o.yaml 75 KB

  1. - name: Octopus
  2. images:
  3. - https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/16686245/12429085/98761c3c-bee8-11e5-9399-1f7cc162e9bd.png
  4. info: Apple TV 4 required
  5. langs:
  6. - Swift
  7. licenses:
  8. - As-is
  9. content: commercial
  10. development: halted
  11. originals:
  12. - Octopus
  13. status: playable
  14. repo: https://github.com/roger-wetzel/Octopus
  15. type: remake
  16. updated: 2016-02-08
  17. - name: OceanPop
  18. images:
  19. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sharkwouter/oceanpop/1.0/screenshot.jpg
  20. langs:
  21. - C++
  22. licenses:
  23. - MIT
  24. development: active
  25. originals:
  26. - HuniePop
  27. info: HuniePop without the Hunnies
  28. repo: https://github.com/sharkwouter/oceanpop
  29. status: playable
  30. type: clone
  31. updated: 2022-10-23
  32. - name: Odamex
  33. langs:
  34. - C
  35. licenses:
  36. - GPL2
  37. development: active
  38. originals:
  39. - Doom
  40. - Heretic
  41. - Hexen
  42. repo: https://github.com/odamex/odamex
  43. status: playable
  44. type: remake
  45. url: https://odamex.net
  46. updated: 2019-11-20
  47. images:
  48. - https://odamex.net/w/images/thumb/8/8b/Odamex-r103-winxp.png/640px-Odamex-r103-winxp.png
  49. - https://odamex.net/w/images/thumb/b/be/Odamex-r86-fbsd62.png/640px-Odamex-r86-fbsd62.png
  50. - https://odamex.net/w/images/thumb/8/8d/Odamex-r100-openbsd.png/640px-Odamex-r100-openbsd.png
  51. - https://odamex.net/w/images/thumb/8/8c/Odamex-r120-solaris.png/640px-Odamex-r120-solaris.png
  52. - https://odamex.net/w/images/thumb/0/01/Odamex-r166-linuxppc.png/640px-Odamex-r166-linuxppc.png
  53. - https://odamex.net/w/images/thumb/7/74/Odamex-r166-osxppc.png/640px-Odamex-r166-osxppc.png
  54. - name: Ogrian Carpet
  55. originals:
  56. - Magic Carpet
  57. type: similar
  58. repo: 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/ogrian/'
  59. url: https://ogrian.sourceforge.net
  60. development: halted
  61. status: playable
  62. content: open
  63. langs:
  64. - C++
  65. licenses:
  66. - MIT
  67. updated: 2021-08-10
  68. images:
  69. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ogrian/screenshots/28162.jpg/max/max/1
  70. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ogrian/screenshots/28168.jpg/max/max/1
  71. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ogrian/screenshots/28166.jpg/max/max/1
  72. - name: Omega Race Remake
  73. langs:
  74. - C#
  75. frameworks:
  76. - XNA
  77. licenses:
  78. - As-is
  79. development: halted
  80. originals:
  81. - Omega Race
  82. status: unplayable
  83. repo: https://github.com/UnforgivenRob/Omega-Race-Remake
  84. type: clone
  85. updated: 2015-05-29
  86. - name: Omnispeak
  87. images:
  88. - https://davidgow.net/images/omnispeak-3.png
  89. - https://davidgow.net/images/omnispeak-4.png
  90. - https://davidgow.net/images/omnispeak-5.png
  91. langs:
  92. - C
  93. frameworks:
  94. - OpenGL
  95. licenses:
  96. - GPL2
  97. content: commercial
  98. development: sporadic
  99. originals:
  100. - Commander Keen Series
  101. status: playable
  102. repo: https://github.com/sulix/omnispeak
  103. type: remake
  104. updated: 2021-12-01
  105. url: https://davidgow.net/keen/omnispeak.html
  106. - name: One Way To Go
  107. images:
  108. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/onewaytogo/screenshots/screenshot_zps0048f6d4.PNG
  109. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/onewaytogo/screenshots/owtg_zpsc6792600.PNG
  110. langs:
  111. - Lua
  112. licenses:
  113. - GPL3
  114. development: halted
  115. originals:
  116. - Sensitive
  117. status: semi-playable
  118. type: remake
  119. updated: 2019-11-20
  120. url: https://gordebak.itch.io/onewaytogo
  121. - name: Oolite
  122. images:
  123. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7891aa32f19781623450c1a790611998ca9af4fc8b1c45ef2f73483ededc7524/687474703a2f2f6f6f6c6974652e6f72672f696d616765732f67616c6c6572792f6c617267652f616e6f746865725f636f6d6d616e6465722d3231303231305f4c656176696e67436f72696f6c6973416761696e2e706e67
  124. licenses:
  125. - GPL2
  126. development: active
  127. originals:
  128. - Elite
  129. status: playable
  130. repo: https://github.com/OoliteProject/oolite
  131. type: clone
  132. url: http://www.oolite.org/
  133. updated: 2018-10-06
  134. - name: Open BattleChess
  135. langs:
  136. - C#
  137. licenses:
  138. - As-is
  139. development: halted
  140. originals:
  141. - Battle Chess
  142. status: unplayable
  143. repo: https://github.com/blueveno/openbattlechess
  144. type: remake
  145. updated: 2019-03-29
  146. - name: OpenBOR
  147. type: clone
  148. originals:
  149. - Streets of Rage
  150. - Double Dragon
  151. - Final Fight
  152. repo: https://github.com/DCurrent/openbor
  153. url: https://www.chronocrash.com/forum/#openbor.12
  154. development: sporadic
  155. status: playable
  156. langs:
  157. - C
  158. frameworks:
  159. - SDL2
  160. licenses:
  161. - BSD
  162. content: free
  163. info: OpenBOR is the ultimate 2D side scrolling engine for beat em' ups, shooters, and more!
  164. updated: 2019-09-23
  165. video:
  166. youtube: TbZD1pWsJeI
  167. - name: OpenBW
  168. originals:
  169. - StarCraft
  170. type: remake
  171. content: commercial
  172. status: unplayable
  173. langs:
  174. - C++
  175. licenses:
  176. - As-is
  177. development: halted
  178. repo: https://github.com/OpenBW/openbw
  179. url: http://www.openbw.com/
  180. added: 2022-08-15
  181. updated: 2024-06-16
  182. video:
  183. youtube: AQUYZHsdhFk
  184. - name: openc2e
  185. langs:
  186. - C++
  187. licenses:
  188. - LGPL2
  189. - GPL2
  190. development: sporadic
  191. originals:
  192. - Creatures
  193. status: unplayable
  194. repo: https://github.com/openc2e/openc2e
  195. type: remake
  196. updated: 2020-05-05
  197. url: https://creatures.wiki/Openc2e
  198. images:
  199. - https://creatures.wiki/images/d/df/C2-vista-injector.jpg
  200. - https://creatures.wiki/images/2/22/Openc2e-c1-april2008.jpg
  201. - name: Open Fodder
  202. langs:
  203. - C++
  204. licenses:
  205. - GPL3
  206. development: sporadic
  207. originals:
  208. - Cannon Fodder
  209. repo: https://github.com/OpenFodder/openfodder
  210. status: playable
  211. type: remake
  212. updated: 2022-11-29
  213. url: http://openfodder.com/
  214. images:
  215. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1327406/49718991-f1bd6e00-fcaf-11e8-88e3-68136828c2d1.png
  216. - name: OpenGOAL
  217. originals:
  218. - 'Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy'
  219. type: remake
  220. repo: https://github.com/open-goal/jak-project
  221. feed: https://github.com/open-goal/jak-project/releases.atom
  222. url: https://opengoal.dev/
  223. development: very active
  224. status: playable
  225. content: commercial
  226. langs:
  227. - C++
  228. - Common Lisp
  229. licenses:
  230. - ISC
  231. info: >-
  232. A project that aims to provide a complete PC port for the first Jak and
  233. Daxter game by providing a open implementation of a compiler for Naughty
  234. Dog's GOAL language, a decompiler for the compiled game and an asset
  235. extraction tool.
  236. added: '2022-08-28'
  237. updated: 2024-06-07
  238. images:
  239. - https://opengoal.dev/assets/images/lurker-chilling_2022-02-04-93d12659deb4cd4cdadda716de276725.png
  240. - https://opengoal.dev/assets/images/jak-and-daxter-are-stunned_2022-02-04-12bbd4d7353f20638b9f1994ff8cbe24.png
  241. - https://opengoal.dev/assets/images/robotboss-appears_2022-02-04-2455f3b01898dd59e806044daa8ee017.png
  242. video:
  243. youtube: ZO7A22btJc0
  244. - name: Open Greedy
  245. originals:
  246. - Pac-Man
  247. type: remake
  248. repo: https://github.com/atroel/open-greedy
  249. url: https://troel.net/opengreedy/
  250. development: halted
  251. status: playable
  252. content: free
  253. langs:
  254. - C
  255. frameworks:
  256. - SDL2
  257. licenses:
  258. - GPL2
  259. info: >-
  260. This is an engine recreation of a Pac-Man clone called Greedy by French
  261. demogroup Eclipse. Originally written for DOS and sold as shareware, Greedy
  262. was later ported to Windows and eventually made a free, but not open source
  263. game. Open Greedy attempts to recreate the game's engine for proper
  264. cross-platform compatibility.
  265. updated: 2021-08-18
  266. images:
  267. - https://troel.net/opengreedy/menu_thumbnail.png
  268. - https://troel.net/opengreedy/greedy_xp_01_thumbnail.png
  269. - https://troel.net/opengreedy/credits_thumbnail.png
  270. - name: Open Hexagon
  271. images:
  272. - https://vittorioromeo.info/Resources/img/openHexagon.png
  273. langs:
  274. - C++
  275. licenses:
  276. - AFL3
  277. development: sporadic
  278. originals:
  279. - Super Hexagon
  280. repo: https://github.com/SuperV1234/SSVOpenHexagon
  281. status: playable
  282. type: clone
  283. updated: 2013-09-11
  284. url: https://vittorioromeo.info/projects.html
  285. video:
  286. youtube: Wth0Z2eMezE
  287. - name: Open Horizon
  288. frameworks:
  289. - nya-engine
  290. images:
  291. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1b2f1c9e758639b57b2a123204f3211de2e490a357ac37c83f08056e7da9f757/687474703a2f2f7a7873747564696f2e6f72672f626c6f672f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031362f30312f6f70656e2d686f72697a6f6e2d656666656374732e706e67
  292. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/d5b184385d506a125227319be547d4e0cdbb75f2a5724e427d44e6b267edae7f/687474703a2f2f7a7873747564696f2e6f72672f626c6f672f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031362f30372f4d697373696f6e30312e706e67
  293. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3c5f8dbdaa0c156b984c38488c3a9edfd0c84705ed3aeff6a454347824c11222/687474703a2f2f7a7873747564696f2e6f72672f626c6f672f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031362f30372f4d697373696f6e30332e706e67
  294. langs:
  295. - C++
  296. licenses:
  297. - MIT
  298. content: commercial
  299. development: halted
  300. status: semi-playable
  301. originals:
  302. - 'Ace Combat: Assault Horizon'
  303. repo: https://github.com/undefined-darkness/open-horizon
  304. type: remake
  305. updated: 2021-02-25
  306. url: http://zxstudio.org/blog/author/razgriz/
  307. - name: Open Imperium Galactica
  308. langs:
  309. - Java
  310. licenses:
  311. - LGPL3
  312. content: free
  313. development: active
  314. originals:
  315. - Imperium Galactica
  316. repo: https://github.com/akarnokd/open-ig
  317. feed: https://github.com/akarnokd/open-ig/releases.atom
  318. status: playable
  319. type: remake
  320. added: 2013-12-11
  321. updated: 2024-06-18
  322. url: https://open-ig-dev.blogspot.com
  323. images:
  324. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akarnokd/open-ig/master/src/hu/openig/gfx/OpenIG_Splash_medium.png
  325. video:
  326. youtube: FnlIEwW2OkM
  327. - name: openjazz.github.io
  328. originals:
  329. - Jazz Jackrabbit
  330. type: remake
  331. repo: 'https://github.com/OpenJazz/openjazz.github.io'
  332. url: 'https://openjazz.github.io'
  333. development: active
  334. status: playable
  335. content: free
  336. langs:
  337. - JavaScript
  338. licenses:
  339. - Custom
  340. info: Play Jazz Jackrabbit in your browser!
  341. added: '2024-09-21'
  342. updated: '2024-09-21'
  343. - name: Open Jumpgate
  344. langs:
  345. - C++
  346. frameworks:
  347. - OGRE
  348. licenses:
  349. - GPL2
  350. content: open
  351. development: sporadic
  352. originals:
  353. - 'Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative'
  354. status: unplayable
  355. type: remake
  356. updated: 2021-09-17
  357. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opengate/
  358. url: https://opengate.sourceforge.net/
  359. images:
  360. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/opengate/screenshots/299347.jpg/max/max/1
  361. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/opengate/screenshots/313299.jpg/max/max/1
  362. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/opengate/screenshots/screenshot%5B2013.9.20-0%3A42%3A58%5D-1024-600.png/max/max/1
  363. - name: Open Kick-Off
  364. type: remake
  365. originals:
  366. - Kick Off
  367. repo: https://github.com/ssenegas/kickoff
  368. development: halted
  369. status: playable
  370. langs:
  371. - Java
  372. frameworks:
  373. - libGDX
  374. licenses:
  375. - MIT
  376. content: open
  377. added: 2019-03-29
  378. updated: 2024-06-19
  379. images:
  380. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9662172/39470980-0051a248-4d41-11e8-9a60-182320e25b57.PNG
  381. - name: OpenLiberty
  382. info: A open-source Grand Theft Auto III reimplementation on the Godot Engine
  383. frameworks:
  384. - Godot
  385. langs:
  386. - GDScript
  387. licenses:
  388. - MIT
  389. content: commercial
  390. development: very active
  391. originals:
  392. - Grand Theft Auto III
  393. repo: https://github.com/FOSS-Supremacy/OpenLiberty
  394. status: unplayable
  395. type: remake
  396. added: 2024-08-18
  397. updated: 2024-08-18
  398. images:
  399. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FOSS-Supremacy/re3-gd/main/screenshots/image1.png
  400. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FOSS-Supremacy/re3-gd/main/screenshots/image2.png
  401. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FOSS-Supremacy/re3-gd/main/screenshots/image3.png
  402. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FOSS-Supremacy/re3-gd/main/screenshots/image4.png
  403. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FOSS-Supremacy/re3-gd/main/screenshots/image5.png
  404. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FOSS-Supremacy/re3-gd/main/screenshots/image6.png
  405. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FOSS-Supremacy/re3-gd/main/screenshots/image7.png
  406. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FOSS-Supremacy/re3-gd/main/screenshots/image8.png
  407. video:
  408. youtube: Z3Cd_NBYUfI
  409. - name: Open Meridian
  410. langs:
  411. - C
  412. licenses:
  413. - GPL2
  414. development: halted
  415. originals:
  416. - Meridian 59
  417. status: playable
  418. repo: https://github.com/OpenMeridian/Meridian59
  419. type: remake
  420. updated: 2015-06-02
  421. url: https://openmeridian.org
  422. images:
  423. - https://openmeridian.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ancient-trinket.png
  424. - https://openmeridian.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/battle-arena.png
  425. - https://openmeridian.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/new-lore.png
  426. - name: Open Panzer
  427. images:
  428. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1650801/74080138-50fc4700-4a49-11ea-8fbc-a571b6d4ce3c.png
  429. - https://i.imgur.com/NiJGQ.jpg
  430. licenses:
  431. - GPL2
  432. langs:
  433. - JavaScript
  434. development: halted
  435. originals:
  436. - Panzer General
  437. status: playable
  438. repo: https://github.com/nicupavel/openpanzer
  439. type: remake
  440. added: 2012-06-29
  441. updated: 2024-06-20
  442. url: https://panzermarshal.com
  443. - name: Open Portal Engine
  444. type: clone
  445. originals:
  446. - Portal
  447. repo: https://github.com/lpuglia/Open-Portal
  448. development: halted
  449. status: playable
  450. langs:
  451. - C++
  452. frameworks:
  453. - OpenGL
  454. licenses:
  455. - As-is
  456. content: free
  457. added: 2019-05-24
  458. updated: 2019-05-24
  459. video:
  460. youtube: tqqeUCzWcdQ
  461. - name: Open Quartz
  462. originals:
  463. - Quake
  464. type: remake
  465. repo: 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/openquartz/'
  466. url: https://openquartz.sourceforge.net/index.html
  467. development: halted
  468. status: semi-playable
  469. multiplayer:
  470. - Competitive
  471. - Online
  472. - LAN
  473. content: open
  474. langs:
  475. - C
  476. licenses:
  477. - GPL2
  478. info: >-
  479. A project to create a free game data set for the Quake engine, complete with a
  480. binary executable. Only the multiplayer component has been completed, but it can
  481. also run Quake mods and custom maps.
  482. updated: 2021-08-23
  483. images:
  484. - https://openquartz.sourceforge.net/images/oq002.jpg
  485. - https://openquartz.sourceforge.net/images/oq003.jpg
  486. - https://openquartz.sourceforge.net/images/oq001.jpg
  487. - name: Open Rails
  488. langs:
  489. - C#
  490. frameworks:
  491. - XNA
  492. licenses:
  493. - GPL3
  494. development: active
  495. originals:
  496. - Microsoft Train Simulator
  497. status: playable
  498. repo: https://github.com/openrails/openrails
  499. type: clone
  500. updated: 2022-10-15
  501. url: http://openrails.org/
  502. video:
  503. youtube: RThvP7OvDxM
  504. - name: Open Rodent's Revenge
  505. images:
  506. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/o2r/screenshots/254642.jpg
  507. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/o2r/screenshots/254636.jpg
  508. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/o2r/screenshots/254640.jpg
  509. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/o2r/screenshots/267538.jpg
  510. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/o2r/screenshots/255628.jpg
  511. langs:
  512. - C++
  513. frameworks:
  514. - Qt
  515. - SFML
  516. licenses:
  517. - MIT
  518. status: semi-playable
  519. development: halted
  520. originals:
  521. - Rodent's Revenge
  522. repo: https://github.com/pierreyoda/o2r
  523. type: remake
  524. updated: 2019-09-01
  525. - name: Open RSC
  526. type: remake
  527. originals:
  528. - RuneScape Classic
  529. repo: https://gitlab.com/open-runescape-classic/core
  530. url: https://rsc.vet
  531. development: active
  532. status: playable
  533. multiplayer:
  534. - Online
  535. langs:
  536. - Java
  537. frameworks:
  538. - OpenGL
  539. licenses:
  540. - AGPL3
  541. info: Recreation of the discontinued classic variation of the game.
  542. added: 2019-04-29
  543. updated: 2024-06-22
  544. images:
  545. - https://i.imgur.com/TqshOR4.jpg
  546. - https://i.imgur.com/yOdxioS.jpg
  547. - https://i.redd.it/9l3b4v9cbnu21.gif
  548. video:
  549. youtube: idePY0rGvvE
  550. - name: Open Sonic
  551. type: clone
  552. originals:
  553. - Sonic the Hedgehog
  554. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensnc/files/Open%20Sonic/0.1.4/opensnc-linux-0.1.4.tar.gz/download
  555. url: https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/index.php
  556. development: halted
  557. status: playable
  558. langs:
  559. - C
  560. frameworks:
  561. - Allegro
  562. licenses:
  563. - GPL2
  564. content: commercial
  565. info: The game development stopped at 2010. Open Surge the official continuation with fully free assets.
  566. updated: 2019-09-17
  567. images:
  568. - https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/screenshots/0_1_3/0.png
  569. - https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/screenshots/0_1_3/1.png
  570. - https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/screenshots/0_1_3/2.png
  571. - https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/screenshots/0_1_3/4.png
  572. video:
  573. youtube: 2ke0ct4rVWY
  574. - name: Open Surge
  575. images:
  576. - https://opensurge2d.org/surge-demo.gif
  577. - https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/screenshots/0_1_3/4.png
  578. - https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/screenshots/0_1_3/0.png
  579. - https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/screenshots/0_1_3/3.png
  580. - https://opensnc.sourceforge.net/home/screenshots/0_1_3/9.png
  581. langs:
  582. - C
  583. frameworks:
  584. - Allegro
  585. licenses:
  586. - GPL3
  587. development: active
  588. originals:
  589. - Sonic the Hedgehog
  590. status: playable
  591. repo: https://github.com/alemart/opensurge
  592. type: clone
  593. updated: 2019-08-27
  594. url: https://opensurge2d.org
  595. - name: Open Syobon Action
  596. langs:
  597. - C++
  598. frameworks:
  599. - SDL
  600. licenses:
  601. - GPL2
  602. development: complete
  603. originals:
  604. - Shobon no Action
  605. status: playable
  606. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensyobon
  607. type: remake
  608. updated: 2022-06-20
  609. url: https://www.jezng.com/open-syobon-action.js/
  610. video:
  611. youtube: rzP0FeBN_AE
  612. - name: OpenTS2
  613. originals:
  614. - The Sims 2
  615. type: remake
  616. repo: 'https://github.com/LazyDuchess/OpenTS2'
  617. development: active
  618. status: unplayable
  619. content: commercial
  620. langs:
  621. - 'C#'
  622. frameworks:
  623. - Unity
  624. licenses:
  625. - MPL
  626. updated: '2023-02-11'
  627. - name: Open Valley
  628. originals:
  629. - Stardew Valley
  630. type: similar
  631. repo: 'https://gitea.it/rixty/OpenValley'
  632. url: 'https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@OpenValley'
  633. feed: 'https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@OpenValley.rss'
  634. development: halted
  635. status: semi-playable
  636. content: open
  637. langs:
  638. - C++
  639. frameworks:
  640. - SDL2
  641. licenses:
  642. - CC-BY-NC-SA
  643. info: Made in Flare engine
  644. added: '2021-05-29'
  645. updated: 2024-06-23
  646. images:
  647. - >-
  648. https://cdn.masto.host/mastodongamedevplace/media_attachments/files/106/239/851/573/039/205/original/ccf384e1d27196dd.png
  649. - name: OpenVic
  650. originals:
  651. - Victoria II
  652. type: remake
  653. repo: 'https://github.com/OpenVicProject/OpenVic'
  654. url: 'https://www.openvic.com'
  655. feed: 'https://github.com/OpenVicProject/OpenVic/releases.atom'
  656. development: active
  657. status: unplayable
  658. content: commercial
  659. langs:
  660. - GDScript
  661. frameworks:
  662. - Godot
  663. licenses:
  664. - GPL3
  665. updated: '2023-08-28'
  666. - name: Open Zelda
  667. langs:
  668. - C++
  669. licenses:
  670. - CC-BY-NC-SA
  671. - Zlib
  672. development: halted
  673. originals:
  674. - Legend of Zelda
  675. repo: https://github.com/openzelda/openzelda-source
  676. status: playable
  677. type: clone
  678. updated: 2019-09-13
  679. video:
  680. youtube: secXtfqKo1c
  681. - name: open-cube
  682. info: A modification of tesseract so basically Cube 2 with better graphics and developed on github in a modern vcs.
  683. langs:
  684. - C++
  685. frameworks:
  686. - OpenGL
  687. - SDL2
  688. licenses:
  689. - Zlib
  690. development: halted
  691. originals:
  692. - 'Cube 2: Sauerbraten'
  693. repo: https://github.com/team-cube/open-cube
  694. status: semi-playable
  695. type: remake
  696. added: 2016-04-20
  697. updated: 2024-06-24
  698. url: https://team-cube.github.io
  699. - name: open-heavy-smash
  700. langs:
  701. - C++
  702. licenses:
  703. - As-is
  704. development: halted
  705. originals:
  706. - Heavy Smash
  707. status: unplayable
  708. repo: https://github.com/namelivia/open-heavy-smash
  709. type: remake
  710. updated: 2015-05-28
  711. - name: Open76
  712. originals:
  713. - Interstate '76
  714. type: remake
  715. repo: 'https://github.com/r1sc/Open76'
  716. development: halted
  717. status: semi-playable
  718. content: commercial
  719. langs:
  720. - C#
  721. frameworks:
  722. - Unity
  723. licenses:
  724. - GPL3
  725. info: A reimplementation in the Unity engine
  726. updated: 2021-12-05
  727. images:
  728. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r1sc/Open76/master/Screenshots/sc1.png
  729. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r1sc/Open76/master/Screenshots/sc2.png
  730. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r1sc/Open76/master/Screenshots/sc3.png
  731. - name: openage
  732. development: active
  733. frameworks:
  734. - SDL
  735. - OpenGL
  736. images:
  737. - https://openage.sft.mx/pics/openage_0.png
  738. - https://openage.sft.mx/pics/openage_2.png
  739. video:
  740. youtube: 4GujF6YGSBY
  741. langs:
  742. - C++
  743. - Python
  744. licenses:
  745. - GPL3
  746. content: commercial
  747. originals:
  748. - Age of Empires
  749. - Age of Empires II
  750. - 'Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds'
  751. repo: https://github.com/SFTtech/openage
  752. status: semi-playable
  753. type: remake
  754. updated: 2019-05-28
  755. info: We create a modern RTS engine for AoE-style gameplay. Including modding API, curve-based gamestate, a new renderer
  756. and support for all operating systems.
  757. url: https://openage.sft.mx
  758. - name: OpenApoc
  759. langs:
  760. - C++
  761. licenses:
  762. - MIT
  763. development: very active
  764. status: semi-playable
  765. originals:
  766. - 'X-COM: Apocalypse'
  767. content: commercial
  768. frameworks:
  769. - SDL2
  770. repo: https://github.com/OpenApoc/OpenApoc
  771. type: remake
  772. added: 2015-04-04
  773. updated: 2024-06-25
  774. images:
  775. - https://i.imgur.com/CFS3nBK.png
  776. video:
  777. youtube: qMy4dYksZVg
  778. - name: OpenArena
  779. images:
  780. - https://openarena.ws/e107_images/custom/085-8.jpg
  781. - https://openarena.ws/e107_images/custom/085-13.jpg
  782. - https://openarena.ws/e107_images/custom/085-14.jpg
  783. - https://openarena.ws/e107_images/custom/085-16.jpg
  784. langs:
  785. - C
  786. licenses:
  787. - GPL2
  788. development: sporadic
  789. originals:
  790. - Quake 3
  791. status: playable
  792. repo: https://github.com/OpenArena/engine
  793. type: remake
  794. updated: 2019-08-27
  795. url: https://openarena.ws/
  796. - name: OpenArena (gladiator management game)
  797. originals:
  798. - Areena 5
  799. type: clone
  800. repo: 'https://gitlab.com/Mige5/openarena'
  801. development: sporadic
  802. status: unplayable
  803. content: commercial
  804. langs:
  805. - Java
  806. licenses:
  807. - GPL3
  808. added: '2022-07-20'
  809. updated: 2024-06-26
  810. - name: OpenAWE
  811. type: remake
  812. originals:
  813. - Alan Wake
  814. repo: https://github.com/OpenAWE-Project/OpenAWE
  815. development: active
  816. status: unplayable
  817. langs:
  818. - C++
  819. licenses:
  820. - GPL3
  821. content: commercial
  822. updated: 2021-07-04
  823. images:
  824. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenAWE-Project/OpenAWE/master/screenshots/awan1.png
  825. - name: OpenBiohazard2
  826. originals:
  827. - Resident Evil 2
  828. type: remake
  829. repo: 'https://github.com/samuelyuan/OpenBiohazard2'
  830. url: https://openbiohazard2.github.io/
  831. feed: https://openbiohazard2.github.io/feed.xml
  832. development: sporadic
  833. status: unplayable
  834. content: commercial
  835. langs:
  836. - Go
  837. frameworks:
  838. - OpenGL
  839. licenses:
  840. - MIT
  841. added: '2021-01-12'
  842. updated: 2024-06-27
  843. images:
  844. - >-
  845. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samuelyuan/OpenBiohazard2/master/screenshots/beginning.png
  846. - >-
  847. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samuelyuan/OpenBiohazard2/master/screenshots/inventory.png
  848. - name: openblack
  849. type: remake
  850. originals:
  851. - Black & White
  852. repo: https://github.com/openblack/openblack
  853. development: active
  854. status: unplayable
  855. langs:
  856. - C++
  857. frameworks:
  858. - SDL2
  859. - OpenGL
  860. licenses:
  861. - GPL3
  862. content: commercial
  863. updated: 2019-08-06
  864. - name: OpenBlok
  865. langs:
  866. - C++
  867. frameworks:
  868. - SDL2
  869. licenses:
  870. - GPL3
  871. development: sporadic
  872. originals:
  873. - Tetris
  874. status: playable
  875. repo: https://github.com/mmatyas/openblok
  876. type: clone
  877. updated: 2018-12-05
  878. images:
  879. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmatyas/openblok/master/etc/promo/screenshot01.png
  880. - name: OpenBound
  881. originals:
  882. - Gunbound
  883. type: remake
  884. repo: 'https://github.com/WickedPeanuts/OpenBound'
  885. development: halted
  886. status: playable
  887. multiplayer:
  888. - Competitive
  889. - Online
  890. content: commercial
  891. langs:
  892. - 'C#'
  893. frameworks:
  894. - MonoGame
  895. licenses:
  896. - GPL3
  897. info: >-
  898. This project aims to mimic the older PC versions of Gunbound with optimized
  899. behavior, engine and gameplay elements.
  900. added: 2022-05-14
  901. updated: 2024-06-28
  902. images:
  903. - 'https://i.imgur.com/JxkCFWo.png'
  904. - 'https://i.imgur.com/ErNl96t.png'
  905. video:
  906. youtube: kdJmLMMqKg8
  907. - name: OpenBreed
  908. originals:
  909. - Alien Breed
  910. type: remake
  911. repo: 'https://github.com/mrpetro/OpenBreed'
  912. development: sporadic
  913. status: unplayable
  914. content: commercial
  915. langs:
  916. - 'C#'
  917. frameworks:
  918. - .NET
  919. - OpenTK
  920. licenses:
  921. - As-is
  922. updated: 2022-04-07
  923. video:
  924. youtube: goRUP1GDIGo
  925. - name: OpenBVE
  926. type: clone
  927. originals:
  928. - BVE Trainsim
  929. repo: https://github.com/leezer3/OpenBVE
  930. url: https://openbve-project.net/
  931. development: very active
  932. status: playable
  933. langs:
  934. - C#
  935. licenses:
  936. - PD
  937. content: open
  938. added: 2019-09-17
  939. updated: 2024-06-29
  940. images:
  941. - https://openbve-project.net/images/driving_1.jpg
  942. - https://openbve-project.net/images/driving_2.jpg
  943. - https://openbve-project.net/images/driving_3.jpg
  944. - name: OpenC1
  945. development: halted
  946. langs:
  947. - C#
  948. licenses:
  949. - Custom
  950. content: commercial
  951. originals:
  952. - Carmageddon
  953. repo: https://github.com/jeff-1amstudios/OpenC1
  954. status: playable
  955. type: remake
  956. updated: 2017-02-08
  957. url: http://www.1amstudios.com/projects/openc1/
  958. video:
  959. youtube: 0afl6ruHZgI
  960. - name: OpenCity
  961. images:
  962. - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/OpenCity-0.0.5-mainstatusbar.jpg
  963. - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/Opencity-0.0.3-textured-terrain.png
  964. - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/OpenCity0.0.5.png
  965. langs:
  966. - C++
  967. frameworks:
  968. - SDL
  969. - OpenGL
  970. licenses:
  971. - GPL2
  972. content: open
  973. development: halted
  974. originals:
  975. - SimCity
  976. status: playable
  977. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencity/
  978. type: clone
  979. updated: 2021-11-18
  980. url: http://www.opencity.info/
  981. - name: OpenCiv1
  982. originals:
  983. - Civilization
  984. type: remake
  985. repo: 'https://github.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1'
  986. url: 'https://github.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/wiki'
  987. development: very active
  988. status: playable
  989. content: commercial
  990. langs:
  991. - 'C#'
  992. frameworks:
  993. - .NET
  994. - Avalonia
  995. licenses:
  996. - MIT
  997. info: Rewrite of Civilization based on disassembled code
  998. updated: 2024-03-14
  999. images:
  1000. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot1.png
  1001. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot2.png
  1002. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot3.png
  1003. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot4.png
  1004. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot5.png
  1005. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot6.png
  1006. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot7.png
  1007. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot8.png
  1008. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot9.png
  1009. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot10.png
  1010. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot11.png
  1011. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot12.png
  1012. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot13.png
  1013. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajko-horvat/OpenCiv1/master/src/Resources/Screenshots/Screenshot14.png
  1014. - name: OpenClaw
  1015. frameworks:
  1016. - SDL2
  1017. images:
  1018. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/59ebfcbac962696347f795ba2de4273d8e95cd20/68747470733a2f2f696d672e796f75747562652e636f6d2f76692f696b58514e565f617736382f302e6a7067
  1019. langs:
  1020. - C++
  1021. licenses:
  1022. - GPL3
  1023. originals:
  1024. - Claw
  1025. status: playable
  1026. repo: https://github.com/pjasicek/OpenClaw
  1027. development: halted
  1028. type: remake
  1029. added: 2017-09-08
  1030. updated: 2024-06-30
  1031. video:
  1032. youtube: ikXQNV_aw68
  1033. - name: OpenClonk
  1034. langs:
  1035. - C++
  1036. frameworks:
  1037. - SDL2
  1038. - OpenGL
  1039. - Qt
  1040. licenses:
  1041. - ISC
  1042. development: halted
  1043. status: playable
  1044. multiplayer:
  1045. - Online
  1046. - LAN
  1047. originals:
  1048. - Clonk
  1049. repo: https://github.com/openclonk/openclonk
  1050. type: remake
  1051. added: 2012-04-08
  1052. updated: 2024-07-01
  1053. url: https://www.openclonk.org/
  1054. video:
  1055. youtube: zydiZSXpn0w
  1056. - name: OpenCrystalCaves
  1057. images:
  1058. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gurka/OpenCrystalCaves/master/screenshots/animation.gif
  1059. - https://github.com/gurka/OpenCrystalCaves/raw/master/screenshots/screenshot3.png?raw=true
  1060. langs:
  1061. - C++
  1062. frameworks:
  1063. - SDL2
  1064. licenses:
  1065. - MIT
  1066. content: free
  1067. originals:
  1068. - Crystal Caves
  1069. status: unplayable
  1070. repo: https://github.com/gurka/OpenCrystalCaves
  1071. development: sporadic
  1072. type: remake
  1073. added: 2017-09-08
  1074. updated: 2024-07-02
  1075. - name: OpenD2
  1076. development: halted
  1077. images:
  1078. - https://i.imgur.com/RFNbRiT.png
  1079. info: Needs original Diablo II game data
  1080. langs:
  1081. - C++
  1082. frameworks:
  1083. - SDL2
  1084. - OpenGL
  1085. licenses:
  1086. - GPL3
  1087. content: commercial
  1088. originals:
  1089. - Diablo II
  1090. repo: https://github.com/eezstreet/OpenD2
  1091. status: unplayable
  1092. type: remake
  1093. added: 2018-06-17
  1094. updated: 2024-07-03
  1095. - name: openDarkEngine
  1096. images:
  1097. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/opde/screenshots/51078.jpg/182/137
  1098. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/opde/screenshots/50724.jpg/182/137
  1099. langs:
  1100. - C++
  1101. licenses:
  1102. - GPL2
  1103. development: halted
  1104. originals:
  1105. - Thief
  1106. repo: https://github.com/volca02/openDarkEngine
  1107. status: unplayable
  1108. type: remake
  1109. updated: 2016-11-30
  1110. - name: OpenDeathValley
  1111. langs:
  1112. - C
  1113. licenses:
  1114. - GPL3
  1115. development: halted
  1116. originals:
  1117. - 'Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive'
  1118. status: unplayable
  1119. repo: https://github.com/OpenDeathValley/OpenDeathValley
  1120. type: remake
  1121. updated: 2016-06-15
  1122. - name: opendf
  1123. langs:
  1124. - C++
  1125. frameworks:
  1126. - SDL2
  1127. licenses:
  1128. - GPL3
  1129. development: halted
  1130. originals:
  1131. - 'The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall'
  1132. repo: https://github.com/kcat/opendf
  1133. status: unplayable
  1134. type: remake
  1135. added: 2015-07-17
  1136. updated: 2024-07-04
  1137. images:
  1138. - https://forum.openmw.org/download/file.php?id=628&mode=view
  1139. - name: OpenDiablo2
  1140. type: remake
  1141. originals:
  1142. - Diablo II
  1143. repo: https://github.com/OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2
  1144. url: https://opendiablo2.com/
  1145. development: halted
  1146. status: semi-playable
  1147. langs:
  1148. - Go
  1149. frameworks:
  1150. - Ebitengine
  1151. licenses:
  1152. - As-is
  1153. content: commercial
  1154. info: Superceded by AbyssEngine. Needs original Diablo II + Lord of Destruction game data.
  1155. added: 2019-05-07
  1156. updated: 2024-07-05
  1157. images:
  1158. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2/master/docs/MainMenuSS.png
  1159. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2/master/docs/SelectHeroSS.png
  1160. - name: OpenDominion
  1161. type: clone
  1162. originals:
  1163. - Dominion
  1164. repo: https://github.com/OpenDominion/OpenDominion
  1165. url: https://beta.opendominion.net/
  1166. development: active
  1167. status: playable
  1168. multiplayer:
  1169. - Online
  1170. langs:
  1171. - PHP
  1172. frameworks:
  1173. - Laravel
  1174. licenses:
  1175. - AGPL3
  1176. content: open
  1177. info: The project is a text-based PBBG (Persistant Browser-Based Game) played in the web browser on both desktop and mobile.
  1178. updated: 2020-08-31
  1179. - name: openDOW
  1180. langs:
  1181. - C
  1182. frameworks:
  1183. - SDL
  1184. licenses:
  1185. - GPL3
  1186. content: commercial
  1187. development: halted
  1188. originals:
  1189. - Dogs of War
  1190. status: semi-playable
  1191. repo: https://github.com/rofl0r/openDOW
  1192. type: remake
  1193. updated: 2022-10-06
  1194. - name: OpenDR
  1195. originals:
  1196. - 'Dark Reign: The Future of War'
  1197. type: remake
  1198. repo: 'https://github.com/drogoganor/OpenDR'
  1199. feed: https://github.com/drogoganor/OpenDR/releases.atom
  1200. development: halted
  1201. status: semi-playable
  1202. content: free
  1203. langs:
  1204. - 'C#'
  1205. frameworks:
  1206. - OpenRA
  1207. licenses:
  1208. - GPL3
  1209. info: >-
  1210. A work-in-progress recreation of the Auran RTS classic for the OpenRA strategy
  1211. game engine.
  1212. added: '2022-11-02'
  1213. updated: 2024-07-08
  1214. images:
  1215. - >-
  1216. https://uploads.golmedia.net/uploads/articles/article_media/15060194471666886645gol1.jpg
  1217. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/drogoganor/OpenDR/master/mods/dr/reference/images/mainmenu.jpg
  1218. - name: OpenDrakan
  1219. development: sporadic
  1220. info: Needs original game data
  1221. langs:
  1222. - C++
  1223. frameworks:
  1224. - OpenSceneGraph
  1225. licenses:
  1226. - GPL3
  1227. content: commercial
  1228. originals:
  1229. - 'Drakan: Order of the Flame'
  1230. repo: https://github.com/Zalasus/opendrakan
  1231. status: unplayable
  1232. type: remake
  1233. added: 2018-06-17
  1234. updated: 2024-07-09
  1235. - name: OpenDUNE
  1236. langs:
  1237. - C
  1238. frameworks:
  1239. - SDL
  1240. - SDL2
  1241. licenses:
  1242. - GPL2
  1243. development: active
  1244. status: playable
  1245. originals:
  1246. - Dune 2
  1247. repo: https://github.com/OpenDUNE/OpenDUNE
  1248. type: remake
  1249. updated: 2021-04-07
  1250. video:
  1251. youtube: TCZuY365tIE
  1252. - name: OpenDungeons
  1253. images:
  1254. - https://opendungeons.github.io/media/images/0.7.1_overview1.jpg
  1255. - https://opendungeons.github.io/media/images/0.7.1_main_menu1.jpg
  1256. - https://opendungeons.github.io/media/images/0.7.1_new_rooms1.jpg
  1257. langs:
  1258. - C++
  1259. frameworks:
  1260. - OGRE
  1261. - SFML
  1262. licenses:
  1263. - GPL3
  1264. content: open
  1265. development: halted
  1266. originals:
  1267. - Dungeon Keeper
  1268. status: playable
  1269. repo: https://github.com/OpenDungeons/OpenDungeons
  1270. type: clone
  1271. url: https://opendungeons.github.io/
  1272. added: 2016-10-12
  1273. updated: 2024-07-10
  1274. - name: OpenDungeonsPlus
  1275. originals:
  1276. - Dungeon Keeper
  1277. type: clone
  1278. repo: 'https://github.com/tomluchowski/OpenDungeonsPlus'
  1279. url: 'https://snapcraft.io/opendungeons-plus'
  1280. development: active
  1281. status: playable
  1282. content: open
  1283. langs:
  1284. - C++
  1285. frameworks:
  1286. - OGRE
  1287. - SFML
  1288. licenses:
  1289. - GPL3
  1290. info: >-
  1291. a better fork of Opendungeons : with enhanced editor and tile - geometry
  1292. distortions
  1293. updated: '2023-04-14'
  1294. images:
  1295. - >-
  1296. https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2021/11/Screenshot_2021-11-26_18-53-52.jpg
  1297. - >-
  1298. https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2021/10/Screenshot_2021-10-12_20-07-10.jpg
  1299. - >-
  1300. https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2021/10/Screenshot_2021-10-12_20-07-30.jpg
  1301. - >-
  1302. https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2023/01/Screenshot_2023-01-27_12-23-07_dOnEYHu.jpg
  1303. - 'https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2023/02/ivUC4Tr.jpeg'
  1304. - name: OpenEnroth
  1305. originals:
  1306. - 'Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven'
  1307. - 'Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor'
  1308. - 'Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer'
  1309. type: remake
  1310. repo: 'https://github.com/OpenEnroth/OpenEnroth'
  1311. development: very active
  1312. status: semi-playable
  1313. content: commercial
  1314. langs:
  1315. - C++
  1316. licenses:
  1317. - LGPL3
  1318. updated: '2023-01-31'
  1319. images:
  1320. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24377109/79051217-491a7800-7c2f-11ea-85c7-f9120b7d79dd.png
  1321. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24377109/79051879-f04cde80-7c32-11ea-939d-1dcc97b46f5d.png
  1322. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24377109/79051881-f17e0b80-7c32-11ea-82cd-5e4993a1c071.png
  1323. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24377109/79051882-f3e06580-7c32-11ea-974f-414f68394190.png
  1324. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24377109/79051883-f5119280-7c32-11ea-801c-1595709d8060.png
  1325. - name: OpenE2140
  1326. type: remake
  1327. originals:
  1328. - Earth 2140
  1329. repo: https://github.com/OpenE2140/OpenE2140
  1330. development: active
  1331. status: semi-playable
  1332. langs:
  1333. - C#
  1334. licenses:
  1335. - GPL3
  1336. frameworks:
  1337. - OpenRA
  1338. content: commercial
  1339. info: OpenRA mod
  1340. updated: 2023-12-02
  1341. images:
  1342. - https://dalek.zone/lazy-static/previews/1f3c3fc9-e347-4dfb-94d7-4107a5d2c2a2.jpg
  1343. - https://dalek.zone/lazy-static/previews/4d70f8c5-5b5f-41b1-832f-dd979039172c.jpg
  1344. - name: opene2140
  1345. type: remake
  1346. originals:
  1347. - Earth 2140
  1348. repo: https://gitlab.com/opene2140/opene2140
  1349. development: halted
  1350. status: unplayable
  1351. langs:
  1352. - C++
  1353. licenses:
  1354. - GPL3
  1355. frameworks:
  1356. - SDL2
  1357. - OpenGL
  1358. content: commercial
  1359. updated: 2023-01-31
  1360. images:
  1361. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/750553/72228544-d22a0080-35a7-11ea-87d0-9c3c72f0454f.png
  1362. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/750553/72228576-2b922f80-35a8-11ea-8616-4a40fba55edf.png
  1363. - name: OpenEtG
  1364. langs:
  1365. - JavaScript
  1366. - Rust
  1367. licenses:
  1368. - MIT
  1369. development: very active
  1370. originals:
  1371. - Elements
  1372. status: playable
  1373. repo: https://github.com/serprex/openEtG
  1374. type: remake
  1375. added: 2015-09-25
  1376. updated: 2024-07-11
  1377. url: https://etg.dek.im
  1378. video:
  1379. youtube: LSyJiG_wSdg
  1380. - name: OpenFire
  1381. langs:
  1382. - C
  1383. licenses:
  1384. - MIT
  1385. content: open
  1386. development: halted
  1387. originals:
  1388. - Fire Power
  1389. status: semi-playable
  1390. repo: https://github.com/Last-Minute-Creations/openFire
  1391. type: clone
  1392. updated: 2020-08-31
  1393. - name: OpenFNaF
  1394. originals:
  1395. - Five Nights at Freddy's
  1396. type: clone
  1397. repo: 'https://github.com/MotoLegacy/OpenFNaF'
  1398. development: halted
  1399. status: semi-playable
  1400. content: free
  1401. langs:
  1402. - C
  1403. frameworks:
  1404. - gLib2D
  1405. licenses:
  1406. - MIT
  1407. added: '2020-07-24'
  1408. updated: 2024-07-12
  1409. - name: OpenGGS
  1410. langs:
  1411. - C++
  1412. frameworks:
  1413. - SDL2
  1414. licenses:
  1415. - GPL2
  1416. development: halted
  1417. originals:
  1418. - The Great Giana Sisters
  1419. status: playable
  1420. repo: https://github.com/bugix/OpenGGS
  1421. type: remake
  1422. added: 2015-06-28
  1423. updated: 2024-07-14
  1424. images:
  1425. - https://games-cdn.softpedia.com/screenshots/OpenGGS_1.jpg
  1426. - https://games-cdn.softpedia.com/screenshots/OpenGGS_2.jpg
  1427. - https://games-cdn.softpedia.com/screenshots/OpenGGS_3.jpg
  1428. - https://games-cdn.softpedia.com/screenshots/OpenGGS_4.jpg
  1429. - https://games-cdn.softpedia.com/screenshots/OpenGGS_5.jpg
  1430. - name: Openglad
  1431. images:
  1432. - https://snowstorm.sourceforge.net/screenshots/1.png
  1433. - https://snowstorm.sourceforge.net/screenshots/2.png
  1434. - https://snowstorm.sourceforge.net/screenshots/3.png
  1435. - https://snowstorm.sourceforge.net/screenshots/4.png
  1436. langs:
  1437. - C++
  1438. frameworks:
  1439. - SDL
  1440. licenses:
  1441. - GPL2
  1442. development: halted
  1443. originals:
  1444. - Gladiator
  1445. status: playable
  1446. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/snowstorm/
  1447. type: remake
  1448. url: https://snowstorm.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/site.cgi?page=openglad
  1449. updated: 2021-04-09
  1450. - name: OpenGL Test Drive Remake
  1451. images:
  1452. - https://antongerdelan.net/blog/images/tdrive_wheel.png
  1453. - https://antongerdelan.net/blog/images/tdrive_tacho.png
  1454. - https://antongerdelan.net/blog/images/tdrive_speedo.png
  1455. - https://antongerdelan.net/blog/images/tdrive_end.png
  1456. langs:
  1457. - C
  1458. frameworks:
  1459. - OpenGL
  1460. licenses:
  1461. - GPL3
  1462. content: open
  1463. originals:
  1464. - Test Drive
  1465. status: semi-playable
  1466. repo: https://github.com/capnramses/opengl_test_drive_clone
  1467. development: halted
  1468. type: remake
  1469. updated: 2022-09-14
  1470. url: https://antongerdelan.net/blog/formatted/2014_12_10_test_drive.html
  1471. - name: OpenGoo
  1472. langs:
  1473. - C
  1474. licenses:
  1475. - GPL3
  1476. development: halted
  1477. frameworks:
  1478. - Qt
  1479. originals:
  1480. - World of Goo
  1481. repo: https://github.com/Mandarancio/OpenGOO
  1482. status: semi-playable
  1483. type: remake
  1484. updated: 2022-11-29
  1485. url: https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/
  1486. images:
  1487. - https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/images/gallery/dimostrativeGoal.thumb.png
  1488. - https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/images/gallery/debugMode.thumb1.png
  1489. - https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/images/gallery/onTablet.thumb.png
  1490. - https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/images/gallery/jointProposal.thumb.png
  1491. - https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/images/gallery/gooBallons.thumb.png
  1492. - https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/images/gallery/ballonsAndSticky.thumb.png
  1493. - https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/images/gallery/tablet.thumb.jpg
  1494. - https://mandarancio.github.io/OpenGOO/images/gallery/gameMenu.thumb.jpg
  1495. - name: OpenGothic
  1496. originals:
  1497. - Gothic
  1498. type: remake
  1499. repo: 'https://github.com/Try/OpenGothic'
  1500. feed: 'https://github.com/Try/OpenGothic/releases.atom'
  1501. development: very active
  1502. status: playable
  1503. content: commercial
  1504. langs:
  1505. - C++
  1506. frameworks:
  1507. - DirectX
  1508. - Vulkan
  1509. licenses:
  1510. - MIT
  1511. added: 2019-11-01
  1512. updated: 2024-07-15
  1513. images:
  1514. - https://github.com/Try/OpenGothic/blob/master/scr0.png?raw=true
  1515. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/122894/66703709-90be5680-ed15-11e9-8565-476e7a3de8fc.png
  1516. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/122894/66703728-ba777d80-ed15-11e9-8bc3-fda0f47e4e21.png
  1517. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/122894/64069339-054aa380-cc48-11e9-872b-8161d7600161.png
  1518. - name: OpenGTA
  1519. langs:
  1520. - C++
  1521. frameworks:
  1522. - OpenGL
  1523. - SDL
  1524. licenses:
  1525. - Custom
  1526. content: commercial
  1527. development: halted
  1528. originals:
  1529. - Grand Theft Auto
  1530. status: unplayable
  1531. repo: https://github.com/madebr/OpenGTA
  1532. type: remake
  1533. updated: 2021-09-22
  1534. url: http://ogta.fifengine.de/
  1535. images:
  1536. - https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/c/c1/OpenGTA-GTA1.jpg
  1537. - name: OpenHoW
  1538. type: remake
  1539. originals:
  1540. - Hogs of War
  1541. repo: https://github.com/TalonBraveInfo/OpenHoW
  1542. development: halted
  1543. status: unplayable
  1544. langs:
  1545. - C++
  1546. frameworks:
  1547. - SDL2
  1548. licenses:
  1549. - GPL3
  1550. content: commercial
  1551. added: 2019-05-14
  1552. updated: 2024-07-16
  1553. info: abandoned due to the existence of the official remaster
  1554. images:
  1555. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TalonBraveInfo/OpenHoW/master/preview/preview00.png
  1556. - name: OpenHV
  1557. images:
  1558. - https://www.openhv.net/images/osgameclones/wayland.png
  1559. - https://www.openhv.net/images/osgameclones/motrylex-purple-base.png
  1560. - https://www.openhv.net/images/osgameclones/business-as-usual-remastered.png
  1561. video:
  1562. youtube: JPlglQtK1gY
  1563. langs:
  1564. - C#
  1565. - Lua
  1566. frameworks:
  1567. - OpenRA
  1568. licenses:
  1569. - GPL3
  1570. - CC-BY
  1571. - CC-BY-SA
  1572. content: open
  1573. multiplayer:
  1574. - Online
  1575. - LAN
  1576. development: active
  1577. status: playable
  1578. originals:
  1579. - Hard Vacuum
  1580. repo: https://github.com/OpenHV/OpenHV
  1581. type: similar
  1582. url: https://openhv.net
  1583. added: 2020-12-30
  1584. updated: 2024-05-12
  1585. - name: OpenJazz
  1586. development: sporadic
  1587. frameworks:
  1588. - SDL
  1589. langs:
  1590. - C++
  1591. licenses:
  1592. - GPL2
  1593. content: commercial
  1594. originals:
  1595. - Jazz Jackrabbit
  1596. repo: https://github.com/AlisterT/openjazz
  1597. status: playable
  1598. type: remake
  1599. updated: 2017-10-20
  1600. url: http://www.alister.eu/jazz/oj/
  1601. - name: OpenJK
  1602. langs:
  1603. - C++
  1604. licenses:
  1605. - GPL2
  1606. development: active
  1607. originals:
  1608. - 'Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy'
  1609. - 'Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast'
  1610. status: playable
  1611. type: remake
  1612. updated: 2014-08-15
  1613. url: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK
  1614. - name: OpenJKDF2
  1615. info: Reverse-engineered version of Dark Forces II Engine
  1616. langs:
  1617. - C
  1618. licenses:
  1619. - As-is
  1620. content: commercial
  1621. development: active
  1622. originals:
  1623. - 'Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II'
  1624. status: playable
  1625. type: remake
  1626. updated: 2023-06-11
  1627. url: https://github.com/shinyquagsire23/OpenJKDF2
  1628. images:
  1629. - https://i.imgur.com/GH5Hgkx.png
  1630. - name: OpenKeeper
  1631. development: active
  1632. frameworks:
  1633. - JMonkeyEngine
  1634. langs:
  1635. - Java
  1636. licenses:
  1637. - GPL3
  1638. content: commercial
  1639. originals:
  1640. - Dungeon Keeper 2
  1641. repo: https://github.com/tonihele/OpenKeeper
  1642. status: unplayable
  1643. type: remake
  1644. updated: 2021-04-14
  1645. video:
  1646. youtube: 5CXqWdbWrVs
  1647. - name: OpenKKnD
  1648. type: remake
  1649. originals:
  1650. - Krush, Kill 'n' Destroy
  1651. repo: https://github.com/gp-alex/OpenKKND
  1652. development: halted
  1653. status: semi-playable
  1654. langs:
  1655. - C++
  1656. licenses:
  1657. - GPL3
  1658. content: commercial
  1659. info: Based on original executable decompilation
  1660. updated: 2022-04-18
  1661. - name: OpenKrush
  1662. type: remake
  1663. originals:
  1664. - Krush, Kill 'n' Destroy
  1665. repo: https://github.com/IceReaper/OpenKrush
  1666. feed: https://github.com/IceReaper/OpenKrush/releases.atom
  1667. development: sporadic
  1668. status: semi-playable
  1669. langs:
  1670. - C#
  1671. licenses:
  1672. - GPL3
  1673. frameworks:
  1674. - OpenRA
  1675. content: commercial
  1676. added: 2019-03-22
  1677. updated: 2024-07-18
  1678. url: https://www.kknd-game.com/about
  1679. images:
  1680. - https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/38/37924/OpenRA-2018-12-16T105029073Z.png
  1681. video:
  1682. youtube: 3UBOrp5YK6Q
  1683. - name: OpenLara
  1684. langs:
  1685. - C++
  1686. licenses:
  1687. - BSD2
  1688. content: commercial
  1689. frameworks:
  1690. - WebGL
  1691. originals:
  1692. - Tomb Raider
  1693. status: playable
  1694. repo: https://github.com/XProger/OpenLara
  1695. development: sporadic
  1696. type: remake
  1697. updated: 2022-10-15
  1698. url: http://xproger.info/projects/OpenLara/
  1699. video:
  1700. youtube: 4DqJOv-wmuU
  1701. images:
  1702. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/9aaeccfe8535e07bc05f4bdf7f15040d89889f18a927334254f1d3e1b8a0f748/687474703a2f2f7870726f6765722e696e666f2f70726f6a656374732f4f70656e4c6172612f73686f74732f776174657266616c6c2e6a7067
  1703. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/6d044e7ed1661fa3520e2482defea593e8ab2f5bbade6f34e4bd8a813ef7e4ed/687474703a2f2f7870726f6765722e696e666f2f70726f6a656374732f4f70656e4c6172612f73686f74732f6d756c74692d61696d2e6a7067
  1704. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/d644049ddd7b1b40f8cd28ecd067d793de741e93c999fe40b91690e0bd446dd1/687474703a2f2f7870726f6765722e696e666f2f70726f6a656374732f4f70656e4c6172612f73686f74732f63617573746963732e6a7067
  1705. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/064cf195462ac84fc5739d537a59a80f0504b4c8d31cc716e931574e5a29fe12/687474703a2f2f7870726f6765722e696e666f2f70726f6a656374732f4f70656e4c6172612f73686f74732f637574312e6a7067
  1706. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3aee2ca44e5566cb48da92eac4aed6a9837c0f8d1fa4c45bc606aa127ffb0bf0/687474703a2f2f7870726f6765722e696e666f2f70726f6a656374732f4f70656e4c6172612f73686f74732f666c69706d61702e6a7067
  1707. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/9cf320cfb8c337863347721e59dff21ae1ee9673109dbe9cf54e415abe66f44c/687474703a2f2f7870726f6765722e696e666f2f70726f6a656374732f4f70656e4c6172612f73686f74732f7472325f6f706572612e6a7067
  1708. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/2dd895a53604d21df06a443a081c325bf4c4096d776c1dd87493c380a997cf4a/687474703a2f2f7870726f6765722e696e666f2f70726f6a656374732f4f70656e4c6172612f73686f74732f7472325f756e7761746572312e6a7067
  1709. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/02d0d53ccbe0f885e73482b49b962c1c3cb741aa6d5701f02d683c9945aaaaad/687474703a2f2f7870726f6765722e696e666f2f70726f6a656374732f4f70656e4c6172612f73686f74732f7472335f74656d706c652e6a7067
  1710. - name: OpenLGR
  1711. originals:
  1712. - Lego Racers
  1713. type: remake
  1714. repo: 'https://github.com/james-knippes/openlgr'
  1715. development: halted
  1716. status: unplayable
  1717. content: commercial
  1718. langs:
  1719. - C
  1720. frameworks:
  1721. - SDL2
  1722. - OpenGL
  1723. licenses:
  1724. - GPL2
  1725. info: A experimental source port based on OpenSWE1R.
  1726. updated: 2021-12-24
  1727. images:
  1728. - >-
  1729. https://camo.githubusercontent.com/c7965f14a7a7559126c3b54d99a1ac22a2569dfc3ccab42f6050b7fd7a1e8272/68747470733a2f2f6b72756c2e66696e662e756e692d68616e6e6f7665722e64652f7e6a616e6b6e697474656c2f696d616765732f696e67616d655f687970652e706e67
  1730. - name: OpenLiero
  1731. feed: https://twitter.com/lieroofficial
  1732. langs:
  1733. - C++
  1734. licenses:
  1735. - Custom
  1736. content: free
  1737. development: halted
  1738. status: playable
  1739. multiplayer:
  1740. - Split-screen
  1741. frameworks:
  1742. - SDL
  1743. originals:
  1744. - Liero
  1745. repo: https://github.com/gliptic/liero
  1746. type: official
  1747. url: https://www.liero.be
  1748. updated: 2019-04-09
  1749. info: Perfect clone of 1.33; a.k.a. Liero 1.36
  1750. images:
  1751. - https://happypenguin.altervista.org/screenshots/openliero.png
  1752. video:
  1753. youtube: BzvWW_SzZvk
  1754. - name: OpenLieroX
  1755. images:
  1756. - https://www.openlierox.net/official/screenshots/olx2.png
  1757. - https://www.openlierox.net/official/screenshots/olx4.png
  1758. - https://www.openlierox.net/official/screenshots/olx11.png
  1759. - https://www.openlierox.net/official/screenshots/olx6.png
  1760. langs:
  1761. - C++
  1762. frameworks:
  1763. - SDL
  1764. - SDL2
  1765. licenses:
  1766. - LGPL2
  1767. development: halted
  1768. originals:
  1769. - Liero
  1770. status: playable
  1771. multiplayer:
  1772. - Online
  1773. - Competitive
  1774. - LAN
  1775. repo: https://github.com/albertz/openlierox
  1776. type: remake
  1777. added: 2011-06-03
  1778. updated: 2024-07-19
  1779. url: https://www.openlierox.net/
  1780. - name: OpenLoco
  1781. type: remake
  1782. originals:
  1783. - Chris Sawyer's Locomotion
  1784. repo: https://github.com/OpenLoco/OpenLoco
  1785. feed: https://openloco.io/feed.xml
  1786. development: very active
  1787. url: https://openloco.io
  1788. status: playable
  1789. langs:
  1790. - C++
  1791. frameworks:
  1792. - SDL2
  1793. licenses:
  1794. - MIT
  1795. content: commercial
  1796. info: The original game use the modified version of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2's engine. OpenLoco using modified version of
  1797. OpenRCT2's engine.
  1798. added: 2019-03-19
  1799. updated: 2024-07-20
  1800. images:
  1801. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-0.png
  1802. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-1.png
  1803. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-2.png
  1804. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-3.png
  1805. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-4.png
  1806. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-5.png
  1807. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-6.png
  1808. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-7.png
  1809. - https://openloco.io/assets/img/gallery-screenshot-8.png
  1810. - name: OpenMB
  1811. originals:
  1812. - Mount & Blade
  1813. type: remake
  1814. url: https://www.moddb.com/games/openmb
  1815. repo: https://github.com/cookgreen/OpenMB
  1816. development: sporadic
  1817. status: unplayable
  1818. content: commercial
  1819. langs:
  1820. - C#
  1821. frameworks:
  1822. - OGRE
  1823. licenses:
  1824. - GPL3
  1825. info: Open Source role-playing game engine for Taleworlds' Mount&Blade Series written in C# using Ogre3d Engine
  1826. added: 2019-09-13
  1827. updated: 2024-07-22
  1828. images:
  1829. - https://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/72/71205/image.png
  1830. - https://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/72/71205/inventory.1.png
  1831. - https://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/72/71205/game-notes-faction.PNG
  1832. - name: OpenMC2
  1833. development: halted
  1834. langs:
  1835. - C++
  1836. licenses:
  1837. - GPL3
  1838. multiplayer:
  1839. - LAN
  1840. content: commercial
  1841. originals:
  1842. - Midnight Club II
  1843. repo: https://github.com/OpenMC2/OpenMC2
  1844. status: playable
  1845. type: remake
  1846. updated: 2022-04-18
  1847. - name: OpenMoHAA
  1848. frameworks:
  1849. - SDL2
  1850. images:
  1851. - https://openmohaa.sourceforge.net/media/hud.jpg
  1852. - https://github.com/openmoh/openmohaa/blob/main/docs/images/opm_53_tt_1.png
  1853. - https://github.com/openmoh/openmohaa/blob/main/docs/images/opm_50b_1.png
  1854. - https://github.com/openmoh/openmohaa/blob/main/docs/images/opm_50b_2.png
  1855. - https://github.com/openmoh/openmohaa/blob/main/docs/images/opm-arm_53_tt_1.png
  1856. info: based on ioquake3
  1857. langs:
  1858. - C
  1859. - C++
  1860. licenses:
  1861. - GPL2
  1862. content: commercial
  1863. development: very active
  1864. originals:
  1865. - 'Medal of Honor: Allied Assault'
  1866. repo: https://github.com/openmoh/openmohaa
  1867. status: unplayable
  1868. type: remake
  1869. updated: 2023-06-12
  1870. url: https://openmohaa.sourceforge.net/
  1871. - name: OpenMoM
  1872. type: clone
  1873. originals:
  1874. - Master of Magic
  1875. repo: https://github.com/Jakz/openmom
  1876. development: halted
  1877. status: semi-playable
  1878. langs:
  1879. - C++
  1880. frameworks:
  1881. - SDL2
  1882. licenses:
  1883. - GPL3
  1884. content: commercial
  1885. added: 2019-04-02
  1886. updated: 2024-07-23
  1887. images:
  1888. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jakz/openmom/master/docs/screenshots/screenshot-main.png
  1889. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jakz/openmom/master/docs/screenshots/screenshot-city.png
  1890. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jakz/openmom/master/docs/screenshots/screenshot-combat.png
  1891. - name: OpenMOO2
  1892. images:
  1893. - https://www.pygame.org/thumb/01974f1641f002c1433af3fa02d550dd.jpg
  1894. langs:
  1895. - Python
  1896. licenses:
  1897. - GPL2
  1898. development: halted
  1899. originals:
  1900. - Master of Orion 2
  1901. status: unplayable
  1902. repo: https://github.com/mimi1vx/openmoo2
  1903. type: remake
  1904. updated: 2022-03-23
  1905. - name: OpenMortal
  1906. images:
  1907. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/openmortal/screenshots/17056.jpg/max/max/1
  1908. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/openmortal/screenshots/17060.jpg/max/max/1
  1909. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/openmortal/screenshots/17064.jpg/max/max/1
  1910. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/openmortal/screenshots/17066.jpg/max/max/1
  1911. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/openmortal/screenshots/17070.jpg/max/max/1
  1912. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/openmortal/screenshots/17068.jpg/max/max/1
  1913. langs:
  1914. - C++
  1915. licenses:
  1916. - GPL2
  1917. development: halted
  1918. originals:
  1919. - Mortal Kombat
  1920. status: playable
  1921. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/openmortal/
  1922. type: clone
  1923. updated: 2020-08-25
  1924. url: https://openmortal.sourceforge.net
  1925. - name: OpenMW
  1926. images:
  1927. - https://wiki.openmw.org/images/0.40_Screenshot-Balmora_1.png
  1928. - https://wiki.openmw.org/images/0.40_Screenshot-Balmora_3.png
  1929. - https://wiki.openmw.org/images/0.40_Screenshot-Bitter_Coast_1.png
  1930. - https://wiki.openmw.org/images/0.40_Screenshot-Foyada_Mamaea.png
  1931. - https://wiki.openmw.org/images/0.40_Screenshot-Halfway_Tavern.png
  1932. - https://wiki.openmw.org/images/0.40_Screenshot-Nevrasa_Dralor.png
  1933. - https://wiki.openmw.org/images/0.40_Screenshot-Panat.png
  1934. - https://wiki.openmw.org/images/0.40_Screenshot-Seyda_Neen_1.png
  1935. langs:
  1936. - C++
  1937. frameworks:
  1938. - OpenSceneGraph
  1939. - SDL2
  1940. licenses:
  1941. - GPL3
  1942. development: very active
  1943. originals:
  1944. - 'The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind'
  1945. repo: https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw
  1946. status: playable
  1947. type: remake
  1948. url: https://openmw.org/en/
  1949. updated: 2021-04-21
  1950. video:
  1951. youtube: UeJc3e_qQWY
  1952. - name: OpenMW for Android
  1953. type: remake
  1954. originals:
  1955. - 'The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind'
  1956. repo: https://github.com/xyzz/openmw-android
  1957. url: https://omw.xyz.is/
  1958. development: halted
  1959. status: playable
  1960. langs:
  1961. - Kotlin
  1962. frameworks:
  1963. - SDL
  1964. licenses:
  1965. - GPL3
  1966. content: commercial
  1967. added: 2019-09-20
  1968. updated: 2024-07-24
  1969. video:
  1970. youtube: E5VuN3d1fOM
  1971. - name: OpenNefia
  1972. langs:
  1973. - C#
  1974. - Lua
  1975. licenses:
  1976. - MIT
  1977. development: sporadic
  1978. originals:
  1979. - 'Elona'
  1980. repo: https://github.com/OpenNefia/OpenNefia
  1981. status: unplayable
  1982. type: remake
  1983. updated: 2024-03-28
  1984. content: commercial
  1985. frameworks:
  1986. - "L\xD6VE"
  1987. - .NET
  1988. - name: OpenNFS
  1989. type: remake
  1990. originals:
  1991. - 'Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit'
  1992. repo: https://github.com/OpenNFS/OpenNFS
  1993. development: halted
  1994. status: unplayable
  1995. langs:
  1996. - C++
  1997. frameworks:
  1998. - OpenGL
  1999. - Bullet3
  2000. licenses:
  2001. - MIT
  2002. content: commercial
  2003. added: 2019-05-10
  2004. updated: 2024-07-25
  2005. images:
  2006. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenNFS/OpenNFS/main/doc/BuildProgress.png
  2007. - name: OpenNFS1
  2008. images:
  2009. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/viper-vertigoridge.jpg
  2010. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/rx7-alpine.jpg
  2011. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/supra-city.jpg
  2012. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/vette-transtropolis.jpg
  2013. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/image2.jpg
  2014. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/image16.jpg
  2015. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/image13.jpg
  2016. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/image12.jpg
  2017. - https://1amstudios.com/img/opennfs1/image10.jpg
  2018. langs:
  2019. - C#
  2020. frameworks:
  2021. - MonoGame
  2022. licenses:
  2023. - As-is
  2024. content: commercial
  2025. development: halted
  2026. originals:
  2027. - The Need for Speed
  2028. status: semi-playable
  2029. repo: https://github.com/jeff-1amstudios/OpenNFS1
  2030. type: remake
  2031. updated: 2022-04-08
  2032. url: http://1amstudios.com/projects/opennfs1/
  2033. video:
  2034. youtube: Xfv_UrDq-As
  2035. - name: OpenNitemare3D
  2036. originals:
  2037. - Nitemare 3D
  2038. type: remake
  2039. repo: https://github.com/BBQGiraffe/OpenNitemare3D
  2040. development: halted
  2041. status: semi-playable
  2042. content: commercial
  2043. langs:
  2044. - C#
  2045. - C
  2046. frameworks:
  2047. - SDL2
  2048. licenses:
  2049. - GPL3
  2050. info: currently being rewritten in C
  2051. added: 2021-12-09
  2052. updated: 2024-07-26
  2053. video:
  2054. youtube: KLNquQF4iJo
  2055. - name: OpenNotrium
  2056. langs:
  2057. - C++
  2058. frameworks:
  2059. - SDL2
  2060. licenses:
  2061. - Custom
  2062. - GPL3
  2063. development: halted
  2064. originals:
  2065. - Notrium
  2066. repo: https://github.com/verhoevenv/OpenNotrium
  2067. status: playable
  2068. type: remake
  2069. added: 2019-05-29
  2070. updated: 2024-07-27
  2071. images:
  2072. - https://repo.openpandora.org/files/pnd/opennotrium_ptitseb/preview1.png
  2073. - https://repo.openpandora.org/files/pnd/opennotrium_ptitseb/preview2.png
  2074. - https://repo.openpandora.org/files/pnd/opennotrium_ptitseb/preview3.png
  2075. - name: OpenNox
  2076. originals:
  2077. - Nox
  2078. type: remake
  2079. repo: https://github.com/noxworld-dev/opennox
  2080. url: https://www.patreon.com/opennox
  2081. development: active
  2082. status: playable
  2083. multiplayer:
  2084. - Online
  2085. - LAN
  2086. content: commercial
  2087. langs:
  2088. - Go
  2089. licenses:
  2090. - GPL3
  2091. updated: 2022-04-11
  2092. video:
  2093. youtube: K7yqrxeZQVA
  2094. - name: OpenOMF
  2095. development: active
  2096. info: single player, 2 player and network play work, content from omf2097.com
  2097. langs:
  2098. - C
  2099. licenses:
  2100. - MIT
  2101. content: free
  2102. originals:
  2103. - 'One Must Fall: 2097'
  2104. repo: https://github.com/omf2097/openomf
  2105. status: playable
  2106. type: remake
  2107. updated: 2014-08-16
  2108. url: https://www.openomf.org
  2109. video:
  2110. youtube: RYiUsDSApM8
  2111. - name: OpenOutcast
  2112. images:
  2113. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ocmod/screenshots/75332.jpg
  2114. langs:
  2115. - C++
  2116. licenses:
  2117. - GPL2
  2118. development: halted
  2119. originals:
  2120. - Outcast
  2121. status: unplayable
  2122. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ocmod/
  2123. type: remake
  2124. updated: 2021-09-06
  2125. - name: OpenPop
  2126. images:
  2127. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/openpopulous/screenshots/236454.jpg
  2128. langs:
  2129. - C++
  2130. frameworks:
  2131. - SDL
  2132. licenses:
  2133. - GPL3
  2134. development: halted
  2135. originals:
  2136. - 'Populous: The Beginning'
  2137. status: unplayable
  2138. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/openpopulous/
  2139. type: remake
  2140. updated: 2022-02-19
  2141. url: https://openpopulous.sourceforge.net
  2142. info: only supports 2D view
  2143. - name: OpenRA
  2144. images:
  2145. - https://www.openra.net/images/news/20150531-ra-editor.png
  2146. - https://www.openra.net/images/news/20140405-beacons.png
  2147. - https://www.openra.net/images/news/20150808-d2k-range-circles.png
  2148. langs:
  2149. - C#
  2150. - Lua
  2151. frameworks:
  2152. - .NET
  2153. - SDL2
  2154. - OpenAL
  2155. - OpenGL
  2156. licenses:
  2157. - GPL3
  2158. multiplayer:
  2159. - Online
  2160. - LAN
  2161. development: very active
  2162. status: playable
  2163. originals:
  2164. - Command & Conquer
  2165. - 'Command & Conquer: Red Alert'
  2166. - Dune 2000
  2167. content: free
  2168. repo: https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA
  2169. type: remake
  2170. url: https://www.openra.net
  2171. feed: https://www.openra.net/news/atom
  2172. video:
  2173. youtube: CAK-SwSZjbY
  2174. added: 2011-06-02
  2175. updated: 2021-10-03
  2176. - name: OpenRaider
  2177. langs:
  2178. - C++
  2179. licenses:
  2180. - GPL2
  2181. content: commercial
  2182. development: halted
  2183. frameworks:
  2184. - OpenGL
  2185. - OpenAL
  2186. originals:
  2187. - Tomb Raider
  2188. status: playable
  2189. type: remake
  2190. updated: 2020-09-30
  2191. repo: https://github.com/xythobuz/OpenRaider
  2192. images:
  2193. - https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/557828/6645515/930b05d0-c9bd-11e4-9b33-194b6d9d6288.png
  2194. - https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/557828/3715061/737aca16-15cc-11e4-99b5-1db98fae5257.png
  2195. - https://camo.githubusercontent.com/695008dc13bb545cf02f7be09413039084e1f25b/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f3535373832382f323430393232362f39303031666633342d616161612d313165332d393739302d3032643165306238326234362e706e67
  2196. - name: OpenRCT2
  2197. images:
  2198. - https://i.imgur.com/fpoZdze.png
  2199. langs:
  2200. - C++
  2201. frameworks:
  2202. - SDL2
  2203. - OpenGL
  2204. licenses:
  2205. - GPL3
  2206. content: commercial
  2207. development: very active
  2208. originals:
  2209. - RollerCoaster Tycoon
  2210. - RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
  2211. repo: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2
  2212. feed: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/releases.atom
  2213. status: playable
  2214. type: remake
  2215. added: 2014-08-20
  2216. updated: 2024-07-31
  2217. url: https://openrct2.io/
  2218. - name: OpenRoads
  2219. frameworks:
  2220. - WebGL
  2221. langs:
  2222. - TypeScript
  2223. licenses:
  2224. - MIT
  2225. development: halted
  2226. originals:
  2227. - SkyRoads
  2228. repo: https://github.com/anprogrammer/OpenRoads
  2229. status: playable
  2230. type: remake
  2231. updated: 2015-07-02
  2232. url: http://openroadsgame.com/
  2233. - name: OpenRW "Open ReWrite"
  2234. frameworks:
  2235. - SDL2
  2236. - OpenGL
  2237. langs:
  2238. - C++
  2239. licenses:
  2240. - GPL3
  2241. content: commercial
  2242. development: halted
  2243. originals:
  2244. - Grand Theft Auto III
  2245. repo: https://github.com/rwengine/openrw
  2246. status: semi-playable
  2247. type: remake
  2248. added: 2016-05-18
  2249. updated: 2024-08-01
  2250. url: https://openrw.org
  2251. images:
  2252. - https://openrw.org/media/gallery/1.jpg
  2253. - https://openrw.org/media/gallery/2.jpg
  2254. - https://openrw.org/media/gallery/3.jpg
  2255. - https://openrw.org/media/gallery/4.jpg
  2256. - name: OpenSA
  2257. images:
  2258. - https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/42/41459/OpenRA-2020-05-31T094932231Z.png
  2259. - https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/42/41459/OpenRA-2020-05-31T092422509Z.png
  2260. - https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/42/41459/OpenRA-2020-05-31T085110339Z.png
  2261. langs:
  2262. - C#
  2263. - Lua
  2264. frameworks:
  2265. - OpenRA
  2266. licenses:
  2267. - GPL3
  2268. content: commercial
  2269. originals:
  2270. - Swarm Assault
  2271. repo: https://github.com/Dzierzan/OpenSA
  2272. multiplayer:
  2273. - Online
  2274. - LAN
  2275. development: complete
  2276. status: playable
  2277. type: remake
  2278. added: 2021-01-07
  2279. updated: 2024-08-02
  2280. url: https://www.moddb.com/mods/opensa/
  2281. - name: OpenSAGE
  2282. images:
  2283. - https://opensage.github.io/static/2a7caced5abe9863c97676a6314b01a5/70bed/main-menu.jpg
  2284. - https://opensage.github.io/static/add231520a965b3f2c11c9f69005bc27/5c63f/viewer-2.png
  2285. - https://opensage.github.io/static/0459d41e5abc70d874254a93d80b71ec/5c63f/in-game-1.png
  2286. - https://opensage.github.io/static/14e48d0593bb9c5a07e3396b9cf3b3cf/5c63f/viewer-3.png
  2287. langs:
  2288. - C#
  2289. frameworks:
  2290. - .NET
  2291. licenses:
  2292. - LGPL3
  2293. development: active
  2294. originals:
  2295. - 'Command & Conquer: Generals'
  2296. status: unplayable
  2297. repo: https://github.com/OpenSAGE/OpenSAGE
  2298. type: remake
  2299. updated: 2019-11-20
  2300. url: https://opensage.github.io/
  2301. - name: OpenSC2K
  2302. development: halted
  2303. langs:
  2304. - JavaScript
  2305. type: remake
  2306. status: unplayable
  2307. frameworks:
  2308. - Phaser
  2309. - WebGL
  2310. licenses:
  2311. - GPL3
  2312. content: commercial
  2313. repo: https://github.com/nicholas-ochoa/OpenSC2K
  2314. added: 2019-01-30
  2315. updated: 2024-08-05
  2316. images:
  2317. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rage8885/OpenSC2K/master/screenshots/1.png
  2318. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rage8885/OpenSC2K/master/screenshots/2.png
  2319. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rage8885/OpenSC2K/master/screenshots/3.png
  2320. originals:
  2321. - SimCity 2000
  2322. - name: OpenSkyscraper
  2323. images:
  2324. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/fabianschuiki/OpenSkyscraper/current.png
  2325. langs:
  2326. - C++
  2327. licenses:
  2328. - GPL2
  2329. content: commercial
  2330. development: halted
  2331. frameworks:
  2332. - SFML
  2333. originals:
  2334. - SimTower
  2335. repo: https://github.com/fabianschuiki/OpenSkyscraper
  2336. status: playable
  2337. type: remake
  2338. added: 2014-01-05
  2339. updated: 2024-08-06
  2340. url: https://openskyscraper.org
  2341. - name: OpenSpades
  2342. langs:
  2343. - C++
  2344. frameworks:
  2345. - SDL2
  2346. - OpenGL
  2347. licenses:
  2348. - GPL3
  2349. development: sporadic
  2350. status: playable
  2351. info: OpenSpades is a compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75.
  2352. multiplayer:
  2353. - Online
  2354. - Competitive
  2355. originals:
  2356. - Ace of Spades
  2357. repo: https://github.com/yvt/openspades
  2358. type: remake
  2359. added: 2015-04-10
  2360. updated: 2024-08-07
  2361. url: https://openspades.yvt.jp
  2362. images:
  2363. - https://openspades.yvt.jp/media/images/ss1.jpg
  2364. - https://openspades.yvt.jp/media/images/ss2.jpg
  2365. - https://openspades.yvt.jp/media/images/ss3.jpg
  2366. - https://openspades.yvt.jp/media/images/ss4.jpg
  2367. - https://openspades.yvt.jp/media/images/ss5.jpg
  2368. - https://openspades.yvt.jp/media/images/ss6.jpg
  2369. - name: OpenSolomonsKey
  2370. originals:
  2371. - Solomon's Key
  2372. type: clone
  2373. repo: 'https://github.com/mdodis/OpenSolomonsKey'
  2374. development: halted
  2375. status: playable
  2376. content: commercial
  2377. langs:
  2378. - C++
  2379. frameworks:
  2380. - OpenGL
  2381. - SDL2
  2382. licenses:
  2383. - Unlicense
  2384. added: '2020-07-24'
  2385. updated: 2024-08-08
  2386. images:
  2387. - https://github.com/mdodis/OpenSolomonsKey/blob/master/page/banner.png?raw=true
  2388. - name: OpenSR
  2389. frameworks:
  2390. - Qt
  2391. langs:
  2392. - C++
  2393. licenses:
  2394. - GPL3
  2395. content: commercial
  2396. development: halted
  2397. originals:
  2398. - 'Space Rangers 2: Dominators'
  2399. status: semi-playable
  2400. repo: https://github.com/ObKo/OpenSR
  2401. type: remake
  2402. updated: 2021-11-19
  2403. - name: openStrato
  2404. frameworks:
  2405. - WebGL
  2406. langs:
  2407. - JavaScript
  2408. licenses:
  2409. - GPL2
  2410. development: halted
  2411. originals:
  2412. - 'Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies'
  2413. status: unplayable
  2414. repo: https://github.com/gerdl/openStrato
  2415. type: remake
  2416. updated: 2015-06-18
  2417. - name: openstrike
  2418. langs:
  2419. - C++
  2420. frameworks:
  2421. - SDL2
  2422. licenses:
  2423. - GPL3
  2424. content: commercial
  2425. development: halted
  2426. originals:
  2427. - 'DesertStrike: Return to the Gulf'
  2428. repo: https://github.com/AMDmi3/openstrike
  2429. status: unplayable
  2430. type: remake
  2431. added: 2015-04-04
  2432. updated: 2024-08-09
  2433. - name: OpenSupaplex
  2434. langs:
  2435. - C
  2436. frameworks:
  2437. - SDL2
  2438. licenses:
  2439. - GPL3
  2440. content: free
  2441. development: halted
  2442. originals:
  2443. - Supaplex
  2444. repo: https://github.com/sergiou87/open-supaplex
  2445. status: playable
  2446. type: remake
  2447. added: 2020-05-06
  2448. updated: 2024-08-12
  2449. images:
  2450. - https://i.imgur.com/6FUB9tO.png
  2451. - https://i.imgur.com/5OK0Yld.png
  2452. - https://i.imgur.com/YaZqcgo.png
  2453. - https://i.imgur.com/xbapXyt.png
  2454. - https://i.imgur.com/l3dI1Sw.png
  2455. - https://i.imgur.com/YGxbclW.png
  2456. - name: OpenSWE1R
  2457. type: remake
  2458. originals:
  2459. - 'Star Wars Episode I: Racer'
  2460. repo: https://github.com/OpenSWE1R/openswe1r
  2461. development: halted
  2462. status: semi-playable
  2463. langs:
  2464. - C
  2465. frameworks:
  2466. - OpenGL
  2467. - DirectX
  2468. - SDL2
  2469. licenses:
  2470. - GPL2
  2471. content: commercial
  2472. added: 2019-03-16
  2473. updated: 2024-08-13
  2474. images:
  2475. - https://i.imgur.com/LAqHPgh.png
  2476. - name: OpenTESArena
  2477. development: active
  2478. frameworks:
  2479. - SDL2
  2480. langs:
  2481. - C++
  2482. licenses:
  2483. - MIT
  2484. content: commercial
  2485. originals:
  2486. - 'The Elder Scrolls: Arena'
  2487. repo: https://github.com/afritz1/OpenTESArena
  2488. status: unplayable
  2489. type: remake
  2490. updated: 2016-10-09
  2491. - name: OpenTitus
  2492. frameworks:
  2493. - SDL
  2494. images:
  2495. - https://repo.openpandora.org/files/pnd/package.id.here/preview/titus-the-fox3.png
  2496. langs:
  2497. - C
  2498. licenses:
  2499. - GPL3
  2500. content: commercial
  2501. development: halted
  2502. originals:
  2503. - Titus the Fox
  2504. status: playable
  2505. repo: https://github.com/stople/OpenTitus
  2506. type: remake
  2507. updated: 2021-08-03
  2508. url: https://opentitus.sourceforge.net
  2509. - name: OpenTomb
  2510. images:
  2511. - https://opentomb.github.io/img/media/01.jpg
  2512. - https://opentomb.github.io/img/media/02.jpg
  2513. - https://opentomb.github.io/img/media/03.jpg
  2514. langs:
  2515. - C++
  2516. frameworks:
  2517. - OpenGL
  2518. - SDL2
  2519. - Bullet3
  2520. licenses:
  2521. - LGPL3
  2522. content: commercial
  2523. development: halted
  2524. originals:
  2525. - Tomb Raider
  2526. status: playable
  2527. repo: https://github.com/opentomb/OpenTomb
  2528. type: remake
  2529. added: 2014-04-29
  2530. updated: 2024-08-14
  2531. url: https://opentomb.github.io/
  2532. video:
  2533. youtube: ouGs29woi0k
  2534. info: re-implementation of the classic Tomb Raider engine, with contemporary updates, features and additions
  2535. - name: OpenTPW
  2536. originals:
  2537. - Theme Park World
  2538. type: remake
  2539. repo: 'https://github.com/ThemeParkWorld/OpenTPW'
  2540. development: sporadic
  2541. status: unplayable
  2542. content: commercial
  2543. langs:
  2544. - 'C#'
  2545. frameworks:
  2546. - .NET
  2547. licenses:
  2548. - MIT
  2549. updated: '2023-04-25'
  2550. images:
  2551. - 'https://blog.gu3.me/2022/opentpw.png'
  2552. - name: OpenTriad
  2553. langs:
  2554. - Java
  2555. licenses:
  2556. - GPL3
  2557. development: halted
  2558. originals:
  2559. - Triple Triad
  2560. status: playable
  2561. type: remake
  2562. updated: 2022-05-26
  2563. url: https://github.com/benjaminfoo/OpenTriad
  2564. images:
  2565. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benjaminfoo/OpenTriad/develop/docs/ingame_term.png
  2566. - name: OpenTTD
  2567. development: very active
  2568. images:
  2569. - https://media.openttd.org/images/screens/1.4/02-opengfx-1920x1200.png
  2570. - https://media.openttd.org/images/screens/1.3/realgrowth.png
  2571. langs:
  2572. - C++
  2573. frameworks:
  2574. - OpenGL
  2575. - SDL2
  2576. licenses:
  2577. - GPL2
  2578. content: swappable
  2579. originals:
  2580. - Transport Tycoon
  2581. repo: https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD
  2582. feed: https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/releases.atom
  2583. status: playable
  2584. type: remake
  2585. added: 2011-06-01
  2586. updated: 2024-08-15
  2587. url: https://www.openttd.org
  2588. - name: OpenTyrian
  2589. langs:
  2590. - C
  2591. frameworks:
  2592. - SDL2
  2593. licenses:
  2594. - GPL2
  2595. content: free
  2596. development: sporadic
  2597. originals:
  2598. - Tyrian
  2599. status: playable
  2600. repo: https://github.com/opentyrian/opentyrian
  2601. images:
  2602. - https://github.com/opentyrian/opentyrian/wiki/opentyrian_torm.png
  2603. type: remake
  2604. updated: 2021-10-11
  2605. video:
  2606. youtube: gsjX-duCyiQ
  2607. - name: OpenTyrian2000
  2608. originals:
  2609. - Tyrian
  2610. type: remake
  2611. url: 'https://github.com/KScl/opentyrian2000'
  2612. feed: https://github.com/KScl/opentyrian2000/releases.atom
  2613. development: sporadic
  2614. status: playable
  2615. multiplayer:
  2616. - Online
  2617. - LAN
  2618. content: open
  2619. langs:
  2620. - C
  2621. licenses:
  2622. - GPL2
  2623. info: Port of OpenTyrian made to support Tyrian2000
  2624. updated: 2022-05-31
  2625. - name: OpenVIII
  2626. type: remake
  2627. originals:
  2628. - Final Fantasy VIII
  2629. repo: https://github.com/MaKiPL/OpenVIII-monogame
  2630. url: https://makipl.github.io/OpenVIII-monogame/
  2631. development: halted
  2632. status: unplayable
  2633. langs:
  2634. - C#
  2635. frameworks:
  2636. - MonoGame
  2637. licenses:
  2638. - MIT
  2639. content: commercial
  2640. added: 2019-09-17
  2641. updated: 2024-08-16
  2642. images:
  2643. - https://i.postimg.cc/2SJRND9j/Screenshot-from-2019-06-11-11-46-24.png
  2644. - https://i.postimg.cc/5NsWpvwC/Screenshot-from-2019-06-11-11-44-38.png
  2645. - https://i.postimg.cc/rwzXHmJY/Screenshot-from-2019-06-11-11-44-19.png
  2646. - https://i.postimg.cc/RVSzcGnm/Screenshot-from-2019-06-11-11-45-14.png
  2647. - name: OpenVice
  2648. originals:
  2649. - 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'
  2650. type: remake
  2651. repo: 'https://github.com/clashbyte/openvice'
  2652. development: halted
  2653. status: unplayable
  2654. content: commercial
  2655. langs:
  2656. - C#
  2657. frameworks:
  2658. - OpenTK
  2659. licenses:
  2660. - GPL3
  2661. added: 2021-12-03
  2662. updated: 2024-08-19
  2663. video:
  2664. youtube: R3Jxgm1xDYY
  2665. - name: OpenWar
  2666. development: halted
  2667. images:
  2668. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andreas-jonsson/openwar/master/doc/screenshot2.png
  2669. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andreas-jonsson/openwar/master/doc/screenshot3.gif
  2670. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andreas-jonsson/openwar/master/doc/screenshot4.png
  2671. langs:
  2672. - Go
  2673. licenses:
  2674. - GPL3
  2675. content: commercial
  2676. originals:
  2677. - 'Warcraft: Orcs & Humans'
  2678. repo: https://github.com/andreas-jonsson/openwar
  2679. status: unplayable
  2680. type: remake
  2681. added: 2016-08-09
  2682. updated: 2024-08-20
  2683. - name: OpenXcom
  2684. images:
  2685. - https://web.archive.org/web/20211231021730if_/https://openxcom.org/wp-content/gallery/v1-0/00_mainmenu.png
  2686. - https://web.archive.org/web/20211231023450if_/https://openxcom.org/wp-content/gallery/v1-0/01_globe.png
  2687. - https://web.archive.org/web/20211231021349if_/https://openxcom.org/wp-content/gallery/v1-0/04_inventory.png
  2688. - https://web.archive.org/web/20211231024034if_/https://openxcom.org/wp-content/gallery/v1-0/07_pathpreview.png
  2689. info: EU and TftD fully playable, feature complete, now development focus on bug fix
  2690. langs:
  2691. - C++
  2692. licenses:
  2693. - GPL3
  2694. content: commercial
  2695. development: active
  2696. originals:
  2697. - 'X-COM: UFO Defense'
  2698. - 'X-COM: Terror from the Deep'
  2699. repo: https://github.com/OpenXcom/OpenXcom
  2700. status: playable
  2701. type: remake
  2702. url: https://openxcom.org/
  2703. video:
  2704. youtube: oxlRQGnGaDo
  2705. updated: 2022-05-03
  2706. - name: OpenXRay
  2707. originals:
  2708. - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  2709. type: remake
  2710. repo: 'https://github.com/OpenXRay/xray-16'
  2711. development: very active
  2712. status: playable
  2713. multiplayer:
  2714. - Online
  2715. - LAN
  2716. content: commercial
  2717. langs:
  2718. - C++
  2719. - Lua
  2720. frameworks:
  2721. - SDL2
  2722. - DirectX
  2723. - OpenGL
  2724. - Open Dynamics Engine
  2725. licenses:
  2726. - Custom
  2727. info: 'Improved version of the X-Ray Engine, the game engine used in the world-famous S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series by GSC Game World.'
  2728. images:
  2729. - 'https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6609131/91668987-782c7a00-eb3b-11ea-931a-22bb34c61125.png'
  2730. - 'https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6609131/93977326-82d9d800-fda4-11ea-921a-5b7377416144.png'
  2731. - 'https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6609131/93976903-dd266900-fda3-11ea-9e33-9416ce43bbad.png'
  2732. video:
  2733. youtube: Alr9YQv2JWQ
  2734. updated: 2020-09-21
  2735. - name: OpenYandere
  2736. originals:
  2737. - Yandere Simulator
  2738. type: clone
  2739. repo: 'https://github.com/Evilpersonwithnosoul/OpenYandere'
  2740. development: halted
  2741. status: semi-playable
  2742. content: free
  2743. langs:
  2744. - 'C#'
  2745. frameworks:
  2746. - Unity
  2747. licenses:
  2748. - GPL3
  2749. updated: '2020-07-24'
  2750. - name: OpMon
  2751. frameworks:
  2752. - Godot
  2753. langs:
  2754. - GDScript
  2755. licenses:
  2756. - GPL3
  2757. development: sporadic
  2758. originals:
  2759. - Pokémon
  2760. status: semi-playable
  2761. repo: https://github.com/OpMonTeam/OpMon
  2762. type: remake
  2763. updated: 2022-10-15
  2764. url: https://opmon-game.ga
  2765. images:
  2766. - https://opmon-game.ga/img/screenshot_2.png
  2767. - name: opsu!
  2768. originals:
  2769. - Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan
  2770. type: clone
  2771. repo: 'https://github.com/itdelatrisu/opsu'
  2772. url: 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/'
  2773. development: halted
  2774. status: playable
  2775. content: free
  2776. langs:
  2777. - Java
  2778. frameworks:
  2779. - Slick2D
  2780. - OpenGL
  2781. licenses:
  2782. - GPL3
  2783. info: Unofficial osu! client
  2784. updated: '2020-07-24'
  2785. images:
  2786. - 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/images/screenshots/s01.png'
  2787. - 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/images/screenshots/s02.png'
  2788. - 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/images/screenshots/s03.png'
  2789. - 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/images/screenshots/s04.png'
  2790. - 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/images/screenshots/s05.png'
  2791. - 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/images/screenshots/s06.png'
  2792. - 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/images/screenshots/s07.png'
  2793. - 'https://itdelatrisu.github.io/opsu/images/screenshots/s08.png'
  2794. - name: Orbit-Hopper
  2795. images:
  2796. - https://libregamewiki.org/images/3/38/Orbit-Hopper_-_m1.png
  2797. langs:
  2798. - C++
  2799. frameworks:
  2800. - SDL
  2801. - OpenGL
  2802. licenses:
  2803. - GPL2
  2804. development: halted
  2805. originals:
  2806. - SkyRoads
  2807. status: playable
  2808. type: clone
  2809. updated: 2020-08-25
  2810. url: http://www.zneaker.com/projects.html#orbit
  2811. - name: Orbium
  2812. langs:
  2813. - JavaScript
  2814. licenses:
  2815. - GPL2
  2816. content: free
  2817. development: halted
  2818. originals:
  2819. - Log!cal
  2820. repo: https://github.com/bni/orbium
  2821. status: playable
  2822. type: remake
  2823. added: 2014-08-20
  2824. updated: 2024-08-21
  2825. url: https://bni.github.io/orbium/
  2826. - name: Ordoor
  2827. type: remake
  2828. originals:
  2829. - 'Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate'
  2830. repo: https://code.ur.gs/lupine/ordoor
  2831. development: halted
  2832. status: unplayable
  2833. langs:
  2834. - Go
  2835. frameworks:
  2836. - Ebitengine
  2837. licenses:
  2838. - MIT
  2839. content: commercial
  2840. added: 2018-12-31
  2841. updated: 2024-08-23
  2842. images:
  2843. - https://ur.gs/img/ordoor-main-menu.gif
  2844. - name: OREGON 77
  2845. type: clone
  2846. originals:
  2847. - The Oregon Trail
  2848. url: https://cyber.dabamos.de/programming/fortran/oregon/
  2849. development: complete
  2850. status: playable
  2851. langs:
  2852. - Fortran
  2853. licenses:
  2854. - ISC
  2855. updated: 2022-04-30
  2856. - name: orona
  2857. licenses:
  2858. - GPL2
  2859. content: free
  2860. development: halted
  2861. langs:
  2862. - CoffeeScript
  2863. originals:
  2864. - Bolo
  2865. repo: https://github.com/stephank/orona
  2866. status: semi-playable
  2867. type: remake
  2868. updated: 2022-11-29
  2869. url: https://stephank.github.io/orona/bolo.html
  2870. - name: Ostrich Riders
  2871. images:
  2872. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ostrichriders/screenshots/229619.jpg
  2873. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ostrichriders/screenshots/229617.jpg
  2874. langs:
  2875. - C++
  2876. frameworks:
  2877. - SFML
  2878. licenses:
  2879. - GPL3
  2880. content: open
  2881. development: halted
  2882. originals:
  2883. - Joust
  2884. status: playable
  2885. repo: https://github.com/dulsi/ostrichriders
  2886. type: clone
  2887. updated: 2022-07-17
  2888. url: https://identicalsoftware.com/ostrichriders/
  2889. - name: osu!
  2890. type: clone
  2891. originals:
  2892. - Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan
  2893. - Taiko no Tatsujin
  2894. - Beatmania IIDX
  2895. repo: https://github.com/ppy/osu
  2896. url: https://osu.ppy.sh/
  2897. development: very active
  2898. status: playable
  2899. langs:
  2900. - C#
  2901. frameworks:
  2902. - .NET
  2903. licenses:
  2904. - MIT
  2905. content: free
  2906. added: 2019-09-17
  2907. updated: 2024-08-26
  2908. images:
  2909. - https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QBBpM-Ypigg/VPMlUshslUI/AAAAAAAAA3w/OutunwDoSUM/s1600/lol.jpg
  2910. - name: Outpost HD
  2911. type: remake
  2912. originals:
  2913. - Outpost
  2914. repo: https://github.com/OutpostUniverse/OPHD
  2915. feed: https://github.com/OutpostUniverse/OPHD/releases.atom
  2916. url: https://forum.outpost2.net/index.php/topic,5718.0.html
  2917. langs:
  2918. - C++
  2919. frameworks:
  2920. - SDL2
  2921. development: active
  2922. status: playable
  2923. licenses:
  2924. - BSD
  2925. content: commercial
  2926. added: 2019-05-04
  2927. updated: 2024-08-27
  2928. images:
  2929. - https://i.ibb.co/QpTprw1/image.png
  2930. - https://i.ibb.co/Nm7Chnh/image.png
  2931. - https://i.ibb.co/NLRqjHc/image.png
  2932. - https://i.ibb.co/z8JTQNs/image.png
  2933. - https://i.ibb.co/k56WjLc/image.png
  2934. - https://i.ibb.co/vV6k747/image.png
  2935. video:
  2936. youtube: Ofl2NVpZO_Y
  2937. - name: OutRun CPC
  2938. frameworks:
  2939. - QB64
  2940. langs:
  2941. - BASIC
  2942. licenses:
  2943. - As-is
  2944. development: halted
  2945. originals:
  2946. - Out Run
  2947. status: semi-playable
  2948. type: remake
  2949. updated: 2022-07-26
  2950. url: http://outruncpc.free.fr/
  2951. video:
  2952. youtube: u44uLqybwOc
  2953. - name: Overgrowth
  2954. type: official
  2955. originals:
  2956. - Overgrowth
  2957. repo: https://github.com/WolfireGames/overgrowth
  2958. url: https://overgrowth.wolfire.com
  2959. development: complete
  2960. status: playable
  2961. multiplayer:
  2962. - Split-screen
  2963. - Co-op
  2964. langs:
  2965. - C
  2966. - C++
  2967. licenses:
  2968. - Apache
  2969. content: commercial
  2970. updated: 2022-04-22
  2971. images:
  2972. - https://overgrowth.wolfire.com/static/b6e11749620b440479318d90b554e297/ec57e/overgrowth-screenshot-6.jpg
  2973. - https://overgrowth.wolfire.com/static/ec09bf28c92f3261ccbc4d2a29019f38/ec57e/overgrowth-screenshot-3.jpg
  2974. - https://overgrowth.wolfire.com/static/63e287c9ee481080d2acc452ab8ab724/ec57e/overgrowth-screenshot-7.jpg
  2975. - https://overgrowth.wolfire.com/static/5ea80f43b95a07c3d9ee0ce166023832/ec57e/overgrowth-screenshot-1.jpg
  2976. - https://overgrowth.wolfire.com/static/221a3fc98797337ccc18b4828e43988b/ec57e/overgrowth-screenshot-10.jpg
  2977. video:
  2978. youtube: o5l2xr5BBq8
  2979. - name: Ozymandias
  2980. originals:
  2981. - Pharaoh
  2982. type: remake
  2983. repo: 'https://github.com/dalerank/ozymandias'
  2984. url: 'https://dalerank.itch.io/ozymandias'
  2985. development: very active
  2986. status: semi-playable
  2987. multiplayer:
  2988. - Competitive
  2989. content: commercial
  2990. langs:
  2991. - C++
  2992. frameworks:
  2993. - SDL2
  2994. licenses:
  2995. - AGPL3
  2996. info: >-
  2997. Ozymandias is a fork of the Augustus project that intends to restore original
  2998. gameplay of the Pharaoh + Cleopatra.
  2999. updated: 2023-08-12
  3000. images:
  3001. - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/918081/258870468-f009ec60-47d6-49e5-811c-2ed72f12ab7c.png
  3002. - >-
  3003. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/918081/250271563-6e2358ad-82af-4374-89d1-35d56b917e1e.png