2.1 KB

Install only AppImages

To install AppImages only, it is enough to use the -ia/install-appimage option.

am -ia {PROGRAM}
am -ia --user {PROGRAM}

All flags for the -i/install option can be used here as well.

am -ia --debug {PROGRAM}
am -ia --force-latest {PROGRAM}
am -ia --sandbox {PROGRAM}

Same for AppMan.

appman -ia {PROGRAM}
appman -ia --debug {PROGRAM}
appman -ia --force-latest {PROGRAM}
appman -ia --sandbox {PROGRAM}

In this example, I run the script brave-appimage but running brave, that instead is the original upstream package.

In the video above, before proceeding I use the command am -q and am -q --appimages to show the difference between brave and brave-appimage in the lists.

Install and sandbox AppImages in one go

There is also a declination of -ia, namely -ias (Install AppImage & Sandox) which is equivalent to -ia --sandbox to start the sandbox configuration process via Aisap/Bubblewrap at the end of each installation

am -ias {PROGRAM}
am -ias --user {PROGRAM}


appman -ias {PROGRAM}

NOTE, -ia --sandbox and -ias are only for the AppImages listed in the "AM" database!

To Install and Sandbox other AppImages from local scripts and third-party/custom databases, use the -i --sandbox combination instead

am -i --sandbox {PROGRAM}
am -i --user --sandbox {PROGRAM}


appman -i --sandbox {PROGRAM}

Sandboxing of other formats is not supported.

See also how sandboxing works in "AM", at "Sandboxing".

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