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title: Projects Jam date: 2018-05-25 Modified: 2018-05-30 Category: blog Tags: projects Slug: projects-jam-20180525 Authors: vaeringjar Description: Join us weekly on #peers on Thursday and/or Friday target start time around 19:00Z - 21:00Z to review of active Peers projects.

Summary: May 25th session of project jamming.


fr33domlover worked on vervis and the group gave feedback for the newest style changes to the git diff.

zPlus and I worked on a list of tasks for upcoming project jams. zPlus listed some qualifiers.

The best issues have these characteristics:

  • self contained, because there is only so much that can be done in 1H
  • simple, that do not require a lot of previous knowledge to get started
  • those that favor discussion and collaboration
