Load and save files outside love.filesystem - Keywords: library filesystem love2d https://github.com/linux-man/lovefs
8 lat temu | |
demo | 8 lat temu | |
lovefs | 8 lat temu | |
lovefs 0.9 | 8 lat temu | |
LICENSE | 8 lat temu | |
README.md | 8 lat temu | |
lovefsDemo.love | 8 lat temu |
###with ffi
The ffi code was mostly adapted (with my sincerest gratitude) from
https://github.com/nyfair/fi-luajit (Windows) and https://github.com/Igalia/pflua (Posix).
To start, (look at the demo)
fs = lovefs(dir[string]) -- if no dir is given, start on UserDirectory
---------------------------------------- lovefs.lua -------------------------------------------------
fs.current -- Current Directory string)
fs.drives, fs.dirs, fs.files, fs.all -- drives, directories and files [tables] of current dir
fs.selectedFile -- [string] used by fs:loadImage, fs:loadSource, fs:loadFont and fs:saveImage if no source is given
fs.home -- user directory [string]
fs.filter -- [table] with extensions, like {'jpg', 'png'}. Used by fs:ls to filter files. Don't forget to NIL!
function fs:updDrives() -- update drives list
The next functions accept absolute and relative (to current) paths
function fs:ls(dir) -- return dir (absolute path) [string], tDirs, tFiles, tAll [tables]. Return FALSE if dir don't exist. Alias: fs:dir(dir)
function fs:exists(path) -- return exists, isDirectory, isFile [booleans]
function fs:isDirectory(path) -- return TRUE if is directory.
function fs:isFile(path) return TRUE if is file.
function fs:cd(dir) -- Change directory. Populate fs.dirs and fs.files and fs.all with the new directory contents. Return TRUE if successful
function fs:up() -- move to parent directory (using cd())
function fs:absPath(path) -- create absolute paths
function fs:loadImage(source) -- return image
function fs:loadSource(source) --return sound
function fs:loadFont(size, source) --return font
function fs:saveImage(img, dest) -- Need Canvas support. Return FALSE on failure
This function only accept absolute paths
function fs:copy(source, dest) -- copy file
---------------------------------------- gspotDialog.lua ------------------------------------------------
fs:openDialog(gspot, label, filter)
On close with OK, the path of the chosen file is at fs.selectedFile