index.theme 2.2 KB

  1. [Icon Theme]
  2. Name=La Capitaine
  3. Comment=La Capitaine is an icon pack inspired by macOS and Google Material Design - a beautiful hybrid between the two most popular design specifications to date.
  4. Inherits=elementary,breeze,gnome
  5. Directories=actions/symbolic,actions/22x22,animations/22x22,apps/scalable,apps/symbolic,categories/scalable,categories/symbolic,devices/symbolic,devices/scalable,emblems/scalable,emblems/symbolic,emotes/scalable,mimetypes/scalable,mimetypes/symbolic,places/16x16,panel/16,panel/24,places/scalable,status/scalable,status/symbolic
  6. FollowsColorScheme=true
  7. [actions/22x22]
  8. Size=16
  9. Context=Actions
  10. Type=Scalable
  11. MinSize=16
  12. MaxSize=48
  13. [actions/symbolic]
  14. Size=16
  15. Context=Actions
  16. Type=Scalable
  17. MinSize=8
  18. MaxSize=128
  19. [animations/22x22]
  20. Size=22
  21. Context=Animations
  22. Type=Scalable
  23. [apps/scalable]
  24. Size=48
  25. Context=Applications
  26. Type=Scalable
  27. MinSize=8
  28. MaxSize=256
  29. [apps/symbolic]
  30. Size=16
  31. Context=Applications
  32. Type=Scalable
  33. MinSize=8
  34. MaxSize=22
  35. [categories/scalable]
  36. Size=48
  37. Context=Categories
  38. Type=Scalable
  39. MinSize=32
  40. MaxSize=256
  41. [categories/symbolic]
  42. Size=16
  43. Context=Categories
  44. Type=Scalable
  45. MinSize=8
  46. MaxSize=128
  47. [devices/scalable]
  48. Size=48
  49. Context=Devices
  50. Type=Scalable
  51. MinSize=32
  52. MaxSize=256
  53. [devices/symbolic]
  54. Size=16
  55. Context=Devices
  56. Type=Scalable
  57. MinSize=8
  58. MaxSize=128
  59. [emblems/scalable]
  60. Size=48
  61. Context=Emblems
  62. Type=Scalable
  63. MinSize=16
  64. MaxSize=256
  65. [emblems/symbolic]
  66. Size=16
  67. Context=Emblems
  68. Type=Scalable
  69. MinSize=8
  70. MaxSize=128
  71. [emotes/scalable]
  72. Size=64
  73. Context=Emotes
  74. Type=Scalable
  75. MinSize=32
  76. MaxSize=256
  77. [emotes/symbolic]
  78. Size=16
  79. Context=Emotes
  80. Type=Scalable
  81. MinSize=8
  82. MaxSize=22
  83. [mimetypes/scalable]
  84. Size=48
  85. Context=MimeTypes
  86. Type=Scalable
  87. MinSize=32
  88. MaxSize=256
  89. [mimetypes/symbolic]
  90. Size=16
  91. Context=MimeTypes
  92. Type=Scalable
  93. MinSize=8
  94. MaxSize=22
  95. [places/16x16]
  96. Size=16
  97. Context=Places
  98. Type=Scalable
  99. MinSize=16
  100. MaxSize=22
  101. [places/scalable]
  102. Size=48
  103. Context=Places
  104. Type=Scalable
  105. MinSize=32
  106. MaxSize=256
  107. [panel/16]
  108. Size=16
  109. Context=Status
  110. Type=Scalable
  111. MinSize=8
  112. MaxSize=24
  113. [panel/24]
  114. Size=24
  115. Context=Status
  116. Type=Scalable
  117. MinSize=8
  118. MaxSize=32
  119. [status/scalable]
  120. Context=Status
  121. Size=16
  122. Type=Scalable
  123. MinSize=16
  124. MaxSize=32
  125. [status/symbolic]
  126. Context=Status
  127. Size=16
  128. Type=Scalable
  129. MinSize=8
  130. MaxSize=128