z.yaml 8.3 KB

  1. - name: Z Virus
  2. langs:
  3. - BlitzBasic
  4. licenses:
  5. - As-is
  6. originals:
  7. - Zarch
  8. status: playable
  9. development: complete
  10. repo: http://www.steviegoodwin.plus.com/Z_Virus_V2.zip
  11. type: remake
  12. updated: 2015-10-09
  13. url: https://web.archive.org/web/20160323010538/http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=38995
  14. - name: Zandronum
  15. originals:
  16. - Doom
  17. type: remake
  18. repo: 'https://github.com/TorrSamaho/zandronum'
  19. url: 'https://zandronum.com'
  20. development: halted
  21. status: playable
  22. multiplayer:
  23. - Competitive
  24. - Online
  25. - Co-op
  26. content: commercial
  27. langs:
  28. - C++
  29. - C
  30. licenses:
  31. - Custom
  32. info: >-
  33. Zandronum is a source port focused on offering a modernized multiplayer
  34. experience, offering new game modes such as capture the flag, invasion or
  35. domination.
  36. updated: '2023-06-04'
  37. video:
  38. youtube: 5mLDugjh0Ro
  39. - name: Zatacka X
  40. frameworks:
  41. - SDL
  42. images:
  43. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/bf7621a6846244c8f74679220aae2e66f1e5a526/687474703a2f2f666f6c6b2e75696f2e6e6f2f73696d656e6865672f7a617461636b61785f736d616c6c2e706e67
  44. info: Has powerups and AI.
  45. langs:
  46. - C
  47. licenses:
  48. - GPL3
  49. development: sporadic
  50. originals:
  51. - Achtung, die Kurve!
  52. repo: https://github.com/simenheg/zatackax
  53. status: playable
  54. type: remake
  55. updated: 2017-10-28
  56. - name: Zaz
  57. images:
  58. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/zaz/screenshots/234912.jpg
  59. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/zaz/screenshots/229087.jpg
  60. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/zaz/screenshots/271617.jpg
  61. langs:
  62. - C++
  63. licenses:
  64. - GPL3
  65. content: open
  66. development: halted
  67. originals:
  68. - Zuma
  69. status: playable
  70. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/zaz/
  71. type: clone
  72. updated: 2022-07-07
  73. url: http://zaz.sourceforge.net/
  74. - name: ZDoom
  75. images:
  76. - https://zdoom.org/w/images/7/7e/AltHUD1.png
  77. - https://zdoom.org/w/images/c/c4/DynamicLightOptions.png
  78. - https://zdoom.org/w/images/8/8a/DOOM0003.png
  79. langs:
  80. - C
  81. licenses:
  82. - BSD
  83. development: halted
  84. originals:
  85. - Doom
  86. - Heretic
  87. - Hexen
  88. status: playable
  89. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/zdoom/
  90. type: remake
  91. url: https://zdoom.org/index
  92. updated: 2021-04-22
  93. info: Project discontinued, with two child projects - GZDoom (for modern systems) and LZDoom (for older systems without OpenGL)
  94. - name: zedragon
  95. langs:
  96. - Assembly
  97. licenses:
  98. - As-is
  99. development: halted
  100. originals:
  101. - Sea Dragon
  102. status: playable
  103. repo: https://github.com/charlierobson/zedragon
  104. type: remake
  105. updated: 2023-01-05
  106. info: ZX81 (with UDG) conversion of Russ Wetmore's classic atari game Sea Dragon
  107. video:
  108. youtube: p0Kq0R2eSPU
  109. - name: Zed Online
  110. originals:
  111. - Z
  112. type: remake
  113. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/zedonline/
  114. url: https://zzone.lewe.com/zed-online-game/
  115. development: halted
  116. status: playable
  117. multiplayer:
  118. - Online
  119. - LAN
  120. content: free
  121. langs:
  122. - C++
  123. licenses:
  124. - GPL3
  125. added: 2019-09-17
  126. updated: 2024-06-08
  127. images:
  128. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/zedonline/screenshots/Screenshot%20%288%29.png/245/183/1
  129. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/zedonline/screenshots/Screenshot%20%2842%29.png/245/183/1
  130. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/zedonline/screenshots/Screenshot%20%2811%29.png/245/183/1
  131. video:
  132. youtube: RKmKpTe-gVo
  133. - name: Zelda Classic
  134. originals:
  135. - Legend of Zelda
  136. type: remake
  137. repo: https://github.com/ZeldaClassic/ZeldaClassic
  138. url: 'https://www.zeldaclassic.com/'
  139. feed: 'https://www.zeldaclassic.com/feed/'
  140. development: sporadic
  141. status: playable
  142. content: swappable
  143. langs:
  144. - C++
  145. frameworks:
  146. - Allegro
  147. licenses:
  148. - GPL3
  149. info: >-
  150. Zelda Classic is a game and editing tool that lets you create custom Legend of
  151. Zelda quests.
  152. added: '2019-11-19'
  153. updated: 2024-06-09
  154. images:
  155. - 'https://www.zeldaclassic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/ss_bszelda.png'
  156. - >-
  157. https://www.zeldaclassic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/ss_megaman_wilys_revenge.gif
  158. - 'https://www.zeldaclassic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/ss_hero_dreams.png'
  159. - 'https://www.zeldaclassic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/ss_quest744.png'
  160. - name: zelda3
  161. originals:
  162. - Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past
  163. type: remake
  164. repo: https://github.com/snesrev/zelda3
  165. feed: https://github.com/snesrev/zelda3/releases.atom
  166. development: sporadic
  167. status: playable
  168. content: commercial
  169. licenses:
  170. - MIT
  171. langs:
  172. - C
  173. frameworks:
  174. - SDL2
  175. info: >-
  176. Reverse engineered clone of Zelda 3 - A Link to the Past.
  177. A bunch of features have been added that are not supported by the original game.
  178. added: 2022-11-04
  179. updated: 2024-06-10
  180. - name: Zero-K
  181. type: similar
  182. langs:
  183. - Lua
  184. frameworks:
  185. - Spring RTS Engine
  186. licenses:
  187. - GPL2
  188. development: very active
  189. originals:
  190. - Total Annihilation
  191. - Supreme Commander
  192. status: playable
  193. repo: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K
  194. url: https://zero-k.info/
  195. feed: https://zero-k.info/News
  196. video:
  197. youtube: pHQkctGTm_A
  198. images:
  199. - https://zero-k.info/img/landing/text1.jpg
  200. - https://zero-k.info/img/landing/text2.jpg
  201. - https://zero-k.info/img/landing/text3.jpg
  202. - https://zero-k.info/img/landing/text4.jpg
  203. - https://zero-k.info/img/landing/text5.jpg
  204. - https://zero-k.info/img/landing/text6.jpg
  205. added: 2019-10-21
  206. updated: 2024-06-12
  207. - name: Zeta
  208. type: tool
  209. originals:
  210. - ZZT
  211. - Super ZZT
  212. repo: https://github.com/asiekierka/zeta
  213. url: https://zeta.asie.pl/
  214. development: complete
  215. langs:
  216. - C
  217. frameworks:
  218. - SDL2
  219. licenses:
  220. - MIT
  221. info: Dedicated emulator
  222. updated: 2020-06-26
  223. - name: ZGloom
  224. originals:
  225. - Gloom
  226. type: remake
  227. repo: 'https://github.com/Swizpig/ZGloom'
  228. development: halted
  229. status: playable
  230. content: commercial
  231. langs:
  232. - C++
  233. frameworks:
  234. - SDL2
  235. licenses:
  236. - Custom
  237. info: Also has a PSVita version
  238. updated: 2021-12-25
  239. images:
  240. - 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Swizpig/ZGloom/master/screenshots/deluxe3.png'
  241. - 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Swizpig/ZGloom/master/screenshots/organs.png'
  242. video:
  243. youtube: aLuS7MKSN-o
  244. - name: ZQuest Classic
  245. originals:
  246. - Legend of Zelda
  247. type: remake
  248. repo: https://github.com/ZQuestClassic/ZQuestClassic
  249. url: https://zquestclassic.com
  250. feed: https://zquestclassic.com/feed/feed.xml
  251. development: active
  252. status: playable
  253. content: swappable
  254. langs:
  255. - C++
  256. frameworks:
  257. - Allegro
  258. licenses:
  259. - GPL3
  260. info: A game and editing tool that lets you create custom Legend of Zelda quests - forked from Zelda Classic
  261. added: 2024-06-14
  262. updated: 2024-06-14
  263. images:
  264. - https://zquestclassic.com/img/sotw-785-joel.png
  265. - https://zquestclassic.com/img/sotw-786-architect-abdiel.png
  266. - https://zquestclassic.com/img/sotw-789-moosh.gif
  267. - https://zquestclassic.com/img/sotw-789-russ.png
  268. - https://zquestclassic.com/img/sotw-791-shane.png
  269. - https://zquestclassic.com/img/sotw-792-architect-abdiel.png
  270. - https://zquestclassic.com/img/sotw-793-joel.png
  271. - name: Zod Engine
  272. images:
  273. - https://zod.sourceforge.net/screenshots/gameplay_13.png
  274. licenses:
  275. - GPL3
  276. langs:
  277. - C++
  278. frameworks:
  279. - SDL
  280. development: halted
  281. originals:
  282. - Z
  283. status: playable
  284. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/zod/
  285. type: remake
  286. url: https://zod.sourceforge.net/
  287. video:
  288. youtube: 8VehUvuWHqw
  289. added: 2018-10-06
  290. updated: 2024-06-15
  291. - name: zombie apocalypse html5
  292. langs:
  293. - JavaScript
  294. licenses:
  295. - As-is
  296. development: halted
  297. originals:
  298. - Zombie Apocalypse
  299. status: unplayable
  300. repo: https://github.com/andymason/zombie-apocalypse-html5
  301. type: remake
  302. updated: 2015-05-16
  303. - name: zorkClone
  304. langs:
  305. - Java
  306. licenses:
  307. - Apache
  308. development: halted
  309. originals:
  310. - Zork
  311. status: unplayable
  312. repo: https://github.com/vatbub/zorkClone
  313. type: remake
  314. updated: 2015-10-01
  315. - name: zSILENCER
  316. frameworks:
  317. - SDL2
  318. images:
  319. - https://zsilencer.com/ss01.png
  320. - https://zsilencer.com/ss02.png
  321. - https://zsilencer.com/ss03.png
  322. - https://zsilencer.com/ss04.png
  323. langs:
  324. - C++
  325. licenses:
  326. - As-is
  327. development: halted
  328. originals:
  329. - Silencer
  330. repo: https://github.com/zsilencer/zSILENCER
  331. status: playable
  332. type: remake
  333. updated: 2013-09-22
  334. url: https://zsilencer.com
  335. video:
  336. youtube: Tm3vrEoI1Ew
  337. - name: zztgo
  338. type: remake
  339. originals:
  340. - ZZT
  341. repo: https://github.com/benhoyt/zztgo
  342. url: https://benhoyt.com/writings/zzt-in-go/
  343. development: halted
  344. status: semi-playable
  345. langs:
  346. - Go
  347. licenses:
  348. - MIT
  349. updated: 2020-12-15
  350. images:
  351. - https://benhoyt.com/images/zztgo.png