1.4 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. [ -z "$DEVKITPRO" ] && { echo "DEVKITPRO environment variable must be set!"; exit 1; }
  3. export BANNERTOOL_REPO=
  4. export BUILDTOOLS_REPO=
  5. export MAKEROM_REPO=
  6. export DEVKITPRO=`cygpath -u "$DEVKITPRO"`
  7. export PATH="$DEVKITPRO/devkitARM/bin:$PATH"
  8. echo ""
  9. echo "/********************/"
  10. echo " 3DS - dependencies "
  11. echo "/********************/"
  12. pacman --needed --noconfirm -S devkitARM libctru citro3d picasso 3dstools general-tools
  13. pacman --needed --noconfirm -S 3ds-zlib 3ds-libpng 3ds-libogg 3ds-libvorbisidec
  14. echo ""
  15. echo "/******************/"
  16. echo " 3DS - bannertool "
  17. echo "/******************/"
  18. # Some of the tools required by the 3DS Makefile aren't currently in devkitPro,
  19. # so they have to be built manually.
  20. cd /mzx-build-workingdir
  21. rm -rf "bannertool"
  22. git clone $BANNERTOOL_REPO "bannertool"
  23. rm -rf "bannertool/buildtools"
  24. git clone $BUILDTOOLS_REPO "bannertool/buildtools"
  25. cd "bannertool"
  26. make -j8
  27. cp output/windows-x86_64/bannertool.exe $DEVKITPRO/tools/bin
  28. echo ""
  29. echo "/***************/"
  30. echo " 3DS - makerom "
  31. echo "/***************/"
  32. cd /mzx-build-workingdir
  33. rm -rf "makerom"
  34. git clone $MAKEROM_REPO "makerom"
  35. cd "makerom/makerom"
  36. make -j8
  37. cp makerom.exe $DEVKITPRO/tools/bin