p.yaml 28 KB

  1. - name: Pac Go
  2. originals:
  3. - Pac-Man
  4. type: clone
  5. repo: https://github.com/danicat/pacgo
  6. development: halted
  7. status: playable
  8. content: open
  9. langs:
  10. - Go
  11. licenses:
  12. - MIT
  13. updated: 2024-03-06
  14. images:
  15. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danicat/pacgo/master/screenshot.jpg
  16. - name: pacman
  17. langs:
  18. - JavaScript
  19. licenses:
  20. - WTFPL
  21. development: halted
  22. originals:
  23. - Pac-Man
  24. status: playable
  25. repo: https://github.com/daleharvey/pacman
  26. type: remake
  27. updated: 2015-05-19
  28. - name: pacman (harto)
  29. langs:
  30. - JavaScript
  31. licenses:
  32. - As-is
  33. content: free
  34. development: complete
  35. originals:
  36. - Pac-Man
  37. repo: https://github.com/harto/pacman
  38. type: remake
  39. added: 2015-05-19
  40. updated: 2024-09-13
  41. status: playable
  42. url: https://harto.github.io/pacman/
  43. - name: pacman-canvas
  44. images:
  45. - https://pacman.platzh1rsch.ch/img/instructions/instructions_scatter.PNG
  46. - https://pacman.platzh1rsch.ch/img/instructions/instructions_chase.PNG
  47. - https://pacman.platzh1rsch.ch/img/instructions/instructions_powerpill.PNG
  48. langs:
  49. - JavaScript
  50. licenses:
  51. - CC0
  52. content: free
  53. development: halted
  54. originals:
  55. - Pac-Man
  56. status: playable
  57. repo: https://github.com/platzhersh/pacman-canvas
  58. type: remake
  59. updated: 2024-03-07
  60. url: https://pacman.platzh1rsch.ch/
  61. - name: Pacman Canvas Next
  62. originals:
  63. - Pac-Man
  64. type: remake
  65. repo: 'https://github.com/platzhersh/pacman-canvas-next'
  66. development: sporadic
  67. status: unplayable
  68. content: free
  69. langs:
  70. - TypeScript
  71. licenses:
  72. - MIT
  73. info: continuation of pacman-canvas-next
  74. updated: '2024-03-10'
  75. - name: pacman (Rust)
  76. originals:
  77. - Pac-Man
  78. type: clone
  79. repo: 'https://github.com/denix666/pacman'
  80. development: complete
  81. status: playable
  82. langs:
  83. - Rust
  84. licenses:
  85. - MIT
  86. content: free
  87. added: 2024-09-13
  88. updated: 2024-09-13
  89. images:
  90. - https://github.com/denix666/pacman/blob/main/screenshots/screenshot.png
  91. - name: Pacman 吃豆游戏
  92. originals:
  93. - Pac-Man
  94. type: remake
  95. repo: 'https://github.com/mumuy/pacman'
  96. url: 'https://passer-by.com/pacman/'
  97. development: sporadic
  98. status: playable
  99. content: open
  100. langs:
  101. - JavaScript
  102. licenses:
  103. - MIT
  104. info: Pacman based on HTML5
  105. updated: 2024-03-08
  106. images:
  107. - 'https://inews.gtimg.com/newsapp_bt/0/13183252358/1000'
  108. - name: Panel Attack
  109. frameworks:
  110. - LÖVE
  111. langs:
  112. - Lua
  113. licenses:
  114. - Zlib
  115. multiplayer:
  116. - Local
  117. - Online
  118. - Split-screen
  119. development: active
  120. originals:
  121. - Tetris Attack
  122. repo: https://github.com/panel-attack/panel-attack
  123. url: http://panelattack.com/
  124. status: playable
  125. type: remake
  126. updated: 2023-11-16
  127. video:
  128. youtube: lm5zW5yPsr0
  129. - name: Pang Zero
  130. images:
  131. - https://apocalypse.rulez.org/kozosfiles/upipang11/version_1.0.jpg
  132. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/pangzero/screenshots/102928.jpg/max/max/1
  133. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/pangzero/screenshots/101037.jpg/max/max/1
  134. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/pangzero/screenshots/101035.jpg/max/max/1
  135. langs:
  136. - Perl
  137. frameworks:
  138. - SDL
  139. licenses:
  140. - GPL2
  141. development: halted
  142. originals:
  143. - Buster Bros
  144. status: playable
  145. multiplayer:
  146. - Local
  147. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pangzero/
  148. type: remake
  149. updated: 2023-01-20
  150. url: https://apocalypse.rulez.org/kozos/UpiPangBlog
  151. video:
  152. youtube: oWfEp_d3EeU
  153. - name: Paper Isaac
  154. type: clone
  155. originals:
  156. - The Binding of Isaac
  157. repo: https://github.com/fasterthanlime/isaac-paper
  158. url: https://amos.me/games/paper-isaac/
  159. development: halted
  160. status: playable
  161. langs:
  162. - ooc
  163. licenses:
  164. - MIT
  165. content: open
  166. updated: 2019-05-23
  167. images:
  168. - https://amos.me/img/paperisaac-shot.png
  169. video:
  170. youtube: m2Rw_1OFSho
  171. - name: Paratrooper
  172. originals:
  173. - Paratrooper
  174. type: clone
  175. status: playable
  176. repo: https://github.com/denix666/paratrooper
  177. feed: https://github.com/denix666/paratrooper/releases.atom
  178. development: sporadic
  179. langs:
  180. - Rust
  181. frameworks:
  182. - macroquad
  183. licenses:
  184. - MIT
  185. content: open
  186. updated: 2024-02-25
  187. images:
  188. - https://github.com/denix666/paratrooper/blob/main/screenshots/clone.png?raw=true
  189. - name: PARPG
  190. images:
  191. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/parpg/screenshots/286275.jpg
  192. langs:
  193. - Python
  194. - C++
  195. licenses:
  196. - GPL3
  197. - CC-BY-SA
  198. development: halted
  199. originals:
  200. - Fallout 2
  201. status: unplayable
  202. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/parpg/
  203. type: remake
  204. updated: 2023-01-20
  205. video:
  206. youtube: WaVqYqA5Vv0
  207. - name: Pathological
  208. images:
  209. - https://taufanlubis.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/linux-game-pathological.png
  210. langs:
  211. - Python
  212. frameworks:
  213. - pygame
  214. licenses:
  215. - GPL2
  216. development: halted
  217. originals:
  218. - Log!cal
  219. status: playable
  220. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pathological/
  221. type: remake
  222. updated: 2022-07-28
  223. url: https://pathological.sourceforge.net/
  224. - name: PCExhumed
  225. type: remake
  226. originals:
  227. - Powerslave
  228. repo: https://github.com/nukeykt/NBlood
  229. url: https://pcex.retrohost.net/
  230. development: very active
  231. status: playable
  232. langs:
  233. - C++
  234. frameworks:
  235. - SDL
  236. - SDL2
  237. - OpenGL
  238. licenses:
  239. - Custom
  240. content: commercial
  241. info: 'PC version, based on EDuke32'
  242. updated: 2020-01-10
  243. video:
  244. youtube: g6HaMv6FYvE
  245. - name: Pendomotion
  246. frameworks:
  247. - pygame
  248. langs:
  249. - Python
  250. licenses:
  251. - As-is
  252. development: halted
  253. originals:
  254. - Locomotion (Amiga 1992)
  255. status: unplayable
  256. repo: https://github.com/Pafycio/Pendomotion
  257. type: remake
  258. updated: 2015-07-14
  259. - name: 'Penumbra: Overture'
  260. originals:
  261. - 'Penumbra: Overture'
  262. type: official
  263. repo: 'https://github.com/FrictionalGames/PenumbraOverture'
  264. url: 'http://www.penumbragame.com'
  265. development: complete
  266. status: playable
  267. content: commercial
  268. langs:
  269. - C++
  270. licenses:
  271. - GPL3
  272. updated: '2023-09-20'
  273. - name: Performous
  274. langs:
  275. - C++
  276. licenses:
  277. - GPL2
  278. development: active
  279. originals:
  280. - Dance Dance Revolution
  281. - Guitar Hero
  282. - SingStar
  283. repo: https://github.com/performous/performous
  284. status: playable
  285. type: clone
  286. updated: 2014-09-19
  287. url: https://performous.org/
  288. video:
  289. youtube: soYIbsVmcyU
  290. - name: Perimeter
  291. originals:
  292. - Perimeter
  293. type: official
  294. repo: 'https://github.com/KD-lab-Open-Source/Perimeter'
  295. url: 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/289440/Perimeter/'
  296. feed: 'https://github.com/KD-lab-Open-Source/Perimeter/releases.atom'
  297. development: very active
  298. multiplayer:
  299. - Competitive
  300. - Online
  301. content: commercial
  302. langs:
  303. - C++
  304. frameworks:
  305. - SDL2
  306. licenses:
  307. - GPL3
  308. added: '2024-06-01'
  309. updated: '2024-06-01'
  310. video:
  311. youtube: '-lrTdw7DSKc'
  312. - name: Phantasy
  313. langs:
  314. - Java
  315. licenses:
  316. - As-is
  317. development: halted
  318. info: DEPRECATED Use JLud2D instead
  319. originals:
  320. - Phantasy Star
  321. status: unplayable
  322. repo: https://github.com/rafael-esper/Phantasy
  323. type: remake
  324. updated: 2015-05-28
  325. - name: Phavon
  326. images:
  327. - https://www.happypenguin.altervista.org/screenshots/snap001.jpg
  328. langs:
  329. - C
  330. frameworks:
  331. - SDL
  332. licenses:
  333. - GPL2
  334. content: commercial
  335. development: halted
  336. originals:
  337. - Xenon 2 Megablast
  338. status: semi-playable
  339. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/phavon/
  340. type: remake
  341. updated: 2022-07-18
  342. url: https://phavon.sourceforge.net/
  343. - name: Phoenix
  344. langs:
  345. - Java
  346. licenses:
  347. - As-is
  348. content: commercial
  349. development: halted
  350. originals:
  351. - Emperor of the Fading Suns
  352. status: semi-playable
  353. repo: https://github.com/joulupunikki/Phoenix
  354. url: https://joulupunikki.github.io/Phoenix/
  355. type: remake
  356. info: an exe replacement using java
  357. updated: 2022-11-11
  358. video:
  359. youtube: -5CJ0Of43C8
  360. - name: Pingus
  361. development: sporadic
  362. frameworks:
  363. - SDL2
  364. images:
  365. - https://pingus.seul.org/images/screen_0.7.0-3.jpg
  366. - https://pingus.seul.org/images/screen_0.7.0-4.jpg
  367. langs:
  368. - C++
  369. licenses:
  370. - GPL3
  371. content: open
  372. originals:
  373. - Lemmings
  374. repo: https://github.com/Pingus/pingus
  375. status: playable
  376. type: clone
  377. updated: 2023-10-08
  378. url: https://pingus.seul.org
  379. - name: Pink Pony
  380. type: clone
  381. originals:
  382. - Tron
  383. repo: https://github.com/ginkgo/pink-pony
  384. url: https://ginkgo.github.io/pink-pony/
  385. development: halted
  386. status: playable
  387. multiplayer:
  388. - Split-screen
  389. langs:
  390. - C++
  391. licenses:
  392. - GPL3
  393. content: open
  394. updated: 2019-06-11
  395. images:
  396. - https://ginkgo.github.io/pink-pony/pinkpony1.jpg
  397. - https://ginkgo.github.io/pink-pony/pinkpony2.jpg
  398. video:
  399. youtube: g3wy1Nh8-KA
  400. - name: Pioneer
  401. images:
  402. - https://pioneerspacesim.net//carousel/new-hope.jpg
  403. - https://pioneerspacesim.net//carousel/mars-high.jpg
  404. - https://pioneerspacesim.net//carousel/in-flight.jpg
  405. - https://pioneerspacesim.net//carousel/gas-giant.jpg
  406. langs:
  407. - C++
  408. - C
  409. - Lua
  410. licenses:
  411. - GPL3
  412. development: active
  413. originals:
  414. - Elite II
  415. repo: https://github.com/pioneerspacesim/pioneer
  416. status: playable
  417. type: clone
  418. updated: 2020-08-25
  419. url: https://pioneerspacesim.net/
  420. video:
  421. vimeo: 78452479
  422. - name: Pipemania
  423. frameworks:
  424. - LÖVE
  425. langs:
  426. - Lua
  427. licenses:
  428. - As-is
  429. development: halted
  430. originals:
  431. - Pipe Mania
  432. status: unplayable
  433. repo: https://github.com/zbiq13/Pipemania
  434. type: remake
  435. updated: 2015-06-01
  436. - name: Pipe Puzzle
  437. originals:
  438. - Pipe Mania
  439. type: clone
  440. repo: 'https://github.com/tassaron/pipe-puzzle'
  441. url: 'https://rainey.tech/game/pipe-puzzle'
  442. development: complete
  443. status: playable
  444. content: open
  445. langs:
  446. - JavaScript
  447. frameworks:
  448. - PixiJS
  449. licenses:
  450. - MIT
  451. updated: '2023-07-14'
  452. images:
  453. - 'https://github.com/tassaron/pipe-puzzle'
  454. - name: Pizza Business
  455. images:
  456. - https://pizza-business.sourceforge.net/gtk1.png
  457. - https://pizza-business.sourceforge.net/screenshot1.png
  458. - https://pizza-business.sourceforge.net/screenshot5.png
  459. langs:
  460. - C++
  461. licenses:
  462. - GPL2
  463. development: halted
  464. originals:
  465. - Pizza Tycoon
  466. status: playable
  467. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pizza-business/
  468. type: clone
  469. updated: 2021-11-22
  470. url: https://pizza-business.sourceforge.net/
  471. - name: Planet Lander
  472. originals:
  473. - Lunar Lander
  474. type: clone
  475. repo: https://github.com/PeiP-2018-Work-Nantes-DUT-INFO/Planet-Lander-Lunar-Lander-with-Pygame
  476. development: halted
  477. status: playable
  478. content: free
  479. langs:
  480. - Python
  481. frameworks:
  482. - pygame
  483. licenses:
  484. - MIT
  485. updated: 2024-03-12
  486. images:
  487. - >-
  488. https://github.com/maxerbox/Planet-Lander-with-pygame/raw/master/media/media/intro.png
  489. - >-
  490. https://github.com/maxerbox/Planet-Lander-with-pygame/raw/master/media/media/ai.png
  491. - >-
  492. https://github.com/maxerbox/Planet-Lander-with-pygame/raw/master/media/media/credit.png
  493. - name: Poink
  494. originals:
  495. - Poing
  496. type: clone
  497. repo: https://github.com/moechofe/lowresnx-poink
  498. development: complete
  499. status: playable
  500. langs:
  501. - BASIC
  502. - C
  503. frameworks:
  504. - LowRes NX
  505. - SDL2
  506. licenses:
  507. - MIT
  508. images:
  509. - https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMTQ3MDk4NS84NTc5OTYyLnBuZw==/347x500/fB5MnS.png
  510. - https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMTQ3MDk4NS84NTc5OTU4LnBuZw==/original/15vLWn.png
  511. - https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMTQ3MDk4NS84NTc5OTU5LnBuZw==/347x500/dubQhw.png
  512. video:
  513. youtube: gSGI31Mpeak
  514. updated: 2023-05-20
  515. - name: PokeTraveler
  516. originals:
  517. - Pokémon Gold
  518. type: similar
  519. repo: 'https://github.com/pokemium/PokeTraveler'
  520. development: halted
  521. status: semi-playable
  522. content: commercial
  523. langs:
  524. - Go
  525. licenses:
  526. - As-is
  527. info: A game that just roams the world of Pokemon GSC.
  528. updated: 2024-03-13
  529. images:
  530. - 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pokemium/PokeTraveler/master/docs/demo.png'
  531. - 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pokemium/PokeTraveler/master/docs/demo2.png'
  532. - 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pokemium/PokeTraveler/master/docs/demo3.png'
  533. - 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pokemium/PokeTraveler/master/docs/demo4.png'
  534. - name: Prepare Carefully
  535. originals:
  536. - RimWorld
  537. type: tool
  538. repo: 'https://github.com/edbmods/EdBPrepareCarefully'
  539. feed: 'https://github.com/edbmods/EdBPrepareCarefully/releases.atom'
  540. development: sporadic
  541. content: commercial
  542. langs:
  543. - 'C#'
  544. frameworks:
  545. - .NET
  546. licenses:
  547. - MIT
  548. info: >-
  549. The Prepare Carefully mod allows you to customize your RimWorld colonists,
  550. choose your gear and prepare for your crash landing!
  551. updated: '2020-01-13'
  552. images:
  553. - >-
  554. https://rimworldbase.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Prepare-Carefully-Mod-3.jpg
  555. - >-
  556. https://rimworldbase.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Prepare-Carefully-Mod-2.jpg
  557. - >-
  558. https://rimworldbase.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Prepare-Carefully-Mod-1.jpg
  559. - >-
  560. https://rimworldbase.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Prepare-Carefully-Mod-4.jpg
  561. - name: Prince of Persia (JS) - princejs.com
  562. originals:
  563. - Prince of Persia
  564. type: remake
  565. repo: 'https://github.com/oklemenz/PrinceJS'
  566. url: 'https://princejs.com/'
  567. feed: 'https://github.com/oklemenz/PrinceJS/releases.atom'
  568. development: sporadic
  569. status: playable
  570. content: free
  571. langs:
  572. - JavaScript
  573. frameworks:
  574. - Phaser
  575. licenses:
  576. - Unlicense
  577. info: >-
  578. Prince of Persia reimplementation written in HTML5 / JavaScript (MS-DOS
  579. version)
  580. updated: 2024-03-15
  581. images:
  582. - 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FI6xwpnX0Acf6Lt?format=jpg&name=4096x4096'
  583. - name: Prince-Monogame
  584. originals:
  585. - Prince of Persia 2
  586. langs:
  587. - C#
  588. frameworks:
  589. - MonoGame
  590. - OpenGL
  591. - OpenTK
  592. - SDL2
  593. licenses:
  594. - GPL2
  595. development: halted
  596. status: playable
  597. repo: https://github.com/salvadorc17/Prince-Monogame
  598. feed: https://github.com/salvadorc17/Prince-Monogame/releases.atom
  599. type: remake
  600. updated: 2024-03-16
  601. images:
  602. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/salvadorc17/Prince-Monogame/master/preview.png
  603. - name: Project Alice
  604. images:
  605. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/schombert/Project-Alice/main/docs/Devlogs/2023-12/images/gfm.png
  606. langs:
  607. - C++
  608. licenses:
  609. - GPL3
  610. development: active
  611. originals:
  612. - Victoria II
  613. repo: https://github.com/schombert/Project-Alice
  614. status: playable
  615. type: remake
  616. updated: 2024-04-19
  617. url: https://schombert.github.io/Project-Alice/
  618. - name: Project-Uranium-Godot
  619. originals:
  620. - Pokémon Uranium
  621. type: remake
  622. repo: 'https://github.com/acedogblast/Project-Uranium-Godot'
  623. development: halted
  624. status: unplayable
  625. content: free
  626. langs:
  627. - GDScript
  628. frameworks:
  629. - Godot
  630. licenses:
  631. - MIT
  632. info: A work in progress re-implementation of the game Pokemon Uranium in the Godot Engine.
  633. updated: 2024-03-17
  634. video:
  635. youtube: jIErfbevFOM
  636. - name: Project Porcupine
  637. originals:
  638. - Dwarf Fortress
  639. - RimWorld
  640. type: similar
  641. repo: 'https://github.com/OrderOfThePorcupine/ProjectPorcupine'
  642. development: halted
  643. status: unplayable
  644. content: free
  645. langs:
  646. - 'C#'
  647. frameworks:
  648. - Unity
  649. licenses:
  650. - CC-BY-NC-SA
  651. - GPL3
  652. updated: '2022-05-29'
  653. images:
  654. - >-
  655. https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22880786/19826387/7ad0f0d2-9dd4-11e6-92f3-eb47b395ac63.png
  656. video:
  657. youtube: mVzuBIBCL5o
  658. - name: Pokémon Polished Crystal
  659. originals:
  660. - Pokémon Gold
  661. status: playable
  662. type: remake
  663. repo: 'https://github.com/Rangi42/polishedcrystal'
  664. url: 'https://hax.iimarckus.org/topic/6874/'
  665. feed: 'https://github.com/Rangi42/polishedcrystal/releases.atom'
  666. development: active
  667. content: commercial
  668. langs:
  669. - Assembly
  670. licenses:
  671. - As-is
  672. info: >-
  673. An upgrade to Pokémon Crystal. Brings features and content up to date, and
  674. adds some original content.
  675. updated: '2021-10-21'
  676. images:
  677. - >-
  678. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rangi42/polishedcrystal/master/screenshots/title-screen.png
  679. - >-
  680. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rangi42/polishedcrystal/master/screenshots/running-shoes.png
  681. - >-
  682. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rangi42/polishedcrystal/master/screenshots/town-map.png
  683. video:
  684. youtube: d9Zsukb9EKY
  685. - name: POSTAL 1 Open Source
  686. originals:
  687. - Postal
  688. type: remake
  689. repo: https://github.com/Oniryck/POSTAL-1-Open-Source
  690. development: halted
  691. status: playable
  692. content: commercial
  693. langs:
  694. - C++
  695. frameworks:
  696. - SDL2
  697. licenses:
  698. - GPL2
  699. info: POSTAL 1 source code
  700. updated: 2024-03-18
  701. images:
  702. - https://runningwithscissors.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/p1_screen_02-300x225.png
  703. - name: The Powder Toy
  704. originals:
  705. - Powder Game
  706. type: clone
  707. repo: https://github.com/The-Powder-Toy/The-Powder-Toy
  708. feed: https://github.com/The-Powder-Toy/The-Powder-Toy/releases.atom
  709. url: https://powdertoy.co.uk/
  710. development: very active
  711. status: playable
  712. content: open
  713. langs:
  714. - C++
  715. frameworks:
  716. - SDL2
  717. licenses:
  718. - GPL3
  719. updated: 2024-03-19
  720. images:
  721. - https://powdertoy.co.uk/Themes/Next/Design/Images/Screen3.png
  722. - https://powdertoy.co.uk/Themes/Next/Design/Images/Screen2.png
  723. - https://powdertoy.co.uk/Themes/Next/Design/Images/Screen1.png
  724. video:
  725. youtube: QKfwYOg1yog
  726. - name: PowerslaveGDX
  727. originals:
  728. - Powerslave
  729. type: remake
  730. repo: 'https://gitlab.com/m210/PowerslaveGDX'
  731. url: 'https://m210.duke4.net/'
  732. development: sporadic
  733. status: playable
  734. content: commercial
  735. langs:
  736. - Java
  737. frameworks:
  738. - libGDX
  739. licenses:
  740. - Custom
  741. info: PC version (BUILD engine based)
  742. updated: 2024-03-20
  743. video:
  744. youtube: wRmQHJnAPac
  745. - name: Powerslave EX
  746. originals:
  747. - Powerslave
  748. repo: https://github.com/svkaiser/PowerslaveEX
  749. url: https://powerslaveex.wordpress.com/
  750. development: halted
  751. status: playable
  752. content: commercial
  753. licenses:
  754. - GPL3
  755. type: remake
  756. updated: 2020-01-05
  757. info: Remake of the PlayStation version of the game
  758. frameworks:
  759. - SDL2
  760. langs:
  761. - C++
  762. video:
  763. youtube: -zZYsNvPwEA
  764. - name: Powerslide remake
  765. originals:
  766. - Powerslide
  767. type: remake
  768. repo: https://github.com/dm999/powerslideremake
  769. url: https://www.moddb.com/mods/powerslideremake
  770. feed: https://rss.moddb.com/mods/powerslideremake/articles/feed/rss.xml
  771. development: sporadic
  772. status: semi-playable
  773. content: commercial
  774. langs:
  775. - C++
  776. frameworks:
  777. - OGRE
  778. - SFML
  779. licenses:
  780. - MIT
  781. updated: 2024-03-21
  782. multiplayer:
  783. - Competitive
  784. - Online
  785. images:
  786. - https://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/42/41287/thumb_620x2000/02.jpg
  787. - https://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/42/41287/thumb_620x2000/04.jpg
  788. - https://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/42/41287/thumb_620x2000/01.jpg
  789. video:
  790. moddb: 2035338
  791. - name: pq2
  792. frameworks:
  793. - ncurses
  794. - Qt
  795. langs:
  796. - C++
  797. licenses:
  798. - GPL3
  799. development: halted
  800. originals:
  801. - Progress Quest
  802. status: semi-playable
  803. repo: https://github.com/nbollom/pq2
  804. type: remake
  805. updated: 2022-12-21
  806. - name: PrBoom+
  807. images:
  808. - https://sourceforge.net/p/prboom-plus/screenshot/222124.jpg
  809. langs:
  810. - C
  811. licenses:
  812. - GPL2
  813. development: halted
  814. originals:
  815. - Doom
  816. - Heretic
  817. - Hexen
  818. frameworks:
  819. - SDL2
  820. status: playable
  821. repo: https://github.com/coelckers/prboom-plus
  822. type: remake
  823. url: https://prboom-plus.sourceforge.net/
  824. updated: 2024-03-22
  825. - name: Prince of Persia Apple II
  826. originals:
  827. - Prince of Persia
  828. type: official
  829. repo: 'https://github.com/jmechner/Prince-of-Persia-Apple-II'
  830. url: https://www.jordanmechner.com/books/journals
  831. development: complete
  832. status: playable
  833. content: commercial
  834. langs:
  835. - Assembly
  836. licenses:
  837. - As-is
  838. updated: '2022-06-18'
  839. video:
  840. youtube: Jbk5qH2-1S8
  841. - name: Privateer - Gemini Gold
  842. images:
  843. - https://privateer.sourceforge.net/images/screenshot-3-perry-superbase-landing-pad.png
  844. - https://privateer.sourceforge.net/images/screenshot-1-approaching-planet-under-attack.png
  845. - https://privateer.sourceforge.net/images/screenshot-4-merchant-guild-room.png
  846. - https://privateer.sourceforge.net/images/screenshot-5-kilrathi-gothri-explosion.png
  847. langs:
  848. - C++
  849. licenses:
  850. - GPL2
  851. development: halted
  852. originals:
  853. - 'Wing Commander: Privateer'
  854. status: playable
  855. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/privateer/
  856. type: remake
  857. url: https://privateer.sourceforge.net/
  858. updated: 2023-01-10
  859. video:
  860. youtube: OtjV-rXNKjk
  861. - name: progress-quest
  862. frameworks:
  863. - Qt
  864. info: More or less feature parity with the original, saving/loading/etc. works.
  865. langs:
  866. - C++
  867. licenses:
  868. - MIT
  869. development: halted
  870. originals:
  871. - Progress Quest
  872. status: unplayable
  873. repo: https://github.com/sandsmark/progress-quest
  874. type: remake
  875. updated: 2023-01-20
  876. - name: Project Carrot
  877. frameworks:
  878. - Qt
  879. - SFML
  880. info: Needs original game data
  881. langs:
  882. - C++
  883. licenses:
  884. - MIT
  885. development: halted
  886. originals:
  887. - Jazz Jackrabbit 2
  888. repo: https://github.com/soulweaver91/project-carrot
  889. status: semi-playable
  890. type: remake
  891. updated: 2024-03-23
  892. url: https://carrot.soulweaver.fi/
  893. images:
  894. - https://carrot.soulweaver.fi/assets/screen1.png
  895. video:
  896. youtube: dQqU2YRLoqU
  897. - name: Project Dollhouse
  898. frameworks:
  899. - MonoGame
  900. langs:
  901. - C#
  902. licenses:
  903. - MPL
  904. development: sporadic
  905. originals:
  906. - The Sims Online
  907. status: semi-playable
  908. repo: https://github.com/Afr0Games/Project-Dollhouse
  909. type: remake
  910. updated: 2021-04-24
  911. video:
  912. youtube: -iNQ-6LHMUs
  913. - name: 'Project: Xenocide'
  914. langs:
  915. - C#
  916. frameworks:
  917. - XNA
  918. licenses:
  919. - MIT
  920. content: commercial
  921. development: halted
  922. originals:
  923. - 'X-COM: UFO Defense'
  924. - 'X-COM: Terror from the Deep'
  925. - 'X-COM: Apocalypse'
  926. status: unplayable
  927. type: clone
  928. updated: 2022-04-23
  929. repo: https://github.com/astyanax/Project-Xenocide
  930. video:
  931. youtube: 0WZ4k61o0Kc
  932. - name: ProjectX
  933. images:
  934. - https://forsakenx.github.io/fsplanet/images/I_ins_koth001.JPG
  935. - https://forsakenx.github.io/fsplanet/images/I_ins_koth006.JPG
  936. - https://forsakenx.github.io/fsplanet/images/I_ins_koth011.JPG
  937. langs:
  938. - C
  939. licenses:
  940. - GPL2
  941. development: halted
  942. originals:
  943. - Forsaken
  944. repo: https://github.com/ForsakenX/forsaken
  945. status: playable
  946. type: remake
  947. updated: 2013-05-29
  948. url: https://forsakenx.github.io/
  949. - name: ProQuake 4
  950. licenses:
  951. - GPL2
  952. content: commercial
  953. langs:
  954. - C
  955. originals:
  956. - Quake
  957. status: playable
  958. development: halted
  959. type: remake
  960. updated: 2021-11-30
  961. url: https://quakeone.com/proquake/
  962. images:
  963. - https://quakeone.com/proquake/media/fitzquake_mark_v.jpg
  964. - https://quakeone.com/~images/news/enginex000.jpg
  965. - https://quakeone.com/proquake/media/undergate.png
  966. - name: proxx
  967. development: complete
  968. images:
  969. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/234957/57080494-8caff680-6cea-11e9-8477-54ea0e1670e2.png
  970. repo: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/proxx
  971. url: https://proxx.app/
  972. licenses:
  973. - Apache
  974. status: playable
  975. frameworks:
  976. - WebGL
  977. langs:
  978. - TypeScript
  979. originals:
  980. - Minesweeper
  981. type: clone
  982. updated: 2019-06-06
  983. - name: PseuWoW
  984. images:
  985. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/6fc54f5f0ce41476adf68c27e767e9975483cdb0/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f313130323639352f3235333934332f37633465663061322d386265362d313165322d386166392d3939633063393635663631612e706e67
  986. info: Can only connect to MaNGOS Servers (FOSS reimplementation of World of Warcraft servers).
  987. langs:
  988. - C
  989. - C++
  990. licenses:
  991. - GPL2
  992. development: halted
  993. originals:
  994. - World of Warcraft
  995. repo: https://github.com/shlainn/pseuwow
  996. status: unplayable
  997. type: remake
  998. updated: 2016-12-08
  999. - name: PsyDoom
  1000. originals:
  1001. - Doom
  1002. type: remake
  1003. repo: 'https://github.com/BodbDearg/PsyDoom'
  1004. development: sporadic
  1005. status: playable
  1006. content: commercial
  1007. langs:
  1008. - C++
  1009. frameworks:
  1010. - SDL2
  1011. - Vulkan
  1012. licenses:
  1013. - GPL3
  1014. info: Port of PlayStation Doom to modern PC platforms
  1015. updated: 2021-12-22
  1016. video:
  1017. youtube: 0miyRHptfeA
  1018. - name: pucpr-ld-mario3
  1019. frameworks:
  1020. - Construct2
  1021. licenses:
  1022. - As-is
  1023. development: halted
  1024. originals:
  1025. - Super Mario
  1026. status: unplayable
  1027. repo: https://github.com/jvlppm/pucpr-ld-mario3
  1028. type: remake
  1029. updated: 2015-06-02
  1030. - name: pucpr-ld-parodius
  1031. info: Remake of the first levels of the snes game Gokujou Parodius
  1032. frameworks:
  1033. - Construct
  1034. licenses:
  1035. - As-is
  1036. development: halted
  1037. originals:
  1038. - Fantastic Journey
  1039. status: unplayable
  1040. repo: https://github.com/jvlppm/pucpr-ld-parodius
  1041. type: remake
  1042. updated: 2015-06-01
  1043. - name: Puzzle Moppet
  1044. originals:
  1045. - Puzzle Moppet
  1046. type: remake
  1047. repo: 'https://github.com/karjonas/Puzzle-Moppet'
  1048. development: complete
  1049. status: playable
  1050. content: free
  1051. langs:
  1052. - C++
  1053. frameworks:
  1054. - Irrlicht
  1055. licenses:
  1056. - Multiple
  1057. - WTFPL
  1058. info: Based on the original open source release, updated with free assets.
  1059. updated: '2020-12-12'
  1060. - name: Py1945
  1061. langs:
  1062. - Python
  1063. licenses:
  1064. - As-is
  1065. development: halted
  1066. originals:
  1067. - Strikers 1945
  1068. status: unplayable
  1069. repo: https://github.com/mauricio-jmmendes/py1945game
  1070. type: remake
  1071. updated: 2023-01-20
  1072. - name: PyBreak360
  1073. images:
  1074. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/pybreak360/screenshots/pybreak360v107.jpg
  1075. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/pybreak360/screenshots/pybreak360b.png
  1076. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/pybreak360/screenshots/pybreak360c.png
  1077. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/pybreak360/screenshots/pybreak360a.png
  1078. langs:
  1079. - Python
  1080. frameworks:
  1081. - pygame
  1082. licenses:
  1083. - GPL3
  1084. content: open
  1085. development: halted
  1086. originals:
  1087. - Arkanoid
  1088. status: playable
  1089. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pybreak360/
  1090. type: clone
  1091. multiplayer:
  1092. - Online
  1093. updated: 2022-01-21
  1094. video:
  1095. youtube: TYGZ4Va3JOo
  1096. - name: pycraft
  1097. langs:
  1098. - Python
  1099. - C
  1100. licenses:
  1101. - GPL2
  1102. development: halted
  1103. originals:
  1104. - Minecraft
  1105. status: playable
  1106. repo: https://github.com/itsapi/pycraft
  1107. feed: https://github.com/itsapi/pycraft/releases.atom
  1108. type: remake
  1109. updated: 2022-12-16
  1110. info: A command line based 2D Minecraft
  1111. images:
  1112. - https://cdn.dvbris.com/pycraft-2.gif
  1113. - name: Pyskool
  1114. images:
  1115. - https://pyskool.ca/images/skool_daze-0.4.png
  1116. - https://pyskool.ca/images/back_to_skool-0.4.png
  1117. - https://pyskool.ca/images/skool_daze_take_too-0.4.png
  1118. - https://pyskool.ca/images/ezad_looks-0.4.png
  1119. - https://pyskool.ca/images/back_to_skool_daze-0.4.png
  1120. - https://pyskool.ca/images/skool_daze-wide-0.4.png
  1121. langs:
  1122. - Python
  1123. frameworks:
  1124. - pygame
  1125. licenses:
  1126. - GPL3
  1127. development: halted
  1128. originals:
  1129. - Skool Daze
  1130. status: playable
  1131. repo: https://github.com/skoolkid/pyskool
  1132. type: remake
  1133. updated: 2023-01-20
  1134. url: https://pyskool.ca/
  1135. - name: PySol Fan Club edition
  1136. originals:
  1137. - Klondike
  1138. type: clone
  1139. repo: 'https://github.com/shlomif/PySolFC'
  1140. url: 'https://pysolfc.sourceforge.io/'
  1141. feed: 'https://github.com/shlomif/PySolFC/releases.atom'
  1142. development: active
  1143. status: playable
  1144. content: open
  1145. langs:
  1146. - Python
  1147. frameworks:
  1148. - GTK
  1149. licenses:
  1150. - GPL3
  1151. info: >-
  1152. A comprehensive, feature-rich, open source, and portable, collection of
  1153. Solitaire games.
  1154. updated: '2023-07-18'
  1155. images:
  1156. - >-
  1157. https://pysolfc.sourceforge.io/img/PySolFC-mageia8-plasma5--shlomif--grandfathers-clock--reduced.webp
  1158. - 'https://pysolfc.sourceforge.io/img/PySolFC-Fedora-25-Xfce--shlomif.png'
  1159. - 'https://pysolfc.sourceforge.io/img/freecell-tk.png'
  1160. - 'https://pysolfc.sourceforge.io/img/freecell-ttk.png'
  1161. - 'https://pysolfc.sourceforge.io/img/freecell-pil.png'
  1162. - name: pyspaceinvaders
  1163. images:
  1164. - https://www.pygame.org/thumb/fbbe7d92ec7d40874043ce529bdd4264.jpg
  1165. langs:
  1166. - Python
  1167. frameworks:
  1168. - pygame
  1169. licenses:
  1170. - GPL2
  1171. development: halted
  1172. originals:
  1173. - Space Invaders
  1174. status: semi-playable
  1175. repo: https://github.com/map0logo/pyspaceinvaders
  1176. url: https://www.pygame.org/project-pyspaceinvaders-1259-.html
  1177. type: remake
  1178. updated: 2022-04-22
  1179. - name: Python Kye
  1180. langs:
  1181. - Python
  1182. licenses:
  1183. - GPL2
  1184. development: halted
  1185. status: playable
  1186. originals:
  1187. - Kye
  1188. url: http://games.moria.org.uk/kye/
  1189. repo: http://games.moria.org.uk/kye/download-install
  1190. type: remake
  1191. updated: 2020-06-26
  1192. video:
  1193. youtube: is-9SjYr_WE
  1194. - name: PyTouhou
  1195. images:
  1196. - https://pytouhou.linkmauve.fr/screenshots/big/s1-01.png
  1197. - https://pytouhou.linkmauve.fr/screenshots/big/s6-06.png
  1198. - https://pytouhou.linkmauve.fr/screenshots/big/s7-06.png
  1199. langs:
  1200. - Python
  1201. frameworks:
  1202. - SDL2
  1203. licenses:
  1204. - GPL3
  1205. content: commercial
  1206. development: halted
  1207. originals:
  1208. - Touhou
  1209. status: playable
  1210. repo: https://hg.linkmauve.fr/touhou
  1211. type: remake
  1212. updated: 2024-03-24
  1213. url: https://pytouhou.linkmauve.fr/