123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134 |
- --Localized Lua libraries
- local newRand = math.random
- local tbinsert = table.insert
- return function (...)
- local config = {...}
- local g = {}
- -- configuration
- g.problemSize = config[1] or 64
- g.populationSize = config[2] or 64
- g.maxGenerations = config[3] or 50
- g.selectionTournamentSize = config[4] or 3
- g.mutationRate = config[5] or 0.005
- g.crossoverRate = config[6] or 0.98
- function g.crossover(a, b)
- if newRand() > g.crossoverRate then return a end
- local cut = newRand(a:len()-1)
- return a:sub(1,cut) .. b:sub(cut+1, -1)
- end
- function g.mutation(bitstring)
- local s,sp = {}, 1
- for c in string.gmatch(bitstring, ".") do
- if newRand() < g.mutationRate then
- if c == "0" then s[sp] = "1"
- else s[sp] = "0" end
- else
- s[sp] = c
- end
- sp = sp + 1
- end
- return table.concat(s)
- end
- function g.selection(population, fitnesses)
- local pop = {}
- repeat
- local bestString
- local bestFitness = 0
- for i=1, g.selectionTournamentSize do
- local selection = newRand(#fitnesses)
- if fitnesses[selection] > bestFitness then
- bestFitness = fitnesses[selection]
- bestString = population[selection]
- end
- end
- tbinsert(pop, bestString)
- until #pop == #population
- return pop
- end
- function g.reproduce(selected)
- local pop = {}
- for i=1, #selected do
- local p1 = selected[i]
- local p2
- if (i%2)==0 then p2=selected[i-1] else p2=selected[i+1] end
- local child = g.crossover(p1, p2)
- local mutantChild = g.mutation(child)
- tbinsert(pop, mutantChild);
- end
- return pop
- end
- function g.fitness(bitstring)
- local cost = 0
- for c in string.gmatch(bitstring, ".") do
- if c == "1" then cost = cost + 1 end
- end
- return cost
- end
- function g.random_bitstring(length)
- local s = {}
- for sp = 1, length do
- if newRand() < 0.5 then s[sp] = "0"
- else s[sp] = "1" end
- end
- return table.concat(s)
- end
- function g.getBest(currentBest, population, fitnesses)
- local bestScore = currentBest==nil and 0 or g.fitness(currentBest)
- local best = currentBest
- for i=1, #fitnesses do
- local f = fitnesses[i]
- if(f > bestScore) then
- bestScore = f
- best = population[i]
- end
- end
- return best
- end
- function g.evolve()
- local population = {}
- local bestString = nil
- -- initialize the popuation random pool
- for i=1, g.populationSize do
- tbinsert(population, g.random_bitstring(g.problemSize))
- end
- -- optimize the population (fixed duration)
- for i=1, g.maxGenerations do
- -- evaluate
- local fitnesses = {}
- for i=1, #population do
- local v = population[i]
- tbinsert(fitnesses, g.fitness(v))
- end
- -- update best
- bestString = g.getBest(bestString, population, fitnesses)
- -- select
- local tmpPop = g.selection(population, fitnesses)
- -- reproduce
- population = g.reproduce(tmpPop)
- --printf(">gen %d, best cost=%d [%s]\n", i, fitness(bestString), bestString)
- end
- return bestString
- end
- return g
- end
- -- run
- --printf("Genetic Algorithm on OneMax, with %s\n",_VERSION);
- --math.randomseed(os.time())
- --local best = evolve()
- --printf("Finished!\nBest solution found had the fitness of %d [%s].\n", fitness(best), best)