Title: Projects Jam
Date: 2019-01-18 00:00
Modified: 2019-02-08 11:11
Category: blog
Tags: projects
Slug: projects-jam-20190118
Authors: zPlus
Description: Join us weekly on irc.freenode.net #peers on Thursday and/or Friday target start time around 19:00Z - 21:00Z to review of active Peers projects.
Summary: 2019 January 18 session.
- Add "Peers Jam" banner to freepost's homepage
- Fixed zPlus/freepost#51 "Teaser Text & Feed of
latest comments"
- Fixed zPlus/freepost#53 "Autofocus username on
login page"
- Fixed zPlus/freepost#61 "Blank comments"
- Fixed zPlus/freepost#64 "Next and Previous buttons
at bottom of page"
- Fixed zPlus/freepost#67 "Light up link of current page"
- General discussion about how to advance Vervis. Collection of feedback
regarding website usability. fr33domlover added an initial implementation of
ActivityPub inboxes.