API.lua 62 KB

  1. --[[
  2. MIT License
  3. Copyright (c) 2019 Mitchell Davis <coding.jackalope@gmail.com>
  4. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  5. of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  6. in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  7. to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  8. copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  9. furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  10. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  11. copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  19. --]]
  20. if SLAB_PATH == nil then
  21. SLAB_PATH = (...):match("(.-)[^%.]+$")
  22. end
  23. local Button = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Button')
  24. local CheckBox = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.CheckBox')
  25. local ColorPicker = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.ColorPicker')
  26. local ComboBox = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.ComboBox')
  27. local Cursor = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.Core.Cursor')
  28. local Dialog = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Dialog')
  29. local DrawCommands = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.Core.DrawCommands')
  30. local Image = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Image')
  31. local Input = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Input')
  32. local Keyboard = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.Input.Keyboard')
  33. local LayoutManager = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.LayoutManager')
  34. local ListBox = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.ListBox')
  35. local Mouse = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.Input.Mouse')
  36. local Menu = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Menu')
  37. local MenuState = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.MenuState')
  38. local MenuBar = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.MenuBar')
  39. local Region = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Region')
  40. local Separator = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Separator')
  41. local Shape = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Shape')
  42. local Stats = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.Core.Stats')
  43. local Style = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Style')
  44. local Text = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Text')
  45. local Tree = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Tree')
  46. local Window = require(SLAB_PATH .. '.Internal.UI.Window')
  47. --[[
  48. Slab
  49. Slab is an immediate mode GUI toolkit for the Love 2D framework. This library is designed to
  50. allow users to easily add this library to their existing Love 2D projects and quickly create
  51. tools to enable them to iterate on their ideas quickly. The user should be able to utilize this
  52. library with minimal integration steps and is completely written in Lua and utilizes
  53. the Love 2D API. No compiled binaries are required and the user will have access to the source
  54. so that they may make adjustments that meet the needs of their own projects and tools. Refer
  55. to main.lua and SlabTest.lua for example usage of this library.
  56. Supported Version: 11.2.0
  57. API:
  58. Initialize
  59. GetVersion
  60. GetLoveVersion
  61. Update
  62. Draw
  63. Style:
  64. GetStyle
  65. PushFont
  66. PopFont
  67. Window:
  68. BeginWindow
  69. EndWindow
  70. GetWindowPosition
  71. GetWindowSize
  72. GetWindowContentSize
  73. GetWindowActiveSize
  74. Menu:
  75. BeginMainMenuBar
  76. EndMainMenuBar
  77. BeginMenuBar
  78. EndMenuBar
  79. BeginMenu
  80. EndMenu
  81. BeginContextMenuItem
  82. BeginContextMenuWindow
  83. EndContextMenu
  84. MenuItem
  85. MenuItemChecked
  86. Separator
  87. Button
  88. RadioButton
  89. Text
  90. TextSelectable
  91. Textf
  92. GetTextSize
  93. GetTextWidth
  94. GetTextHeight
  95. CheckBox
  96. Input
  97. GetInputText
  98. GetInputNumber
  99. GetInputCursorPos
  100. IsInputFocused
  101. SetInputFocus
  102. SetInputCursorPos
  103. SetInputCursorPosLine
  104. BeginTree
  105. EndTree
  106. BeginComboBox
  107. EndComboBox
  108. Image
  109. Cursor:
  110. SameLine
  111. NewLine
  112. SetCursorPos
  113. GetCursorPos
  114. Properties
  115. ListBox:
  116. BeginListBox
  117. EndListBox
  118. BeginListBoxItem
  119. IsListBoxItemClicked
  120. EndListBoxItem
  121. Dialog:
  122. OpenDialog
  123. BeginDialog
  124. EndDialog
  125. CloseDialog
  126. MessageBox
  127. FileDialog
  128. Mouse:
  129. IsMouseDown
  130. IsMouseClicked
  131. IsMouseReleased
  132. IsMouseDoubleClicked
  133. IsMouseDragging
  134. GetMousePosition
  135. GetMousePositionWindow
  136. GetMouseDelta
  137. Control:
  138. IsControlHovered
  139. IsControlClicked
  140. GetControlSize
  141. IsVoidHovered
  142. IsVoidClicked
  143. Keyboard:
  144. IsKeyDown
  145. IsKeyPressed
  146. IsKeyReleased
  147. Shape:
  148. Rectangle
  149. Circle
  150. Triangle
  151. Line
  152. Curve
  153. GetCurveControlPointCount
  154. GetCurveControlPoint
  155. EvaluateCurve
  156. EvaluateCurveMouse
  157. Polygon
  158. Stats:
  159. BeginStat
  160. EndStat
  161. EnableStats
  162. IsStatsEnabled
  163. FlushStats
  164. Layout:
  165. BeginLayout
  166. EndLayout
  167. SetLayoutColumn
  168. GetLayoutSize
  169. --]]
  170. local Slab = {}
  171. -- Slab version numbers.
  172. local Version_Major = 0
  173. local Version_Minor = 6
  174. local Version_Revision = 1
  175. local FrameNumber = 0
  176. local FrameStatHandle = nil
  177. local function TextInput(Ch)
  178. Input.Text(Ch)
  179. if love.textinput ~= nil then
  180. love.textinput(Ch)
  181. end
  182. end
  183. local function WheelMoved(X, Y)
  184. Window.WheelMoved(X, Y)
  185. if love.wheelmoved ~= nil then
  186. love.wheelmoved(X, Y)
  187. end
  188. end
  189. --[[
  190. Initialize
  191. Initializes Slab and hooks into the required events. This function should be called in love.load.
  192. args: [Table] The list of parameters passed in by the user on the command-line. This should be passed in from
  193. love.load function.
  194. Return: None.
  195. --]]
  196. function Slab.Initialize(args)
  197. Style.API.Initialize()
  198. love.handlers['textinput'] = TextInput
  199. love.handlers['wheelmoved'] = WheelMoved
  200. end
  201. --[[
  202. GetVersion
  203. Retrieves the current version of Slab being used as a string.
  204. Return: [String] String of the current Slab version.
  205. --]]
  206. function Slab.GetVersion()
  207. return string.format("%d.%d.%d", Version_Major, Version_Minor, Version_Revision)
  208. end
  209. --[[
  210. GetLoveVersion
  211. Retrieves the current version of Love being used as a string.
  212. Return: [String] String of the current Love version.
  213. --]]
  214. function Slab.GetLoveVersion()
  215. local Major, Minor, Revision, Codename = love.getVersion()
  216. return string.format("%d.%d.%d - %s", Major, Minor, Revision, Codename)
  217. end
  218. --[[
  219. Update
  220. Updates the input state and states of various widgets. This function must be called every frame.
  221. This should be called before any Slab calls are made to ensure proper responses to Input are made.
  222. dt: [Number] The delta time for the frame. This should be passed in from love.update.
  223. Return: None.
  224. --]]
  225. function Slab.Update(dt)
  226. FrameNumber = FrameNumber + 1
  227. Stats.Reset()
  228. FrameStatHandle = Stats.Begin('Frame', 'Slab')
  229. local StatHandle = Stats.Begin('Update', 'Slab')
  230. Mouse.Update()
  231. Keyboard.Update()
  232. Input.Update(dt)
  233. DrawCommands.Reset()
  234. Window.Reset()
  235. Window.SetFrameNumber(FrameNumber)
  236. LayoutManager.Validate()
  237. if MenuState.IsOpened then
  238. MenuState.WasOpened = MenuState.IsOpened
  239. if Mouse.IsClicked(1) then
  240. MenuState.RequestClose = true
  241. end
  242. end
  243. Stats.End(StatHandle)
  244. end
  245. --[[
  246. Draw
  247. This function will execute all buffered draw calls from the various Slab calls made prior. This
  248. function should be called from love.draw and should be called at the very to ensure Slab is rendered
  249. above the user's workspace.
  250. Return: None.
  251. --]]
  252. function Slab.Draw()
  253. local StatHandle = Stats.Begin('Draw', 'Slab')
  254. Window.Validate()
  255. if MenuState.RequestClose then
  256. Menu.Close()
  257. MenuBar.Clear()
  258. end
  259. Mouse.UpdateCursor()
  260. if Mouse.IsReleased(1) then
  261. Button.ClearClicked()
  262. end
  263. DrawCommands.Execute()
  264. Stats.End(StatHandle)
  265. Stats.End(FrameStatHandle)
  266. end
  267. --[[
  268. GetStyle
  269. Retrieve the style table associated with the current instance of Slab. This will allow the user to add custom styling
  270. to their controls.
  271. Return: [Table] The style table.
  272. --]]
  273. function Slab.GetStyle()
  274. return Style
  275. end
  276. --[[
  277. PushFont
  278. Pushes a Love font object onto the font stack. All text rendering will use this font until PopFont is called.
  279. Font: [Object] The Love font object to use.
  280. Return: None.
  281. --]]
  282. function Slab.PushFont(Font)
  283. Style.API.PushFont(Font)
  284. end
  285. --[[
  286. PopFont
  287. Pops the last font from the stack.
  288. Return: None.
  289. --]]
  290. function Slab.PopFont()
  291. Style.API.PopFont()
  292. end
  293. --[[
  294. BeginWindow
  295. This function begins the process of drawing widgets to a window. This function must be followed up with
  296. an EndWindow call to ensure proper behavior of drawing windows.
  297. Id: [String] A unique string identifying this window in the project.
  298. Options: [Table] List of options that control how this window will behave.
  299. X: [Number] The X position to start rendering the window at.
  300. Y: [Number] The Y position to start rendering the window at.
  301. W: [Number] The starting width of the window.
  302. H: [Number] The starting height of the window.
  303. ContentW: [Number] The starting width of the content contained within this window.
  304. ContentH: [Number] The starting height of the content contained within this window.
  305. BgColor: [Table] The background color value for this window. Will use the default style WindowBackgroundColor if this is empty.
  306. Title: [String] The title to display for this window. If emtpy, no title bar will be rendered and the window will not be movable.
  307. AllowMove: [Boolean] Controls whether the window is movable within the title bar area. The default value is true.
  308. AllowResize: [Boolean] Controls whether the window is resizable. The default value is true. AutoSizeWindow must be false for this to work.
  309. AllowFocus: [Boolean] Controls whether the window can be focused. The default value is true.
  310. Border: [Number] The value which controls how much empty space should be left between all sides of the window from the content.
  311. The default value is 4.0
  312. NoOutline: [Boolean] Controls whether an outline should not be rendered. The default value is false.
  313. IsMenuBar: [Boolean] Controls whether if this window is a menu bar or not. This flag should be ignored and is used by the menu bar
  314. system. The default value is false.
  315. AutoSizeWindow: [Boolean] Automatically updates the window size to match the content size. The default value is true.
  316. AutoSizeWindowW: [Boolean] Automatically update the window width to match the content size. This value is taken from AutoSizeWindow by default.
  317. AutoSizeWindowH: [Boolean] Automatically update the window height to match the content size. This value is taken from AutoSizeWindow by default.
  318. AutoSizeContent: [Boolean] The content size of the window is automatically updated with each new widget. The default value is true.
  319. Layer: [String] The layer to which to draw this window. This is used internally and should be ignored by the user.
  320. ResetPosition: [Boolean] Determines if the window should reset any delta changes to its position.
  321. ResetSize: [Boolean] Determines if the window should reset any delta changes to its size.
  322. ResetContent: [Boolean] Determines if the window should reset any delta changes to its content size.
  323. ResetLayout: [Boolean] Will reset the position, size, and content. Short hand for the above 3 flags.
  324. SizerFilter: [Table] Specifies what sizers are enabled for the window. If nothing is specified, all sizers are available. The values can
  325. be: NW, NE, SW, SE, N, S, E, W
  326. CanObstruct: [Boolean] Sets whether this window is considered for obstruction of other windows and their controls. The default value is true.
  327. Rounding: [Number] Amount of rounding to apply to the corners of the window.
  328. Return: None
  329. --]]
  330. function Slab.BeginWindow(Id, Options)
  331. Window.Begin(Id, Options)
  332. end
  333. --[[
  334. EndWindow
  335. This function must be called after a BeginWindow and associated widget calls. If the user fails to call this, an assertion will be thrown
  336. to alert the user.
  337. Return: None.
  338. --]]
  339. function Slab.EndWindow()
  340. Window.End()
  341. end
  342. --[[
  343. GetWindowPosition
  344. Retrieves the active window's position.
  345. Return: [Number], [Number] The X and Y position of the active window.
  346. --]]
  347. function Slab.GetWindowPosition()
  348. return Window.GetPosition()
  349. end
  350. --[[
  351. GetWindowSize
  352. Retrieves the active window's size.
  353. Return: [Number], [Number] The width and height of the active window.
  354. --]]
  355. function Slab.GetWindowSize()
  356. return Window.GetSize()
  357. end
  358. --[[
  359. GetWindowContentSize
  360. Retrieves the active window's content size.
  361. Return: [Number], [Number] The width and height of the active window content.
  362. --]]
  363. function Slab.GetWindowContentSize()
  364. return Window.GetContentSize()
  365. end
  366. --[[
  367. GetWindowActiveSize
  368. Retrieves the active window's active size minus the borders.
  369. Return: [Number], [Number] The width and height of the window's active bounds.
  370. --]]
  371. function Slab.GetWindowActiveSize()
  372. return Window.GetBorderlessSize()
  373. end
  374. --[[
  375. BeginMainMenuBar
  376. This function begins the process for setting up the main menu bar. This should be called outside of any BeginWindow/EndWindow calls.
  377. The user should only call EndMainMenuBar if this function returns true. Use BeginMenu/EndMenu calls to add menu items on the main menu bar.
  378. Example:
  379. if Slab.BeginMainMenuBar() then
  380. if Slab.BeginMenu("File") then
  381. if Slab.MenuItem("Quit") then
  382. love.event.quit()
  383. end
  384. Slab.EndMenu()
  385. end
  386. Slab.EndMainMenuBar()
  387. end
  388. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the main menu bar process has started.
  389. --]]
  390. function Slab.BeginMainMenuBar()
  391. Cursor.SetPosition(0.0, 0.0)
  392. return Slab.BeginMenuBar(true)
  393. end
  394. --[[
  395. EndMainMenuBar
  396. This function should be called if BeginMainMenuBar returns true.
  397. Return: None.
  398. --]]
  399. function Slab.EndMainMenuBar()
  400. Slab.EndMenuBar()
  401. end
  402. --[[
  403. BeginMenuBar
  404. This function begins the process of rendering a menu bar for a window. This should only be called within a BeginWindow/EndWindow context.
  405. IsMainMenuBar: [Boolean] Is this menu bar for the main viewport. Used internally. Should be ignored for all other calls.
  406. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the menu bar process has started.
  407. --]]
  408. function Slab.BeginMenuBar(IsMainMenuBar)
  409. return MenuBar.Begin(IsMainMenuBar)
  410. end
  411. --[[
  412. EndMenuBar
  413. This function should be called if BeginMenuBar returns true.
  414. Return: None.
  415. --]]
  416. function Slab.EndMenuBar()
  417. MenuBar.End()
  418. end
  419. --[[
  420. BeginMenu
  421. Adds a menu item that when the user hovers over, opens up an additional context menu. When used within a menu bar, BeginMenu calls
  422. will be added to the bar. Within a context menu, the menu item will be added within the context menu with an additional arrow to notify
  423. the user more options are available. If this function returns true, the user must call EndMenu.
  424. Label: [String] The label to display for this menu.
  425. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the menu item is being hovered.
  426. --]]
  427. function Slab.BeginMenu(Label)
  428. return Menu.BeginMenu(Label)
  429. end
  430. --[[
  431. EndMenu
  432. Finishes up a BeginMenu. This function must be called if BeginMenu returns true.
  433. Return: None.
  434. --]]
  435. function Slab.EndMenu()
  436. Menu.EndMenu()
  437. end
  438. --[[
  439. BeginContextMenuItem
  440. Opens up a context menu based on if the user right clicks on the last item. This function should be placed immediately after an item
  441. call to open up a context menu for that specific item. If this function returns true, EndContextMenu must be called.
  442. Example:
  443. if Slab.Button("Button!") then
  444. -- Perform logic here when button is clicked
  445. end
  446. -- This will only return true if the previous button is hot and the user right-clicks.
  447. if Slab.BeginContextMenuItem() then
  448. Slab.MenuItem("Button Item 1")
  449. Slab.MenuItem("Button Item 2")
  450. Slab.EndContextMenu()
  451. end
  452. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the user right clicks on the previous item call. EndContextMenu must be called in order for
  453. this to function properly.
  454. --]]
  455. function Slab.BeginContextMenuItem()
  456. return Menu.BeginContextMenu({IsItem = true})
  457. end
  458. --[[
  459. BeginContextMenuWindow
  460. Opens up a context menu based on if the user right clicks anywhere within the window. It is recommended to place this function at the end
  461. of a window's widget calls so that Slab can catch any BeginContextMenuItem calls before this call. If this function returns true,
  462. EndContextMenu must be called.
  463. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the user right clicks anywhere within the window. EndContextMenu must be called in order for this
  464. to function properly.
  465. --]]
  466. function Slab.BeginContextMenuWindow()
  467. return Menu.BeginContextMenu({IsWindow = true})
  468. end
  469. --[[
  470. EndContextMenu
  471. Finishes up any BeginContextMenuItem/BeginContextMenuWindow if they return true.
  472. Return: None.
  473. --]]
  474. function Slab.EndContextMenu()
  475. Menu.EndContextMenu()
  476. end
  477. --[[
  478. MenuItem
  479. Adds a menu item to a given context menu.
  480. Label: [String] The label to display to the user.
  481. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the user clicks on this menu item.
  482. --]]
  483. function Slab.MenuItem(Label)
  484. return Menu.MenuItem(Label)
  485. end
  486. --[[
  487. MenuItemChecked
  488. Adds a menu item to a given context menu. If IsChecked is true, then a check mark will be rendered next to the
  489. label.
  490. Example:
  491. local Checked = false
  492. if Slab.MenuItemChecked("Menu Item", Checked)
  493. Checked = not Checked
  494. end
  495. Label: [String] The label to display to the user.
  496. IsChecked: [Boolean] Determines if a check mark should be rendered next to the label.
  497. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the user clicks on this menu item.
  498. --]]
  499. function Slab.MenuItemChecked(Label, IsChecked)
  500. return Menu.MenuItemChecked(Label, IsChecked)
  501. end
  502. --[[
  503. Separator
  504. This functions renders a separator line in the window.
  505. Option: [Table] List of options for how this separator will be drawn.
  506. IncludeBorders: [Boolean] Whether to extend the separator to include the window borders. This is false by default.
  507. H: [Number] The height of the separator. This doesn't change the line thickness, rather, specifies the cursor advancement
  508. in the Y direction.
  509. Return: None.
  510. --]]
  511. function Slab.Separator(Options)
  512. Separator.Begin(Options)
  513. end
  514. --[[
  515. Button
  516. Adds a button to the active window.
  517. Label: [String] The label to display on the button.
  518. Options: [Table] List of options for how this button will behave.
  519. Tooltip: [String] The tooltip to display when the user hovers over this button.
  520. Rounding: [Number] Amount of rounding to apply to the corners of the button.
  521. Invisible: [Boolean] Don't render the button, but keep the behavior.
  522. W: [Number] Override the width of the button.
  523. H: [Number] Override the height of the button.
  524. Disabled: [Boolean] If true, the button is not interactable by the user.
  525. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the user clicks on this button.
  526. --]]
  527. function Slab.Button(Label, Options)
  528. return Button.Begin(Label, Options)
  529. end
  530. --[[
  531. RadioButton
  532. Adds a radio button entry to the active window. The grouping of radio buttons is determined by the user. An Index can
  533. be applied to the given radio button and a SelectedIndex can be passed in to determine if this specific radio button
  534. is the selected one.
  535. Label: [String] The label to display next to the button.
  536. Options: [Table] List of options for how this radio button will behave.
  537. Index: [Number] The index of this radio button. Will be 0 by default and not selectable. Assign an index to group the button.
  538. SelectedIndex: [Number] The index of the radio button that is selected. If this equals the Index field, then this radio button
  539. will be rendered as selected.
  540. Tooltip: [String] The tooltip to display when the user hovers over the button or label.
  541. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the user clicks on this button.
  542. --]]
  543. function Slab.RadioButton(Label, Options)
  544. return Button.BeginRadio(Label, Options)
  545. end
  546. --[[
  547. Text
  548. Adds text to the active window.
  549. Label: [String] The string to be displayed in the window.
  550. Options: [Table] List of options for how this text is displayed.
  551. Color: [Table] The color to render the text.
  552. Pad: [Number] How far to pad the text from the left side of the current cursor position.
  553. IsSelectable: [Boolean] Whether this text is selectable using the text's Y position and the window X and width as the
  554. hot zone.
  555. IsSelectableTextOnly: [Boolean] Only available if IsSelectable is true. Will use the text width instead of the
  556. window width to determine the hot zone.
  557. IsSelected: [Boolean] Forces the hover background to be rendered.
  558. SelectOnHover: [Boolean] Returns true if the user is hovering over the hot zone of this text.
  559. HoverColor: [Table] The color to render the background if the IsSelected option is true.
  560. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if SelectOnHover option is set to true. False otherwise.
  561. --]]
  562. function Slab.Text(Label, Options)
  563. return Text.Begin(Label, Options)
  564. end
  565. --[[
  566. TextSelectable
  567. This function is a shortcut for SlabText with the IsSelectable option set to true.
  568. Label: [String] The string to be displayed in the window.
  569. Options: [Table] List of options for how this text is displayed.
  570. See Slab.Text for all options.
  571. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if user clicks on this text. False otherwise.
  572. --]]
  573. function Slab.TextSelectable(Label, Options)
  574. Options = Options == nil and {} or Options
  575. Options.IsSelectable = true
  576. return Slab.Text(Label, Options)
  577. end
  578. --[[
  579. Textf
  580. Adds formatted text to the active window. This text will wrap to fit within the contents of
  581. either the window or a user specified width.
  582. Label: [String] The text to be rendered.
  583. Options: [Table] List of options for how this text is displayed.
  584. Color: [Table] The color to render the text.
  585. W: [Number] The width to restrict the text to. If this option is not specified, then the window
  586. width is used.
  587. Align: [String] The alignment to use for this text. For more information, refer to the love documentation
  588. at https://love2d.org/wiki/AlignMode. Below are the available options:
  589. center: Align text center.
  590. left: Align text left.
  591. right: Align text right.
  592. justify: Align text both left and right.
  593. Return: None.
  594. --]]
  595. function Slab.Textf(Label, Options)
  596. Text.BeginFormatted(Label, Options)
  597. end
  598. --[[
  599. GetTextSize
  600. Retrieves the width and height of the given text. The result is based on the current font.
  601. Label: [String] The string to retrieve the size for.
  602. Return: [Number], [Number] The width and height of the given text.
  603. --]]
  604. function Slab.GetTextSize(Label)
  605. return Text.GetSize(Label)
  606. end
  607. --[[
  608. GetTextWidth
  609. Retrieves the width of the given text. The result is based on the current font.
  610. Label: [String] The string to retrieve the width for.
  611. Return: [Number] The width of the given text.
  612. --]]
  613. function Slab.GetTextWidth(Label)
  614. local W, H = Slab.GetTextSize(Label)
  615. return W
  616. end
  617. --[[
  618. GetTextHeight
  619. Retrieves the height of the current font.
  620. Return: [Number] The height of the current font.
  621. --]]
  622. function Slab.GetTextHeight()
  623. return Text.GetHeight()
  624. end
  625. --[[
  626. CheckBox
  627. Renders a check box with a label. The check box when enabled will render an 'X'.
  628. Enabled: [Boolean] Will render an 'X' within the box if true. Will be an empty box otherwise.
  629. Label: [String] The label to display after the check box.
  630. Options: [Table] List of options for how this check box will behave.
  631. Tooltip: [String] Text to be displayed if the user hovers over the check box.
  632. Id: [String] An optional Id that can be supplied by the user. By default, the Id will be the label.
  633. Rounding: [Number] Amount of rounding to apply to the corners of the check box.
  634. Size: [Number] The uniform size of the box. The default value is 16.
  635. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the user clicks within the check box.
  636. --]]
  637. function Slab.CheckBox(Enabled, Label, Options)
  638. return CheckBox.Begin(Enabled, Label, Options)
  639. end
  640. --[[
  641. Input
  642. This function will render an input box for a user to input text in. This widget behaves like input boxes
  643. found in other applications. This function will only return true if it has focus and user has either input
  644. text or pressed the return key.
  645. Example:
  646. local Text = "Hello World"
  647. if Slab.Input('Example', {Text = Text}) then
  648. Text = Slab.GetInputText()
  649. end
  650. Id: [String] A string that uniquely identifies this Input within the context of the window.
  651. Options: [Table] List of options for how this Input will behave.
  652. Tooltip: [String] Text to be displayed if the user hovers over the Input box.
  653. ReturnOnText: [Boolean] Will cause this function to return true whenever the user has input
  654. a new character into the Input box. This is true by default.
  655. Text: [String] The text to be supplied to the input box. It is recommended to use this option
  656. when ReturnOnText is true.
  657. TextColor: [Table] The color to use for the text. The default color is the color used for text, but there is also
  658. a default multiline text color defined in the Style.
  659. BgColor: [Table] The background color for the input box.
  660. SelectColor: [Table] The color used when the user is selecting text within the input box.
  661. SelectOnFocus: [Boolean] When this input box is focused by the user, the text contents within the input
  662. will be selected. This is true by default.
  663. NumbersOnly: [Boolean] When true, only numeric characters and the '.' character are allowed to be input into
  664. the input box. If no text is input, the input box will display '0'.
  665. W: [Number] The width of the input box. By default, will be 150.0
  666. H: [Number] The height of the input box. By default, will be the height of the current font.
  667. ReadOnly: [Boolean] Whether this input field can be editable or not.
  668. Align: [String] Aligns the text within the input box. Options are:
  669. left: Aligns the text to the left. This will be set when this Input is focused.
  670. center: Aligns the text in the center. This is the default for when the text is not focused.
  671. Rounding: [Number] Amount of rounding to apply to the corners of the input box.
  672. MinNumber: [Number] The minimum value that can be entered into this input box. Only valid when NumbersOnly is true.
  673. MaxNumber: [Number] The maximum value that can be entered into this input box. Only valid when NumbersOnly is true.
  674. MultiLine: [Boolean] Determines whether this input control should support multiple lines. If this is true, then the
  675. SelectOnFocus flag will be false. The given text will also be sanitized to remove controls characters such as
  676. '\r'. Also, the text will be left aligned.
  677. MultiLineW: [Number] The width for which the lines of text should be wrapped at.
  678. Highlight: [Table] A list of key-values that define what words to highlight what color. Strings should be used for
  679. the word to highlight and the value should be a table defining the color.
  680. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the user has pressed the return key while focused on this input box. If ReturnOnText
  681. is set to true, then this function will return true whenever the user has input any character into the input box.
  682. --]]
  683. function Slab.Input(Id, Options)
  684. return Input.Begin(Id, Options)
  685. end
  686. --[[
  687. GetInputText
  688. Retrieves the text entered into the focused input box. Refer to the documentation for Slab.Input for an example on how to
  689. use this function.
  690. Return: [String] Returns the text entered into the focused input box.
  691. --]]
  692. function Slab.GetInputText()
  693. return Input.GetText()
  694. end
  695. --[[
  696. GetInputNumber
  697. Retrieves the text entered into the focused input box and attempts to conver the text into a number. Will always return a valid
  698. number.
  699. Return: [Number] Returns the text entered into the focused input box as a number.
  700. --]]
  701. function Slab.GetInputNumber()
  702. local Result = tonumber(Input.GetText())
  703. if Result == nil then
  704. Result = 0
  705. end
  706. return Result
  707. end
  708. --[[
  709. GetInputCursorPos
  710. Retrieves the position of the input cursor for the focused input control. There are three values that are returned. The first one
  711. is the absolute position of the cursor with regards to the text for the control. The second is the column position of the cursor
  712. on the current line. The final value is the line number. The column will match the absolute position if the input control is not
  713. multi line.
  714. Return: [Number], [Number], [Number] The absolute position of the cursor, the column position of the cursor on the current line,
  715. and the line number of the cursor. These values will all be zero if no input control is focused.
  716. --]]
  717. function Slab.GetInputCursorPos()
  718. return Input.GetCursorPos()
  719. end
  720. --[[
  721. IsInputFocused
  722. Returns whether the input control with the given Id is focused or not.
  723. Id: [String] The Id of the input control to check.
  724. Return: [Boolean] True if the input control with the given Id is focused. False otherwise.
  725. --]]
  726. function Slab.IsInputFocused(Id)
  727. return Input.IsFocused(Id)
  728. end
  729. --[[
  730. SetInputFocus
  731. Sets the focus of the input control to the control with the given Id. The focus is set at the beginning
  732. of the next frame to avoid any input events from the current frame.
  733. Id: [String] The Id of the input control to focus.
  734. --]]
  735. function Slab.SetInputFocus(Id)
  736. Input.SetFocused(Id)
  737. end
  738. --[[
  739. SetInputCursorPos
  740. Sets the absolute text position in bytes of the focused input control. This value is applied on the next frame.
  741. This function can be combined with the SetInputFocus function to modify the cursor positioning of the desired
  742. input control. Note that the input control supports UTF8 characters so if the desired position is not a valid
  743. character, the position will be altered to find the next closest valid character.
  744. Pos: [Number] The absolute position in bytes of the text of the focused input control.
  745. --]]
  746. function Slab.SetInputCursorPos(Pos)
  747. Input.SetCursorPos(Pos)
  748. end
  749. --[[
  750. SetInputCursorPosLine
  751. Sets the column and line number of the focused input control. These values are applied on the next frame. This
  752. function behaves the same as SetInputCursorPos, but allows for setting the cursor by column and line.
  753. Column: [Number] The text position in bytes of the current line.
  754. Line: [Number] The line number to set.
  755. --]]
  756. function Slab.SetInputCursorPosLine(Column, Line)
  757. Input.SetCursorPosLine(Column, Line)
  758. end
  759. --[[
  760. BeginTree
  761. This function will render a tree item with an optional label. The tree can be expanded or collapsed based on whether
  762. the user clicked on the tree item. This function can also be nested to create a hierarchy of tree items. This function
  763. will return false when collapsed and true when expanded. If this function returns true, Slab.EndTree must be called in
  764. order for this tree item to behave properly. The hot zone of this tree item will be the height of the label and the width
  765. of the window by default.
  766. Id: [String] A string uniquely identifying this tree item within the context of the window.
  767. Options: [Table] List of options for how this tree item will behave.
  768. Label: [String] The text to be rendered for this tree item.
  769. Tooltip: [String] The text to be rendered when the user hovers over this tree item.
  770. IsLeaf: [Boolean] If this is true, this tree item will not be expandable/collapsable.
  771. OpenWithHighlight: [Boolean] If this is true, the tree will be expanded/collapsed when the user hovers over the hot
  772. zone of this tree item. If this is false, the user must click the expand/collapse icon to interact with this tree
  773. item.
  774. Icon: [Object] A user supplied image. This must be a valid Love image or the call will assert.
  775. IconPath: [String] If the Icon option is nil, then a path can be specified. Slab will load and
  776. manage the image resource.
  777. IsSelected: [Boolean] If true, will render a highlight rectangle around the tree item.
  778. IsOpen: [Boolean] Will force the tree item to be expanded.
  779. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if this tree item is expanded. Slab.EndTree must be called if this returns true.
  780. --]]
  781. function Slab.BeginTree(Id, Options)
  782. return Tree.Begin(Id, Options)
  783. end
  784. --[[
  785. EndTree
  786. Finishes up any BeginTree calls if those functions return true.
  787. Return: None.
  788. --]]
  789. function Slab.EndTree()
  790. Tree.End()
  791. end
  792. --[[
  793. BeginComboBox
  794. This function renders a non-editable input field with a drop down arrow. When the user clicks this option, a window is
  795. created and the user can supply their own Slab.TextSelectable calls to add possible items to select from. This function
  796. will return true if the combo box is opened. Slab.EndComboBox must be called if this function returns true.
  797. Example:
  798. local Options = {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear", "Lemon"}
  799. local Options_Selected = ""
  800. if Slab.BeginComboBox('Fruits', {Selected = Options_Selected}) then
  801. for K, V in pairs(Options) do
  802. if Slab.TextSelectable(V) then
  803. Options_Selected = V
  804. end
  805. end
  806. Slab.EndComboBox()
  807. end
  808. Id: [String] A string that uniquely identifies this combo box within the context of the active window.
  809. Options: [Table] List of options that control how this combo box behaves.
  810. Tooltip: [String] Text that is rendered when the user hovers over this combo box.
  811. Selected: [String] Text that is displayed in the non-editable input box for this combo box.
  812. W: [Number] The width of the combo box. The default value is 150.0.
  813. Rounding: [Number] Amount of rounding to apply to the corners of the combo box.
  814. Return: [Boolean] This function will return true if the combo box is open.
  815. --]]
  816. function Slab.BeginComboBox(Id, Options)
  817. return ComboBox.Begin(Id, Options)
  818. end
  819. --[[
  820. EndComboBox
  821. Finishes up any BeginComboBox calls if those functions return true.
  822. Return: None.
  823. --]]
  824. function Slab.EndComboBox()
  825. ComboBox.End()
  826. end
  827. --[[
  828. Image
  829. Draws an image at the current cursor position. The Id uniquely identifies this
  830. image to manage behaviors with this image. An image can be supplied through the
  831. options or a path can be specified which Slab will manage the loading and storing of
  832. the image reference.
  833. Id: [String] A string uniquely identifying this image within the context of the current window.
  834. Options: [Table] List of options controlling how the image should be drawn.
  835. Image: [Object] A user supplied image. This must be a valid Love image or the call will assert.
  836. Path: [String] If the Image option is nil, then a path must be specified. Slab will load and
  837. manage the image resource.
  838. Rotation: [Number] The rotation value to apply when this image is drawn.
  839. Scale: [Number] The scale value to apply to both the X and Y axis.
  840. ScaleX: [Number] The scale value to apply to the X axis.
  841. ScaleY: [Number] The scale value to apply to the Y axis.
  842. Color: [Table] The color to use when rendering this image.
  843. SubX: [Number] The X-coordinate used inside the given image.
  844. SubY: [Number] The Y-coordinate used inside the given image.
  845. SubW: [Number] The width used inside the given image.
  846. SubH: [Number] The height used insided the given image.
  847. WrapX: [String] The horizontal wrapping mode for this image. The available options are 'clamp', 'repeat',
  848. 'mirroredrepeat', and 'clampzero'. For more information refer to the Love2D documentation on wrap modes at
  849. https://love2d.org/wiki/WrapMode.
  850. WrapY: [String] The vertical wrapping mode for this image. The available options are 'clamp', 'repeat',
  851. 'mirroredrepeat', and 'clampzero'. For more information refer to the Love2D documentation on wrap modes at
  852. https://love2d.org/wiki/WrapMode.
  853. Return: None.
  854. --]]
  855. function Slab.Image(Id, Options)
  856. Image.Begin(Id, Options)
  857. end
  858. --[[
  859. SameLine
  860. This forces the cursor to move back up to the same line as the previous widget. By default, all Slab widgets will
  861. advance the cursor to the next line based on the height of the current line. By using this call with other widget
  862. calls, the user will be able to set up multiple widgets on the same line to control how a window may look.
  863. Options: [Table] List of options that controls how the cursor should handle the same line.
  864. Pad: [Number] Extra padding to apply in the X direction.
  865. CenterY: [Boolean] Controls whether the cursor should be centered in the Y direction on the line. By default
  866. the line will use the NewLineSize, which is the height of the current font to center the cursor.
  867. Return: None.
  868. --]]
  869. function Slab.SameLine(Options)
  870. LayoutManager.SameLine(Options)
  871. end
  872. --[[
  873. NewLine
  874. This forces the cursor to advance to the next line based on the height of the current font.
  875. Return: None.
  876. --]]
  877. function Slab.NewLine()
  878. LayoutManager.NewLine()
  879. end
  880. --[[
  881. SetCursorPos
  882. Sets the cursor position. The default behavior is to set the cursor position relative to
  883. the current window. The absolute position can be set if the 'Absolute' option is set.
  884. Controls will only be drawn within a window. If the cursor is set outside of the current
  885. window context, the control will not be displayed.
  886. X: [Number] The X coordinate to place the cursor. If nil, then the X coordinate is not modified.
  887. Y: [Number] The Y coordinate to place the cursor. If nil, then the Y coordinate is not modified.
  888. Options: [Table] List of options that control how the cursor position should be set.
  889. Absolute: [Boolean] If true, will place the cursor using absolute coordinates.
  890. Return: None.
  891. --]]
  892. function Slab.SetCursorPos(X, Y, Options)
  893. Options = Options == nil and {} or Options
  894. Options.Absolute = Options.Absolute == nil and false or Options.Absolute
  895. if Options.Absolute then
  896. X = X == nil and Cursor.GetX() or X
  897. Y = Y == nil and Cursor.GetY() or Y
  898. Cursor.SetPosition(X, Y)
  899. else
  900. X = X == nil and Cursor.GetX() - Cursor.GetAnchorX() or X
  901. Y = Y == nil and Cursor.GetY() - Cursor.GetAnchorY() or Y
  902. Cursor.SetRelativePosition(X, Y)
  903. end
  904. end
  905. --[[
  906. GetCursorPos
  907. Gets the cursor position. The default behavior is to get the cursor position relative to
  908. the current window. The absolute position can be retrieved if the 'Absolute' option is set.
  909. Options: [Table] List of options that control how the cursor position should be retrieved.
  910. Absolute: [Boolean] If true, will return the cursor position in absolute coordinates.
  911. Return: [Number], [Number] The X and Y coordinates of the cursor.
  912. --]]
  913. function Slab.GetCursorPos(Options)
  914. Options = Options == nil and {} or Options
  915. Options.Absolute = Options.Absolute == nil and false or Options.Absolute
  916. local X, Y = Cursor.GetPosition()
  917. if not Options.Absolute then
  918. X = X - Cursor.GetAnchorX()
  919. Y = Y - Cursor.GetAnchorY()
  920. end
  921. return X, Y
  922. end
  923. --[[
  924. Properties
  925. Iterates through the table's key-value pairs and adds them to the active window. This currently only does
  926. a shallow loop and will not iterate through nested tables.
  927. TODO: Iterate through nested tables.
  928. Table: [Table] The list of properties to build widgets for.
  929. Return: None.
  930. --]]
  931. function Slab.Properties(Table)
  932. if Table ~= nil then
  933. for K, V in pairs(Table) do
  934. local Type = type(V)
  935. if Type == "boolean" then
  936. if Slab.CheckBox(V, K) then
  937. Table[K] = not Table[K]
  938. end
  939. elseif Type == "number" then
  940. Slab.Text(K .. ": ")
  941. Slab.SameLine()
  942. if Slab.Input(K, {Text = tostring(V), NumbersOnly = true, ReturnOnText = false}) then
  943. Table[K] = Slab.GetInputNumber()
  944. end
  945. elseif Type == "string" then
  946. Slab.Text(K .. ": ")
  947. Slab.SameLine()
  948. if Slab.Input(K, {Text = V, ReturnOnText = false}) then
  949. Table[K] = Slab.GetInputText()
  950. end
  951. end
  952. end
  953. end
  954. end
  955. --[[
  956. BeginListBox
  957. Begins the process of creating a list box. If this function is called, EndListBox must be called after all
  958. items have been added.
  959. Id: [String] A string uniquely identifying this list box within the context of the current window.
  960. Options: [Table] List of options controlling the behavior of the list box.
  961. W: [Number] The width of the list box. If nil, then the width of the window is used.
  962. H: [Number] The height of the list box. If nil, a default value of 150 is used. If H is 0, then
  963. the list box will stretch to the height of the window.
  964. Clear: [Boolean] Clears out the items in the list. It is recommended to only call this if the list items
  965. has changed and should not be set to true on every frame.
  966. Rounding: [Number] Amount of rounding to apply to the corners of the list box.
  967. Return: None.
  968. --]]
  969. function Slab.BeginListBox(Id, Options)
  970. ListBox.Begin(Id, Options)
  971. end
  972. --[[
  973. EndListBox
  974. Ends the list box container. Will close off the region and properly adjust the cursor.
  975. Return: None.
  976. --]]
  977. function Slab.EndListBox()
  978. ListBox.End()
  979. end
  980. --[[
  981. BeginListBoxItem
  982. Adds an item to the current list box with the given Id. The user can then draw controls however they see
  983. fit to display a single item. This allows the user to draw list items such as a texture with a name or just
  984. a text to represent the item. If this is called, EndListBoxItem must be called to complete the item.
  985. Id: [String] A string uniquely identifying this item within the context of the current list box.
  986. Options: [Table] List of options that control the behavior of the active list item.
  987. Selected: [Boolean] If true, will draw the item with a selection background.
  988. Return: None.
  989. --]]
  990. function Slab.BeginListBoxItem(Id, Options)
  991. ListBox.BeginItem(Id, Options)
  992. end
  993. --[[
  994. IsListBoxItemClicked
  995. Checks to see if a hot list item is clicked. This should only be called within a BeginListBoxLitem/EndListBoxItem
  996. block.
  997. Button: [Number] The button to check for the click of the item.
  998. IsDoubleClick: [Boolean] Check for double-click instead of single click.
  999. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the active item is hovered with mouse and the requested mouse button is clicked.
  1000. --]]
  1001. function Slab.IsListBoxItemClicked(Button, IsDoubleClick)
  1002. return ListBox.IsItemClicked(Button, IsDoubleClick)
  1003. end
  1004. --[[
  1005. EndListBoxItem
  1006. Ends the current item and commits the bounds of the item to the list.
  1007. Return: None.
  1008. --]]
  1009. function Slab.EndListBoxItem()
  1010. ListBox.EndItem()
  1011. end
  1012. --[[
  1013. OpenDialog
  1014. Opens the dialog box with the given Id. If the dialog box was opened, then it is pushed onto the stack.
  1015. Calls to the BeginDialog with this same Id will return true if opened.
  1016. Id: [String] A string uniquely identifying this dialog box.
  1017. Return: None.
  1018. --]]
  1019. function Slab.OpenDialog(Id)
  1020. Dialog.Open(Id)
  1021. end
  1022. --[[
  1023. BeginDialog
  1024. Begins the dialog window with the given Id if it is open. If this function returns true, then EndDialog must be called.
  1025. Dialog boxes are windows which are centered in the center of the viewport. The dialog box cannot be moved and will
  1026. capture all input from all other windows.
  1027. Id: [String] A string uniquely identifying this dialog box.
  1028. Options: [Table] List of options that control how this dialog box behaves. These are the same parameters found
  1029. for BeginWindow, with some caveats. Certain options are overridden by the Dialog system. They are:
  1030. X, Y, Layer, AllowFocus, AllowMove, and AutoSizeWindow.
  1031. Return: [Boolean] Returns true if the dialog with the given Id is open.
  1032. --]]
  1033. function Slab.BeginDialog(Id, Options)
  1034. return Dialog.Begin(Id, Options)
  1035. end
  1036. --[[
  1037. EndDialog
  1038. Ends the dialog window if a call to BeginDialog returns true.
  1039. Return: None.
  1040. --]]
  1041. function Slab.EndDialog()
  1042. Dialog.End()
  1043. end
  1044. --[[
  1045. CloseDialog
  1046. Closes the currently active dialog box.
  1047. Return: None.
  1048. --]]
  1049. function Slab.CloseDialog()
  1050. Dialog.Close()
  1051. end
  1052. --[[
  1053. MessageBox
  1054. Opens a message box to be displayed to the user with a title and a message. Buttons can be specified through the options
  1055. table which when clicked, the string of the button is returned. This function should be called every frame when a message
  1056. box wants to be displayed.
  1057. Title: [String] The title to display for the message box.
  1058. Message: [String] The message to be displayed. The text is aligned in the center. Multi-line strings are supported.
  1059. Options: [Table] List of options to control the behavior of the message box.
  1060. Buttons: [Table] List of buttons to display with the message box. The order of the buttons are displayed from right to left.
  1061. Return: [String] The name of the button that was clicked. If none was clicked, an emtpy string is returned.
  1062. --]]
  1063. function Slab.MessageBox(Title, Message, Options)
  1064. Options = Options == nil and {} or Options
  1065. Options.Buttons = Options.Buttons == nil and {"OK"} or Options.Buttons
  1066. local Result = ""
  1067. Slab.OpenDialog('MessageBox')
  1068. if Slab.BeginDialog('MessageBox', {Title = Title, Border = 12}) then
  1069. Slab.BeginLayout('MessageBox_Message_Layout', {AlignX = 'center', AlignY = 'center'})
  1070. local TextW = math.min(Slab.GetTextWidth(Message), love.graphics.getWidth() * 0.80)
  1071. Slab.Textf(Message, {Align = 'center', W = TextW})
  1072. Slab.EndLayout()
  1073. Slab.NewLine()
  1074. Slab.NewLine()
  1075. Slab.BeginLayout('MessageBox_Buttons_Layout', {AlignX = 'right', AlignY = 'bottom'})
  1076. for I, V in ipairs(Options.Buttons) do
  1077. if Button.Begin(V) then
  1078. Result = V
  1079. end
  1080. Slab.SameLine()
  1081. end
  1082. Slab.EndLayout()
  1083. if Result ~= "" then
  1084. Slab.CloseDialog()
  1085. end
  1086. Slab.EndDialog()
  1087. end
  1088. return Result
  1089. end
  1090. --[[
  1091. FileDialog
  1092. Opens up a dialog box that displays a file explorer for opening or saving files or directories. This function does not create any file
  1093. handles, it just returns the list of files selected by the user.
  1094. Options: [Table] List of options that control the behavior of the file dialog.
  1095. AllowMultiSelect: [Boolean] Allows the user to select multiple items in the file dialog.
  1096. Directory: [String] The starting directory when the file dialog is open. If none is specified, the dialog
  1097. will start at love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory and the dialog will remember the last
  1098. directory navigated to by the user between calls to this function.
  1099. Type: [String] The type of file dialog to use. The options are:
  1100. openfile: This is the default method. The user will have access to both directories and files. However,
  1101. only file selections are returned.
  1102. opendirectory: This type is used to filter the file dialog for directories only. No files will appear
  1103. in the list.
  1104. savefile: This type is used to select a name of a file to save. The user will be prompted if they wish to overwrite
  1105. an existing file.
  1106. Filters: [Table] A list of filters the user can select from when browsing files. The table can contain tables or strings.
  1107. Table: If a table is used for a filter, it should contain two elements. The first element is the filter while the second
  1108. element is the description of the filter e.g. {"*.lua", "Lua Files"}
  1109. String: If a raw string is used, then it should just be the filter. It is recommended to use the table option since a
  1110. description can be given for each filter.
  1111. Return: [Table] Returns items for how the user interacted with this file dialog.
  1112. Button: [String] The button the user clicked. Will either be OK or Cancel.
  1113. Files: [Table] An array of selected file items the user selected when OK is pressed. Will be empty otherwise.
  1114. --]]
  1115. function Slab.FileDialog(Options)
  1116. return Dialog.FileDialog(Options)
  1117. end
  1118. --[[
  1119. ColorPicker
  1120. Displays a window to allow the user to pick a hue and saturation value of a color. This should be called every frame and the result
  1121. should be handled to stop displaying the color picker and store the resulting color.
  1122. Options: [Table] List of options that control the behavior of the color picker.
  1123. Color: [Table] The color to modify. This should be in the format of 0-1 for each color component (RGBA).
  1124. Return: [Table] Returns the button and color the user has selected.
  1125. Button: [String] The button the user clicked. Will either be OK or Cancel.
  1126. Color: [Table] The new color the user has chosen. This will always be returned.
  1127. --]]
  1128. function Slab.ColorPicker(Options)
  1129. return ColorPicker.Begin(Options)
  1130. end
  1131. --[[
  1132. IsMouseDown
  1133. Determines if a given mouse button is down.
  1134. Button: [Number] The button to check for. The valid numbers are: 1 - Left, 2 - Right, 3 - Middle.
  1135. Return: [Boolean] True if the given button is down. False otherwise.
  1136. --]]
  1137. function Slab.IsMouseDown(Button)
  1138. return Mouse.IsPressed(Button and Button or 1)
  1139. end
  1140. --[[
  1141. IsMouseClicked
  1142. Determines if a given mouse button changes state from up to down this frame.
  1143. Button: [Number] The button to check for. The valid numbers are: 1 - Left, 2 - Right, 3 - Middle.
  1144. Return: [Boolean] True if the given button changes state from up to down. False otherwise.
  1145. --]]
  1146. function Slab.IsMouseClicked(Button)
  1147. return Mouse.IsClicked(Button and Button or 1)
  1148. end
  1149. --[[
  1150. IsMouseReleased
  1151. Determines if a given mouse button changes state from down to up this frame.
  1152. Button: [Number] The button to check for. The valid numbers are: 1 - Left, 2 - Right, 3 - Middle.
  1153. Return: [Boolean] True if the given button changes state from down to up. False otherwise.
  1154. --]]
  1155. function Slab.IsMouseReleased(Button)
  1156. return Mouse.IsReleased(Button and Button or 1)
  1157. end
  1158. --[[
  1159. IsMouseDoubleClicked
  1160. Determines if a given mouse button has been clicked twice within a given time frame.
  1161. Button: [Number] The button to check for. The valid numbers are: 1 - Left, 2 - Right, 3 - Middle.
  1162. Return: [Boolean] True if the given button was double clicked. False otherwise.
  1163. --]]
  1164. function Slab.IsMouseDoubleClicked(Button)
  1165. return Mouse.IsDoubleClicked(Button and Button or 1)
  1166. end
  1167. --[[
  1168. IsMouseDragging
  1169. Determines if a given mouse button is down and there has been movement.
  1170. Button: [Number] The button to check for. The valid numbers are: 1 - Left, 2 - Right, 3 - Middle.
  1171. Return: [Boolean] True if the button is held down and is moving. False otherwise.
  1172. --]]
  1173. function Slab.IsMouseDragging(Button)
  1174. return Mouse.IsDragging(Button and Button or 1)
  1175. end
  1176. --[[
  1177. GetMousePosition
  1178. Retrieves the current mouse position in the viewport.
  1179. Return: [Number], [Number] The X and Y coordinates of the mouse position.
  1180. --]]
  1181. function Slab.GetMousePosition()
  1182. return Mouse.Position()
  1183. end
  1184. --[[
  1185. GetMousePositionWindow
  1186. Retrieves the current mouse position within the current window. This position will include any transformations
  1187. added to the window such as scrolling.
  1188. Return: [Number], [Number] The X and Y coordinates of the mouse position within the window.
  1189. --]]
  1190. function Slab.GetMousePositionWindow()
  1191. return Window.GetMousePosition()
  1192. end
  1193. --[[
  1194. GetMouseDelta
  1195. Retrieves the change in mouse coordinates from the last frame.
  1196. Return: [Number], [Number] The X and Y coordinates of the delta from the last frame.
  1197. --]]
  1198. function Slab.GetMouseDelta()
  1199. return Mouse.GetDelta()
  1200. end
  1201. --[[
  1202. IsControlHovered
  1203. Checks to see if the last control added to the window is hovered by the mouse.
  1204. Return: [Boolean] True if the last control is hovered, false otherwise.
  1205. --]]
  1206. function Slab.IsControlHovered()
  1207. local Result = Window.IsItemHot()
  1208. if not Result then
  1209. local X, Y = Slab.GetMousePositionWindow()
  1210. Result = Cursor.IsInItemBounds(X, Y)
  1211. end
  1212. return Result
  1213. end
  1214. --[[
  1215. IsControlClicked
  1216. Checks to see if the previous control is hovered and clicked.
  1217. Button: [Number] The button to check for. The valid numbers are: 1 - Left, 2 - Right, 3 - Middle.
  1218. Return: [Boolean] True if the previous control is hovered and clicked. False otherwise.
  1219. --]]
  1220. function Slab.IsControlClicked(Button)
  1221. return Slab.IsControlHovered() and Slab.IsMouseClicked(Button)
  1222. end
  1223. --[[
  1224. GetControlSize
  1225. Retrieves the last declared control's size.
  1226. Return: [Number], [Number] The width and height of the last control declared.
  1227. --]]
  1228. function Slab.GetControlSize()
  1229. local X, Y, W, H = Cursor.GetItemBounds()
  1230. return W, H
  1231. end
  1232. --[[
  1233. IsVoidHovered
  1234. Checks to see if any non-Slab area of the viewport is hovered.
  1235. Return: [Boolean] True if any non-Slab area of the viewport is hovered. False otherwise.
  1236. --]]
  1237. function Slab.IsVoidHovered()
  1238. return Region.GetHotInstanceId() == '' and not Region.IsScrolling()
  1239. end
  1240. --[[
  1241. IsVoidClicked
  1242. Checks to see if any non-Slab area of the viewport is clicked.
  1243. Button: [Number] The button to check for. The valid numbers are: 1 - Left, 2 - Right, 3 - Middle.
  1244. Return: [Boolean] True if any non-Slab area of the viewport is clicked. False otherwise.
  1245. --]]
  1246. function Slab.IsVoidClicked(Button)
  1247. return Slab.IsMouseClicked(Button) and Slab.IsVoidHovered()
  1248. end
  1249. --[[
  1250. IsKeyDown
  1251. Checks to see if a specific key is held down. The key should be one of the love defined KeyConstant which the list can
  1252. be found at https://love2d.org/wiki/KeyConstant.
  1253. Key: [String] A love defined key constant.
  1254. Return: [Boolean] True if the key is held down. False otherwise.
  1255. --]]
  1256. function Slab.IsKeyDown(Key)
  1257. return Keyboard.IsDown(Key)
  1258. end
  1259. --[[
  1260. IsKeyPressed
  1261. Checks to see if a specific key state went from up to down this frame. The key should be one of the love defined KeyConstant which the list can
  1262. be found at https://love2d.org/wiki/KeyConstant.
  1263. Key: [String] A love defined key constant.
  1264. Return: [Boolean] True if the key state went from up to down this frame. False otherwise.
  1265. --]]
  1266. function Slab.IsKeyPressed(Key)
  1267. return Keyboard.IsPressed(Key, true)
  1268. end
  1269. --[[
  1270. IsKeyPressed
  1271. Checks to see if a specific key state went from down to up this frame. The key should be one of the love defined KeyConstant which the list can
  1272. be found at https://love2d.org/wiki/KeyConstant.
  1273. Key: [String] A love defined key constant.
  1274. Return: [Boolean] True if the key state went from down to up this frame. False otherwise.
  1275. --]]
  1276. function Slab.IsKeyReleased(Key)
  1277. return Keyboard.IsReleased(Key)
  1278. end
  1279. --[[
  1280. Rectangle
  1281. Draws a rectangle at the current cursor position for the active window.
  1282. Options: [Table] List of options that control how this rectangle is displayed.
  1283. Mode: [String] Whether this rectangle should be filled or outlined. The default value is 'fill'.
  1284. W: [Number] The width of the rectangle.
  1285. H: [Number] The height of the rectangle.
  1286. Color: [Table] The color to use for this rectangle.
  1287. Rounding: [Number] or [Table]
  1288. [Number] Amount of rounding to apply to all corners.
  1289. [Table] Define the rounding for each corner. The order goes top left, top right, bottom right, and bottom left.
  1290. Outline: [Boolean] If the Mode option is 'fill', this option will allow an outline to be drawn.
  1291. OutlineColor: [Table] The color to use for the outline if requested.
  1292. Segments: [Number] Number of points to add for each corner if rounding is requested.
  1293. Return: None.
  1294. --]]
  1295. function Slab.Rectangle(Options)
  1296. Shape.Rectangle(Options)
  1297. end
  1298. --[[
  1299. Circle
  1300. Draws a circle at the current cursor position plus the radius for the active window.
  1301. Options: [Table] List of options that control how this circle is displayed.
  1302. Mode: [String] Whether this circle should be filled or outlined. The default value is 'fill'.
  1303. Radius: [Number] The size of the circle.
  1304. Color: [Table] The color to use for the circle.
  1305. Segments: [Number] The number of segments used for drawing the circle.
  1306. Return: None.
  1307. --]]
  1308. function Slab.Circle(Options)
  1309. Shape.Circle(Options)
  1310. end
  1311. --[[
  1312. Triangle
  1313. Draws a triangle at the current cursor position plus the radius for the active window.
  1314. Option: [Table] List of options that control how this triangle is displayed.
  1315. Mode: [String] Whether this triangle should be filled or outlined. The default value is 'fill'.
  1316. Radius: [Number] The distance from the center of the triangle.
  1317. Rotation: [Number] The rotation of the triangle in degrees.
  1318. Color: [Table] The color to use for the triangle.
  1319. Return: None.
  1320. --]]
  1321. function Slab.Triangle(Options)
  1322. Shape.Triangle(Options)
  1323. end
  1324. --[[
  1325. Line
  1326. Draws a line starting at the current cursor position and going to the defined points in this function.
  1327. X2: [Number] The X coordinate for the destination.
  1328. Y2: [Number] The Y coordinate for the destination.
  1329. Option: [Table] List of options that control how this line is displayed.
  1330. Width: [Number] How thick the line should be.
  1331. Color: [Table] The color to use for the line.
  1332. Return: None.
  1333. --]]
  1334. function Slab.Line(X2, Y2, Options)
  1335. Shape.Line(X2, Y2, Options)
  1336. end
  1337. --[[
  1338. Curve
  1339. Draws a bezier curve with the given points as control points. The points should be defined in local space. Slab will translate the curve to the
  1340. current cursor position. There should two or more points defined for a proper curve.
  1341. Points: [Table] List of points to define the control points of the curve.
  1342. Options: [Table] List of options that control how this curve is displayed.
  1343. Color: [Table] The color to use for this curve.
  1344. Depth: [Number] The number of recursive subdivision steps to use when rendering the curve. If nil, the default LÖVE 2D value is used which is 5.
  1345. Return: None.
  1346. --]]
  1347. function Slab.Curve(Points, Options)
  1348. Shape.Curve(Points, Options)
  1349. end
  1350. --[[
  1351. GetCurveControlPointCount
  1352. Returns the number of control points defined with the last call to Curve.
  1353. Return: [Number] The number of control points defined for the previous curve.
  1354. --]]
  1355. function Slab.GetCurveControlPointCount()
  1356. return Shape.GetCurveControlPointCount()
  1357. end
  1358. --[[
  1359. GetCurveControlPoint
  1360. Returns the point for the given control point index. This point by default will be in local space defined by the points given in the Curve function.
  1361. The translated position can be requested by setting the LocalSpace option to false.
  1362. Index: [Number] The index of the control point to retrieve.
  1363. Options: [Table] A list of options that control what is returned by this function.
  1364. LocalSpace: [Boolean] Returns either the translated or untranslated control point. This is true by default.
  1365. Return: [Number], [Number] The translated X, Y coordinates of the given control point.
  1366. --]]
  1367. function Slab.GetCurveControlPoint(Index, Options)
  1368. return Shape.GetCurveControlPoint(Index, Options)
  1369. end
  1370. --[[
  1371. EvaluateCurve
  1372. Returns the point at the given time. The time value should be between 0 and 1 inclusive. The point returned will be in local space. For the translated
  1373. position, set the LocalSpace option to false.
  1374. Time: [Number] The time on the curve between 0 and 1.
  1375. Options: [Table] A list of options that control what is returned by this function.
  1376. LocalSpace: [Boolean] Returnes either the translated or untranslated control point. This is true by default.
  1377. Return: [Number], [Number] The X and Y coordinates at the given time on the curve.
  1378. --]]
  1379. function Slab.EvaluateCurve(Time, Options)
  1380. return Shape.EvaluateCurve(Time, Options)
  1381. end
  1382. --[[
  1383. EvaluateCurveMouse
  1384. Returns the point on the curve at the given X-coordinate of the mouse relative to the end points of the curve.
  1385. Options: [Table] A list of options that control what is returned by this function.
  1386. Refer to the documentation for EvaluateCurve for the list of options.
  1387. Return: [Number], [Number] The X and Y coordinates at the given X mouse position on the curve.
  1388. --]]
  1389. function Slab.EvaluateCurveMouse(Options)
  1390. local X1, Y1 = Slab.GetCurveControlPoint(1, {LocalSpace = false})
  1391. local X2, Y2 = Slab.GetCurveControlPoint(Slab.GetCurveControlPointCount(), {LocalSpace = false})
  1392. local Left = math.min(X1, X2)
  1393. local W = math.abs(X2 - X1)
  1394. local X, Y = Slab.GetMousePositionWindow()
  1395. local Offset = math.max(X - Left, 0.0)
  1396. Offset = math.min(Offset, W)
  1397. return Slab.EvaluateCurve(Offset / W, Options)
  1398. end
  1399. --[[
  1400. Polygon
  1401. Renders a polygon with the given points. The points should be defined in local space. Slab will translate the position to the current cursor position.
  1402. Points: [Table] List of points that define this polygon.
  1403. Options: [Table] List of options that control how this polygon is drawn.
  1404. Color: [Table] The color to render this polygon.
  1405. Mode: [String] Whether to use 'fill' or 'line' to draw this polygon. The default is 'fill'.
  1406. Return: None.
  1407. --]]
  1408. function Slab.Polygon(Points, Options)
  1409. Shape.Polygon(Points, Options)
  1410. end
  1411. --[[
  1412. BeginStat
  1413. Starts the timer for the specific stat in the given category.
  1414. Name: [String] The name of the stat to capture.
  1415. Category: [String] The category this stat belongs to.
  1416. Return: [Number] The handle identifying this stat capture.
  1417. --]]
  1418. function Slab.BeginStat(Name, Category)
  1419. return Stats.Begin(Name, Category)
  1420. end
  1421. --[[
  1422. EndStat
  1423. Ends the timer for the stat assigned to the given handle.
  1424. Handle: [Number] The handle identifying a BeginStat call.
  1425. Return: None.
  1426. --]]
  1427. function Slab.EndStat(Handle)
  1428. Stats.End(Handle)
  1429. end
  1430. --[[
  1431. EnableStats
  1432. Sets the enabled state of the stats system. The system is disabled by default.
  1433. Enable: [Boolean] The new state of the states system.
  1434. Return: None.
  1435. --]]
  1436. function Slab.EnableStats(Enable)
  1437. Stats.SetEnabled(Enable)
  1438. end
  1439. --[[
  1440. IsStatsEnabled
  1441. Query whether the stats system is enabled or disabled.
  1442. Return: [Boolean] Returns whether the stats system is enabled or disabled.
  1443. --]]
  1444. function Slab.IsStatsEnabled()
  1445. return Stats.IsEnabled()
  1446. end
  1447. --[[
  1448. FlushStats
  1449. Resets the stats system to an empty state.
  1450. Return: None.
  1451. --]]
  1452. function Slab.FlushStats()
  1453. Stats.Flush()
  1454. end
  1455. --[[
  1456. BeginLayout
  1457. Enables the layout manager and positions the controls between this call and EndLayout based on the given options. The anchor
  1458. position for the layout is determined by the current cursor position on the Y axis. The horizontal position is not anchored.
  1459. Layouts are stacked, so there can be layouts within parent layouts.
  1460. Id: [String] The Id of this layout.
  1461. Options: [Table] List of options that control how this layout behaves.
  1462. AlignX: [String] Defines how the controls should be positioned horizontally in the window. The available options are
  1463. 'left', 'center', or 'right'. The default option is 'left'.
  1464. AlignY: [String] Defines how the controls should be positioned vertically in the window. The available options are
  1465. 'top', 'center', or 'bottom'. The default option is 'top'. The top is determined by the current cursor position.
  1466. AlignRowY: [String] Defines how the controls should be positioned vertically within a row. The available options are
  1467. 'top', 'center', or 'bottom'. The default option is 'top'.
  1468. Ignore: [Boolean] Should this layout ignore positioning of controls. This is useful if certain controls need custom
  1469. positioning within a layout.
  1470. ExpandW: [Boolean] If true, will expand all controls' width within the row to the size of the window.
  1471. ExpandH: [Boolean] If true, will expand all controls' height within the row and the size of the window.
  1472. AnchorX: [Boolean] Anchors the layout management at the current X cursor position. The size is calculated using this position.
  1473. The default value for this is false.
  1474. AnchorY: [Boolean] Anchors the layout management at the current Y cursor position. The size is calculated using this position.
  1475. The default value for this is true.
  1476. Columns: [Number] The number of columns to use for this layout. The default value is 1.
  1477. Return: None.
  1478. --]]
  1479. function Slab.BeginLayout(Id, Options)
  1480. LayoutManager.Begin(Id, Options)
  1481. end
  1482. --[[
  1483. EndLayout
  1484. Ends the currently active layout. Each BeginLayout call must have a matching EndLayout. Failure to do so will result in
  1485. an assertion.
  1486. Return: None.
  1487. --]]
  1488. function Slab.EndLayout()
  1489. LayoutManager.End()
  1490. end
  1491. --[[
  1492. SetLayoutColumn
  1493. Sets the current active column.
  1494. Index: [Number] The index of the column to be active.
  1495. Return: None.
  1496. --]]
  1497. function Slab.SetLayoutColumn(Index)
  1498. LayoutManager.SetColumn(Index)
  1499. end
  1500. --[[
  1501. GetLayoutSize
  1502. Retrieves the size of the active layout. If there are columns, then the size of the column is returned.
  1503. Return: [Number], [Number] The width and height of the active layout. 0 is returned if no layout is active.
  1504. --]]
  1505. function Slab.GetLayoutSize()
  1506. return LayoutManager.GetActiveSize()
  1507. end
  1508. return Slab