123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289 |
- --Chiptune SFX Thread
- require("love.system")
- --Are we running on mobile ?
- local onMobile = (love.system.getOS() == "Android")
- --Store math functions in locals to optamize speed.
- local min, max, floor, ceil, sin, abs, random = math.min, math.max, math.floor, math.ceil, math.sin, math.abs, math.random
- --The chunnel to recieve orders from
- local chIn = ...
- --Require love modules
- require("love.audio")
- require("love.sound")
- require("love.timer")
- require("love.math")
- local bitdepth = 8 --Bits per sample (8 or 16)
- local rate = onMobile and 22050 or 44100 --The samples rate.
- local buffers_rate = 20 --The number of buffers created each second.
- local buffer_size = rate/buffers_rate --The size of sounddatas generated and inserted to the QueueableSource
- local buffer_time = buffer_size/rate --The time of the buffer in seconds, used when putting the thread into sleep.
- local buffers_cache = {} --Put in the sounddatas
- local buffers_cache_id = 1 --The current active sounddata from the cache
- local buffers_cache_amount = onMobile and 4 or 2 --The number of sounddatas to create
- --Create a new QueueableSource, with 2 buffer slots.
- local qs = love.audio.newQueueableSource(rate,bitdepth,1,buffers_cache_amount)
- local amp = 0 --The soundwave cycle amplitude.
- local tamp = 0 --The target amplitude.
- local amp_slide_samples = floor(rate*0.02) --How many samples to reach the wanted amp.
- local amp_slide_time = amp_slide_samples/rate --How much time does it take to slide the amp
- local amp_slide = 1/amp_slide_samples --How much to increase/decrease the amplitude to reach the target amplitude.
- local wave = 0 --The wave to generate.
- local freq = 440 --The frequency to generate the sound at.
- local gen --An iterator which generates samples.
- local sfxdata = {} --The list of waves to play and for how long.
- local samplesToNextWave = 0
- --The waveforms generators list.
- local waveforms = {}
- --No sound
- waveforms[-1] = function(samples)
- return function()
- return 0
- end
- end
- --Sin
- waveforms[0] = function(samples)
- local r = 0
- local hs = samples/2
- local pi = math.pi
- local dpi = pi*2
- return function()
- r = r + pi/hs
- if r >= dpi then
- r = r - dpi
- end
- return sin(r)*amp
- end
- end
- --Square
- waveforms[1] = function(samples)
- local c = 0
- local hs = samples/2
- return function()
- c = c + 1
- if c == samples then c = 0 end
- if c < hs then
- return amp
- else
- return -amp
- end
- end
- end
- --Pulse
- waveforms[2] = function(samples)
- local c = 0
- local qs = samples/4
- return function()
- c = c + 1
- if c == samples then c = 0 end
- if c < qs then
- return amp
- else
- return -amp
- end
- end
- end
- --Sawtooth
- waveforms[3] = function(samples)
- local c = 0
- local inc = 2/samples
- return function()
- c = (c+inc)%2
- return (c-1)*amp
- end
- end
- --Triangle
- waveforms[4] = function(samples)
- local inc = 4/samples
- local c = 3
- return function()
- c = (c+inc)%4
- return (abs(c-2)-1)*amp
- end
- end
- --Noise
- waveforms[5] = function(samples)
- local v = random()
- local hs = floor(samples/2)
- local c = hs
- local mn = love.math.noise
- return function()
- c = c - 1
- if c == 0 then
- v = random()
- c = hs
- end
- return (mn(v)*2-1)*2*amp
- end
- end
- local wavepos = -3
- local function nextWave()
- wavepos = wavepos + 4
- local ntime = sfxdata[wavepos]
- local nwave = sfxdata[wavepos+1]
- local nfreq = sfxdata[wavepos+2]
- local namp = sfxdata[wavepos+3]
- if ntime then
- samplesToNextWave = ntime
- else
- samplesToNextWave = buffer_size
- wave = -1
- tamp = 0
- return
- end
- if nwave == -1 then --No sound
- tamp = 0 --Set the target amplitude to 0 because we want to stop the generator.
- else --New wave
- gen = waveforms[nwave](nfreq)
- wave = nwave
- freq = nfreq
- tamp = namp
- end
- end
- --Pull a new command from the channel
- local function pullParams()
- if gen then
- return chIn:pop()
- else
- local arg = chIn:demand()
- love.timer.step() --Don't count the time spent while waiting for a new command.
- return arg
- end
- end
- love.timer.step() --Start counting the delta time.
- --The thread while true do loop !
- while true do
- --Check for new commands
- for params in pullParams do
- if type(params) == "string" and params == "stop" then
- return --It's time to shutdown the thread.
- else
- --Convert the frequency from Hz to samples per cycle.
- for i=3,#params,4 do
- if params[i-1] == -1 then
- params[i] = 1
- else
- params[i] = floor(rate/params[i])
- end
- end
- --Convert the time from seconds to samples, and make sure it ends with a cycle end.
- for i=1,#params,4 do
- local samples = floor(params[i]*rate)
- local freq = params[i+2]
- params[i] = max(floor(samples/freq+0.5)*freq,1)
- end
- sfxdata = params
- wavepos = -3
- nextWave()
- end
- end
- --Generate audio.
- if gen then
- --If there're any free buffer slots, then we have to fill it.
- for i=1, qs:getFreeBufferCount() do
- local sounddata --The sounddata to work on.
- --Get the sounddata out from the buffers cache.
- if #buffers_cache == buffers_cache_amount then
- sounddata = buffers_cache[ buffers_cache_id ]
- else
- sounddata = love.sound.newSoundData(buffer_size, rate, bitdepth, 1)
- buffers_cache[ buffers_cache_id ] = sounddata
- end
- buffers_cache_id = buffers_cache_id + 1 --Increase the id
- if buffers_cache_id > buffers_cache_amount then buffers_cache_id = 1 end
- local setSample = sounddata.setSample
- local sfxEnd = false
- for i=0,buffer_size-1 do
- setSample(sounddata,i,gen())
- samplesToNextWave = samplesToNextWave - 1
- if samplesToNextWave == 0 then
- nextWave()
- if wave == -1 then
- sfxEnd = true
- end
- end
- if tamp > amp then --We have to increase the amplitude.
- amp = min(amp + amp_slide,1)
- elseif tamp < amp then --We have to decrease the amplitude
- amp = max(amp - amp_slide,0)
- end
- end
- qs:queue(sounddata) --Insert the new sounddata into the queue.
- qs:play() --Make sure that the QueueableSource is playing.
- if sfxEnd then
- gen = nil
- break
- end
- end
- end
- love.timer.step()--Calculate the time spent while generating.
- local dt = love.timer.getDelta()
- local sleeptime = (buffer_time - dt*2)*0.6 --Calculate the remaining time that we can sleep.
- --There's time to sleep
- if sleeptime > 0 then
- love.timer.sleep(sleeptime) --ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzzzz.
- love.timer.step() --Skip the time spent while sleeping..
- else --Well, we're not generating enough
- --TODO: Lower the sample rate.
- end
- --REPEAT !
- end