656 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #
  3. #
  4. if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
  5. echo "call with location of csv file."
  6. exit 1;
  7. fi
  8. DRAW="dots"
  9. gnuplot << EOF
  10. set datafile separator ","
  11. set terminal png size 1024,768
  12. set output "$1.png"
  13. set title "$1 ticks"
  14. set key autotitle columnhead
  15. set yrange [:]
  16. set xrange [:]
  17. set logscale y
  18. plot "$1" using :4 with $DRAW, \
  19. "" using :11 with $DRAW, \
  20. "" using :14 with $DRAW, \
  21. "" using :15 with $DRAW, \
  22. "" using :20 with $DRAW, \
  23. "" using :28 with $DRAW, \
  24. "" using :32 with $DRAW, \
  25. "" using :40 with $DRAW
  26. EOF
  27. RESULT=$?
  28. if [ "$RESULT" = "0" ]; then
  29. echo "PNG $1.png written"
  30. fi