template 932 B

  1. # Template file for 'lbry-desktop'
  2. pkgname=lbry-desktop
  3. version=0.50.1
  4. revision=1
  5. archs="x86_64"
  6. hostmakedepends="nodejs yarn-bin binutils tar xz git python libsecret"
  7. depends="nodejs gnome-keyring GConf"
  8. short_desc="Browser for decentralized videos and content available on LBRY protocol"
  9. maintainer="reback00 <reback00@protonmail.com>"
  10. license="MIT"
  11. homepage="https://lbry.com/"
  12. distfiles="https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/archive/v${version}.tar.gz"
  13. checksum=df667714ebb03ae57a6cfdef36f1e8626125947d34815e86bc561144b5ce9af8
  14. patch_args="-Np1"
  15. nopie=yes
  16. nodebug=yes
  17. nostrip=yes
  18. noverifyrdeps=yes
  19. noshlibprovides=yes
  20. preserve=yes
  21. pre_build() {
  22. # To fix node-gyp related error
  23. # https://stackoverflow.com/a/55590251
  24. rm yarn.lock
  25. yarn add core-js@2
  26. }
  27. do_build() {
  28. yarn build
  29. }
  30. do_install() {
  31. ar x dist/electron/LBRY_${version}.deb data.tar.xz
  32. tar xf data.tar.xz -C ${DESTDIR}
  33. }
  34. post_install() {
  35. vlicense LICENSE
  36. }