n.yaml 11 KB

  1. - name: Naev
  2. langs:
  3. - C
  4. - Lua
  5. frameworks:
  6. - SDL2
  7. licenses:
  8. - GPL3
  9. development: very active
  10. originals:
  11. - Escape Velocity
  12. status: playable
  13. repo: https://github.com/naev/naev
  14. url: https://naev.org
  15. type: similar
  16. updated: 2022-11-12
  17. images:
  18. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/attack.webp
  19. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/equipment.webp
  20. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/fight1.webp
  21. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/gas_giant.webp
  22. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/minerva_station.webp
  23. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/missions.webp
  24. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/nebula.webp
  25. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/scanned.webp
  26. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/shipyard.webp
  27. - https://naev.org/imgs/screenshots_0.9.0/stealth.webp
  28. - name: Nanosaur Source Port
  29. originals:
  30. - Nanosaur
  31. type: remake
  32. repo: 'https://github.com/jorio/Nanosaur'
  33. development: active
  34. status: playable
  35. content: commercial
  36. langs:
  37. - C
  38. frameworks:
  39. - OpenGL
  40. - SDL2
  41. licenses:
  42. - CC-BY-NC-SA
  43. updated: 2021-10-14
  44. images:
  45. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jorio/Nanosaur/master/docs/screenshot.png
  46. info: Nanosaur for modern operating systems (macOS, Windows, Linux), approved by Pangea Software.
  47. - name: NBlood
  48. type: remake
  49. originals:
  50. - Blood
  51. repo: https://github.com/nukeykt/NBlood
  52. url: https://nukeykt.retrohost.net/
  53. development: very active
  54. status: playable
  55. multiplayer:
  56. - Online
  57. - LAN
  58. - Co-op
  59. langs:
  60. - C++
  61. frameworks:
  62. - SDL
  63. - SDL2
  64. - OpenGL
  65. licenses:
  66. - Custom
  67. content: commercial
  68. info: Blood port based on EDuke32
  69. video:
  70. youtube: Ocs-UDivylA
  71. updated: 2020-01-05
  72. - name: Netacka
  73. images:
  74. - https://pwmarcz.pl/netacka/sshots.png
  75. langs:
  76. - C
  77. frameworks:
  78. - Allegro
  79. licenses:
  80. - MIT
  81. development: halted
  82. status: playable
  83. multiplayer:
  84. - Competitive
  85. - Online
  86. originals:
  87. - Achtung, die Kurve!
  88. repo: https://github.com/pwmarcz/netacka
  89. type: remake
  90. updated: 2020-12-29
  91. url: https://pwmarcz.pl/netacka/
  92. info: Netacka is a network multiplayer game based on Zatacka. We even have bots!
  93. - name: Nether Earth Remake
  94. originals:
  95. - Nether Earth
  96. type: remake
  97. url: https://web.archive.org/web/20190608221012/http://www.braingames.getput.com/nether/
  98. development: complete
  99. status: playable
  100. langs:
  101. - C++
  102. frameworks:
  103. - SDL
  104. licenses:
  105. - As-is
  106. updated: 2020-08-25
  107. images:
  108. - https://web.archive.org/web/20160512160539/http://www2.braingames.getput.com/nether/images/nether00.jpg
  109. - https://web.archive.org/web/20160512221659/http://www2.braingames.getput.com/nether/images/nether01.jpg
  110. - https://web.archive.org/web/20160512221836/http://www2.braingames.getput.com/nether/images/nether02.jpg
  111. video:
  112. youtube: pJtrxzGf1L0
  113. - name: NEO-RAW
  114. images:
  115. - https://fabiensanglard.net/fd_proxy/anotherWorld_code_review/aw_before.jpg
  116. - https://fabiensanglard.net/fd_proxy/anotherWorld_code_review/anotherWorldXP.png
  117. langs:
  118. - C++
  119. frameworks:
  120. - SDL2
  121. licenses:
  122. - GPL2
  123. content: commercial
  124. development: halted
  125. originals:
  126. - Another World
  127. status: playable
  128. repo: https://github.com/fabiensanglard/Another-World-Bytecode-Interpreter
  129. type: remake
  130. updated: 2021-09-13
  131. url: https://fabiensanglard.net/anotherWorld_code_review/index.php
  132. info: This is an Another World VM implementation. Based on Gregory Montoir's original work, the codebase has been cleaned up with legibility and readability in mind.
  133. - name: NeoLemmix
  134. originals:
  135. - Lemmings
  136. type: clone
  137. url: 'https://www.neolemmix.com/'
  138. repo: https://bitbucket.org/namida42/neolemmixplayer/
  139. langs:
  140. - Delphi
  141. frameworks:
  142. - Graphics32
  143. development: very active
  144. status: playable
  145. content: swappable
  146. licenses:
  147. - CC-BY-NC
  148. updated: 2021-03-30
  149. info: Has an active modding community (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/) and comes with an editor.
  150. video:
  151. youtube: i0CQtMjkyMk
  152. - name: Neverball
  153. images:
  154. - https://i.imgur.com/4ja9xmS.jpg
  155. - https://i.imgur.com/xU6TJZP.jpg
  156. - https://i.imgur.com/KJG0K0C.jpg
  157. - https://i.imgur.com/KpzrmNp.jpg
  158. - https://i.imgur.com/4sJM8Ji.jpg
  159. - https://i.imgur.com/fzcotpu.jpg
  160. langs:
  161. - C
  162. frameworks:
  163. - SDL2
  164. licenses:
  165. - GPL2
  166. content: open
  167. development: sporadic
  168. originals:
  169. - Super Monkey Ball
  170. status: playable
  171. repo: https://github.com/Neverball/neverball
  172. type: clone
  173. updated: 2019-11-20
  174. url: https://neverball.org
  175. - name: New RAW
  176. images:
  177. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/newraw/screenshots/67451.jpg
  178. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/newraw/screenshots/67449.jpg
  179. langs:
  180. - C++
  181. frameworks:
  182. - SDL
  183. licenses:
  184. - GPL2
  185. content: commercial
  186. development: halted
  187. originals:
  188. - Another World
  189. status: playable
  190. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/newraw/
  191. type: remake
  192. updated: 2021-09-13
  193. info: New RAW - an Another World / Out of this world interpreter. Based on work of Gregory Montoir
  194. - name: New Utopia
  195. langs:
  196. - JavaScript
  197. licenses:
  198. - As-is
  199. content: open
  200. development: halted
  201. originals:
  202. - Utopia
  203. status: playable
  204. repo: https://github.com/gamejs/newutopia
  205. type: remake
  206. updated: 2022-01-26
  207. url: https://apps.gamejs.org/newutopia/
  208. images:
  209. - https://gamejs.org/files/utopia_bcb8d499cc07.png
  210. - name: newtron
  211. langs:
  212. - JavaScript
  213. licenses:
  214. - As-is
  215. development: halted
  216. originals:
  217. - Tron
  218. status: unplayable
  219. repo: https://github.com/sursonico/newtron
  220. type: remake
  221. updated: 2015-06-01
  222. - name: NFSIISE
  223. development: active
  224. frameworks:
  225. - SDL2
  226. images:
  227. - https://i.imgur.com/ZL3V5XB.jpg
  228. - https://i.imgur.com/DRyjX57.jpg
  229. langs:
  230. - C++
  231. licenses:
  232. - MIT
  233. content: commercial
  234. originals:
  235. - Need For Speed II SE
  236. repo: https://github.com/zaps166/NFSIISE
  237. status: playable
  238. type: remake
  239. updated: 2016-06-02
  240. - name: Nighthawk
  241. images:
  242. - https://night-hawk.sourceforge.io/nh_intro_1.png
  243. langs:
  244. - C++
  245. licenses:
  246. - GPL2
  247. development: halted
  248. originals:
  249. - Paradroid
  250. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/night-hawk/
  251. status: playable
  252. type: remake
  253. updated: 2013-05-27
  254. url: https://night-hawk.sourceforge.io/
  255. - name: Nitrosharp
  256. originals:
  257. - Chaos;Head
  258. type: remake
  259. repo: 'https://github.com/CommitteeOfZero/nitrosharp'
  260. development: active
  261. status: semi-playable
  262. content: commercial
  263. langs:
  264. - 'C#'
  265. frameworks:
  266. - .NET
  267. licenses:
  268. - MIT
  269. updated: 2021-12-29
  270. - name: NLarn
  271. langs:
  272. - C
  273. - Lua
  274. frameworks:
  275. - SDL2
  276. licenses:
  277. - GPL3
  278. development: halted
  279. originals:
  280. - Larn
  281. status: playable
  282. repo: https://github.com/nlarn/nlarn
  283. type: remake
  284. updated: 2022-11-12
  285. url: https://nlarn.github.io/
  286. feed: https://nlarn.github.io/feed.xml
  287. images:
  288. - https://nlarn.github.io/images/2020-04-12_NLarn_0.7.4-g3e6706e_cloak_of_invisibility.png
  289. - https://nlarn.github.io/images/2020-04-12_NLarn_0.7.4-g1d4f341_obituary.png
  290. - https://nlarn.github.io/images/2020-04-12_NLarn_0.7.4-g3e6706e_picking_read.png
  291. - https://nlarn.github.io/images/2020-04-12_NLarn_0.7.4-g3e6706e_trading_gems.png
  292. - https://nlarn.github.io/images/2020-04-12_NLarn_0.7.4-g3e6706e_treasure_room.png
  293. - name: Nodes of Yesnod remake
  294. frameworks:
  295. - XNA
  296. langs:
  297. - C#
  298. licenses:
  299. - As-is
  300. content: free
  301. development: halted
  302. originals:
  303. - Nodes of Yesod
  304. status: semi-playable
  305. repo: https://github.com/ian-wigley/Nodes-of-Yesod
  306. type: remake
  307. updated: 2022-09-28
  308. images:
  309. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ian-wigley/Nodes-of-Yesod/master/XNA_Nodes_of_Yesod/Nodes1.jpg
  310. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ian-wigley/Nodes-of-Yesod/master/XNA_Nodes_of_Yesod/Nodes2.jpg
  311. - name: 'NorseWorld: Ragnarok'
  312. originals:
  313. - Ragnarok
  314. type: remake
  315. repo: 'https://github.com/Serg-Norseman/NorseWorld-Ragnarok'
  316. url: 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/norseworld/'
  317. development: halted
  318. status: playable
  319. content: free
  320. langs:
  321. - 'C#'
  322. licenses:
  323. - GPL3
  324. updated: '2021-08-17'
  325. images:
  326. - 'https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/norseworld/screenshots/scr_01_en.png/max/max/1'
  327. - 'https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/norseworld/screenshots/scr_04_en.png/max/max/1'
  328. - 'https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/norseworld/screenshots/scr_05_en.png/max/max/1'
  329. - name: Nox Imperii
  330. originals:
  331. - Escape Velocity
  332. type: similar
  333. repo: 'https://github.com/Kinniken/NoxImperii'
  334. development: halted
  335. status: playable
  336. content: open
  337. langs:
  338. - C
  339. frameworks:
  340. - SDL
  341. licenses:
  342. - GPL3
  343. info: Fork of Naev
  344. updated: '2023-03-03'
  345. images:
  346. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kinniken/NoxImperii/master/extras/webimages/1_1_planets.png
  347. - name: NStars!
  348. images:
  349. - https://nstars.sourceforge.net/nstars01.png
  350. - https://nstars.sourceforge.net/nstars02.png
  351. - https://nstars.sourceforge.net/nstars03.png
  352. langs:
  353. - C#
  354. frameworks:
  355. - .NET
  356. licenses:
  357. - GPL2
  358. development: halted
  359. originals:
  360. - Stars!
  361. status: playable
  362. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/nstars/
  363. type: remake
  364. updated: 2022-09-23
  365. url: https://nstars.sourceforge.net
  366. - name: NullpoMino
  367. langs:
  368. - Java
  369. frameworks:
  370. - Slick2D
  371. - Swing
  372. licenses:
  373. - BSD
  374. development: halted
  375. originals:
  376. - Tetris
  377. status: playable
  378. multiplayer:
  379. - Online
  380. - LAN
  381. - Competitive
  382. repo: https://github.com/NullpoMino/NullpoMino
  383. type: remake
  384. updated: 2022-11-12
  385. images:
  386. - https://tetris.wiki/images/5/55/Nullpomino_title.png
  387. - https://tetris.wiki/images/4/4a/Nullpomino_ingame.png
  388. - name: Nuncabola
  389. type: clone
  390. originals:
  391. - Super Monkey Ball
  392. url: https://uppgarn.com/nuncabola/
  393. repo: https://github.com/Calinou/nuncabola
  394. development: halted
  395. status: playable
  396. langs:
  397. - Java
  398. frameworks:
  399. - LWJGL
  400. licenses:
  401. - GPL2
  402. content: open
  403. updated: 2023-03-12
  404. video:
  405. youtube: 7AcXlTSoivk
  406. - name: Nuvie
  407. images:
  408. - https://nuvie.sourceforge.net/images/shots/nuvie_24.png
  409. - https://nuvie.sourceforge.net/images/shots/nuvie_22.png
  410. - https://nuvie.sourceforge.net/images/shots/nuvie_21.png
  411. langs:
  412. - C++
  413. frameworks:
  414. - SDL
  415. licenses:
  416. - GPL2
  417. content: commercial
  418. development: halted
  419. originals:
  420. - 'Ultima VI: The False Prophet'
  421. - 'Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams'
  422. - 'Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire'
  423. status: playable
  424. repo: https://github.com/nuvie/nuvie
  425. type: remake
  426. url: https://nuvie.sourceforge.net/
  427. updated: 2020-05-19
  428. - name: NXEngine
  429. images:
  430. - https://nxengine.sourceforge.io/nxshot1.png
  431. - https://nxengine.sourceforge.io/nxshot2.png
  432. langs:
  433. - C++
  434. frameworks:
  435. - SDL
  436. licenses:
  437. - GPL3
  438. content: free
  439. originals:
  440. - Cave Story
  441. repo: https://github.com/EXL/NXEngine
  442. development: halted
  443. status: playable
  444. type: remake
  445. updated: 2023-03-12
  446. url: https://nxengine.sourceforge.io
  447. - name: NXEngine-evo
  448. development: active
  449. images:
  450. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nxengine/nxengine-evo/master/screenshot.png
  451. langs:
  452. - C++
  453. licenses:
  454. - GPL3
  455. content: free
  456. originals:
  457. - Cave Story
  458. repo: https://github.com/nxengine/nxengine-evo
  459. status: playable
  460. type: remake
  461. updated: 2018-01-05
  462. url: https://github.com/nxengine/nxengine-evo