pad.config 443 B

  1. # Hat: Directional pad
  2. # Button1: A
  3. # Button2: B
  4. # Button3: X
  5. # Button4: Y
  6. # Button5: Left trigger
  7. # Button6: Right trigger (NOTE: currently hardcoded to toggle the keyboard)
  8. # Button7: Select
  9. # Button8: Start
  10. joy1hat = act_up, act_down, act_left, act_right
  11. joy1button1 = act_shoot
  12. joy1button2 = act_bomb
  13. joy1button3 = act_save
  14. joy1button4 = act_load
  15. joy1button5 = act_switch
  16. joy1button7 = act_escape
  17. joy1button8 = act_menu