mingw-build-debug.sh 523 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # $1 - x64 or x86
  3. # Clear the debug files out of the release folder (used for the updater).
  4. cd /mzx-build-workingdir/megazeux/build/windows-$1/
  5. find . -type f -name '*.debug' -delete
  6. # Clear the debug files out of the archive and put them in their own archive.
  7. cd /mzx-build-workingdir/megazeux/build/dist/windows-$1/
  8. source ../../../version.inc
  9. 7za e $TARGET-$1.zip *.debug -r
  10. 7za d $TARGET-$1.zip *.debug -r
  11. 7za a -tzip $TARGET-$1-debug.zip *.debug
  12. rm *.debug