1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344 |
- local l_gfx = love.graphics
- -- The Button class definition
- -- highlights when mouse over it
- -- does stuff if clicked
- -- has caption
- -- somewhat cute
- Button = {}
- Button.__index = Button
- Button.ident = "ui_button"
- Button.caption = "Button"
- Button.name = "Button"
- Button.showBorder = false
- function Button:new(name)
- local self = {}
- setmetatable(self,Button)
- if name ~= nil then self.name = name end
- return self
- end
- setmetatable(Button,{__index = UIElement}) -- inherits from UIElement class, inherits its input methods and stuff
- function Button:draw()
- local cr,cg,cb,ca = love.graphics.getColor()
- if self:isMouseOver() == true and self.active == true then
- l_gfx.setColor(self.colorHighlight)
- else
- l_gfx.setColor(self.colorFill)
- end
- l_gfx.rectangle("fill",self.x,self.y,self.w,self.h)
- if self.showBorder == true then
- l_gfx.setColor(self.colorLine)
- l_gfx.rectangle("line",self.x,self.y,self.w,self.h)
- end
- if self.active == true then
- l_gfx.setColor(self.colorFont)
- else
- l_gfx.setColor(self.colorDisabledFill)
- end
- l_gfx.printf(self.caption,self.x,self.y+(self.h/2-7),self.w,"center")
- l_gfx.setColor(cr,cg,cb,ca)
- end