x.yaml 12 KB

  1. - name: 'X-Force: Fight For Destiny'
  2. frameworks:
  3. - Kylix
  4. images:
  5. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/xforceffd/screenshots/33763.jpg
  6. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/xforceffd/screenshots/112433.jpg
  7. langs:
  8. - Delphi
  9. licenses:
  10. - GPL2
  11. development: halted
  12. originals:
  13. - 'X-COM: UFO Defense'
  14. - 'X-COM: Terror from the Deep'
  15. - 'X-COM: Apocalypse'
  16. status: playable
  17. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xforceffd/
  18. type: clone
  19. updated: 2022-05-16
  20. url: http://www.xforce-online.de/
  21. - name: X-Moto
  22. images:
  23. - https://wiki.xmoto.tuxfamily.org/images/f/fb/Screenshot0023.png
  24. - https://wiki.xmoto.tuxfamily.org/images/0/04/Screenshot0005.png
  25. - https://wiki.xmoto.tuxfamily.org/images/d/d8/Screenshot0018.png
  26. - https://wiki.xmoto.tuxfamily.org/images/7/7d/Screenshot0022.png
  27. - https://wiki.xmoto.tuxfamily.org/images/a/a3/Screenshot0020.png
  28. - https://wiki.xmoto.tuxfamily.org/images/f/f5/Screenshot0019.png
  29. langs:
  30. - C++
  31. frameworks:
  32. - SDL2
  33. licenses:
  34. - GPL2
  35. content: open
  36. development: sporadic
  37. originals:
  38. - Elasto Mania
  39. repo: https://github.com/xmoto/xmoto
  40. status: playable
  41. feed: https://github.com/xmoto/xmoto/releases.atom
  42. type: clone
  43. updated: 2023-10-13
  44. url: https://xmoto.tuxfamily.org
  45. - name: X-Settlers
  46. development: halted
  47. images:
  48. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Skarmux/X-Settlers/master/xsettlers/docs/screenshots/xsettlers_textured.png
  49. langs:
  50. - C++
  51. frameworks:
  52. - SDL2
  53. licenses:
  54. - Apache
  55. content: commercial
  56. originals:
  57. - The Settlers III
  58. repo: https://github.com/Skarmux/X-Settlers
  59. type: remake
  60. status: unplayable
  61. updated: 2023-10-15
  62. - name: XArchon
  63. langs:
  64. - C
  65. - C++
  66. frameworks:
  67. - Qt
  68. licenses:
  69. - GPL2
  70. content: open
  71. development: halted
  72. originals:
  73. - 'Archon: The Light and the Dark'
  74. status: playable
  75. repo: http://xarchon.seul.org/xarchon-0.60.tar.gz
  76. type: remake
  77. updated: 2023-01-25
  78. url: http://xarchon.seul.org/
  79. - name: Xargon
  80. originals:
  81. - Xargon
  82. type: remake
  83. repo: 'https://github.com/Malvineous/xargon'
  84. development: halted
  85. status: unplayable
  86. content: free
  87. langs:
  88. - C++
  89. frameworks:
  90. - SDL
  91. licenses:
  92. - GPL3
  93. info: SDL port of the DOS game Xargon
  94. updated: 2023-03-26
  95. images:
  96. - 'https://repo.openpandora.org/files/pnd/xargon_ptitseb/preview3.png'
  97. - name: xBaK
  98. frameworks:
  99. - SDL
  100. images:
  101. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/xbak/screenshots/126405.jpg
  102. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/xbak/screenshots/62665.jpg
  103. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/xbak/screenshots/71372.jpg
  104. langs:
  105. - C++
  106. licenses:
  107. - GPL3
  108. development: halted
  109. originals:
  110. - Betrayal at Krondor
  111. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xbak/
  112. status: playable
  113. type: remake
  114. updated: 2014-08-15
  115. url: https://xbak.sourceforge.net
  116. - name: Xconq
  117. images:
  118. - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Xconq.jpg
  119. - https://sourceware.org/xconq/20000804a.png
  120. - https://sourceware.org/xconq/ww2-bn-utah-beach.gif
  121. - https://sourceware.org/xconq/20000804c.png
  122. - https://sourceware.org/xconq/panzer-attack.gif
  123. - https://sourceware.org/xconq/e50-4.gif
  124. langs:
  125. - C
  126. - C++
  127. licenses:
  128. - GPL2
  129. development: sporadic
  130. originals:
  131. - Empire
  132. repo: https://github.com/brentjohnson/xconq
  133. status: playable
  134. type: similar
  135. updated: 2020-05-19
  136. url: https://sourceware.org/xconq/
  137. - name: xDuke
  138. type: remake
  139. originals:
  140. - Duke Nukem 3D
  141. url: https://vision.gel.ulaval.ca/~klein/duke3d/
  142. development: halted
  143. status: playable
  144. multiplayer:
  145. - LAN
  146. - Online
  147. langs:
  148. - C
  149. licenses:
  150. - Custom
  151. content: commercial
  152. updated: 2020-01-07
  153. images:
  154. - https://vision.gel.ulaval.ca/~klein/duke3d/index_fichiers/image001.jpg
  155. - name: Xenowar
  156. images:
  157. - https://drodin.com/assets/screens/xenowar1.jpg
  158. - https://drodin.com/assets/screens/xenowar2.jpg
  159. - https://drodin.com/assets/screens/xenowar3.jpg
  160. - https://drodin.com/assets/screens/xenowar4.jpg
  161. langs:
  162. - C++
  163. frameworks:
  164. - SDL2
  165. licenses:
  166. - GPL3
  167. development: halted
  168. originals:
  169. - 'X-COM: UFO Defense'
  170. - 'X-COM: Terror from the Deep'
  171. - 'X-COM: Apocalypse'
  172. repo: https://github.com/drodin/xenowar
  173. status: playable
  174. type: clone
  175. updated: 2023-03-26
  176. url: https://drodin.com/xenowar/
  177. - name: xGreed
  178. originals:
  179. - In Pursuit of Greed
  180. type: remake
  181. repo: 'https://github.com/jval1972/xGreed'
  182. url: 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/xgreed/'
  183. development: halted
  184. status: semi-playable
  185. content: free
  186. langs:
  187. - Pascal
  188. licenses:
  189. - As-is
  190. info: >-
  191. based on the original DOS source code and an unfinished source port for
  192. Windows, that was released by the developers of the game.
  193. updated: 2023-10-16
  194. images:
  195. - 'https://i.postimg.cc/ZqXLZTP6/Image17.png'
  196. - 'https://i.postimg.cc/T3797jp7/Image15.png'
  197. - 'https://i.postimg.cc/7L5NpCzx/Image16.png'
  198. - name: xit
  199. langs:
  200. - JavaScript
  201. licenses:
  202. - As-is
  203. development: halted
  204. originals:
  205. - X-It
  206. status: playable
  207. repo: https://github.com/qfel13/xit
  208. url: https://qfel13.pl/xit/
  209. type: remake
  210. updated: 2022-10-17
  211. - name: XL Engine
  212. images:
  213. - https://darkxl.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/dxl_b9_4d11d6f6.png
  214. - https://darkxl.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/dxl_bloodps_11.png
  215. - https://darkxl.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/dxl_harkov1.jpg
  216. - https://darkxl.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/dxl_tarsalus9.jpg
  217. langs:
  218. - C++
  219. frameworks:
  220. - SDL2
  221. - OpenGL
  222. licenses:
  223. - As-is
  224. info: >-
  225. Only Dark Forces and Daggerfall were supported by public builds. The original project has been superseded by The Force Engine by the original developer
  226. development: halted
  227. originals:
  228. - Dark Forces
  229. - Blood
  230. - Outlaws
  231. - Shadow Warrior
  232. - 'The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall'
  233. status: semi-playable
  234. repo: https://github.com/Mindwerks/XLEngine
  235. type: remake
  236. updated: 2023-02-06
  237. - name: XMage
  238. langs:
  239. - Java
  240. licenses:
  241. - MIT
  242. development: very active
  243. originals:
  244. - 'Magic: The Gathering Online'
  245. repo: https://github.com/magefree/mage
  246. status: playable
  247. type: clone
  248. url: http://xmage.today
  249. updated: 2023-03-26
  250. images:
  251. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8344157/131311065-b77cb24f-9b10-4265-a61f-69d304040da0.png
  252. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8344157/117028249-940d9e80-ad0e-11eb-84da-70fdbe41e0f2.png
  253. - name: Xonotic
  254. images:
  255. - https://xonotic.org/m/uploads/2011/09/stormkeep-keyhunt-3.jpg
  256. - https://xonotic.org/m/uploads/2011/09/stormkeep-keyhunt-2.jpg
  257. - https://xonotic.org/m/uploads/2011/09/stormkeep-keyhunt-1.jpg
  258. - https://xonotic.org/m/uploads/2011/09/stormkeep-dm.jpg
  259. langs:
  260. - C
  261. frameworks:
  262. - SDL2
  263. licenses:
  264. - GPL3
  265. content: open
  266. development: active
  267. originals:
  268. - Nexuiz
  269. repo: https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic
  270. status: playable
  271. type: clone
  272. updated: 2023-03-26
  273. url: https://xonotic.org
  274. video:
  275. youtube: 9ufjRoidV_E
  276. - name: XorCurses
  277. images:
  278. - https://inconsolation.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/2012-12-28-solo-2150-xorcurses.png
  279. - https://i0.wp.com/www.linuxlinks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Screenshot-XorCurses.jpg?resize=500%2C441&ssl=1
  280. - https://happypenguin.altervista.org/screenshots/xorcurses-0.0.8-menu-xterm.png
  281. langs:
  282. - C
  283. frameworks:
  284. - ncurses
  285. licenses:
  286. - GPL3
  287. content: open
  288. development: complete
  289. originals:
  290. - XOR
  291. status: playable
  292. repo: https://github.com/jwm-art-net/XorCurses
  293. type: clone
  294. updated: 2021-06-29
  295. video:
  296. youtube: B6XUdqFsY14
  297. - name: xoreos
  298. development: active
  299. frameworks:
  300. - OpenGL
  301. - SDL2
  302. images:
  303. - https://xoreos.org/images/NWN_20130528T054618.png
  304. langs:
  305. - C++
  306. licenses:
  307. - GPL3
  308. content: commercial
  309. originals:
  310. - Neverwinter Nights
  311. - Neverwinter Nights 2
  312. - 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic'
  313. - "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II \u2013 The Sith Lords"
  314. - Jade Empire
  315. - 'Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood'
  316. - The Witcher
  317. - 'Dragon Age: Origins'
  318. - Dragon Age II
  319. repo: https://github.com/xoreos/xoreos
  320. status: unplayable
  321. type: remake
  322. updated: 2016-10-14
  323. url: https://xoreos.org/
  324. video:
  325. youtube: _EZRvDIB7wI
  326. - name: XPilot NG
  327. images:
  328. - https://xpilot.sourceforge.net/shots/polybloods1.png
  329. - https://xpilot.sourceforge.net/shots/xpilot_sdl.png
  330. - https://xpilot.sourceforge.net/shots/fishtank.png
  331. - https://xpilot.sourceforge.net/shots/dragon.png
  332. - https://xpilot.sourceforge.net/shots/spaceball.png
  333. langs:
  334. - C
  335. frameworks:
  336. - SDL
  337. licenses:
  338. - GPL2
  339. development: halted
  340. originals:
  341. - XPilot
  342. status: playable
  343. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xpilot/
  344. type: remake
  345. updated: 2022-02-04
  346. url: https://xpilot.sourceforge.net
  347. - name: XQuest 2
  348. images:
  349. - https://homeoftheunderdogs.net/games/x/xquest2/xquest2.jpg
  350. langs:
  351. - Pascal
  352. licenses:
  353. - Custom
  354. originals:
  355. - XQuest
  356. status: playable
  357. type: remake
  358. updated: 2023-02-07
  359. url: http://www.swallowtail.org/xquest/
  360. development: complete
  361. video:
  362. youtube: 1QikgNT44-E
  363. - name: xrick
  364. langs:
  365. - C
  366. licenses:
  367. - GPL2
  368. development: halted
  369. originals:
  370. - Rick Dangerous
  371. status: playable
  372. type: remake
  373. updated: 2023-03-26
  374. url: https://www.bigorno.net/xrick/
  375. images:
  376. - https://www.bigorno.net/xrick/shot01.gif
  377. - https://www.bigorno.net/xrick/shot02.gif
  378. - https://www.bigorno.net/xrick/shot03.gif
  379. - https://www.bigorno.net/xrick/shot04.gif
  380. - https://www.bigorno.net/xrick/shot05.gif
  381. - name: XScavenger
  382. images:
  383. - https://www.linuxmotors.com/linux/scavenger/scav.gif
  384. langs:
  385. - C
  386. licenses:
  387. - GPL2
  388. development: halted
  389. originals:
  390. - Lode Runner
  391. status: playable
  392. type: remake
  393. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sdlscavenger/
  394. updated: 2020-08-25
  395. url: https://www.linuxmotors.com/linux/scavenger/index.html
  396. - name: XSwing Plus
  397. langs:
  398. - Java
  399. frameworks:
  400. - LWJGL
  401. - Slick2D
  402. licenses:
  403. - MIT
  404. content: open
  405. development: sporadic
  406. originals:
  407. - Swing
  408. status: playable
  409. repo: https://github.com/TobseF/XSwing-Plus
  410. type: remake
  411. updated: 2023-10-17
  412. url: https://xswing.net
  413. images:
  414. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/xswingplus/screenshots/258322.jpg/max/max/1
  415. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/xswingplus/screenshots/195990.jpg/max/max/1
  416. video:
  417. youtube: cLm7sDkO8Z8
  418. - name: TheXTech
  419. originals:
  420. - Super Mario
  421. type: clone
  422. repo: 'https://github.com/Wohlstand/TheXTech'
  423. url: https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/
  424. development: very active
  425. status: playable
  426. multiplayer:
  427. - Competitive
  428. - Local
  429. - Split-screen
  430. - Co-op
  431. content: free
  432. langs:
  433. - C++
  434. frameworks:
  435. - SDL2
  436. licenses:
  437. - GPL3
  438. info: Port of Super Mario Bros X fangame from Visual Basic 6 to C++
  439. updated: '2023-01-14'
  440. images:
  441. - https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/screenshots_new/smbx-1.png
  442. - https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/screenshots_new/smbx-2.gif
  443. - https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/screenshots_new/a2xt-ep1-1.png
  444. - https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/screenshots_new/a2xt-ep1-2.gif
  445. - https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/screenshots_new/a2xt-ep1-4.gif
  446. - https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/screenshots_new/a2xt-ep1-3.gif
  447. - https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/screenshots_new/a2xt-ep1-5.gif
  448. - https://wohlsoft.ru/projects/TheXTech/screenshots_new/a2xt-ep1-6.gif
  449. video:
  450. youtube: q7KD23sv1FM
  451. - name: xu4
  452. images:
  453. - 'https://xu4.sourceforge.net/images/intro1-vu.png'
  454. - 'https://xu4.sourceforge.net/images/forest.png'
  455. - 'https://xu4.sourceforge.net/images/codex.png'
  456. langs:
  457. - C++
  458. licenses:
  459. - GPL2
  460. content: free
  461. development: active
  462. originals:
  463. - Ultima IV
  464. status: playable
  465. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xu4/
  466. type: remake
  467. url: https://xu4.sourceforge.net/
  468. updated: 2022-12-17
  469. - name: Xye
  470. images:
  471. - https://xye.sourceforge.net/screens/s1.png
  472. - https://xye.sourceforge.net/screens/s10.png
  473. - https://xye.sourceforge.net/screens/s6.png
  474. - https://xye.sourceforge.net/screens/s7.png
  475. - https://xye.sourceforge.net/screens/s8.png
  476. - https://xye.sourceforge.net/screens/s9.png
  477. langs:
  478. - C++
  479. licenses:
  480. - Zlib
  481. development: halted
  482. status: playable
  483. originals:
  484. - Kye
  485. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xye/
  486. feed: http://xyegame.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
  487. type: clone
  488. url: https://xye.sourceforge.net
  489. updated: 2020-06-26