1. Install Guide for Plait v 1.6.2
  2. ===============================
  3. 1. Installation
  4. ----------------
  5. Since Plait is glue ware, it has several dependencies. Follow these
  6. instructions to make it all work.
  7. ### Uninstallation
  8. As of Plait 1.5.2, it is possible to install Plait to a directory of
  9. your choice. Since this could lead to a situation where you have
  10. multiple versions of Plait installed in different directories, it's a
  11. good idea to uninstall any old versions of Plait prior to upgrading.
  12. But if you know you are installing to the same directory as the old
  13. version of Plait, this isn't really necessary.
  14. ### GNU/Linux prerequisites
  15. On GNU/Linux, Plait works with ogg123, mpg123, mpg321, Xmms, Beep
  16. Media Player, or amaroK. If you are using Xmms, xmms-shell is also
  17. required. Installation varies depending on your distro. Be sure to
  18. install the package esound if you want to play via esd.
  19. Xmms, Beep Media Player, or amaroK will be used if they are present.
  20. If not, Plaiter will be used as a front end to any command line
  21. players that are present. Otherwise Plait will work in "list only"
  22. mode unless you configure your own player.
  23. ### Finishing up (all operating systems)
  24. You now have all the prerequisites to run Plait. The last step is
  25. installing Plait itself:
  26. * Untar the package:
  27. tar xvzf plait-x.xx.tar.gz
  28. cd plait
  29. * Tell `plait` to install itself. You may run this command as a
  30. non-root user, in which case Plait will default to installing in
  31. your home directory; you may run it as root, in which case Plait
  32. will default to installing in /usr/local; or you may set the install
  33. directory to anything you like by providing an argument. Examples:
  34. su -c "./plait --install"
  35. or
  36. sudo ./plait --install
  37. or
  38. ./plait --install
  39. or
  40. sudo ./plait --install /usr
  41. If you install Plait as a non-root user, you may have to add ~/bin to
  42. your path.
  43. Plait is now ready to run. The first time you run it, Plait will do
  44. some additional self-installation which involves asking for the
  45. location of your music directory. You only have to do this once.
  46. ### Setting up for XSPF
  47. If you want to use the XSPF web publishing feature, you will need to
  48. install the XSPF Web Music Player
  49. ( Download and unpack the player
  50. from that address and then copy the file xspf_player.swf to
  51. ~/.plait/xspf.
  52. If your music library is located on a web server, you also need to set
  53. the variable BASEURL, for example:
  54. BASEURL=
  55. Otherwise, leave BASEURL set to the empty string.
  56. If your music directory is laid out as Artist/Album/Song, you're all
  57. set. Otherwise, you may need to set the three variables ARTISTIDX,
  58. ALBUMIDX, and SONGIDX in the config file. For Example, if your music
  59. directory is laid out as Artist/Year/Album/Song, set
  61. ALBUMIDX=3
  62. SONGIDX=4
  63. If your music directory is laid out as Artist/Artist - Album - Song,
  64. set
  65. LEVELSEP="(/| - )"
  67. ALBUMIDX=3
  68. SONGIDX=4
  69. 2. Uninstallation
  70. ------------------
  71. If you installed Plait as root, you must be root to uninstall it;
  72. otherwise you must be the same user as you were during installation.
  73. Type
  74. su -c "plait --uninstall"
  75. or
  76. sudo plait --uninstall
  77. or just
  78. plait --uninstall
  79. to uninstall Plait. See the instructions that came with gen_com if
  80. you want to remove that plugin. To remove wget, gawk or findutils,
  81. follow the package removal technique for Fink, as appropriate. If
  82. you are updating Plait, and you decide to install it into a different
  83. directory this time, uninstall the old version before installing the
  84. new one. Otherwise two versions of Plait will be installed and you
  85. can't be installed and you can't be sure which one will run.
  86. 3. Customization
  87. ------------------
  88. There are a few changes you can make to ~/.plait/config to customize
  89. the behavior of Plait.
  90. #### File types
  91. By default Plait looks for files of type mp3, wav, aif, ogg and flac.
  92. You can change this by setting the variable TYPES, for example:
  93. TYPES=".ogg .mp3 .flac"
  94. You may need to run `plait --cache` to rebuild the cache after
  95. changing the file types.
  96. As of Plait 1.2, you are advised to set the variable TYPES once to a
  97. very broad set of file types, and then use target devices to customize
  98. your playlists for different devices. You can either redefine one of
  99. the built-in target devices, or define a new one. For example, to
  100. define a target device that supports the same file types as an iPod,
  101. add the following line to the config file:
  102. ipod="m4a M4A mp3 MP3 wav WAV"
  103. In contrast to the TYPES variable, with devices you don't include the
  104. dot in the file extension, and you must repeat each extension twice,
  105. in upper and lower case. In this list, order is important; thus the
  106. ipod device will prefer mp3 files to wav files.
  107. To use this device to build a playlist, select it on the command line:
  108. plait britney --device ipod
  109. You can also set the default device in the config file:
  110. DEVICE="$ipod"
  111. Important note: if you redefine the default device (hifi), you should
  112. then reassign DEVICE to it in the config file, ie:
  113. hifi="wav WAV flac FLAC"
  114. DEVICE="$hifi"
  115. Otherwise DEVICE will continue to have the old value of hifi from
  116. before it was redefined.
  117. #### Alternate players
  118. Although there is a default player on each operating system, some OSs
  119. support several players. You can pick something besides the default
  120. by setting the variable PLATFORM, for example:
  121. PLATFORM=linux-plaiter
  122. The currently supported platforms are: linux-xmms,
  123. linux-beep-media-player, linux-amarok, linux-mpg123, linux-mpg123-esd,
  124. linux-amarok, linux-mpg123, linux-mpg123-esd, linux-mpg321,
  125. linux-mpg321, linux-mpg321-esd, linux-ogg123, linux-ogg123-esd,
  126. linux-plaiter, any-xspf and any-xspf-copy. In the interest of
  127. accuracy, there are also "unix-" synonyms for all the "linux-"
  128. players. The "esd" platforms play via the Enlightened Sound Daemon,
  129. which can stream audio across the network to an esd server. You
  130. specify which server by setting ESPEAKER, for example:
  131. ESPEAKER=
  132. See README.plaiter for information on Plaiter, which is the ideal
  133. platform choice if you currently use a command line player like
  134. mpg123.
  135. Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 by Stephen Jungels
  136. Copyright (c) 2017 by orbea