123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339 |
- --[[
- Layout (96 KB)
- --------------
- 0x0000 Meta Data (736 Bytes)
- 0x02E0 SpriteMap (12 KB)
- 0x32E0 Flags Data (288 Bytes)
- 0x3400 MapData (18 KB)
- 0x7C00 Sound Tracks (13 KB)
- 0xB000 Compressed Lua Code (20 KB)
- 0x10000 Persistant Data (2 KB)
- 0x10800 GPIO (128 Bytes)
- 0x10880 Reserved (768 Bytes)
- 0x10B80 Draw State (64 Bytes)
- 0x10BC0 Reserved (64 Bytes)
- 0x10C00 Free Space (1 KB)
- 0x11000 Reserved (4 KB)
- 0x12000 Label Image (12 KBytes)
- 0x15000 VRAM (12 KBytes)
- 0x18000 End of memory (Out of range)
- Meta Data (1 KB)
- ----------------
- 0x0000 Data Length (6 Bytes)
- 0x0006 LIKO-12 Header (7 Bytes)
- 0x000D Color Palette (64 Bytes)
- 0x004D Disk Version (1 Byte)
- 0x004E Disk Meta (1 Byte)
- 0x004F Screen Width (2 Bytes)
- 0x0051 Screen Hight (2 Bytes)
- 0x0053 Reserved (1 Byte)
- 0x0054 SpriteMap Address (4 Bytes)
- 0x0058 MapData Address (4 Bytes)
- 0x005C Instruments Data Address (4 Bytes)
- 0x0060 Tracks Data Address (4 Bytes)
- 0x0064 Tracks Orders Address (4 Bytes)
- 0x0068 Compressed Lua Code Address (4 Bytes)
- 0x006C Author Name (16 Bytes)
- 0x007C Game Name (16 Bytes)
- 0x008C SpriteSheet Width (2 Bytes)
- 0x008E SpriteSheet Height (2 Bytes)
- 0x0090 Map Width (1 Byte)
- 0x0091 Map height (1 Byte)
- 0x0093 Reserved (594 Bytes)
- Disk META:
- --------------
- 1. Auto event loop.
- 2. Activate controllers.
- 3. Keyboad Only.
- 4. Mobile Friendly.
- 5. Static Resolution.
- 6. Compatibilty Mode.
- 7. Write Protection.
- 8. Licensed Under CC0.
- ]]
- local coreg = require("Engine.coreg") --Require the coroutine registry.
- return function(config)
- local ramsize = 0 --The current size of the ram
- local ram = {} --The RAM table (Only affected by the default handler)
- local handlers = {} --The active ram handlers system
- local layout = config.layout or {{88*1024}} --Defaults to a 88KB RAM.
- local devkit = {} --The devkit of the RAM
- --function to convert a number into a hex string.
- local function tohex(a) return string.format("0x%X",a or 0) end
- function devkit.addHandler(startAddress, endAddress, handler)
- if type(startAddress) ~= "number" then return error("Start address must be a number, provided: "..type(startAddress)) end
- if type(endAddress) ~= "number" then return error("End address must be a number, provided: "..type(endAddress)) end
- if type(handler) ~= "function" then return error("Handler must be a function, provided: "..type(handler)) end
- table.insert(handlers,{startAddr = startAddress, endAddr = endAddress, handler = handler})
- end
- --A binary handler.
- function devkit.defaultHandler(mode,startAddress,...)
- local args = {...}
- if mode == "poke" then
- local address, value = unpack(args)
- ram[address] = value
- elseif mode == "poke4" then
- local address4, value = unpack(args)
- local address = math.floor(address4 / 2)
- local byte = ram[address]
- if address4 % 2 == 0 then --left nibble
- byte = bit.band(byte,0x0F)
- value = bit.rshift(value,4)
- byte = bit.bor(byte,value)
- else --right nibble
- byte = bit.band(byte,0xF0)
- byte = bit.bor(byte,value)
- end
- ram[address] = byte
- elseif mode == "peek" then
- local address = args[1]
- return ram[address]
- elseif mode == "peek4" then
- local address4 = args[1]
- local address = math.floor(address4 / 2)
- local byte = ram[address]
- if address4 % 2 == 0 then --left nibble
- byte = bit.lshift(byte,4)
- else --right nibble
- byte = bit.band(byte,0x0F)
- end
- return byte
- elseif mode == "memcpy" then
- local from, to, len = unpack(args)
- for i=0,len-1 do
- ram[to+i] = ram[from+i]
- end
- elseif mode == "memset" then
- local address, value = unpack(args)
- local len = value:len()
- for i=0,len-1 do
- ram[address+i] = string.byte(value,i+1)
- end
- elseif mode == "memget" then
- local address, len = unpack(args)
- local subtable,nextid = {}, 1
- for i=address,address+len-1 do
- subtable[nextid] = ram[i]
- nextid = nextid + 1
- end
- if len > 255 then
- for i=1,nextid-1 do
- subtable[i] = string.char(subtable[i])
- end
- return table.concat(subtable)
- else
- return string.char(unpack(subtable))
- end
- end
- end
- --Build the layout.
- for k, section in ipairs(layout) do
- local size = section[1]
- local handler = section[2] or devkit.defaultHandler
- local startAddress = ramsize
- ramsize = ramsize + size
- local endAddress = ramsize-1
- print("Layout ["..k.."]: "..tohex(startAddress).." -> ".. tohex(endAddress))
- devkit.addHandler(startAddress,endAddress,handler)
- --Extend the ram table
- for i=#ram, #ram+size do
- ram[i] = 0
- end
- end
- ram[#ram] = nil --Remove the last address.
- local lastaddr = string.format("0x%X",ramsize-1) --The last accessible ram address.
- local lastaddr4 = string.format("0x%X",(ramsize-1)*2) --The last accessible ram address for peek4 and poke4.
- local function Verify(value,name,etype,allowNil)
- if type(value) ~= etype then
- if allowNil then
- error(name.." should be a "..etype.." or a nil, provided: "..type(value),3)
- else
- error(name.." should be a "..etype..", provided: "..type(value),3)
- end
- end
- if etype == "number" then
- return math.floor(value)
- end
- end
- local api, yapi = {}, {}
- --API Start
- function api.poke4(address,value)
- address = Verify(address,"Address","number")
- value = Verify(value,"Value","number")
- if address < 0 or address > (ramsize-1)*2 then return error("Address out of range ("..tohex(address*2).."), must be in range [0x0,"..lastaddr4.."]") end
- if value < 0 or value > 15 then return error("Value out of range ("..value..") must be in range [0,15]") end
- for k,h in ipairs(handlers) do
- if address <= h.endAddr*2+1 then
- h.handler("poke4",h.startAddr*2,address,value)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- function api.poke(address,value)
- address = Verify(address,"Address","number")
- value = Verify(value,"Value","number")
- if address < 0 or address > ramsize-1 then return error("Address out of range ("..tohex(address).."), must be in range [0x0,"..lastaddr.."]") end
- if value < 0 or value > 255 then return error("Value out of range ("..value..") must be in range [0,255]") end
- for k,h in ipairs(handlers) do
- if address <= h.endAddr then
- h.handler("poke",h.startAddr,address,value)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- function api.peek4(address)
- address = Verify(address,"Address","number")
- if address < 0 or address > (ramsize-1)*2 then return error("Address out of range ("..tohex(address*2).."), must be in range [0x0,"..lastaddr4.."]") end
- for k,h in ipairs(handlers) do
- if address <= h.endAddr*2+1 then
- local v = h.handler("peek4",h.startAddr*2,address)
- return v --It ran successfully
- end
- end
- return 0 --No handler is found
- end
- function api.peek(address)
- address = Verify(address,"Address","number")
- if address < 0 or address > ramsize-1 then return error("Address out of range ("..tohex(address).."), must be in range [0x0,"..lastaddr.."]") end
- for k,h in ipairs(handlers) do
- if address <= h.endAddr then
- local v = h.handler("peek",h.startAddr,address)
- return v --It ran successfully
- end
- end
- return 0 --No handler is found
- end
- function api.memget(address,length)
- address = Verify(address,"Address","number")
- length = Verify(length,"Length","number")
- if address < 0 or address > ramsize-1 then return error("Address out of range ("..tohex(address).."), must be in range [0x0,"..lastaddr.."]") end
- if length <= 0 then return error("Length must be bigger than 0") end
- if address+length > ramsize then return error("Length out of range ("..length..")") end
- local endAddress = address+length-1
- local str = ""
- for k,h in ipairs(handlers) do
- if endAddress >= h.startAddr then
- if address <= h.endAddr then
- local sa, ea = address, endAddress
- if sa < h.startAddr then sa = h.startAddr end
- if ea > h.endAddr then ea = h.endAddr end
- local data = h.handler("memget",h.startAddr,sa,ea-sa+1)
- str = str .. data
- end
- end
- end
- return str
- end
- function api.memset(address,data)
- address = Verify(address,"Address","number")
- Verify(data,"Data","string")
- if address < 0 or address > ramsize-1 then return error("Address out of range ("..tohex(address).."), must be in range [0x0,"..lastaddr.."]") end
- local length = data:len()
- if length == 0 then return error("Cannot set empty string") end
- if address+length > ramsize then return error("Data too long to fit in the memory ("..length.." character)") end
- local endAddress = address+length-1
- for k,h in ipairs(handlers) do
- if endAddress >= h.startAddr then
- if address <= h.endAddr then
- local sa, ea, d = address, endAddress, data
- if sa < h.startAddr then sa = h.startAddr end
- if ea > h.endAddr then ea = h.endAddr end
- d = data:sub(sa-address+1,ea-address+1)
- h.handler("memset",h.startAddr,sa,d)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function api.memcpy(from_address,to_address,length)
- from_address = Verify(from_address,"Source Address","number")
- to_address = Verify(to_address,"Destination Address","number")
- length = Verify(length,"Length","number")
- if from_address < 0 or from_address > ramsize-1 then return error("Source Address out of range ("..tohex(from_address).."), must be in range [0x0,"..tohex(ramsize-2).."]") end
- if to_address < 0 or to_address > ramsize then return error("Destination Address out of range ("..tohex(to_address).."), must be in range [0x0,"..lastaddr.."]") end
- if length <= 0 then return error("Length should be bigger than 0") end
- if from_address+length > ramsize then return error("Length out of range ("..length..")") end
- if to_address+length > ramsize then length = ramsize-to_address end
- local from_end = from_address+length-1
- local to_end = to_address+length-1
- for k1,h1 in ipairs(handlers) do
- if from_end >= h1.startAddr and from_address <= h1.endAddr then
- local sa1, ea1 = from_address, from_end
- if sa1 < h1.startAddr then sa1 = h1.startAddr end
- if ea1 > h1.endAddr then ea1 = h1.endAddr end
- local to_address = to_address + (sa1 - from_address)
- local to_end = to_end + (ea1 - from_end)
- for k2,h2 in ipairs(handlers) do
- if to_end >= h2.startAddr and to_address <= h2.endAddr then
- local sa2, ea2 = to_address, to_end
- if sa2 < h2.startAddr then sa2 = h2.startAddr end
- if ea2 > h2.endAddr then ea2 = h2.endAddr end
- local sa1 = sa1 + (sa2 - to_address)
- local ea1 = sa1 + (ea2 - to_end)
- if h1.handler == h2.handler then --Direct Copy
- h1.handler("memcpy",h1.startAddr,sa1,sa2,ea2-sa2+1)
- else --InDirect Copy
- local d = h1.handler("memget",h1.startAddr,sa1,ea2-sa2+1)
- h2.handler("memset",h2.startAddr,sa2,d)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- devkit.ramsize = ramsize
- devkit.ram = ram
- devkit.tohex = tohex
- devkit.layout = layout
- devkit.handlers = handlers
- devkit.api = api
- return api, yapi, devkit
- end