123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305 |
- --BIOS Setup Screen
- local Handled, Devkits = ... --Handled is passed by BIOS POST
- --Engine parts
- local coreg = require("Engine.coreg")
- --Peripherals
- local BIOS = Handled.BIOS
- local GPU = Handled.GPU
- local CPU = Handled.CPU
- local fs = Handled.HDD
- local KB = Handled.Keyboard
- local TC = Handled.TC
- --Constants
- local sw,sh = GPU.screenSize()
- local tw,th = GPU.termSize()
- local fw,fh = GPU.fontSize()
- local checkboard = GPU.imagedata("LK12;GPUIMG;2x2;7007")
- local TMap = {"left","right","up","down","z","x","c"}
- --Setup Variables
- local events = {}
- local options = {} --Will be overrided later.
- local selectedOption = 1
- --Functions
- local function eventLoop(evlist)
- for event, a,b,c,d,e,f in CPU.pullEvent do
- if evlist[event] then
- if evlist[event](a,b,c,d,e,f) then break end
- end
- end
- end
- local function printBG(text,x,y,tc,bc)
- local bgw, bgh = #text*(fw+1)+1, fh+2
- GPU.rect(x-1,y-1,bgw,bgh,false,bc)
- GPU.color(tc)
- GPU.print(text,x,y)
- end
- local function printCenterBG(text,y,tc,bc)
- local txtw = #text*(fw+1)-1
- printBG(text,(sw-txtw)/2,y,tc,bc)
- end
- local function drawUI()
- GPU.clear(5) --Dark Gray
- --Top & Bottom Bar
- GPU.rect(0,0,sw,8,false,12)
- GPU.rect(0,sh-8,sw,8,false,12)
- GPU.patternFill(checkboard)
- GPU.rect(1,1,sw-2,6,false,1)
- GPU.rect(1,sh-7,sw-2,6,false,1)
- GPU.patternFill()
- printCenterBG("@=- BIOS SETUP V2.0 -=@",1,1,12)
- --Options
- for id, option in ipairs(options) do
- local txty = 14+(id-1)*(fh+3)
- local selected = (id == selectedOption)
- --Selection Rect
- GPU.rect(1,txty-1,sw-2,fh+2,false, selected and 6 or 5)
- GPU.color(selected and 7 or 6)
- GPU.print(option[1],2,txty)
- end
- end
- --Touch to Keyboard
- function events.touchcontrol(down,tid)
- CPU.triggerEvent(down and "keypressed" or "keyreleased",TMap[tid],TMap[tid],false)
- end
- --Keyboard Navigation
- function events.keypressed(key,scancode,isrepeat)
- if key == "up" then
- if selectedOption == 1 then selectedOption = #options+1 end
- selectedOption = selectedOption - 1
- if options[selectedOption][1] == "" then
- selectedOption = selectedOption - 1
- end
- drawUI()
- elseif key == "down" then
- if selectedOption == #options then selectedOption = 0 end
- selectedOption = selectedOption + 1
- if options[selectedOption][1] == "" then
- selectedOption = selectedOption + 1
- end
- drawUI()
- elseif key == "z" or key == "return" then
- if isrepeat then return end
- return options[selectedOption][2]()
- end
- end
- local function showAppdata()
- local ev = {}
- ev.touchcontrol = events.touchcontrol
- local function draw()
- GPU.clear(5) --Dark Gray
- --Top & Bottom Bar
- GPU.rect(0,0,sw,8,false,12)
- GPU.rect(0,sh-8,sw,8,false,12)
- GPU.patternFill(checkboard)
- GPU.rect(1,1,sw-2,6,false,1)
- GPU.rect(1,sh-7,sw-2,6,false,1)
- GPU.patternFill()
- printCenterBG("@=- APPData Path -=@",1,1,12)
- --Appdata path
- GPU.color(7)
- GPU.print(CPU.getSaveDirectory().."/",0,sh*0.45-fh/2,sw,"center")
- printCenterBG("Press the green button to return back",sh*0.66,6,5)
- end
- function ev.keypressed(key,scancode,isrepeat)
- if key == "z" then
- return true
- end
- end
- draw()
- eventLoop(ev)
- drawUI()
- end
- local function showGPUInfo()
- local ev = {}
- local name,ver,ven,dev = love.graphics.getRendererInfo()
- local encoded = string.format("Renderer Name: %s\n\nVersion: %s\n\nVendor: %s\n\nDevice: %s",name,ver,ven,dev)
- ev.touchcontrol = events.touchcontrol
- local function draw()
- GPU.clear(5) --Dark Gray
- --Top & Bottom Bar
- GPU.rect(0,0,sw,8,false,12)
- GPU.rect(0,sh-8,sw,8,false,12)
- GPU.patternFill(checkboard)
- GPU.rect(1,1,sw-2,6,false,1)
- GPU.rect(1,sh-7,sw-2,6,false,1)
- GPU.patternFill()
- printCenterBG("@=- GPU Information -=@",1,1,12)
- --Appdata path
- GPU.color(7)
- GPU.print(encoded,0,sh*0.26-fh/2,sw,"center")
- if CPU.isMobile() then
- printCenterBG("Press the green button to go back",sh*0.75,6,5)
- else
- printCenterBG("Press Z to go back",sh*0.75,6,5)
- end
- end
- function ev.keypressed(key,scancode,isrepeat)
- if key == "z" then
- return true
- end
- end
- draw()
- eventLoop(ev)
- drawUI()
- end
- --BIOS Options
- options = {
- {"- Boot from drive D", function()
- if not fs.exists("D:/boot.lua") then
- GPU._systemMessage("D:/boot.lua doesn't exist !",3,2,9)
- return
- end
- TC.setInput(false)
- GPU.clear(0) GPU.color(7)
- GPU.printCursor(0,0,0)
- CPU.clearEStack() --Remove any events made.
- fs.drive("D")
- local bootchunk, err = fs.load("/boot.lua")
- if not bootchunk then error(err or "") end --Must be replaced with an error screen.
- local coglob = coreg:sandbox(bootchunk)
- local co = coroutine.create(bootchunk)
- local HandledAPIS = BIOS.HandledAPIS()
- coroutine.yield("echo",HandledAPIS)
- coreg:setCoroutine(co,coglob) --Switch to boot.lua coroutine
- return true
- end},
- {"- Boot PoorOS", function()
- TC.setInput(false)
- GPU.clear(0) GPU.color(7)
- GPU.printCursor(0,0,0)
- CPU.clearEStack() --Remove any events made.
- fs.drive("C")
- local bootchunk, err = love.filesystem.load("/OS/PoorOS/boot.lua")
- if not bootchunk then error(err or "") end --Must be replaced with an error screen.
- local coglob = coreg:sandbox(bootchunk)
- local co = coroutine.create(bootchunk)
- local HandledAPIS = BIOS.HandledAPIS()
- coroutine.yield("echo",HandledAPIS)
- coreg:setCoroutine(co,coglob) --Switch to boot.lua coroutine
- return true
- end},
- {"- Show GPU Information",function()
- showGPUInfo()
- end},
- {"- Open Appdata Folder", function()
- if CPU.isMobile() then
- showAppdata()
- else
- CPU.openAppData("/")
- end
- end},
- {"- Toggle DEVMODE", function()
- if love.filesystem.getInfo("devmode.txt","file") then
- love.filesystem.remove("devmode.txt")
- GPU._systemMessage("Disabled DEVMODE",1,1,12)
- else
- love.filesystem.write("devmode.txt","")
- GPU._systemMessage("Enabled DEVMODE",1,1,12)
- end
- end},
- {"",function() end}, --Separetor
- {"- Install DiskOS", function()
- love.filesystem.load("BIOS/installer.lua")(Handled,"DiskOS",false)
- drawUI()
- GPU._systemMessage("Installed Successfully",1,1,12)
- end},
- {"- Install PoorOS", function()
- love.filesystem.load("BIOS/installer.lua")(Handled,"PoorOS",false)
- drawUI()
- GPU._systemMessage("Installed Successfully",1,1,12)
- end},
- {"",function() end}, --Separetor
- {"- Wipe Drive C", function()
- GPU._systemMessage("Wiping Drive C...",100)
- GPU.flip()
- fs.delete("C:/")
- GPU._systemMessage("Wiping Complete",1,1,12)
- GPU.flip()
- end},
- {"- Wipe Drive D", function()
- GPU._systemMessage("Wiping Drive D...",100)
- GPU.flip()
- fs.delete("D:/")
- GPU._systemMessage("Wiping Complete",1,1,12)
- GPU.flip()
- end},
- {"",function() end}, --Separetor
- {"- Reboot", function()
- CPU.reboot()
- end}
- }
- if CPU.isMobile() then
- options[4][1] = "- Show Appdata Folder"
- end
- --Enter the UI
- drawUI()
- TC.setInput(true)
- eventLoop(events)