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title: Projects Jam date: 2018-10-12 Modified: 2018-10-26 Category: blog Tags: projects Slug: projects-jam-20181012 Authors: zPlus Description: Join us weekly on #peers on Thursday and/or Friday target start time around 19:00Z - 21:00Z to review of active Peers projects.

Summary: October 12th session of project jamming.


This week we continued the discussion regarding the Vikings VPSes, more specifically about the software to use and how to organize them (with LXC/LXD). We agreed to use one VPS for dokk, and the other one for all the other projects that requires fewer resources. The plan is to divide the VPS into LXC containers, that will host a web area, mailing lists, and emails. The initial administration tasks will be carrier on by zPlus, but other peers are welcome to participate if they wish and can be granted root access to the VPSes.