123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295 |
- --love.filesystem.setRequirePath("?.lua;?/init.lua;main/?.lua;main/?/init.lua")
- local Runner = require("main.runner")
- local BOXUI = require("boxui")
- -- extra modules
- BOXUI.require("main.lexer") -- used by codeviewer
- BOXUI.require("main.codeviewer")
- BOXUI.require("main.filelist")
- BOXUI.require("main.logger")
- -- standard
- local utils = BOXUI.utils
- local Container = BOXUI.container
- local Panel = BOXUI.panel
- local List = BOXUI.list
- local Button = BOXUI.button
- local Slider = BOXUI.slider
- -- extra
- local Codeviewer = BOXUI.codeviewer
- local Filelist = BOXUI.filelist
- local Logger = BOXUI.logger
- local fl -- filelist
- local cv -- codeviewer
- local opl -- option list
- local log -- log list
- local mgr -- manager
- local ASSETS_DIR = "main/assets/"
- local addIcon = function(t, icon)
- if type(icon) == "table" then
- for i, v in ipairs(icon) do
- t[v] = love.graphics.newImage(ASSETS_DIR .. v .. ".png")
- end
- return
- end
- t[icon] = love.graphics.newImage(ASSETS_DIR .. icon .. ".png")
- end
- local icons = {}
- addIcon(icons, {"folder", "file", "credits", "run", "clear", "copy", "help",
- "warn", "ok"})
- local cursor = love.mouse.newCursor( ASSETS_DIR .. 'cursor.png', 7, 7 )
- local EXTS = {["lua"] = true, ["txt"] = true}
- local INFOFILE_NAME = "info.txt"
- local DEFAULT_INFOFILE = "examples/info.txt"
- local DEFAULT_DIR = "examples"
- local fl_onClick = function(item)
- local ctx = item.context
- if not ctx then return end
- local activeFile = nil
- if ctx.type == "directory" then
- fl:setPath(ctx.name)
- if fl.path:find(DEFAULT_DIR, 1, true) == 1 then
- local fname = fl.path .. '/' .. INFOFILE_NAME
- local info = love.filesystem.getInfo(fname)
- if info and info.type == "file" then activeFile = fname
- else activeFile = DEFAULT_INFOFILE end
- else
- activeFile = cv.filename
- end
- elseif ctx.type == "file" then
- activeFile = ctx.name
- end
- if cv.filename ~= activeFile then
- cv:loadFile(activeFile, true)
- log:add("Loaded: " .. cv.filename)
- elseif ctx.type == "file" then
- log:add("Already loaded: " .. cv.filename, "warn")
- end
- end
- local oplOn = {}
- local loveCalls
- local opl_onRun = function()
- local filename, ext = cv.filename, cv.extension
- if not filename or ext ~= "lua" or filename:find(DEFAULT_DIR, 1, true) ~= 1 then
- log:add("Cannot run " .. (filename or "nothing"), "warn")
- return
- end
- Runner.run(filename, loveCalls, filename:match("(.-/?)[^/]*$"))
- end
- local opl_onClear = function()
- if cv.filename == nil then
- log:add("Nothing to be cleared", "warn")
- return
- end
- log:add("Cleared: " .. cv.filename)
- cv:clear()
- end
- local opl_onCopy = function()
- if not cv.filename then
- log:add("Nothing to be copied", "warn")
- return
- end
- love.system.setClipboardText(love.filesystem.read(cv.filename))
- log:add("Copied to clipboard: " .. cv.filename)
- end
- local _opl_onFile = function(filename)
- if filename == cv.filename then
- log:add("Already loaded: " .. cv.filename, "warn")
- return
- end
- cv:loadFile(filename, true)
- log:add("Loaded: " .. cv.filename)
- end
- local opl_onCredits = function()
- _opl_onFile("main/text/credits.txt")
- end
- local opl_onHelp = function()
- _opl_onFile("main/text/help.txt")
- end
- local opl_onLog = function(item)
- local found = mgr:find(log)
- local mgrobjects = mgr.objects
- if found then
- mgr:remove(found)
- item.icon = icons.warn
- else
- mgr:insert(log)
- item.icon = icons.ok
- end
- opl.list:redraw()
- end
- local opl_items = {
- {text = "Run", context = opl_onRun, icon = icons.run},
- {text = "Clear", context = opl_onClear, icon = icons.clear},
- {text = "Copy", context = opl_onCopy, icon = icons.copy},
- {text = "Help", context = opl_onHelp, icon = icons.help},
- {text = "Credits", context = opl_onCredits, icon = icons.credits},
- {text = "Log", context = opl_onLog, icon = icons.warn},
- }
- local opl_onClick = function(item)
- local fn = item.context
- if fn then fn(item) end
- end
- love.load = function()
- local smallfont = love.graphics.newFont(10)
- local normalfont = love.graphics.newFont(12)
- local bigfont = love.graphics.newFont(14)
- -- if we keep it nil, it resets love2d instead of restoring
- -- loveCalls = Runner.backupCallbacks()
- love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(0.0, 0.1, 0.2)
- love.mouse.setCursor(cursor)
- fl = Filelist.new(10, 10, 180, 420)
- utils.addprops(fl, {
- hasHandle = true, hasShade = true, movable = true,
- diricon = icons["folder"], fileicon = icons["file"],
- extensions = EXTS
- })
- utils.addprops(fl.list, {font = normalfont, onClick = fl_onClick})
- fl:setPath(DEFAULT_DIR)
- opl = List.new(10, 440, 180, 200)
- utils.addprops(opl, {title = "Menu", wrapVert = true})
- utils.addprops(opl.list, {font = normalfont, onClick = opl_onClick})
- opl:setItems(opl_items)
- opl:refresh(true)
- opl.y = 590 - opl.height
- cv = Codeviewer.new(15, 15, 500, 420)
- cv.wrapVert = true
- cv.scalable = true
- cv:loadFile("main/text/help.txt")
- cv:refresh(true)
- --[[]]
- local test = Container.new(200, 25, 590, 500, List.template_theme)
- test.scalable = true
- local panel = Panel.new(0,0,586, 476)
- local button1 = Button.new(10, 10, 100, 30)
- local button2 = Button.new(10, 50, 100, 30)
- local button3 = Button.new(10, 90, 100, 30)
- local radiogroup = {button1, button2, button3}
- for k,v in pairs(radiogroup) do
- v.radiogroup = radiogroup
- panel:insert(v)
- end
- local slider1 = Slider.new(10, 130, 120, 30)
- slider1:refresh()
- panel:insert(slider1)
- local slider2 = Slider.new(140, 130, 30, 120)
- slider2.vertical = true
- slider2:refresh()
- panel:insert(slider2)
- panel:insert(cv)
- cv.theme = utils.freshenprops(utils.deepcopy(BOXUI.theme), {
- itemBack = cv.scheme.back, itemPadVert = 1,
- --itemForeActive = cv.scheme.activeline,
- borderBack = cv.scheme.padding,
- itemHeight = cv.fonts["big"]:getHeight() + 2
- })
- cv.list.theme = cv.theme
- test.hasHandle = true; test.hasShade = true; test.movable = true;
- --test.canvas = nil
- test.content = panel
- --cv.parent = test
- cv.hasHandle = true; cv.movable = true; cv.hasExpand = true; cv.hasShade = true;
- cv:refresh(true)
- test:refresh(true)
- --[[]]
- log = Logger.new(200, 540, 590, 200)
- utils.addprops( log, { hasHandle = true, hasShade = true, movable = true,
- title = "Log Window", wrapVert = false, wrapHori = false,
- slideDown = true, icons = icons})
- log.list.font = smallfont
- log.list.theme = utils.freshenprops(utils.deepcopy(BOXUI.theme), {
- itemBack = {.9,.9,1}, itemPadVert = 1,
- itemFore = {0,0,1}, itemForeActive = {1,.1,.1},
- --borderBack = cv.scheme.padding,
- itemHeight = smallfont:getHeight() + 2
- })
- log:add("Hello", "warn")
- mgr = Panel.new()
- mgr:insert(fl)
- mgr:insert(opl)
- mgr:insert(test)
- end
- love.wheelmoved = function(x, y)
- mgr:wheelmoved(x, y)
- end
- love.mousemoved = function(x, y, dx, dy)
- mgr:mousemoved(x, y, dx, dy)
- end
- love.mousepressed = function(x, y, button)
- mgr:mousepressed(x, y, button)
- end
- love.mousereleased = function(x, y, button)
- mgr:mousereleased(x, y, button)
- end
- love.update = function(dt)
- mgr:update(dt)
- end
- love.draw = function()
- love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
- mgr:draw()
- love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 1)
- love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, 40, 20)
- love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
- love.graphics.print(love.timer.getFPS(), 0, 0)
- end
- local mountno = 1
- local mounted = {}
- love.directorydropped = function(path)
- if not mounted[path] then
- local mountpoint = ("%s/ext_%0.2i"):format(DEFAULT_DIR, mountno)
- local appendToPath = false
- local success = love.filesystem.mount(path, mountpoint, appendToPath)
- if not success then
- log:add("Cannot mount " .. (path or "nothing"))
- return
- end
- mounted[path] = mountpoint
- mountno = mountno + 1
- log:add("Mounted: " .. path .. " to " .. mountpoint)
- end
- fl:setPath(mounted[path])
- end