template 1.8 KB

  1. # Template file for 'SDL'
  2. pkgname=SDL
  3. version=1.2.15
  4. revision=12
  5. build_style=gnu-configure
  6. configure_args="--enable-alsa --enable-sndio --disable-esd --disable-rpath
  7. --enable-clock_gettime --disable-nas --disable-arts --disable-x11-shared
  8. --disable-alsa-shared --disable-pulseaudio-shared --disable-video-dga
  9. --disable-osmesa-shared $(vopt_enable aalib video-aalib)
  10. $(vopt_enable pulseaudio) $(vopt_enable opengl video-opengl)
  11. $(vopt_if x11 '-enable-video-x11-xrandr --enable-video-x11-vm --enable-video-x11-xv')"
  12. hostmakedepends="pkg-config nasm"
  13. makedepends="alsa-lib-devel sndio-devel $(vopt_if x11 libXrandr-devel)
  14. $(vopt_if aalib aalib-devel) $(vopt_if opengl glu-devel)
  15. $(vopt_if pulseaudio pulseaudio-devel)"
  16. short_desc="Simple Directmedia Layer"
  17. maintainer="Orphaned <orphan@voidlinux.org>"
  18. license="LGPL-2.1-only"
  19. homepage="http://www.libsdl.org/"
  20. distfiles="http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-${version}.tar.gz"
  21. checksum=d6d316a793e5e348155f0dd93b979798933fb98aa1edebcc108829d6474aad00
  22. # Package build options
  23. build_options="x11 opengl aalib pulseaudio"
  24. build_options_default="x11"
  25. case "$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE" in
  26. i686*|x86_64*|ppc*)
  27. # Enable OpenGL and pulseaudio on x86 and ppc.
  28. build_options_default+=" opengl pulseaudio"
  29. ;;
  30. esac
  31. if [ "$build_option_opengl" ]; then
  32. # libGL.so.1 is dynamically loaded with dlopen.
  33. shlib_requires="libGL.so.1"
  34. depends="virtual?libGL"
  35. fi
  36. # Liberation
  37. post_patch() {
  38. # The command below has been taken from:
  39. # https://git.parabola.nu/abslibre.git/tree/libre/sdl/PKGBUILD
  40. rm -v src/video/fbcon/riva_mmio.h
  41. }
  42. SDL-devel_package() {
  43. short_desc+=" - development files"
  44. depends="${makedepends} SDL>=${version}_${revision}"
  45. pkg_install() {
  46. vmove usr/bin
  47. vmove usr/include
  48. vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig
  49. vmove "usr/lib/*.a"
  50. vmove "usr/lib/*.so"
  51. vmove usr/share
  52. }
  53. }