l_template_changes.patch 1.2 KB

  1. --- template.orig 2020-11-23 22:44:12.736005000 +0600
  2. +++ template 2020-11-24 02:18:04.227409000 +0600
  3. @@ -6,2 +6,4 @@ create_wrksrc=yes
  4. build_style=fetch
  5. +# Liberation: Added for build
  6. +hostmakedepends="tar openjdk8 leiningen"
  7. depends="virtual?java-environment"
  8. @@ -11,6 +13,21 @@ license="GPL-3.0-or-later"
  9. homepage="https://github.com/stathissideris/ditaa"
  10. -distfiles="${homepage}/releases/download/v${version}/${pkgname}-${version}-standalone.jar"
  11. -checksum=9418aa63ff6d89c5d2318396f59836e120e75bea7a5930c4d34aa10fe7a196a9
  12. +# Liberation: Changed to source file
  13. +distfiles="${homepage}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz"
  14. +checksum=0cd69b13febd285d90fcdc220e81158aae0cba54c6d6bdfd38d97e708c611ebd
  15. +
  16. +# Liberation: Extract source
  17. +do_extract() {
  18. + # Extract without sub sub directories
  19. + tar -xvf "${XBPS_SRCDISTDIR}/${pkgname}-${version}/v${version}.tar.gz" --strip 1
  20. +}
  21. do_build() {
  22. + # Liberation: Build from source
  23. + # To fix JAVA_HOME related messages
  24. + . /etc/profile.d/10_openjdk8.sh
  25. + # Run build with leiningen
  26. + lein uberjar
  27. + # This mv is for keeping rest of the code intact
  28. + mv target/${pkgname}-${version}-standalone.jar ${pkgname}-${version}-standalone.jar
  29. +
  30. mv ${pkgname}-${version}-standalone.jar ${pkgname}-${version}.jar