sls.nanorc 570 B

  1. ## SaltStack files (*.sls)
  2. ##
  3. syntax "salt" "\.sls$"
  4. # Anything ending in a colon (:), including things that start with a dash (-)
  5. color blue "^[^ -].*:$"
  6. color blue ".*:"
  7. # Except for salt:// URLs
  8. color white "salt:"
  9. # Numbers, etc
  10. color red "/*[0-9]/*"
  11. color red "\<(True|False)\>"
  12. # Anything between two single quotes
  13. color green ""(\\.|[^"])*"|'(\\.|[^'])*'"
  14. # Matching keywords
  15. color yellow "\<(grain|grains|compound|pcre|grain_pcre|list|pillar)\>"
  16. # Comments
  17. color brightblack "^#.*"
  18. # Logic keywords
  19. color magenta "\<(if|elif|else|or|not|and|endif|end)\>"