff -->
  90. <rom>
  91. <sha1>dab3e6f36843392665b71b04178aadd8762c6589</sha1>
  92. <sha1>c3efedda7ab947a06d9345f7b8261076fa7ceeef</sha1>
  93. <filename>nms8250_disk.rom</filename>
  94. </rom>
  95. <drives>2</drives>
  96. </WD2793>
  97. </secondary>
  98. </primary>
  99. <PPI id="ppi">
  100. <io base="0xA8" num="4"/>
  101. <sound>
  102. <volume>16000</volume>
  103. </sound>
  104. <key_ghosting>false</key_ghosting>
  105. <keyboard_type>int</keyboard_type>
  106. <has_keypad>true</has_keypad>
  107. <key_ghosting_sgc_protected>true</key_ghosting_sgc_protected>
  108. <code_kana_locks>false</code_kana_locks>
  109. <graph_locks>false</graph_locks>
  110. </PPI>
  111. <VDP id="VDP">
  112. <io base="0x98" num="4" type="O"/>
  113. <io base="0x98" num="2" type="I"/>
  114. <version>V9958</version>
  115. <vram>192</vram>
  116. </VDP>
  117. <PSG id="PSG">
  118. <type>YM2149</type>
  119. <io base="0xA0" num="2" type="O"/>
  120. <io base="0xA2" num="1" type="I"/>
  121. <sound>
  122. <volume>21000</volume>
  123. </sound>
  124. <ignorePortDirections>true</ignorePortDirections> <!-- highest compatibility -->
  125. </PSG>
  126. <RTC id="Real time clock">
  127. <io base="0xB4" num="2" type="O"/>
  128. <io base="0xB5" num="1" type="I"/>
  129. <sramname>Boosted_MSX2_EN.cmos</sramname>
  130. </RTC>
  131. <PrinterPort id="Printer Port">
  132. <io base="0x90" num="2"/>
  133. </PrinterPort>
  134. <MSX-AUDIO id="Generic MSX-Audio">
  135. <io base="0xC0" num="2"/>
  136. <io base="0x0A" num="1" type="O"/>
  137. <type>Philips</type>
  138. <sound>
  139. <volume>12000</volume>
  140. <balance>75</balance>
  141. </sound>
  142. <sampleram>256</sampleram>
  143. </MSX-AUDIO>
  144. <MusicModuleMIDI id="Generic MSX-Audio-MIDI">
  145. <io base="0x00" num="2" type="O"/>
  146. <io base="0x04" num="2" type="I"/>
  147. </MusicModuleMIDI>
  148. <MoonSound id="Sunrise MoonSound">
  149. <io base="0x7e" num="2"/>
  150. <io base="0xc4" num="4"/>
  151. <rom>
  152. <sha1>32760893ce06dbe3930627755ba065cc3d8ec6ca</sha1>
  153. <filename>yrw801.rom</filename>
  154. </rom>
  155. <sound>
  156. <volume>17000</volume>
  157. </sound>
  158. <sampleram>640</sampleram>
  159. </MoonSound>
  160. <V9990 id="Sunrise GFX9000">
  161. <io base="0x60" num="0x0f"/>
  162. </V9990>
  163. <Video9000 id="Video9000">
  164. <io base="0x6f" num="0x01"/>
  165. <device idref="VDP"/>
  166. <device idref="Sunrise GFX9000"/>
  167. </Video9000>
  168. </devices>
  169. </msxconfig>