123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299 |
- local events = require("Engine.events")
- local onMobile = love.system.getOS() == "Android" or love.system.getOS() == "iOS"
- --Wrapper for setColor to use 0-255 values
- local function setColor(r,g,b,a)
- local r,g,b,a = r,g,b,a
- if type(r) == "table" then
- r,g,b,a = unpack(r)
- end
- if r then r = r/255 end
- if g then g = g/255 end
- if b then b = b/255 end
- if a then a = a/255 end
- love.graphics.setColor(r, g, b, a)
- end
- return function(config)
- local CPUKit = config.CPUKit
- if not CPUKit then error("TouchControls Peripheral can't work without the CPUKit passed") end
- local GPUKit = config.GPUKit
- if not GPUKit then error("TouchControls Peripheral can't work without the GPUKit passed") end
- --Three levels of alpha
- local alpha = config.alpha or 160 --The dpad outline
- local fg_alpha = config.fg_alpha or 100 --The dpad lines
- local bg_alpha = config.bg_alpha or 40 --The dpad background
- local devkit = {}
- local ControlsEnabled = false
- --DPAD Variables
- local dpad_radius = 160/2 --The radius of the depad circle
- local dpad_extra = 16 --The extra detection zone around the dpad
- local dpad_cx, dpad_cy = 100 --The dpad center position
- local dpad_line = math.sin(math.pi/4)*dpad_radius --The position of a point in pi/4 (For the cross line to draw)
- local touchangle --Touch variable
- --A Button
- local a_col = GPUKit._GetColor(11) --The color of the A button
- local a_cx, a_cy --The center of the A button circle
- --B Button
- local b_col = GPUKit._GetColor(8) --The color of the B button
- local b_cx, b_cy --The center of the B button circle
- --Start Button
- local start_col = GPUKit._GetColor(12) --The color of the Start button
- local start_w, start_h = dpad_radius*2*0.75, dpad_radius*0.75*0.75 --The size of the Start button rectangle
- local start_x, start_y = 30 + dpad_radius/8 --The position of the Start button
- local start_r = start_h/2 --The radius of the Start button corners
- --All Buttons (Shared)
- local btn_radius = dpad_radius/2 --The radius of button A and B circles
- local touchids = {} --1,2,3,4 for dpad (only 1 is used), 5,6,7 for other buttons
- local protrait --Is the device in protrait orientation
- devkit.resize = function(w,h)
- if h > w then protrait = true else protrait = false end --Detect if the device is in protrait.
- b_cx = w - (dpad_cx-dpad_radius/2) --Calculate the button B center X coord.
- a_cx = b_cx - dpad_radius --Calculate the button A center X coord.
- --Better button position when in protrait
- if protrait then
- local likoH = (GPUKit._LIKO_H*(w/GPUKit._LIKO_W)) --The LIKO-12 screen size.
- dpad_cy = likoH + (h - likoH)/2 --Calculate the dpad center Y coord.
- else
- dpad_cy = h/2 --Calculate the dpad center Y coord.
- end
- b_cy = dpad_cy --Calculate the button B center Y coord
- a_cy = b_cy + dpad_radius --Calculate the button A center Y coord
- start_y = h - (start_h+start_x/2) --Calculate the Start button Y coord
- end
- devkit.resize(love.graphics.getDimensions()) --Calculate the positions for the first time.
- events:register("love:resize", devkit.resize) --Register the resize event.
- local function isDpadPressed(id,angle)
- if not angle then return false end --If the user is not touching the dpad, then all buttons are not pressed
- local zero = (math.pi/2)*id
- local astart = zero - math.pi/10 --The start angle
- local aend = zero + math.pi/2 + math.pi/10 --The end angle
- if astart < 0 then
- return (angle >= math.pi*2+astart or angle <= aend)
- elseif aend > math.pi*2 then
- return (angle >= astart or angle <= aend - math.pi*2)
- else
- return (angle >= astart and angle <= aend)
- end
- end
- --Calculates the distance between 2 points
- local function calcDistance(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- return math.sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
- end
- --Calculates the angle of a touch in dpad circle
- local function calcAngle(dy,dx)
- local angle = -math.atan2(dy,dx)
- if angle < 0 then angle = math.pi*2 + angle end
- angle = angle + math.pi/4
- angle = angle%(math.pi*2)
- return angle
- end
- --The buttons memory
- devkit.buttons = {false,false,false,false, false,false,false}
- devkit.bmap = {2,3,1,4} --Remap the dpad buttons ids to their real numbers.
- --Update dpad buttons.
- local function updateDpad()
- for i=0,3 do
- if isDpadPressed(i,touchangle) then
- if not devkit.buttons[i+1] then
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",true,devkit.bmap[i+1])
- devkit.buttons[i+1] = true
- end
- else
- if devkit.buttons[i+1] then
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",false,devkit.bmap[i+1])
- devkit.buttons[i+1] = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function updateButtons(tid,state,tx,ty)
- for id=5, 7 do
- if id < 7 then --The AB buttons
- local cx, cy; if id == 5 then cx,cy = a_cx, a_cy else cx,cy = b_cx, b_cy end
- local dist = calcDistance(tx,ty,cx, cy)
- if state == "pressed" and not touchids[id] then
- if dist <= btn_radius then
- touchids[id] = tid
- devkit.buttons[id] = true
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",true,id)
- end
- elseif state == "moved" and touchids[id] and touchids[id] == tid then
- if dist <= btn_radius then
- if not devkit.buttons[id] then
- devkit.buttons[id] = true
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",true,id)
- end
- else
- if devkit.buttons[id] then
- devkit.buttons[id] = false
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",false,id)
- end
- end
- elseif state == "released" and touchids[id] and touchids[id] == tid then
- touchids[id] = false
- if devkit.buttons[id] then
- devkit.buttons[id] = false
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",false,id)
- end
- end
- else --The start button
- if state == "pressed" and not touchids[id] then
- if tx >= start_x and tx <= start_x + start_w then
- if ty >= start_y and ty <= start_y + start_h then
- touchids[id] = tid
- devkit.buttons[7] = true
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",true,7)
- return
- end
- end
- elseif state == "moved" and touchids[id] and touchids[id] == tid then
- if tx >= start_x and tx <= start_x + start_w and ty >= start_y and ty <= start_y + start_h then
- if not devkit.buttons[7] then
- devkit.buttons[7] = true
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",true,7)
- end
- else
- if devkit.buttons[7] then
- devkit.buttons[7] = false
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",false,7)
- end
- end
- elseif state == "released" and touchids[id] and touchids[id] == tid then
- touchids[id] = nil
- if devkit.buttons[7] then
- devkit.buttons[7] = false
- CPUKit.triggerEvent("touchcontrol",false,7)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawButtons()
- for id=5, 7 do
- love.graphics.setLineWidth(devkit.buttons[id] and 2 or 1)
- if id < 7 then --AB buttons
- local cx, cy, col; if id == 5 then cx,cy,col = a_cx,a_cy,a_col else cx,cy,col = b_cx,b_cy,b_col end
- col[4] = bg_alpha; setColor(col)
- love.graphics.circle("fill",cx, cy, btn_radius)
- if devkit.buttons[id] then love.graphics.circle("fill",cx, cy, btn_radius) end
- col[4] = alpha; setColor(col)
- love.graphics.circle("line",cx, cy, btn_radius)
- else --Start button
- start_col[4] = bg_alpha; setColor(start_col)
- love.graphics.rectangle("fill",start_x,start_y,start_w,start_h,start_r)
- if devkit.buttons[7] then love.graphics.rectangle("fill",start_x,start_y,start_w,start_h,start_r) end
- start_col[4] = alpha; setColor(start_col)
- love.graphics.rectangle("line",start_x,start_y,start_w,start_h,start_r)
- end
- end
- end
- local TC, yTC = {}, {}
- --Toggle the touch controls
- function TC.setInput(bool)
- ControlsEnabled = bool
- if onMobile then GPUKit.DevKitDraw(ControlsEnabled) end
- end
- --Buttons Touch
- events:register("love:touchpressed",function(id,x,y,dx,dy,p) updateButtons(id,"pressed",x,y) end)
- events:register("love:touchmoved",function(id,x,y,dx,dy,p) updateButtons(id,"moved",x,y) end)
- events:register("love:touchreleased",function(id,x,y,dx,dy,p) updateButtons(id,"released",x,y) end)
- --Dpad Touch
- events:register("love:touchpressed",function(id,x,y,dx,dy,p)
- if touchids[1] then return end
- local dist = calcDistance(x,y,dpad_cx,dpad_cy)
- if dist < dpad_radius + dpad_extra then
- touchangle = calcAngle(y - dpad_cy, x - dpad_cx)
- touchids[1] = id
- updateDpad()
- end
- end)
- events:register("love:touchmoved",function(id,x,y,dx,dy,p)
- if (not touchids[1]) or touchids[1] ~= id then return end
- touchangle = calcAngle(y - dpad_cy, x - dpad_cx)
- updateDpad()
- end)
- events:register("love:touchreleased",function(id,x,y,dx,dy,p)
- if (not touchids[1]) or touchids[1] ~= id then return end
- touchids[1] = false
- touchangle = false
- updateDpad()
- end)
- events:register("GPU:DevKitDraw",function()
- love.graphics.setLineStyle("smooth")
- --Buttons
- drawButtons()
- --DPAD
- love.graphics.setLineWidth(1)
- setColor(255,255,255,bg_alpha)
- love.graphics.circle("fill",dpad_cx, dpad_cy, dpad_radius)
- if touchangle then
- if devkit.buttons[1] then
- love.graphics.arc("fill","pie",dpad_cx, dpad_cy, dpad_radius,
- (math.pi/2)*0 - math.pi/4, (math.pi/2)*1 - math.pi/4)
- end
- if devkit.buttons[2] then
- love.graphics.arc("fill","pie",dpad_cx, dpad_cy, dpad_radius,
- (math.pi/2)*3 - math.pi/4, (math.pi/2)*4 - math.pi/4)
- end
- if devkit.buttons[3] then
- love.graphics.arc("fill","pie",dpad_cx, dpad_cy, dpad_radius,
- (math.pi/2)*2 - math.pi/4, (math.pi/2)*3 - math.pi/4)
- end
- if devkit.buttons[4] then
- love.graphics.arc("fill","pie",dpad_cx, dpad_cy, dpad_radius,
- (math.pi/2)*1 - math.pi/4, (math.pi/2)*2 - math.pi/4)
- end
- end
- setColor(255,255,255,alpha)
- love.graphics.circle("line",dpad_cx, dpad_cy, dpad_radius)
- --Draw the lines
- love.graphics.setLineWidth(0.5)
- setColor(255,255,255,fg_alpha)
- love.graphics.line(dpad_cx+dpad_line, dpad_cy-dpad_line,
- dpad_cx-dpad_line, dpad_cy+dpad_line)
- love.graphics.line(dpad_cx-dpad_line, dpad_cy-dpad_line,
- dpad_cx+dpad_line, dpad_cy+dpad_line)
- end)
- return TC, yTC, devkit
- end