u.yaml 15 KB

  1. - name: UA_source
  2. langs:
  3. - C++
  4. licenses:
  5. - GPL2
  6. content: commercial
  7. frameworks:
  8. - SDL2
  9. originals:
  10. - Urban Assault
  11. status: playable
  12. repo: https://github.com/Marisa-Chan/UA_source
  13. development: halted
  14. feed: https://github.com/Marisa-Chan/UA_source/releases.atom
  15. url: https://metropolisdawn.de/lexicon/entry/16-openua/
  16. type: remake
  17. added: 2017-09-08
  18. updated: 2024-10-29
  19. images:
  20. - https://preview.redd.it/98fmlo55xgu91.jpg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5b02bd502b47600e0cdb3aff188d4a61fd9b69
  21. - https://preview.redd.it/oi30u4g5xgu91.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d03eb179d56a0548e4027d6fb370220f03bc93
  22. - https://preview.redd.it/hbgqm9q5xgu91.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97cf247dff59b1fad47b3def913f9524527376db
  23. - name: UAlbion
  24. type: remake
  25. originals:
  26. - Albion
  27. repo: https://github.com/csinkers/ualbion
  28. development: active
  29. status: unplayable
  30. langs:
  31. - 'C#'
  32. frameworks:
  33. - .NET
  34. licenses:
  35. - MIT
  36. content: commercial
  37. images:
  38. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csinkers/ualbion/master/.github/screenshots/1_FirstLevel.png
  39. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csinkers/ualbion/master/.github/screenshots/2_3DWorld.png
  40. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csinkers/ualbion/master/.github/screenshots/3_Outdoors.png
  41. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csinkers/ualbion/master/.github/screenshots/4_Inventory.png
  42. - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csinkers/ualbion/master/.github/screenshots/5_MainMenu.png
  43. added: 2020-02-06
  44. updated: 2020-02-06
  45. - name: UFO2000
  46. images:
  47. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ufo2000/screenshots/66443.jpg
  48. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ufo2000/screenshots/66447.jpg
  49. - https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/ufo2000/screenshots/66445.jpg
  50. langs:
  51. - C++
  52. licenses:
  53. - GPL2
  54. content: swappable
  55. development: halted
  56. originals:
  57. - 'X-COM: UFO Defense'
  58. - 'X-COM: Terror from the Deep'
  59. - 'X-COM: Apocalypse'
  60. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ufo2000/
  61. status: playable
  62. type: remake
  63. added: 2013-07-05
  64. updated: 2021-01-06
  65. video:
  66. youtube: F8qKn6u2zWI
  67. - name: 'UFO: Alien Invasion'
  68. images:
  69. - https://ufoai.org/w/images/Ui2_aliencontainment.jpg
  70. - https://ufoai.org/w/images/Ui2_baseview_2.jpg
  71. - https://ufoai.org/w/images/Ui2_baseview_1.jpg
  72. - https://ufoai.org/w/images/Ui2_campaign.jpg
  73. - https://ufoai.org/w/images/Ui2_main.jpg
  74. - https://ufoai.org/w/images/Ui2_market.jpg
  75. - https://ufoai.org/w/images/Ui2_research.jpg
  76. langs:
  77. - C
  78. frameworks:
  79. - SDL2
  80. - OpenGL
  81. licenses:
  82. - GPL2
  83. content: open
  84. development: sporadic
  85. originals:
  86. - 'X-COM: UFO Defense'
  87. - 'X-COM: Terror from the Deep'
  88. - 'X-COM: Apocalypse'
  89. status: playable
  90. multiplayer:
  91. - LAN
  92. - Online
  93. - Competitive
  94. - Co-op
  95. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ufoai/
  96. type: clone
  97. url: https://ufoai.org/wiki/News
  98. added: 2011-06-01
  99. updated: 2024-11-01
  100. - name: UGH-remake
  101. langs:
  102. - C
  103. licenses:
  104. - As-is
  105. development: complete
  106. originals:
  107. - Ugh!
  108. status: playable
  109. repo: https://bitbucket.org/Andy51/ugh-remake
  110. type: remake
  111. added: 2015-04-13
  112. updated: 2024-11-02
  113. - name: UiirJS
  114. langs:
  115. - JavaScript
  116. licenses:
  117. - As-is
  118. development: halted
  119. originals:
  120. - 'Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress'
  121. status: unplayable
  122. repo: https://github.com/jaggedsoft/UiirJS
  123. type: remake
  124. added: 2015-06-01
  125. updated: 2020-09-04
  126. - name: Ultima 5 Redux
  127. images:
  128. - https://u5redux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-5.png
  129. - https://u5redux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-10.png
  130. - https://u5redux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-9.png
  131. - https://u5redux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-12.png
  132. - https://u5redux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-6.png
  133. - https://u5redux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-7.png
  134. - https://u5redux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-8.png
  135. - https://u5redux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-11.png
  136. langs:
  137. - C#
  138. frameworks:
  139. - .NET
  140. licenses:
  141. - MIT
  142. content: commercial
  143. development: sporadic
  144. originals:
  145. - 'Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny'
  146. status: playable
  147. repo: https://github.com/bradhannah/Ultima5Redux
  148. type: remake
  149. url: https://u5redux.wordpress.com/
  150. feed: https://u5redux.wordpress.com/feed/
  151. added: 2023-08-19
  152. updated: 2023-08-19
  153. video:
  154. youtube: ZYSHJ8TQe2Q
  155. - name: Ultimate Stunts
  156. images:
  157. - https://www.ultimatestunts.nl/screenshots/0751.jpg
  158. - https://www.ultimatestunts.nl/screenshots/0752.jpg
  159. - https://www.ultimatestunts.nl/screenshots/0711.jpg
  160. - https://www.ultimatestunts.nl/screenshots/0722.jpg
  161. langs:
  162. - C++
  163. licenses:
  164. - GPL2
  165. content: open
  166. development: halted
  167. originals:
  168. - Stunts
  169. status: playable
  170. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ultimatestunts/
  171. type: remake
  172. url: https://www.ultimatestunts.nl/
  173. added: 2011-06-02
  174. updated: 2023-01-11
  175. - name: UltraStar Deluxe
  176. frameworks:
  177. - SDL2
  178. langs:
  179. - Pascal
  180. - Lua
  181. licenses:
  182. - GPL2
  183. development: active
  184. originals:
  185. - SingStar
  186. repo: https://github.com/UltraStar-Deluxe/USDX
  187. feed: https://github.com/UltraStar-Deluxe/USDX/releases.atom
  188. status: playable
  189. multiplayer:
  190. - Competitive
  191. - Co-op
  192. - Local
  193. type: remake
  194. added: 2014-09-19
  195. updated: 2024-11-07
  196. url: https://usdx.eu/
  197. video:
  198. youtube: iIK4w7pd5zU
  199. - name: UltraStar Play
  200. frameworks:
  201. - Unity
  202. langs:
  203. - C#
  204. licenses:
  205. - MIT
  206. content: open
  207. development: active
  208. originals:
  209. - SingStar
  210. repo: https://github.com/UltraStar-Deluxe/Play
  211. status: playable
  212. type: remake
  213. added: 2021-06-06
  214. updated: 2024-11-08
  215. url: https://ultrastar-play.com/en
  216. images:
  217. - https://ultrastar-play.com/img/carousel/singing-resized.jpg?version=2?imwidth=2048
  218. video:
  219. youtube: 4hXKOLafpDg
  220. - name: uMario
  221. frameworks:
  222. - SDL2
  223. langs:
  224. - C++
  225. licenses:
  226. - GPL2
  227. content: commercial
  228. development: complete
  229. originals:
  230. - Super Mario
  231. repo: https://github.com/jakowskidev/uMario_Jakowski
  232. url: https://lukaszjakowski.pl/project,20,mario-cpp.html
  233. status: playable
  234. type: remake
  235. added: 2016-03-24
  236. updated: 2024-11-09
  237. images:
  238. - https://lukaszjakowski.pl/img/mario_full-al.png
  239. - https://lukaszjakowski.pl/img/mario_full.png
  240. video:
  241. youtube: jya5He7KFsE
  242. - name: Uncharted waters 2 remake
  243. langs:
  244. - TypeScript
  245. frameworks:
  246. - React
  247. licenses:
  248. - MIT
  249. content: commercial
  250. development: halted
  251. originals:
  252. - Uncharted Waters
  253. status: semi-playable
  254. repo: https://github.com/JohanLi/uncharted-waters-2
  255. type: remake
  256. added: 2015-04-05
  257. updated: 2024-11-10
  258. url: https://johan.li/uncharted-waters-2
  259. images:
  260. - https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/JohanLi/uncharted-waters-2/readme-assets/uncharted-waters-2.png
  261. info: "Browser-based remake of Uncharted Waters: New Horizons (大航海時代II)"
  262. - name: UnCiv
  263. type: remake
  264. originals:
  265. - Civilization V
  266. repo: https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv
  267. url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unciv.app
  268. development: very active
  269. status: playable
  270. multiplayer:
  271. - Hotseat
  272. - Online
  273. langs:
  274. - Kotlin
  275. frameworks:
  276. - libGDX
  277. licenses:
  278. - MPL
  279. content: open
  280. info: Android remake of Civilization V
  281. added: 2019-09-17
  282. updated: 2024-08-10
  283. images:
  284. - https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/blob/master/extraImages/GithubPreviewImage.jpg?raw=true
  285. - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/u-160JEHFQMPW7fxWGUcHefQtgBNrTeqWN5Rh3jPwgbAF77GdgSTaxwuWoc6n7h1mg=w1180-h932
  286. - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_MVwu5gZX0n5KckRhjYUzvD6PLlDGhWk4peclcg2L-VjwNo2-9v9R03I-6mdvlmJ7ZM=w1180-h932
  287. - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Az9kjLDnmMA__c0_68P_FwjivBtAg8ZMtFYBvXvEAhoS8W-8_hqSxINzbALf9rWsqKM=w1180-h932
  288. - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ioi91BqZm856VpXVPuzD3Of5P5hjXLcKHq20Ofv3aklexSwWSl5lpmo5EiJftmt1Wg=w1180-h932
  289. - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/qOqSXlgjCCdpYCHoNab0rzGHfjUnnCHF_GJQKGKmaOfBv1tGYW6v37cvjIMfbwoibQ=w1180-h932
  290. - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/TSFQq6P2X9Ineomy-59C-DkiqD8elT9DVWBS1jhQGQ-3pdSq38tRwhzbL3nt4NrE8Ws=w1180-h932
  291. - name: UndertaleModTool
  292. originals:
  293. - Undertale
  294. type: tool
  295. repo: https://github.com/UnderminersTeam/UndertaleModTool
  296. feed: https://github.com/UnderminersTeam/UndertaleModTool/releases.atom
  297. development: very active
  298. content: commercial
  299. langs:
  300. - 'C#'
  301. frameworks:
  302. - .NET
  303. licenses:
  304. - GPL3
  305. info: >-
  306. The most complete tool for modding, decompiling and unpacking Undertale (and
  307. other Game Maker: Studio games!)
  308. added: 2019-12-13
  309. updated: 2024-08-11
  310. images:
  311. - https://github.com/UnderminersTeam/UndertaleModTool/blob/master/images/ribbit-dr.png
  312. - name: Underworld Adventures
  313. originals:
  314. - Ultima Underworld
  315. - 'Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds'
  316. type: remake
  317. repo: 'https://github.com/vividos/UnderworldAdventures'
  318. url: 'https://vividos.github.io/UnderworldAdventures/'
  319. development: halted
  320. status: semi-playable
  321. content: commercial
  322. licenses:
  323. - GPL2
  324. images:
  325. - https://vividos.github.io/UnderworldAdventures/images/shot2.jpg
  326. - https://vividos.github.io/UnderworldAdventures/images/shot3.jpg
  327. - https://vividos.github.io/UnderworldAdventures/images/shot4.jpg
  328. added: 2021-08-08
  329. updated: 2024-11-11
  330. - name: UnderworldExporter
  331. type: remake
  332. originals:
  333. - Ultima Underworld
  334. - 'Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds'
  335. repo: https://github.com/hankmorgan/UnderworldExporter
  336. development: halted
  337. status: playable
  338. langs:
  339. - C#
  340. - C++
  341. frameworks:
  342. - Unity
  343. licenses:
  344. - MIT
  345. content: commercial
  346. added: 2020-02-25
  347. updated: 2024-11-13
  348. video:
  349. youtube: 4DZj3eWP9cw
  350. - name: uninvited
  351. frameworks:
  352. - Inform
  353. licenses:
  354. - Artistic
  355. content: free
  356. development: halted
  357. originals:
  358. - Uninvited
  359. status: playable
  360. repo: https://gitlab.com/DavidGriffith/uninvited
  361. type: remake
  362. updated: 2022-01-11
  363. - name: UnityPacmania
  364. originals:
  365. - Pac-Mania
  366. type: clone
  367. repo: 'https://github.com/stuart73/UnityPacmania'
  368. development: complete
  369. status: playable
  370. content: commercial
  371. langs:
  372. - 'C#'
  373. frameworks:
  374. - Unity
  375. licenses:
  376. - As-is
  377. updated: '2022-06-28'
  378. images:
  379. - 'https://www.photovidshow.com/pacmania/pacmania.jpg'
  380. video:
  381. youtube: fsbwAHDhPkk
  382. - name: Unitystation
  383. originals:
  384. - Space Station 13
  385. type: clone
  386. repo: https://github.com/unitystation/unitystation
  387. url: https://www.unitystation.org
  388. development: very active
  389. langs:
  390. - C#
  391. frameworks:
  392. - Unity
  393. status: playable
  394. multiplayer:
  395. - Online
  396. licenses:
  397. - AGPL3
  398. - CC-BY-SA
  399. - GPL3
  400. content: open
  401. added: 2019-11-14
  402. updated: 2023-01-28
  403. images:
  404. - https://wiki.unitystation.org/images/2/2d/Kind_inhabitants.png
  405. - https://wiki.unitystation.org/images/a/af/Mingulo.png
  406. - https://wiki.unitystation.org/images/b/bb/Blob_pizza.png
  407. video:
  408. youtube: FNay4jJMuxA
  409. - name: Unknown Horizons
  410. images:
  411. - https://unknown-horizons.org/static/screenshots/godot/main_menu_godot.png
  412. - https://unknown-horizons.org/static/screenshots/godot/ingame_dev_map_godot.png
  413. - https://unknown-horizons.org/static/screenshots/godot/ingame_dev_map_2_godot.png
  414. langs:
  415. - GDScript
  416. frameworks:
  417. - Godot
  418. licenses:
  419. - GPL2
  420. content: open
  421. development: sporadic
  422. originals:
  423. - Anno series
  424. status: unplayable
  425. repo: https://github.com/unknown-horizons/godot-port
  426. type: clone
  427. url: https://unknown-horizons.org
  428. added: 2011-07-19
  429. updated: 2023-01-30
  430. info: porting old python/FIFE codebase to Godot
  431. - name: Unknown Horizons Godot Engine Port
  432. originals:
  433. - Anno series
  434. type: clone
  435. repo: https://github.com/unknown-horizons/godot-port
  436. url: https://unknown-horizons.org
  437. development: sporadic
  438. status: unplayable
  439. content: open
  440. langs:
  441. - GDScript
  442. frameworks:
  443. - Godot
  444. licenses:
  445. - GPL2
  446. info: We are searching for developers for our Godot Engine port.
  447. updated: 2023-08-21
  448. images:
  449. - https://unknown-horizons.org/static/screenshots/godot/main_menu_godot.png
  450. - https://unknown-horizons.org/static/screenshots/godot/ingame_dev_map_godot.png
  451. - https://unknown-horizons.org/static/screenshots/godot/ingame_dev_map_2_godot.png
  452. - name: Unvanquished
  453. images:
  454. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/chasm_granger.png
  455. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/perseus_tyrant.png
  456. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/parpax_human.png
  457. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/perseus_mantis1.jpg
  458. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yocto_mara.png
  459. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/perseus_dretch.png
  460. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/parpax_h1.png
  461. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/parpax_aliens.png
  462. - https://unvanquished.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/antares_turrets.jpg
  463. langs:
  464. - C++
  465. frameworks:
  466. - Daemon Engine
  467. - SDL2
  468. - OpenGL
  469. - OpenAL
  470. licenses:
  471. - GPL3
  472. - BSD
  473. - CC-BY-SA
  474. - CC-BY
  475. development: very active
  476. status: playable
  477. multiplayer:
  478. - Online
  479. - LAN
  480. - Competitive
  481. - Co-op
  482. originals:
  483. - Gloom (Quake)
  484. - Natural Selection
  485. repo: https://github.com/Unvanquished/Unvanquished
  486. type: similar
  487. updated: 2023-08-23
  488. url: https://unvanquished.net
  489. feed: https://unvanquished.net/feed
  490. - name: The Ur-Quan Masters
  491. images:
  492. - https://sc2.sourceforge.net/screenshots/pcintro.jpg
  493. - https://sc2.sourceforge.net/screenshots/slaveshield.png
  494. - https://sc2.sourceforge.net/screenshots/scale_triscan.png
  495. - https://sc2.sourceforge.net/screenshots/setupmenu.png
  496. - https://sc2.sourceforge.net/screenshots/meleestep.png
  497. langs:
  498. - C
  499. frameworks:
  500. - SDL2
  501. licenses:
  502. - GPL2
  503. content: swappable
  504. development: halted
  505. originals:
  506. - Star Control 2
  507. status: playable
  508. repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sc2/
  509. type: remake
  510. url: https://sc2.sourceforge.net/
  511. added: 2011-06-02
  512. updated: 2023-08-24
  513. - name: The Ur-Quan Masters HD MegaMod
  514. originals:
  515. - 'Star Control 2'
  516. type: remake
  517. repo: 'https://github.com/JHGuitarFreak/UQM-MegaMod'
  518. development: active
  519. status: playable
  520. content: open
  521. langs:
  522. - C
  523. frameworks:
  524. - SDL
  525. - SDL2
  526. licenses:
  527. - GPL2
  528. url: https://uqm-mods.sourceforge.net
  529. info: A fork of The Ur-Quan Masters HD that remasters the graphics with a veritable smorgasbord of extra features and options
  530. added: 2023-10-01
  531. updated: 2023-10-01
  532. images:
  533. - https://uqm-mods.sourceforge.net/Images/MegaMod/01%20Sol.png
  534. - https://uqm-mods.sourceforge.net/Images/MegaMod/02%20Mercury.png
  535. - https://uqm-mods.sourceforge.net/Images/MegaMod/03%20The%20Ur-Quan%20Warning.png
  536. - https://uqm-mods.sourceforge.net/Images/MegaMod/04%20Earth.png
  537. - https://uqm-mods.sourceforge.net/Images/MegaMod/05%20Lunar%20Scan.png
  538. - https://uqm-mods.sourceforge.net/Images/MegaMod/06%20Lunar%20Report.png
  539. - name: utkencode
  540. originals:
  541. - Beasts and Bumpkins
  542. - The Sims Online
  543. - SimCity 4
  544. - FIFA 2001
  545. type: tool
  546. repo: 'https://github.com/daddesio/utkencode'
  547. development: halted
  548. status: semi-playable
  549. content: commercial
  550. langs:
  551. - C
  552. licenses:
  553. - Unlicense
  554. info: >-
  555. Encoder/decoder for the audio codec used by a few older EA games, including
  556. Beasts and Bumpkins
  557. updated: '2023-12-08'
  558. - name: UchuServer
  559. originals:
  560. - Lego Universe
  561. type: remake
  562. repo: 'https://github.com/UchuServer/Uchu'
  563. development: active
  564. status: playable
  565. multiplayer:
  566. - Local
  567. - Online
  568. - LAN
  569. content: commercial
  570. langs:
  571. - 'C#'
  572. licenses:
  573. - GPL3
  574. info: A Server project emulating original data from NetDevil's Lego Universe (2010)
  575. updated: '2022-02-15'
  576. video:
  577. youtube: _b6HYmdcA8c