checkres.bat 752 B

  1. @REM (C) 2007 Josh Matthews (
  2. @echo off
  3. set flags=
  4. :args
  5. if "%1"=="-a" (
  6. set flags=%flags% -a
  7. shift
  8. )
  9. if "%1"=="-q" (
  10. set flags=%flags% -q
  11. shift
  12. )
  13. set ftemp=%1
  14. if "%ftemp:~0,1%"=="-" goto args
  15. echo checkres.bat is intended to be used with file dragging in Windows Explorer.
  16. echo For more options, use checkres.exe from the command line directly.
  17. echo.
  18. if "%1"=="" goto nofile
  19. :: %~dp0 is the directory this batch file is in. This allows a
  20. :: .mzx/.zip to be dragged onto the batch file from another folder.
  21. set exec=%~dp0\checkres.exe
  22. :loop
  23. if "%1"=="" goto end
  24. echo Scanning %1...
  25. %exec% %flags% %1
  26. shift
  27. pause
  28. echo.
  29. goto loop
  30. :nofile
  31. echo No input files provided.
  32. echo.
  33. pause
  34. :end