12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 |
- --- template.orig 2020-11-01 13:35:24.249819000 +0600
- +++ template 2020-11-02 21:37:26.586095000 +0600
- @@ -14,2 +14,21 @@ checksum=da4e6e921c465caeb8904d4fc6a183b
- +# Liberation
- +# Commands are taken from:
- +# https://git.parabola.nu/abslibre.git/tree/libre/faience-icon-theme/PKGBUILD
- +post_patch() {
- + rm -rv debian
- +
- + # remove nonfree distros and application logos
- + for nonfree in archlinux debian fedora frugalware gentoo linux-mint mandriva opensuse redhat slackware ubuntu flash rpmdrake skype; do
- + find -name *$nonfree* -delete
- + done
- +
- + # add the Parabola GNU/Linux-libre logo to the source code
- + cp -a "${FILESDIR}/start-here-parabola-symbolic.svg" Faience/places/scalable
- +
- + # set the Parabola GNU/Linux-libre start menu logo
- + cd Faience/places/scalable
- + ln -sf start-here{-parabola-symbolic,-symbolic}.svg
- +}
- +
- do_install() {