123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387 |
- namespace eval disasm {
- # very common debug functions
- proc peek {addr {m memory}} {
- debug read $m $addr
- }
- proc peek8 {addr {m memory}} {
- peek $addr $m
- }
- proc peek_u8 {addr {m memory}} {
- peek $addr $m
- }
- proc peek_s8 {addr {m memory}} {
- set b [peek $addr $m]
- expr {($b < 128) ? $b : ($b - 256)}
- }
- proc peek16 {addr {m memory}} {
- expr {[peek $addr $m] + 256 * [peek [expr {$addr + 1}] $m]}
- }
- proc peek16_LE {addr {m memory}} {
- peek16 $addr $m
- }
- proc peek16_BE {addr {m memory}} {
- expr {256 * [peek $addr $m] + [peek [expr {$addr + 1}] $m]}
- }
- proc peek_u16 {addr {m memory}} {
- peek16 $addr $m
- }
- proc peek_u16LE {addr {m memory}} {
- peek16 $addr $m
- }
- proc peek_u16BE {addr {m memory}} {
- peek16_BE $addr $m
- }
- proc peek_s16 {addr {m memory}} {
- set w [peek16 $addr $m]
- expr {($w < 32768) ? $w : ($w - 65536)}
- }
- proc peek_s16LE {addr {m memory}} {
- peek_s16 $addr $m
- }
- proc peek_s16BE {addr {m memory}} {
- set w [peek16_BE $addr $m]
- expr {($w < 32768) ? $w : ($w - 65536)}
- }
- set help_text_peek \
- {Read a byte or word from the given memory location.
- Optionally allows to specify a different 'debuggable' (default is 'memory').
- usage:
- peek <addr> [<mem>] Read unsigned 8-bit value from address
- peek8 <addr> [<mem>] unsigned 8-bit
- peek_u8 <addr> [<mem>] unsigned 8-bit
- peek_s8 <addr> [<mem>] signed 8-bit
- peek16 <addr> [<mem>] unsigned 16-bit little endian
- peek16_LE <addr> [<mem>] unsigned 16-bit little endian
- peek16_BE <addr> [<mem>] unsigned 16-bit big endian
- peek_u16 <addr> [<mem>] unsigned 16-bit little endian
- peek_u16_LE <addr> [<mem>] unsigned 16-bit little endian
- peek_u16_BE <addr> [<mem>] unsigned 16-bit big endian
- peek_s16 <addr> [<mem>] signed 16-bit little endian
- peek_s16_LE <addr> [<mem>] signed 16-bit little endian
- peek_s16_BE <addr> [<mem>] signed 16-bit big endian
- }
- set_help_text peek $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek8 $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek_u8 $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek_s8 $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek16 $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek16_LE $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek16_BE $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek_u16 $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek_u16_LE $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek_u16_BE $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek_s16 $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek_s16_LE $help_text_peek
- set_help_text peek_s16_BE $help_text_peek
- proc poke {addr val {m memory}} {
- debug write $m $addr $val
- }
- proc poke8 {addr val {m memory}} {
- poke $addr $val $m
- }
- proc poke16 {addr val {m memory}} {
- poke $addr [expr { $val & 255}] $m
- poke [expr {$addr + 1}] [expr {($val >> 8) & 255}] $m
- }
- proc poke16_LE {addr val {m memory}} {
- poke16 $addr $val $m
- }
- proc poke16_BE {addr val {m memory}} {
- poke $addr [expr {($val >> 8) & 255}] $m
- poke [expr {$addr + 1}] [expr { $val & 255}] $m
- }
- set help_text_poke \
- {Write a byte or word to the given memory location.
- Optionally allows to specify a different 'debuggable' (default is 'memory').
- usage:
- poke <addr> <val> [<mem>] Write 8-bit value
- poke8 <addr> <val> [<mem>] 8-bit
- poke16 <addr> <val> [<mem>] 16-bit little endian
- poke16_LE <addr> <val> [<mem>] 16-bit little endian
- poke16_BE <addr> <val> [<mem>] 16-bit big endian
- }
- set_help_text poke $help_text_poke
- set_help_text poke8 $help_text_poke
- set_help_text poke16 $help_text_poke
- set_help_text poke16_LE $help_text_poke
- set_help_text poke16_BE $help_text_poke
- # because of reverse we can now save replays to a file,
- # poke-ing adds an entry into the replay file and therefore
- # the file size can grow significantly. Therefor dpoke (poke
- # if different or diffpoke) is introduced.
- proc dpoke {addr val {m memory}} {
- if {[peek $addr $m] != $val} {poke $addr $val $m}
- }
- #
- # disasm
- #
- set_help_text disasm \
- {Disassemble z80 instructions
- Usage:
- disasm Disassemble 8 instr starting at the currect PC
- disasm <addr> Disassemble 8 instr starting at address <adr>
- disasm <addr> <num> Disassemble <num> instr starting at address <addr>
- }
- proc disasm {{address -1} {num 8}} {
- if {$address == -1} {set address [reg PC]}
- for {set i 0} {$i < int($num)} {incr i} {
- set l [debug disasm $address]
- append result [format "%04X %s\n" $address [join $l]]
- set address [expr {($address + [llength $l] - 1) & 0xFFFF}]
- }
- return $result
- }
- #
- # run_to
- #
- set_help_text run_to \
- {Run to the specified address, if a breakpoint is reached earlier we stop
- at that breakpoint.}
- proc run_to {address} {
- set bp [debug set_bp $address]
- after break "debug remove_bp $bp"
- debug cont
- }
- #
- # step_in
- #
- set_help_text step_in \
- {Step in. Execute the next instruction, also go into subroutines.}
- proc step_in {} {
- debug step
- }
- set_help_text step \
- {Same as step_in.}
- proc step {} {
- debug step
- }
- #
- # step_out
- #
- set_help_text step_out \
- {Step out of the current subroutine. In other words, execute till right after
- the next 'ret' instruction (more if there were also extra 'call' instructions).
- Note: simulation can be slow during execution of 'step_out', though for not
- extremely large subroutines this is not a problem.}
- variable step_out_bp1
- variable step_out_bp2
- proc step_out_is_ret {} {
- # ret 0xC9
- # ret <cc> 0xC0,0xC8,0xD0,..,0xF8
- # reti retn 0xED + 0x45,0x4D,0x55,..,0x7D
- set instr [peek16 [reg pc]]
- expr {(($instr & 0x00FF) == 0x00C9) ||
- (($instr & 0x00C7) == 0x00C0) ||
- (($instr & 0xC7FF) == 0x45ED)}
- }
- proc step_out_after_break {} {
- variable step_out_bp1
- variable step_out_bp2
- # also clean up when breaked, but not because of step_out
- catch {debug remove_condition $step_out_bp1}
- catch {debug remove_condition $step_out_bp2}
- }
- proc step_out_after_next {} {
- variable step_out_bp1
- variable step_out_bp2
- variable step_out_sp
- catch {debug remove_condition $step_out_bp2}
- if {[reg sp] > $step_out_sp} {
- catch {debug remove_condition $step_out_bp1}
- debug break
- }
- }
- proc step_out_after_ret {} {
- variable step_out_bp2
- catch {debug remove_condition $step_out_bp2}
- set step_out_bp2 [debug set_condition 1 [namespace code step_out_after_next]]
- }
- proc step_out {} {
- variable step_out_bp1
- variable step_out_bp2
- variable step_out_sp
- catch {debug remove_condition $step_out_bp1}
- catch {debug remove_condition $step_out_bp2}
- set step_out_sp [reg sp]
- set step_out_bp1 [debug set_condition {[disasm::step_out_is_ret]} [namespace code step_out_after_ret]]
- after break [namespace code step_out_after_break]
- debug cont
- }
- #
- # step_over
- #
- set_help_text step_over \
- {Step over. Execute the next instruction but don't step into subroutines.
- Only 'call' or 'rst' instructions are stepped over. Note: 'push xx / jp nn'
- sequences can in theory also be used as calls but these are not skipped
- by this command.}
- proc step_over {} {
- set address [reg PC]
- set l [debug disasm $address]
- set instr [lindex $l 0]
- if {[string match "call*" $instr] ||
- [string match "rst*" $instr] ||
- [string match "ldir*" $instr] ||
- [string match "cpir*" $instr] ||
- [string match "inir*" $instr] ||
- [string match "otir*" $instr] ||
- [string match "lddr*" $instr] ||
- [string match "cpdr*" $instr] ||
- [string match "indr*" $instr] ||
- [string match "otdr*" $instr] ||
- [string match "halt*" $instr]} {
- run_to [expr {$address + [llength $l] - 1}]
- } else {
- debug step
- }
- }
- #
- # step_back
- #
- set_help_text step_back \
- {Step back. Go back in time till right before the last instruction was
- executed. Note that this operation is relatively slow (compared to the other
- step functions). Also the reverse feature must be enabled for this to work
- (normally it's enabled by default).}
- proc step_back {} {
- # In the past this proc was implemented totally different. It's worth
- # mentioning this old algorithm and explain why it wasn't good enough.
- # The old algorithm went like this:
- # - take small steps back till we're not at the start instruction
- # anymore (this works because 'reverse goto' only stops after
- # emulating a full instruction)
- # The problem was that on R800 it could take _many_ (more than 80)
- # steps till the destination was reached.
- #
- # The current algorithm goes like this:
- # - take a large step back
- # - take small steps forward till we're back at the start
- # - we now know where the previous instruction started, so go there
- # (= take a small step back again)
- #
- # So the old algorithm takes (potentially) many backwards steps. While
- # the new algorithm takes exactly 2 backwards steps and (potentially)
- # many forward steps. In the current openMSX implementation, (small)
- # forward steps are orders of magnitude faster than backwards steps (an
- # optimization I added specifically for this use case). So the worst
- # execution time should now be much better.
- # 'z80' or 'r800'
- set cpu [get_active_cpu]
- # Get duration of one CPU cycle.
- set cycle_period [expr {1.0 / [machine_info ${cpu}_freq]}]
- # (Overestimation) for the maximum instruction length.
- # On Z80 the slowest instruction is probably 'EX (SP),IX' (25 cycles).
- # On R800 it's probably some I/O instruction to the VDP, followed by
- # a memory refresh (up to 87(!) cycles). I added some extra cycles as
- # a safety margin in case I forgot some extra penalty cycles (e.g.
- # access to a device that inserts extra wait cycles).
- set max_instr_len [expr {(($cpu eq "z80") ? 35 : 100) * $cycle_period}]
- # Get time of the start instruction.
- set start [dict get [reverse status] "current"]
- # Go back till a moment that's certainly before the start instruction.
- reverse goback -novideo $max_instr_len
- set curr [dict get [reverse status] "current"]
- if {$curr >= $start} {
- error "Internal error: initial step-back was not big enough"
- }
- # Take small steps (forward) till we again reach the start instruction.
- while {1} {
- # Note that 'reverse goto' for a small forward step is
- # orders of magnitudes faster than a backwards 'reverse goto'.
- # The '-novideo' flag is required to not (temporarily
- # internally) step back a few video frames (so that immediately
- # after 'reverse goto' we have the correct video output).
- # Also note that this may take a bigger step forward than
- # requested: it will only stop after a complete instruction is
- # emulated.
- reverse goto -novideo [expr {$curr + $cycle_period}]
- set next [dict get [reverse status] "current"]
- if {$next > $start} {
- error "Internal error: overshot destination"
- }
- if {$next == $start} break
- set curr $next
- }
- # The previous step was the correct one, so go back there.
- # Note that (only here) we don't pass the '-novideo' flag
- reverse goto $curr
- }
- #
- # skip one instruction
- #
- set_help_text skip_instruction \
- {Skip the current instruction. In other words increase the program counter with the length of the current instruction.}
- proc skip_instruction {} {
- set pc [reg pc]
- reg pc [expr {$pc + [llength [debug disasm $pc]] - 1}]
- }
- namespace export peek
- namespace export peek8
- namespace export peek_u8
- namespace export peek_s8
- namespace export peek16
- namespace export peek16_LE
- namespace export peek16_BE
- namespace export peek_u16
- namespace export peek_u16_LE
- namespace export peek_u16_BE
- namespace export peek_s16
- namespace export peek_s16_LE
- namespace export peek_s16_BE
- namespace export poke
- namespace export poke8
- namespace export poke16
- namespace export poke16_LE
- namespace export poke16_BE
- namespace export dpoke
- namespace export disasm
- namespace export run_to
- namespace export step_over
- namespace export step_back
- namespace export step_out
- namespace export step_in
- namespace export step
- namespace export skip_instruction
- } ;# namespace disasm
- namespace import disasm::*