title: Terms of Service date: 2017-07-19 authors: [vaeringjar] description: Welcome to the The Peers Community, a highly motivated community of people with a strong interest in free software and free culture. summary: Terms of Service of The Peers Community.
This is a working draft of the Terms of Service as of the date of this blog post.
The Peers Community only provides information about other projects for the general public.
To join, a member, project, or service must allow for the practice of freedom for users.
Members, member projects, and projects of The Peers Community will receive help on a case-by-case basis, as needed, or when available.
No member has a direct obligation to help any other member or project. However, members should notify the rest of the community upon any significant change to a project that includes changes such as those in ownership, stewardship, or the decision to discontinue support.
The Peers Community does not claim any ownership of any data uploaded by its users. Becoming a member of The Peers Community does not constitute a transfer of copyrights to The Peers Community.
The Peers Community servers are hosted on rented servers in the United States.