123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- /*
- Broker acts as the HTTP signaling channel.
- It matches clients and snowflake proxies by passing corresponding
- SessionDescriptions in order to negotiate a WebRTC connection.
- */
- package main
- import (
- "container/heap"
- "flag"
- "io"
- "log"
- "net"
- "net/rpc"
- "os"
- "os/signal"
- "sync"
- "syscall"
- "time"
- "git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/snowflake.git/common/safelog"
- // "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
- )
- type BrokerContext struct {
- snowflakes *SnowflakeHeap
- restrictedSnowflakes *SnowflakeHeap
- // Maps keeping track of snowflakeIDs required to match SDP answers from
- // the second http POST. Restricted snowflakes can only be matched up with
- // clients behind an unrestricted NAT.
- idToSnowflake map[string]*Snowflake
- // Synchronization for the snowflake map and heap
- snowflakeLock sync.Mutex
- proxyPolls chan *ProxyPoll
- metrics *Metrics
- }
- func NewBrokerContext(metricsLogger *log.Logger) *BrokerContext {
- snowflakes := new(SnowflakeHeap)
- heap.Init(snowflakes)
- rSnowflakes := new(SnowflakeHeap)
- heap.Init(rSnowflakes)
- metrics, err := NewMetrics(metricsLogger)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err.Error())
- }
- if metrics == nil {
- panic("Failed to create metrics")
- }
- return &BrokerContext{
- snowflakes: snowflakes,
- restrictedSnowflakes: rSnowflakes,
- idToSnowflake: make(map[string]*Snowflake),
- proxyPolls: make(chan *ProxyPoll),
- metrics: metrics,
- }
- }
- // Proxies may poll for client offers concurrently.
- type ProxyPoll struct {
- id string
- proxyType string
- natType string
- offerChannel chan *ClientOffer
- }
- // Registers a Snowflake and waits for some Client to send an offer,
- // as part of the polling logic of the proxy handler.
- func (ctx *BrokerContext) RequestOffer(id string, proxyType string, natType string) *ClientOffer {
- request := new(ProxyPoll)
- request.id = id
- request.proxyType = proxyType
- request.natType = natType
- request.offerChannel = make(chan *ClientOffer)
- ctx.proxyPolls <- request
- // Block until an offer is available, or timeout which sends a nil offer.
- offer := <-request.offerChannel
- return offer
- }
- // goroutine which matches clients to proxies and sends SDP offers along.
- // Safely processes proxy requests, responding to them with either an available
- // client offer or nil on timeout / none are available.
- func (ctx *BrokerContext) Broker() {
- for request := range ctx.proxyPolls {
- snowflake := ctx.AddSnowflake(request.id, request.proxyType, request.natType)
- // Wait for a client to avail an offer to the snowflake.
- go func(request *ProxyPoll) {
- select {
- case offer := <-snowflake.offerChannel:
- request.offerChannel <- offer
- case <-time.After(time.Second * ProxyTimeout):
- // This snowflake is no longer available to serve clients.
- ctx.snowflakeLock.Lock()
- defer ctx.snowflakeLock.Unlock()
- if snowflake.index != -1 {
- if request.natType == NATUnrestricted {
- heap.Remove(ctx.snowflakes, snowflake.index)
- } else {
- heap.Remove(ctx.restrictedSnowflakes, snowflake.index)
- }
- // ctx.metrics.promMetrics.AvailableProxies.With(prometheus.Labels{"nat": request.natType, "type": request.proxyType}).Dec()
- delete(ctx.idToSnowflake, snowflake.id)
- close(request.offerChannel)
- }
- }
- }(request)
- }
- }
- // Create and add a Snowflake to the heap.
- // Required to keep track of proxies between providing them
- // with an offer and awaiting their second POST with an answer.
- func (ctx *BrokerContext) AddSnowflake(id string, proxyType string, natType string) *Snowflake {
- snowflake := new(Snowflake)
- snowflake.id = id
- snowflake.clients = 0
- snowflake.proxyType = proxyType
- snowflake.natType = natType
- snowflake.offerChannel = make(chan *ClientOffer)
- snowflake.answerChannel = make(chan string)
- ctx.snowflakeLock.Lock()
- if natType == NATUnrestricted {
- heap.Push(ctx.snowflakes, snowflake)
- } else {
- heap.Push(ctx.restrictedSnowflakes, snowflake)
- }
- // ctx.metrics.promMetrics.AvailableProxies.With(prometheus.Labels{"nat": natType, "type": proxyType}).Inc()
- ctx.snowflakeLock.Unlock()
- ctx.idToSnowflake[id] = snowflake
- return snowflake
- }
- // Client offer contains an SDP and the NAT type of the client
- type ClientOffer struct {
- natType string
- sdp []byte
- }
- func main() {
- var geoipDatabase string
- var geoip6Database string
- var disableGeoip bool
- var metricsFilename string
- var unsafeLogging bool
- var socket string
- flag.StringVar(&geoipDatabase, "geoipdb", "/usr/share/tor/geoip", "path to correctly formatted geoip database mapping IPv4 address ranges to country codes")
- flag.StringVar(&geoip6Database, "geoip6db", "/usr/share/tor/geoip6", "path to correctly formatted geoip database mapping IPv6 address ranges to country codes")
- flag.BoolVar(&disableGeoip, "disable-geoip", false, "don't use geoip for stats collection")
- flag.StringVar(&metricsFilename, "metrics-log", "", "path to metrics logging output")
- flag.BoolVar(&unsafeLogging, "unsafe-logging", false, "prevent logs from being scrubbed")
- flag.StringVar(&socket, "socket", "/tmp/broker.sock", "path to ipc socket")
- flag.Parse()
- var err error
- var metricsFile io.Writer
- var logOutput io.Writer = os.Stderr
- if unsafeLogging {
- log.SetOutput(logOutput)
- } else {
- // We want to send the log output through our scrubber first
- log.SetOutput(&safelog.LogScrubber{Output: logOutput})
- }
- log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.LUTC)
- if metricsFilename != "" {
- metricsFile, err = os.OpenFile(metricsFilename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err.Error())
- }
- } else {
- metricsFile = os.Stdout
- }
- metricsLogger := log.New(metricsFile, "", 0)
- ctx := NewBrokerContext(metricsLogger)
- if !disableGeoip {
- err = ctx.metrics.LoadGeoipDatabases(geoipDatabase, geoip6Database)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err.Error())
- }
- }
- go ctx.Broker()
- sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
- signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGHUP)
- // go routine to handle a SIGHUP signal to allow the broker operator to send
- // a SIGHUP signal when the geoip database files are updated, without requiring
- // a restart of the broker
- go func() {
- for {
- signal := <-sigChan
- log.Printf("Received signal: %s. Reloading geoip databases.", signal)
- if err = ctx.metrics.LoadGeoipDatabases(geoipDatabase, geoip6Database); err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("reload of Geo IP databases on signal %s returned error: %v", signal, err)
- }
- }
- }()
- // if err := os.RemoveAll(socket); err != nil {
- // log.Fatal(err)
- // }
- ipc := &IPC{ctx}
- rpc.Register(ipc)
- l, err := net.Listen("unix", socket)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- defer l.Close()
- rpc.Accept(l)
- }