x86_64-apps 172 KB

  1. ◆ 0ad-latest : Unofficial. Real Time Strategy game of ancient warfare, development branch.
  2. ◆ 0ad : Unofficial. FOSS historical Real Time Strategy, RTS game of ancient warfare.
  3. ◆ 3d-puzzles : 3D-Puzzles are Rubik, Dogic and Dogic12.
  4. ◆ 432hz-player : Because most music is recorded in 440hz, Audio Player.
  5. ◆ 7zip : 7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
  6. ◆ 86box : Emulator of x86-based machines based on PCem.
  7. ◆ 9launcher : An actively maintained and cross platform remake of Touhou Relauncher.
  8. ◆ aaaaxy : A nonlinear puzzle platformer, game.
  9. ◆ abiword : Unofficial. A light and free word processing software.
  10. ◆ accessimap-lecteur-der : Accessimap Lecteur DER.
  11. ◆ acreom : Acreom desktop app releases.
  12. ◆ actual : A super fast privacy-focused app for managing your finances.
  13. ◆ adb : Android Debug Bridge, a command line utility to handle Android devices. This script installs the full "platform-tools" suite.
  14. ◆ admin-tools : Administrative tools.
  15. ◆ advanced-passgen : Advanced Password Generator.
  16. ◆ advanced-rest-client : Advanced REST Client and API console, by Mulesoft.
  17. ◆ afetch : A CLI system information tool written in Rust.
  18. ◆ affine-beta : Next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating.
  19. ◆ affine-canary : Next-gen knowledge base that brings planning/sorting/creating.
  20. ◆ affine : Next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating.
  21. ◆ agregore : A minimal browser for the distributed web, Desktop version.
  22. ◆ ai-bot-workspace : Electron app including testing workspaces.
  23. ◆ aichat : AIO AI CLI tool integrating 20+ AI platforms, including OpenAI.
  24. ◆ aidm : AppImage Desktop Maker.
  25. ◆ aillio-ts : The desktop application for Aillio Bullet R1.
  26. ◆ aim : A command line download/upload tool with resume.
  27. ◆ aiming-pro : Aim trainer to practice, train and improve their FPS aim skills.
  28. ◆ air-controller-desktop : Android phone assistant,powered by Flutter.
  29. ◆ airspaces : An online map for your X-Plane flight sessions.
  30. ◆ aisap : Tool to make sandboxing AppImages easy through bwrap/bubblewrap.
  31. ◆ aisleriot : Unofficial. A card game featuring over 80 different solitaire-type card games.
  32. ◆ akasha : AKASHA community client.
  33. ◆ akuse : Simple and easy to use anime streaming desktop app without ads.
  34. ◆ albafetch : CLI, faster neofetch alternative, written in C. Still improving.
  35. ◆ alduin : An Atom and RSS feed aggregator.
  36. ◆ alephium-wallet : The official Alephium wallet for desktop.
  37. ◆ alexandria : eBook reader built with Tauri, Epub.js, and Typescript.
  38. ◆ alien-tec-ui : Alien-Tec Tron Matrix Like Shell Terminal User Interface.
  39. ◆ allusion : A desktop application for managing your visual library.
  40. ◆ alpine-flatimage : A hybrid of Flatpak sandboxing with AppImage portability.
  41. ◆ altair : The best graphQL client you will ever need.
  42. ◆ altitude : The Altitude wallet by Linda Project Inc.
  43. ◆ altus : Client for WhatsApp Web with themes & multiple account support.
  44. ◆ alvr : Stream VR games from your PC to your headset via Wi-Fi.
  45. ◆ amarok : Unofficial. The powerful music player for KDE.
  46. ◆ amazingmarvin : Incorporates principles from behavioral psychology.
  47. ◆ amazon-q : Amazon Q Developer, a generative AI powered conversational assistant to understand, build, extend and operate AWS applications.
  48. ◆ ambermoon.net : Ambermoon rewrite in C#.
  49. ◆ amdgpu_top : Tool to display AMDGPU usage.
  50. ◆ amfora : A fancy terminal browser for the Gemini protocol.
  51. ◆ amusiz : Unofficial and unpretentious Amazon Music client.
  52. ◆ anavis : Tool to visualize musical form.
  53. ◆ anchor : An EOSIO Light Wallet with simple and advanced tools.
  54. ◆ android-knot : An Android gadget integrating Todo, Notes, Reader and more.
  55. ◆ android-messages-desktop : Messages for web, as a desktop app.
  56. ◆ android-studio-latest : Unofficial. Android Studio as AppImages, release.
  57. ◆ android-studio : Unofficial. Android Studio as AppImages, stable.
  58. ◆ android-tools : Unofficial AppImage for the Android Platform tools, adb, fastboot, etc.
  59. ◆ ani-cli : A cli tool to browse and play anime.
  60. ◆ animashooter-junior : User-friendly Stop-Motion Animation Software, FREE.
  61. ◆ animashooter-pioneer : User-friendly Stop-Motion Animation Software, PRO.
  62. ◆ animos : Anime-streaming desktop application without any ads.
  63. ◆ aniship : Allows for easy viewing of anime on PCs and laptops.
  64. ◆ ankama-launcher : Ankama is an entertainment and digital creation group.
  65. ◆ anki : Anki's shared backend and web components, and the Qt frontend.
  66. ◆ anklang : MIDI and Audio Synthesizer and Composer.
  67. ◆ another-redis-desktop-manager : Faster and better redis desktop manager.
  68. ◆ antares : An useful SQL client based on Electron.js and Vue.js.
  69. ◆ ant-downloader : BitTorrent Client developed by golang, angular, electron.
  70. ◆ antidot : Cleans up your $HOME from those pesky dotfiles.
  71. ◆ antimicrox : Use a gamepad to control a variety of programs.
  72. ◆ anydesk : Unofficial. Remote desktop application distributed.
  73. ◆ anything-llm : AI business intelligence tool. Any LLM, any document.
  74. ◆ anytype : The everything app for those who celebrate trust & autonomy.
  75. ◆ anzeigenchef : AdsChef manages your classified ads.
  76. ◆ aphelion-wallet : Aphelion desktop wallet application built with Electron.
  77. ◆ aphototoollibre : Photo editing app for GNU/Linux.
  78. ◆ apifox : API manager, in chinese. 文档、API 调试、API Mock、API 自动化测试
  79. ◆ apk-editor-studio : Easy to use APK, Android reverse-engineering tool.
  80. ◆ apla : Project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
  81. ◆ appflowy : Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. Alternative to Notion.
  82. ◆ apphub : App that simplifies installation/management of .appImage packages.
  83. ◆ appimage-builder : GNU/Linux packaging solution using the AppImage format.
  84. ◆ appimagecraft : Powerful build script generator with a focus on AppImages.
  85. ◆ appimage-creator : GUI for easily generating AppImage packages on Linux.
  86. ◆ appimagehelper : Create and organize shortcuts for AppImages.
  87. ◆ appimagelauncher : CLI helper for running and integrating AppImages.
  88. ◆ appimagelint : Check AppImages for compatibility, best practices etc.
  89. ◆ appimagen : A script that generates a custom AppImage from a PPA.
  90. ◆ appimagepool : A simple, modern AppImageHub Client, powered by flutter.
  91. ◆ appimagetool : Tool to generate an AppImage from an existing AppDir.
  92. ◆ appimageupdater : AppImage Updater for Humans built with QML/C++ with Qt5.
  93. ◆ appimageupdatetool : Tool to update an AppImage using embedded information.
  94. ◆ appimageupdate : Tool to update an AppImage using embedded information.
  95. ◆ appinstall : AppImage Installer, a tool integrate AppImages to a linux desktop environment.
  96. ◆ appium-inspector : A GUI inspector for mobile apps and more, powered by a (separately installed) Appium server.
  97. ◆ app-outlet : A Universal linux app store for Flatpak/Snap/AppImage.
  98. ◆ aptakube : A modern and lightweight Kubernetes desktop client.
  99. ◆ aptly : Debian repository management CLI tool.
  100. ◆ apx-gcs : APX Ground Control.
  101. ◆ aranym : Virtual Machine for Atari 32-bit applications.
  102. ◆ arcade-manager : Manage your rom collection, Games/Retropie & Recalbox.
  103. ◆ arch-deployer : Script to convert Arch Linux packages to AppDir/AppImage.
  104. ◆ arch-flatimage : A hybrid of Flatpak sandboxing with AppImage portability.
  105. ◆ archimage-cli : Build AppImage packages using JuNest, Arch Linux.
  106. ◆ archimede : Unobtrusive directory information fetcher.
  107. ◆ archipelago : Archipelago Multi-Game Randomizer and Server.
  108. ◆ archipel : Decentralized archiving and media library system.
  109. ◆ archisteamfarm : C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.
  110. ◆ arduino-ide : Open-source electronics platform.
  111. ◆ arena-tracker : Deck Tracker for Hearthstone game with arena in focus.
  112. ◆ aretext : Minimalist text editor with vim-compatible key bindings.
  113. ◆ arkaway : Another Arkanoid clone and make with Pyxel.
  114. ◆ ark.desktop.wallet : Ark Ecosystem Desktop Wallet.
  115. ◆ ark : Unofficial. Archiving tool for .zip/.tar/.rar and more. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  116. ◆ arma3-unix-launcher : ArmA 3 Unix Launcher, game.
  117. ◆ armagetronad : Multiplayer game in 3d that emulates the movie "Tron".
  118. ◆ armcord : Custom client designed to enhance your Discord experience.
  119. ◆ around : Video calls designed for energy, ideas and action.
  120. ◆ artifact : Win 40 levels of mayhem without getting destroyed, game.
  121. ◆ artisan : Visualizes the coffee roasting process.
  122. ◆ artix : One app. All your favorite Artix games.
  123. ◆ asarui : UI for Asar.
  124. ◆ asgardex : Thorchain wallet desktop app.
  125. ◆ astroffers : Take offers to watch at given nights by the NGC2000 catalog.
  126. ◆ astrofox : Audio reactive motion graphics program.
  127. ◆ astroshutter : Ui to control your camera for astrophotography.
  128. ◆ asunder : Unofficial. Audio CD ripper and encoder, WAV, MP3, OGG, FLAC, Opus, AAC....
  129. ◆ atomicwallet : Atomic vue-electron.
  130. ◆ atuin : Magical shell history.
  131. ◆ audacious : Unofficial. An open source audio and music player, descendant of XMMS.
  132. ◆ audacity : Multiplatform Audio Editor.
  133. ◆ audapolis : An editor for spoken-word audio with automatic transcription.
  134. ◆ audiomoth : Configuration app for the AudioMoth acoustic monitoring device.
  135. ◆ audiorelay : Stream audio between your devices. Turn your phone into a microphone or speakers for PC.
  136. ◆ augur : Augur Desktop Application.
  137. ◆ auryo : An audio/music desktop client for SoundCloud.
  138. ◆ authme : Simple cross-platform two-factor authenticator app for desktop.
  139. ◆ authy : Unofficial, Protect all your accounts with 2FA.
  140. ◆ autoedit2 : autoEdit2 Desktop Client for Linux.
  141. ◆ avantgarde : Avalonia XAML Preview.
  142. ◆ avidemux : Multiplatform Video Editor.
  143. ◆ avidemux-nightly : Multiplatform Video Editor, nightly build.
  144. ◆ avidemux-qt : Unofficial, my custom Avidemux Video Editor built to use system themes.
  145. ◆ avocado : PlayStation 1 emulator, games.
  146. ◆ avogadro2 : Molecular editor for computational chemistry, bioinformatics.
  147. ◆ awakened-poe-trade : Path of Exile trading app for price checking.
  148. ◆ axe-electrum : Axe Electrum Wallet.
  149. ◆ axolotl : A Signal compatible cross plattform client written in Go and Vuejs.
  150. ◆ aya : A desktop application for easily controlling android devices, which can be considered as a GUI wrapper for ADB.
  151. ◆ badlion : Most Complete All-In-One Mod Library for Minecraft with 100+ Mods.
  152. ◆ baijimangaviewer : Manga viewer that uses Material Design.
  153. ◆ bambustudio : PC Software for BambuLab's 3D printers.
  154. ◆ banban : A productivity app inspired by GitHub Projects Kanban.
  155. ◆ bandwhich : Terminal bandwidth utilization tool.
  156. ◆ baobab-gtk3 : Unofficial. Disk Usage Analyser, version 3.38, for all GNOME4+ haters.
  157. ◆ barnacal : A simple menu bar app for viewing a calendar
  158. ◆ bastyon : Decentralized social network based on the blockchain.
  159. ◆ bat : A "cat" clone with wings.
  160. ◆ batch-explorer : A client tool to create/debug/monitor Azure Batch Apps.
  161. ◆ bat-extras : Bash scripts that integrate bat with various command line tools.
  162. ◆ battop : CLI, interactive batteries viewer.
  163. ◆ bauh : GUI for managing AppImage, Arch/AUR, DEBs, Flatpak, Snap and webapps.
  164. ◆ bazecor : Graphical configurator for Dygma Raise.
  165. ◆ bbg : A static blog generator based on Electron Technology.
  166. ◆ bdash : A simple business intelligence application.
  167. ◆ beam-wallet : Beam Desktop Wallet.
  168. ◆ bearly : The world's best AI at your fingertips.
  169. ◆ beatconnect-client : Beatconnect power for osu irc.
  170. ◆ beatmapexporter : osu!lazer beatmap exporter utility. Allowing mass export of beatmaps from the new osu!lazer file storage back into .osz files.
  171. ◆ beaver-notes : Build your knowledge one log at a time.
  172. ◆ beekeeper-studio : SQL query editor and database UI.
  173. ◆ beeper : All your chats in one app.
  174. ◆ bemoji : Emoji picker for bemenu/wofi/rofi/dmenu, remembers your favorites.
  175. ◆ bench-cli : CLI tool to benchmark commands, written in `Fortran`.
  176. ◆ bettercrewlink : Free, open, Among Us proximity voice chat.
  177. ◆ better-osu-skills : Gets results from the osu! Using your own IRC credentials.
  178. ◆ bettersis : Modern shell for SIS.
  179. ◆ beurerscalemanager : AppImage packaging project for BeurerScaleManager.
  180. ◆ beyond-all-reason : 3D Real-Time Strategy Total Annihilation Inspired, game.
  181. ◆ bezique : Plays bezique game against the AI.
  182. ◆ bforartists : 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production.
  183. ◆ biblemultithelife : Bible multi languages, free, offline, no advertising, in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese.
  184. ◆ bidirectional : Write Arabic text on apps that don't support the bidirectional text.
  185. ◆ bilibili : Bilibili official desktop client.
  186. ◆ bilibilivideodownload : Bilibili video downloader.
  187. ◆ biliup-app : Bilibili uploader.
  188. ◆ billard-gl : Unofficial. 3D billiards game, play a game of 8-ball or 9-ball.
  189. ◆ billyfrontier : Pangea Software’s Billy Frontier for modern systems.
  190. ◆ binclock : Binary clock in terminal.
  191. ◆ bin : Effortless binary manager.
  192. ◆ binfinder : Find binary files not installed through package manager.
  193. ◆ bingada : Bingo application in GTKAda.
  194. ◆ binglite : A lightweight new Bing (AI chat) desktop application based on Tauri.
  195. ◆ bioanimation : CCNY Electrochemical Gradient Simulator.
  196. ◆ biplanes-revival : An old cellphone arcade recreated for PC.
  197. ◆ birds-kitchen : Recipe manager.
  198. ◆ bitbox-wallet : Cryptocurrency hardware wallet desktop app.
  199. ◆ bitfighter : A 2-D multi-player space combat game.
  200. ◆ bitshares : Advanced wallet interface for the BitShares financial blockchain.
  201. ◆ bitwarden : Password manager for individuals, teams and business.
  202. ◆ biying : Biying Wallpaper for Linux.
  203. ◆ bk : Terminal Epub reader.
  204. ◆ black-chocobo : FF7 Save Game Editor.
  205. ◆ blacknut : Cloud gaming client.
  206. ◆ blank : Blank is a minimalist, opinionated markdown editor made for writing.
  207. ◆ blastem : Clone of Mercurial Repo.
  208. ◆ blender-alpha : Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer, Alpha.
  209. ◆ blender-beta : Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer, Beta.
  210. ◆ blender-rc : Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer, Release Candidate.
  211. ◆ blender : Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer, Stable.
  212. ◆ blensor : 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production.
  213. ◆ blimp : Customizable terminal UI for monitoring weather information, application status, network latency, and more.
  214. ◆ blink : GUI of live indexed grep search for source code.
  215. ◆ blizzard-4 : Emulator & toolchain for the Blizzard 4 16-bit computer.
  216. ◆ blob-dl : Blob-dl is a yt-dlp CLI interface used to download video and audio files from YouTube.
  217. ◆ blobdrop : Drag and drop files directly out of the terminal.
  218. ◆ blockbench : Editor for boxy models and pixel art textures like Minecraft.
  219. ◆ block-dx : Exchange dApp built on top of the Blocknet Protocol.
  220. ◆ blockstream-green : Bitcoin wallet compatible with Blockstream Jade.
  221. ◆ bloks : An electron-vue project.
  222. ◆ bloomee : Music app designed to bring you ad-free tunes from various sources.
  223. ◆ bloomrpc : GRPC GUI client.
  224. ◆ blowfish : Display your total Ocean Token balances.
  225. ◆ blueglow : A simple system tray application to watch github notifications.
  226. ◆ bluetuith : A TUI bluetooth manager for Linux.
  227. ◆ boardgamestar : A platform for playing digital boardgames.
  228. ◆ bodacious : A bodacious music player.
  229. ◆ bodhi : Bodhi Prediction Market app.
  230. ◆ boilr : Synchronize games from other platforms into your Steam library.
  231. ◆ bomber : Unofficial. Arcade spaceship game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  232. ◆ bonsai-maui : Manage Git repositories from a GUI.
  233. ◆ book-manager : Simple desktop app to manage personal library.
  234. ◆ bookmarks-manager : Edit bookmarks, check url.
  235. ◆ boostchanger : Control CPU turbo boost and the settings of the cpu speed.
  236. ◆ boost-note : Document driven project management tool to speedup remote DevOps.
  237. ◆ botclient : A discord botclient built with Electron and React.
  238. ◆ botframework-emulator : Test and debug chat bots built with Bot Framework SDK.
  239. ◆ botim : Free, Secure, Reliable Messages and Calls.
  240. ◆ bottlebats : Client for the 2018 edition of the BottleBats AI competition.
  241. ◆ bottlenose : Bottlenose is a front-end for video game emulators.
  242. ◆ bottles : Unofficial. Manage wine prefixes and run Windows software & games in a new way.
  243. ◆ bottom : Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
  244. ◆ bovo : Unofficial. Five in a row game from. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  245. ◆ boxxy : Put bad Linux applications in a box with only their files.
  246. ◆ brackets : Brackets-Electron.
  247. ◆ brainverse : Electronic Lab Notebook for Reproducible Neuro Imaging Research.
  248. ◆ brainwaves : EEG Desktop Application.
  249. ◆ brave-appimage : Unofficial, a privacy oriented Web Browser based on Chromium, this is the "stable" release.
  250. ◆ brave : A privacy oriented Web Browser based on Chromium, this is the official "stable" release.
  251. ◆ brave-beta-appimage : Unofficial, a privacy oriented Web Browser based on Chromium, this is the "beta" release.
  252. ◆ brave-beta : A privacy oriented Web Browser based on Chromium, this is the official "beta" release.
  253. ◆ brave-nightly-appimage : Unofficial, a privacy oriented Web Browser based on Chromium, this is the "nightly" release.
  254. ◆ brave-nightly : A privacy oriented Web Browser based on Chromium, this is the official "nightly" release.
  255. ◆ bread : Install, update and remove AppImage from GitHub using your CLI.
  256. ◆ breaktimer : Save yourself from RSI and eye-strain.
  257. ◆ brickstore : An offline BrickLink inventory management tool.
  258. ◆ bridge : The perfect Bridge between Megascans and your favorite tools.
  259. ◆ brisk : Ultra-fast, moden download manager for desktop.
  260. ◆ brisqi : Offline-first Personal Kanban app.
  261. ◆ browservice : Browse the modern web on historical browsers.
  262. ◆ brs-emu-app : BrightScript Emulator, runs on browsers and Electron apps.
  263. ◆ bruno : An Opensource API Collection Collaboration Suite.
  264. ◆ brutespray : Bruteforcing from various scanner output. Automatically attempts default creds on found services.
  265. ◆ bscanfftwebcam : FDOCT tool.
  266. ◆ btop : A command line utility to monitor system resources, like Htop.
  267. ◆ bts-ce-lite : Telecommunication network management application.
  268. ◆ buche : A logger of sorts.
  269. ◆ buckets : Budgeting fast, simple and private.
  270. ◆ bugdom2 : Pangea Software’s Bugdom 2 for modern systems.
  271. ◆ bugdom : Pangea Software's Bugdom game.
  272. ◆ buho-maui : Easy-to-use note-taking application with “tags” support.
  273. ◆ bulkreviewer : Identify, review, and remove private information.
  274. ◆ bulkurlopener : Desktop version of the Bulk URL Opener extension.
  275. ◆ bunnyfetch : A small and fast tool for getting info about your system.
  276. ◆ bunqdesktop : A desktop implementation for the bunq API.
  277. ◆ burning-series : Watch any series from Burning Series, Unofficial client.
  278. ◆ buttercup : Free and Open Source password vault.
  279. ◆ bypass-cors : Unlock browser’s full potential!
  280. ◆ bytespeichertrayicon : Bytespeicher Status App.
  281. ◆ cabal-desktop : Cabal p2p offline-first desktop application.
  282. ◆ cacher : Cacher is a code snippet library for professional developers.
  283. ◆ cadmus : Pulse Audio real-time noise suppression plugin.
  284. ◆ caesium : Image compression software that helps you store, send and share digital pictures, supporting JPG, PNG, WebP and TIFF formats.
  285. ◆ calculist : Desktop version of Calculist.io.
  286. ◆ calibre : Unofficial. The one stop solution to all your e-book needs
  287. ◆ calm-circles : Calm down and draw something, in Lisp.
  288. ◆ calm-fan : Calm down and draw something, in Lisp.
  289. ◆ calmly-writer : Traditional word processors include dozens of options for formatting text, distracting you from what really matters, writing.
  290. ◆ calm-meditator : Calm down and draw something, in Lisp.
  291. ◆ calm-mondrian : Calm down and draw something, in Lisp.
  292. ◆ camelot : Camelot is cross-platform file manager written in C.
  293. ◆ candycrisis : Candy Crisis source port for modern operating systems.
  294. ◆ capbattleship : Battleship game with a pirate theme.
  295. ◆ caprine : Unofficial, elegant privacy focused Facebook Messenger app.
  296. ◆ carbonyl : Chromium running inside your terminal.
  297. ◆ cardo : Podcast client.
  298. ◆ cargo : Converts your crate into an AppImage.
  299. ◆ carpenters : Digital preservation ingest utility.
  300. ◆ carta : Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy.
  301. ◆ cask : A universal, distributed binary file manager.
  302. ◆ casm : Corinthian Abstract State Machine, CASM.
  303. ◆ casterr : Screen recorder, easing recording and clipping in-game.
  304. ◆ castersoundboard : Soundboard for hot-keying and playing back sounds.
  305. ◆ catalyst : Catalyst web browser.
  306. ◆ catapult : A cross-platform launcher for Cataclysm DDA and BN.
  307. ◆ catcher : Peer-testing of software projects.
  308. ◆ cavoke : Cavoke: Platform to create/host multiplayer turn-based board games.
  309. ◆ cbetar2 : ePub viewer supporting fetching and displaying HTML as ePub.
  310. ◆ cccp : Cortex Command, a community-driven effort to continue the development of Cortex Command.
  311. ◆ celeste64 : A game made by the Celeste developers.
  312. ◆ celestia-dev : Real time 3D space simulator, developer edition.
  313. ◆ celestia-enanched : Unofficial. Real-time 3D space simulator with extra detailed maps.
  314. ◆ celestia : Real time 3D space simulator.
  315. ◆ celoterminal-bin : Celo Terminal, AppImage version.
  316. ◆ cemu : A Nintendo Wii U emulator that is able to run most Wii U games.
  317. ◆ cerebral-debugger : Cerebral Debugger.
  318. ◆ cerebro : Open-source productivity booster with a brain.
  319. ◆ chain-desktop-wallet : Crypto.com DeFi Desktop Wallet.
  320. ◆ chainx-signer : Manage ChainX account, sign and sign transactions.
  321. ◆ chatall : Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, bard, Alpaca and more.
  322. ◆ chatbox : Chatbox is a desktop app for GPT-4 / GPT-3.5, OpenAI API.
  323. ◆ chatgpt-next-web : A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI.
  324. ◆ chat-gpt : Unofficial. ChatGPT Desktop Application.
  325. ◆ chatpad-ai : Not just another ChatGPT user-interface.
  326. ◆ chatterino2-nightly : Second installment of the Twitch chat client.
  327. ◆ chatterino2 : Second installment of the Twitch chat client.
  328. ◆ cheatbreaker : The free FPS boosting modpack for Minecraft 1.7 & 1.8.
  329. ◆ cheat : Create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line.
  330. ◆ checkra1n : Jailbreak for iPhone 5s through iPhone X, iOS 12.0 and up
  331. ◆ chemcanvas : A very intuitive 2D chemical drawing tool.
  332. ◆ cherry-studio : Cherry Studio is a desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers.
  333. ◆ cherrytree : A hierarchical note taking application.
  334. ◆ chiaki : PlayStation 4 Remote Play Client.
  335. ◆ chimeradesk-kvm : Simple, fast and flexible DIY Remote Desktop software.
  336. ◆ chimeradesk : Simple, fast and flexible DIY Remote Desktop software.
  337. ◆ chromium-beta : Unofficial. FOSS Web Browser, base of Google Chrome, beta edition.
  338. ◆ chromium-bsu : Unofficial. Fast paced arcade style scrolling space shooter, game.
  339. ◆ chromium-edge : Unofficial. FOSS Web Browser, base of Google Chrome, edge edition.
  340. ◆ chromium-latest : FOSS Web Browser, base of Google Chrome, official unstable build.
  341. ◆ chromium-rc : Unofficial. FOSS Web Browser, base of Google Chrome, release candidate.
  342. ◆ chromium : Unofficial. FOSS Web Browser, base of Google Chrome, Edge and Brave, stable.
  343. ◆ chrysalis-bin : Graphical configurator for Kaleidoscope-powered keyboards.
  344. ◆ ciaa-suite : Makefile based IDE for embedded systems.
  345. ◆ cicada : An old-school bash-like Unix shell written in Rust.
  346. ◆ cinelerra-gg : Professional video editing and compositing environment.
  347. ◆ cinny : Yet another matrix client for desktop.
  348. ◆ circle-z : A chat client for online math courses.
  349. ◆ circuitblocks : Helps newbies get into embedded programming.
  350. ◆ citron : Unofficial AppImage of Citron (fork of yuzu), with optimized builds for modern cpus.
  351. ◆ city-hub : Hub into everything on City Chain/Smart City Platform.
  352. ◆ clamtk : An easy to use, light-weight, on-demand virus scanner for Linux systems
  353. ◆ clash-verge : A multiplatform Clash GUI based on tauri.
  354. ◆ classicimageviewer : A simple image viewer with some editing features.
  355. ◆ cleepdesktop : Desktop application to manage your Cleep devices.
  356. ◆ clementineremote : Remote for Clementine Music Player.
  357. ◆ clifm : The shell-like, command line terminal file manager simple, fast, extensible, and lightweight as hell.
  358. ◆ cliniface : 3D Facial Image Visualisation and Analysis.
  359. ◆ clipgrab : Download and Convert Online Videos.
  360. ◆ clip-maui : Official movie player of Maui using MPV as backend.
  361. ◆ clippy : Clipboard History.
  362. ◆ clipr : The clipboard that syncs.
  363. ◆ clipse : Configurable TUI clipboard manager for Unix.
  364. ◆ cloud-browser : Access to files located in various cloud services.
  365. ◆ clownmaped : Sonic the Hedgehog sprite editor, clone of Xenowhirl's SonMapEd.
  366. ◆ clownmdemu : Reference standalone frontend for clownmdemu.
  367. ◆ cncjs : CNC Milling Controller.
  368. ◆ cncra2yr : C&C Red Alert 2, a real-time strategy game by Westwood Pacific.
  369. ◆ coal-launcher : A client to view and play games from the AB Coal website.
  370. ◆ cocomusic : A simple music player built by electron and vue.
  371. ◆ code-notes : A simple code snippet amp built with Electron.
  372. ◆ code-radio : A command line music radio client for coderadio.freecodecamp.org, written in Rust.
  373. ◆ code : Visual Studio, VSCode, Original Editor to build/debug web/cloud apps.
  374. ◆ coinstac : Collaborative Informatics and Neuroimaging Suite Toolkit.
  375. ◆ colobot : Colonize with bots, game.
  376. ◆ colon : A flexible text editor.
  377. ◆ colorgenerator : Generates color palettes similar to ColorBrewer.
  378. ◆ colorpicker : Electron app that can show colors with hex/rgb.
  379. ◆ colorstatic-bash : CLI to generate a random colorful "Static"/"Matrix".
  380. ◆ comic-book-reader : Reader and converter for cbz, cbr, epub and pdf files.
  381. ◆ comic-reader : Electron based comic reader.
  382. ◆ comics-downloader : Tool to download comics and manga in pdf/epub/cbr/cbz from a website.
  383. ◆ comictagger : A multi-platform app for writing metadata to digital comics.
  384. ◆ communicator-maui : Create and organize contacts, phone, email, name, etc..
  385. ◆ compass : Air Traffic Surveillance DataBase.
  386. ◆ concordium-desktop-wallet : The official Concordium Dektop Wallet.
  387. ◆ conduction : Tasks? Done. That was quick.
  388. ◆ conky : Light-weight system monitor for X.
  389. ◆ consoleworkbench : Console workbench.
  390. ◆ contour : Modern C++ Terminal Emulator.
  391. ◆ conty : Easy to use unprivileged and portable Arch Linux container.
  392. ◆ conty-lite : Easy to use unprivileged and portable Arch Linux container.
  393. ◆ conty-wine : Easy to use unprivileged and portable Arch Linux container.
  394. ◆ converseen : A batch image converter and resizer.
  395. ◆ converter432hz : Converts and re-encodes music to 432hz.
  396. ◆ coolercontrol : A program to monitor and control your cooling devices.
  397. ◆ coolercontrold : Daemon for coolercontrol, to monitor your cooling devices.
  398. ◆ cool-retro-term : Use the command line the old way.
  399. ◆ copytranslator : Foreign language reading and translation assistant.
  400. ◆ cordlauncher : Cord launcher based on Electron and Wep Application.
  401. ◆ coreaction : A side bar for showing widgets for CuboCore Application Suite.
  402. ◆ corearchiver : Archive manager for CuboCore Application Suite.
  403. ◆ corefm : A lightweight file-manager for C Suite.
  404. ◆ coregarage : A setting manager for CuboCore Application Suite.
  405. ◆ corehunt : A file search utility for CuboCore Application Suite.
  406. ◆ coreimage : An image viewer for CuboCore Application Suite.
  407. ◆ coreinfo : A file information viewer for CuboCore Application Suite.
  408. ◆ corekeyboard : A x11 based virtual keyboard for C Suite.
  409. ◆ corepad : A document editor for CuboCore Application Suite.
  410. ◆ corepaint : A paint app for CuboCore Application Suite.
  411. ◆ corepins : A bookmarking app for CuboCore Application Suite.
  412. ◆ corerenamer : A batch file renamer for CuboCore Application Suite.
  413. ◆ coreshot : A screen capture utility for CuboCore Application Suite.
  414. ◆ corestats : A system resource viewer from the CoreApps family.
  415. ◆ corestuff : An activity viewer for CuboCore Application Suite.
  416. ◆ coreterminal : A terminal emulator for C Suite.
  417. ◆ coretime : A time related task manager for CuboCore Application Suite.
  418. ◆ coreuniverse : Shows releated information of apps from CuboCore App Suite.
  419. ◆ cosmic-comics : Web Server based Comics / Manga Collectionner & viewer.
  420. ◆ cosmonium : 3D astronomy and space exploration program.
  421. ◆ cowitness : A powerful web app testing tool that enhances the accuracy and efficiency of your testing efforts.
  422. ◆ cozydrive : File Synchronisation for Cozy, cloud.
  423. ◆ cpeditor : Code editor specially designed for competitive programming.
  424. ◆ cpod : A simple, beautiful podcast app.
  425. ◆ cpufetch : Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool.
  426. ◆ cpu-x : Software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more.
  427. ◆ crabfetch : Extremely fast, featureful and customizable command-line fetcher.
  428. ◆ craftos-pc : Advanced ComputerCraft emulator written in C++.
  429. ◆ crankshaft : A sensible krunker client written in typescript.
  430. ◆ creality-print : Creality Print is a slicer dedicated to FDM printers.
  431. ◆ crg-data-tool : A tool for working with Games Data files from CRG.
  432. ◆ cric : Custom Runtime Image Creator.
  433. ◆ criteria1d : A one-dimensional agro-hydrological model.
  434. ◆ criteria1d-pro : A one-dimensional agro-hydrological model, PRO.
  435. ◆ criteria-geo : A one-dimensional agro-hydrological model, GIS interface.
  436. ◆ croc : Easily and securely send things from one computer to another.
  437. ◆ cro-chain-desktop-bin : Crypto.com DeFi Desktop Wallet, AppImage version.
  438. ◆ crock : Crock is rock clock.
  439. ◆ cromagrally : The wildest racing game since man invented the wheel!
  440. ◆ cromberg : Personal accounting system.
  441. ◆ cromite : Unofficial AppImage of the Cromite web browser.
  442. ◆ crosscode-map-editor : Map Editor for CrossCode.
  443. ◆ crossmobile : Create native iOS/Android/Windows apps in Java.
  444. ◆ crow-translate : Translate and speak text using Google, Yandex, Bing and more.
  445. ◆ cryplicity : Electron application boilerplate.
  446. ◆ crypter : An innovative, convenient and secure crypto app.
  447. ◆ cryptocam-companion : GUI to decrypt videos taken by Cryptocam.
  448. ◆ cryptomator : Cloud Storage Encryption Utility.
  449. ◆ cryptr : A GUI for Vault.
  450. ◆ cscrypto : A crypto app.
  451. ◆ ctool : Common Tools for Program Development.
  452. ◆ ctop : Top-like interface for container metrics.
  453. ◆ cubicsdr : Software-Defined Radio Application.
  454. ◆ cura : An open source slicing application for 3D printers.
  455. ◆ cura-beta : An open source slicing application for 3D printers, beta.
  456. ◆ curlie : The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie.
  457. ◆ cursor : Write, edit, and chat about your code with GPT-4.
  458. ◆ customrpc : An electron-vue project.
  459. ◆ cutechess : Cute Chess is a GUI, a CLI and a library for playing chess.
  460. ◆ cutepeaks : A simple sanger trace file viewer.
  461. ◆ cutevariant : A genetics variant filtering tools
  462. ◆ cutter : Free and Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform.
  463. ◆ czkawka : App to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
  464. ◆ dana : A desktop client for the Dana learning box.
  465. ◆ darktable-nightly : Photography workflow app and raw developer, nightly.
  466. ◆ darktable : Photography workflow app and raw developer.
  467. ◆ dashy-app : Dashboard creation application.
  468. ◆ database-dossier : A User Interface for your databases.
  469. ◆ dataset-annotator : An annotation tool for a dataset.
  470. ◆ datcord : Discord client.
  471. ◆ dawnlightsearch : A Linux version of Everything Search Engine.
  472. ◆ dbeaver-ce : Unofficial, DBeaver Community is a free cross-platform database tool for developers, database administrators, analysts, and everyone working with data.
  473. ◆ dbee : Fast & Minimalistic Database Browser.
  474. ◆ dbet-wallet : DBET Wallet.
  475. ◆ dbgate : Opensource database administration tool
  476. ◆ dbin : Poor man's package manager. About 3000 statically linked binaries in the repos!
  477. ◆ deadbeef : A modular cross-platform audio player.
  478. ◆ deadbeef-appimage : Unofficial AppImage of the DeaDBeeF music player. Stable build.
  479. ◆ deadbeef-nightly : A modular cross-platform audio player. Nightly build.
  480. ◆ deadbeef-nightly-appimage : Unofficial AppImage of the DeaDBeeF music player. Nightly build.
  481. ◆ deadgame-2048 : GUI tool available for ALL platforms.
  482. ◆ deb2appimage : Build AppImages from deb packages on any distro.
  483. ◆ deckboard : Control your PC with your phone in easy way possible.
  484. ◆ dedop-studio : DeDop Studio
  485. ◆ deepl-linux-electron : DeepL Integration. Select & translate text in any app.
  486. ◆ deeplx : DeepL Free API, No TOKEN required.
  487. ◆ deepnotes : End-to-end encrypted visual note-taking tool.
  488. ◆ deeptags : Markdown notes manager with support for nested tags.
  489. ◆ deerportal : Full of the diamonds board game.
  490. ◆ deezer : A linux port of Deezer, allows downloading your songs, music.
  491. ◆ defichain-app : DefiChain Wallet AppImage.
  492. ◆ delir : Web Technology driven VFX Application.
  493. ◆ deltachat-desktop : Desktop Application for delta.chat.
  494. ◆ demonizer : Demonic corruption fantasy shmup.
  495. ◆ densify : A GTK+ GUI Application written in Python that simplifies compressing PDF files with Ghostscript.
  496. ◆ deployer : Deploy your applications through Jenkins.
  497. ◆ deskreen : Turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen.
  498. ◆ desmume : Unofficial AppImage of the DeSmuME emulator.
  499. ◆ destiny : Cross-platform Magic Wormhole graphical client.
  500. ◆ devclean : A CLI and Desktop GUI app to clean dev dependencies (node_modules, cache) and more.
  501. ◆ devdocs-desktop : Desktop client for devdocs.io.
  502. ◆ devhub : TweetDeck for GitHub
  503. ◆ devilutionx : Diablo build for modern operating systems.
  504. ◆ devpod : Codespaces but open-source, client-only and unopinionated. Works with any IDE and lets you use any cloud, kubernetes or just localhost docker.
  505. ◆ devsidecar : Dev sidecar/github/git/stackoverflow acceleration, in chinese.
  506. ◆ devtools-x : Collection of offline first developer utilities available as desktop application.
  507. ◆ dexter-dev-env : Dexter Development Environment.
  508. ◆ dezor : The web browser including VPN and Adblocker.
  509. ◆ dfdemo : A thin Tcl/Tk GUI around the df POSIX command.
  510. ◆ dfilemanager : File manager written in Qt and C++.
  511. ◆ dicomautomaton : Tools for working with medical physics data.
  512. ◆ didder : An extensive, fast, and accurate command-line image dithering tool.
  513. ◆ die-engine : Detect It Easy, a program for determining types of files.
  514. ◆ diffuse : Music player, connects to your cloud/distributed storage.
  515. ◆ digikam : Professional and advanced digital photo management application.
  516. ◆ dingtalk : DingTalk desktop version based on electron.
  517. ◆ disass : A simple disassembly tool.
  518. ◆ discord-qt : Unofficial. Discord client powered by Node.JS and Qt Widgets.
  519. ◆ discord : Unofficial. All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers.
  520. ◆ diskonaut : Terminal disk space navigator.
  521. ◆ dissent : Tiny native Discord app.
  522. ◆ dl-desktop : Desktop client for the Duolingo language learning application.
  523. ◆ dockstation : Developing with Docker has never been so easy and convenient.
  524. ◆ doggo : :dog: Command-line DNS Client for Humans. Written in Golang
  525. ◆ dokidokimodmanager : Mod Manager for Doki Doki Literature Club!
  526. ◆ dolphin-emu : Unofficial, GameCube/Nintento Wii emulator with improvements.
  527. ◆ domterm : DOM/JavaScript-based terminal-emulator/console.
  528. ◆ dooit : An awesome TUI todo manager.
  529. ◆ dopamine-preview : The audio player that keeps it simple.
  530. ◆ dosemu : Run DOS programs under linux.
  531. ◆ dotto : A portable and modern pixelart editor, written from scratch.
  532. ◆ doublecmd-gtk : Two-panel file manager, also known as Double Commander.
  533. ◆ doublecmd-qt : Two-panel file manager, also known as Double Commander.
  534. ◆ downline : A cross-platform video and audio downloader.
  535. ◆ dra : A command line tool to download release assets from GitHub.
  536. ◆ dragdrop : Small drag-and-drop file source for the command line.
  537. ◆ dragoman : GUI for polyglot.
  538. ◆ dragula : Free Stock Images on Steroids.
  539. ◆ draw : Draw in your terminal.
  540. ◆ draw.io : draw.io desktop.
  541. ◆ drawpile : Drawing program to sketch on the same canvas simultaneously.
  542. ◆ drill : Search files without indexing, but clever crawling.
  543. ◆ droidcam : A DroidCam AppImage for the Steam Deck/SteamOS 3.0.
  544. ◆ dropbox : A free cloud service, Unofficial AppImage.
  545. ◆ droppoint : Drag content without having to open side-by-side windows.
  546. ◆ dstask : Git powered terminal-based todo/note manager, markdown note page per task.
  547. ◆ dtmate : CLI to compute difference between date, time or duration.
  548. ◆ dua : View disk space usage and delete unwanted data, fast.
  549. ◆ duckling : A fast viewer for CSV/Parquet files and databases such as DuckDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Clickhouse, etc.
  550. ◆ duckstation : PlayStation 1, aka PSX games Emulator.
  551. ◆ duelyst : A digital collectible card game and turn-based strategy hybrid.
  552. ◆ duf : Disk Usage/Free Utility, a better 'df' alternative.
  553. ◆ dukto : Easy and multi-platform file transfer tool.
  554. ◆ dune : A shell by the beach.
  555. ◆ dunst : Lightweight and customizable notification daemon.
  556. ◆ duskplayer : A minimal music player built on electron.
  557. ◆ dust3d : 3D modeling software for games, 3D printing, and so on.
  558. ◆ dust : A more intuitive version of du in rust.
  559. ◆ dvdisaster : Additional error protection for CD/DVD media.
  560. ◆ dwarf-fortress : The AppImage of lnp-forge built LinuxDwarfPack.
  561. ◆ dwyco-phoo : Dwyco Phoo Chat and Video Calling.
  562. ◆ e2-sat-editor : Satellite channel lists editor with tabbed nav.
  563. ◆ eaglemode : Zoomable user interface with plugin applications.
  564. ◆ easymercurial : A simple UI for the Mercurial version-control system.
  565. ◆ ecency-surfer : Rewarding communities built, owned and operated by its users.
  566. ◆ ecode : Lightweight code editor designed for modern hardware.
  567. ◆ edex-ui : A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator.
  568. ◆ effer : Encrypted CLI Notepad written in Rust
  569. ◆ eget : Easily install prebuilt binaries from GitHub.
  570. ◆ ehdev-shell : An electron based developing tool for feds.
  571. ◆ eka2l1 : A Symbian OS/N-Gage emulator
  572. ◆ eksplode.re : Bomberman game made with Godot under BSD3.
  573. ◆ elapp : Elapp let's you send files to mobile and desktop devices near you.
  574. ◆ elcalc : Cross-Platform calculator built with Electron.
  575. ◆ eldumper : A GB Cartridge Dumper.
  576. ◆ electorrent : A remote control Torrent client.
  577. ◆ electrocrud : No coding is required.
  578. ◆ electron-app-store : Simple App Store for Apps Built with Electron.
  579. ◆ electron-cash : Lightweight Bitcoin Cash Client.
  580. ◆ electron-mail : Unofficial ProtonMail Desktop App.
  581. ◆ electron-react-boilerplate : A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps.
  582. ◆ electronreact : Desktop application using Electron and React.
  583. ◆ electron-ssr : Install electron-ssr from appimage.
  584. ◆ electron-utils : Electron Utils for every day usage as a dev.
  585. ◆ electron-wechat : Wechat desktop application.
  586. ◆ electronwmd : Upload music to NetMD MiniDisc devices.
  587. ◆ electron-xiami : Xiami Electron desktop application.
  588. ◆ electrumfair : Lightweight FairCoin Client.
  589. ◆ electrum : Lightweight Bitcoin Client.
  590. ◆ electrum-ltc : A simple, but powerful Litecoin wallet.
  591. ◆ electrum-nmc : Lightweight Namecoin Client.
  592. ◆ electrum-ravencoin : Forked from the Electrum Bitcoin base client.
  593. ◆ element : A feature-rich client for Matrix.org.
  594. ◆ elementary-code : AppImage version of Elementary OS "Code" by Maksym Titenko.
  595. ◆ elements : App which displays the periodic table, Education, Science.
  596. ◆ elk : Native version of Elk, a nimble Mastodon web.
  597. ◆ ellas-war : Explore Ancient Greece on Ellas-War.
  598. ◆ elphyre-walletshell : Elphyrecoin GUI Wallet.
  599. ◆ elvish : Powerful modern shell scripting.
  600. ◆ elzabrowser : Elza incognito web browser.
  601. ◆ emacs-nox-daily : Unofficial. FOSS text editor for complete programming language.
  602. ◆ emacs-nox : Unofficial. FOSS text editor for complete programming language.
  603. ◆ emacs-pgtk-daily : Unofficial. FOSS text editor for complete programming language.
  604. ◆ emacs-pgtk : Unofficial. FOSS text editor for complete programming language.
  605. ◆ emacs : Unofficial. FOSS text editor for complete programming language.
  606. ◆ emacs-x11-daily : Unofficial. FOSS text editor for complete programming language.
  607. ◆ emacs-x11 : Unofficial. FOSS text editor for complete programming language.
  608. ◆ embedded-ide : Makefile based IDE for embedded systems.
  609. ◆ ember : Client for the WorldForge virtual world system, game.
  610. ◆ emoji-keyboard : Virtual keyboard-like emoji palette for Linux.
  611. ◆ emudeck : EmuDeck Desktop Electron Wrapper.
  612. ◆ en-croissant : The Ultimate Chess Toolkit.
  613. ◆ encryptpad : Secure text editor and binary encryptor with passwords.
  614. ◆ endless-sky : Space exploration and combat game.
  615. ◆ enoseannotator : View, annotate and store measurements of the eNose sensor.
  616. ◆ ente-auth : Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos.
  617. ◆ ente-photos : Binary releases of the Ente Photos desktop app.
  618. ◆ enve : Create 2D Animations.
  619. ◆ envkey : EnvKey’s cross-platform native app.
  620. ◆ eosvc : Application for management of self-employeed people.
  621. ◆ eplee : Sweet, simple epub reader.
  622. ◆ eqonomize : Manage your personal finances.
  623. ◆ equibop : Equibop is a custom Discord App aiming to give you better performance and improve linux support.
  624. ◆ era : ERA is your note-taking tool.
  625. ◆ erdesigner : ER Diagram tool available for ALL platforms.
  626. ◆ erscaffold : A code generator for websites.
  627. ◆ escrcpy : Graphical Scrcpy to display and control Android, devices powered by Electron.
  628. ◆ es-de : EmulationStation Desktop Edition.
  629. ◆ esearch : Screenshot OCR search translate search for picture paste...
  630. ◆ espanso : Cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust.
  631. ◆ espi : Software recreation of the SP-1200 drum machine.
  632. ◆ etcher : Flash OS images to SD cards and USB drives, Balena Etcher.
  633. ◆ etcher-latest : Flash OS images to SD cards and USB drives, Balena Etcher.
  634. ◆ eternal-lands : 3D fantasy multiplayer online role playing game.
  635. ◆ eternalmodmanager : A cross platform mod manager for DOOM Eternal.
  636. ◆ etherealengine-cc : App for managing Ethereal Engine cluster.
  637. ◆ etichetta : A YOLO annotator, for human beings.
  638. ◆ eudic : Chinese app to learn english, listen statistics/note synch....
  639. ◆ evalit : A notepad calculator application with JavaScript configuration.
  640. ◆ everdo : A powerful cross-platform GTD app with focus on privacy.
  641. ◆ everinst : An installer for the Everest mod loader.
  642. ◆ evince : Unofficial. Document viewer for popular document formats.
  643. ◆ evoplex : Agent-based modeling.
  644. ◆ excel-parser-processor : Generates an array of items from the rows.
  645. ◆ exe : A Elearning XHTML/HTML5 editor.
  646. ◆ exeqt : Cross platform tray manager.
  647. ◆ exifcleaner : Clean exif metadata from images, videos, and PDFs.
  648. ◆ eximchain-wallet : Eximchain Wallet web and electron app.
  649. ◆ exodus : Send, receive & exchange cryptocurrency. Bitcoin wallet.
  650. ◆ explorook : Rookout’s site addon to support local files and folders.
  651. ◆ exportoo : Read and search your exports.
  652. ◆ exsplode.re : A Bomberman game made with Godot under BSD3.
  653. ◆ extraterm : The swiss army chainsaw of terminal emulators.
  654. ◆ extrema : Data visualisation and analysis.
  655. ◆ extremetuxracer : Unofficial. 3D racing game with Tux, the Linux penguin.
  656. ◆ eyestalker : Video-based eye tracking using recursive estimation of pupil.
  657. ◆ eza : A modern, maintained replacement for ls.
  658. ◆ ezup : Easy File Upload to Cloud Storage.
  659. ◆ f1mv-lights-integration : Connect your smart home lights to MultiViewer.
  660. ◆ fafarunner : A game developed using flutter and flame.
  661. ◆ fairshare : Simplifying the curation and sharing of biomedical research.
  662. ◆ fakedata : CLI utility for fake data generation.
  663. ◆ fantascene-dynamic-wallpaper : Dynamic wallpaper software for Linux.
  664. ◆ fantasia-archive : A database manager for world building.
  665. ◆ farmhand : A resource management game that puts a farm in your hand.
  666. ◆ fastboot : Tool to flash Android devices. This script installs the full "platform-tools" suite.
  667. ◆ fastcompmgr : A fast compositor for X11.
  668. ◆ fastfetch : Like neofetch, but much faster because written mostly in C.
  669. ◆ fastqt : Control tool for high throughput genomics sequence data.
  670. ◆ fasttrack : Fast tracking of multiple objects.
  671. ◆ fat-wallet : Wallet for FAT tokens.
  672. ◆ fchat : The F-Chat 3.0 client.
  673. ◆ fcp : CLI, a significantly faster alternative to the classic Unix cp(1) command, copying large files and directories in a fraction of the time.
  674. ◆ f-crm : Customer Relations Management for Freelancers.
  675. ◆ fd : A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'.
  676. ◆ fdc3-sail : Open implementation of the FDC3 standard using Electron.
  677. ◆ fdm : Free Download Manager, multiplatform powerful modern download accelerator and organizer.
  678. ◆ feather-wallet : Monero wallet.
  679. ◆ feebas : Screenshot comparison tool for identifying visual regressions.
  680. ◆ feedseries : Follow your series enthusiast news, in french.
  681. ◆ feidao : Feidao Online Course Design Platform, chinese.
  682. ◆ feishin : Sonixd Rewrite, a desktop music player.
  683. ◆ ferdium : All your services in one place, built by the community.
  684. ◆ fetchit : A system fetch tool for Linux, written in Rust.
  685. ◆ ffdec : JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler.
  686. ◆ ffdec-nightly : JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler.
  687. ◆ fflogs-uploader : FFLogs Uploader appimage.
  688. ◆ ff-password-exporter : Export your saved passwords from Firefox.
  689. ◆ ffsend : Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fully featured Firefox Send client.
  690. ◆ ffvim : FIVIM is an editor for encrypted notes and files.
  691. ◆ ffwa-facebook : WebApp & Firefox Profile for Facebook.
  692. ◆ ffwa-github : WebApp & Firefox Profile for GitHub.
  693. ◆ ffwa-gmail : WebApp & Firefox Profile for Gmail.
  694. ◆ ffwa-netflix : WebApp & Firefox Profile for Netflix.
  695. ◆ ffwa-reddit : WebApp & Firefox Profile for Reddit.
  696. ◆ ffwa-twitter : WebApp & Firefox Profile for Twitter.
  697. ◆ ffwa-whatsapp : WebApp & Firefox Profile for WhatsApp.
  698. ◆ ffwa-wikipedia : WebApp & Firefox Profile for Wikipedia.
  699. ◆ ffwa-youtube : WebApp & Firefox Profile for YouTube.
  700. ◆ ficus : A software for editing and managing markdown documents.
  701. ◆ fidias-database-migration-app : Migrate SQL-based databases.
  702. ◆ fiery-maui : Web browser with integrated ad-blocker and split views.
  703. ◆ fifo : A modern web browser, built on top of modern web technologies.
  704. ◆ figma-linux : First interface design tool based in the browser, graphics.
  705. ◆ file-commander : CLI, cross-platform Total Commander-like orthodox file manager.
  706. ◆ file-converter : Convert between various file formats.
  707. ◆ filelight : Unofficial. View disk usage information. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  708. ◆ filen-cli : Filen CLI for Windows, macOS and Linux
  709. ◆ filen : Desktop client for Filen.io, end-to-end encrypted cloud storage.
  710. ◆ file-to-c : Tool for generating a C header from a spir-v binary file.
  711. ◆ filezilla : The free FTP solution with support for FTP over TLS and SFTP.
  712. ◆ filmulator-gui : Simplified raw editing with the power of film, graphics.
  713. ◆ fingrom : Financial accounting application
  714. ◆ firealpaca : A Free and Multiplatform Digital Painting Software.
  715. ◆ firedragon : A web browser based on Floorp (the Vivaldi of Firefox's) with many opiniated settings by default.
  716. ◆ firefly-desktop : The official IOTA and Shimmer wallet.
  717. ◆ firefox-appimage : Unofficial, AppImage of the Web Browser, Stable.
  718. ◆ firefox-beta-appimage : Unofficial, AppImage of the Web Browser, Beta.
  719. ◆ firefox-beta : Fast, powerful and extensible Web Browser, Beta Edition.
  720. ◆ firefox-devedition-appimage : Unofficial AppImage of the Web Browser, Dev.
  721. ◆ firefox-dev : Fast, powerful and extensible Web Browser, Developer Edition.
  722. ◆ firefox-esr-appimage : Unofficial AppImage of the Web Browser, ESR.
  723. ◆ firefox-esr : Fast, powerful and extensible Web Browser, ESR Edition.
  724. ◆ firefox : Fast, powerful and extensible Web Browser, Stable.
  725. ◆ firefox-nightly-appimage : Unofficial AppImage of the Web Browser, Nightly.
  726. ◆ firefox-nightly : Fast, powerful and extensible Web Browser, Nightly Edition.
  727. ◆ firetail : An open source music player.
  728. ◆ firetv-toolkit : Android-Toolkit, a GUI for adb, modify android devices.
  729. ◆ firework : Easiest way to turn web applications and sites into desktop applications.
  730. ◆ fishing-funds : Fund, big market, stock, virtual currency status, in chinese.
  731. ◆ fishterm : A open-soruce Terminal remote access.
  732. ◆ fish : Unofficial, AppImage for `fish` shell.
  733. ◆ fixit : A utility to fix mistakes in your commands.
  734. ◆ flacon : Audio File Encoder. Extracts audio tracks from audio CDs.
  735. ◆ flameshot : Tool to take screenshots with many built-in features, graphics.
  736. ◆ flare : Fantasy action RPG game using the FLARE engine.
  737. ◆ flashpoint : Flashpoint Archive is a community effort to preserve games and animations from the web.
  738. ◆ flawesome : Flawesome is a modern productivity tool.
  739. ◆ flb : A beautiful Feature Rich Music Player and Downloader,cross platform.
  740. ◆ flightgear-airports : A software to design Flightgear groundnets.
  741. ◆ flightgear : Free, open source flight simulator developed since 1997.
  742. ◆ flippy-qualitative-testbench : Music sheet reader.
  743. ◆ floorp : Floorp Web Browser, the most Advanced and Fastest Firefox derivative.
  744. ◆ flowinity : The versatile all-in-one online platform, for everyone.
  745. ◆ fluent-reader : Modern desktop RSS reader.
  746. ◆ fluffychat : The cutest instant messenger in the matrix.
  747. ◆ flycast : A Sega Dreamcast, Naomi, Naomi 2 and Atomiswave emulator.
  748. ◆ flyctl : Command line tools for fly.io services.
  749. ◆ flyingcarpet : Cross-platform AirDrop. File transfer between Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows over ad hoc WiFi. No network infrastructure required, just two devices with WiFi chips in close range.
  750. ◆ fman : TUI CLI File Manager.
  751. ◆ fmradio : Cross platform FM Radio App for RTL2832U dongles.
  752. ◆ fms-file-explorer : Access and exploration of data produced.
  753. ◆ focalizzare : A Timer for Pomodoro Technique.
  754. ◆ focus : A fully featured productivity timer for the command line, based on the Pomodoro Technique.
  755. ◆ focusatwill : Combines neuroscience and music to boost productivity.
  756. ◆ focuswriter : Simple fullscreen word processor.
  757. ◆ fontbase : A lightning fast, beautiful and free font manager for designers.
  758. ◆ fontforge : Free, libre font editor.
  759. ◆ fontlet : A package manager for fonts.
  760. ◆ foobar2000 : Unofficial, an advanced freeware audio player for Windows, includes WINE.
  761. ◆ forkgram : Fork of Telegram Desktop messaging app.
  762. ◆ four : Electron App to access All4/Channel4, UK.
  763. ◆ foxfolio : Cryptocurrency portfolio management application.
  764. ◆ fpm : Faster Project Plus on Linux.
  765. ◆ fractale : 2D modeling of the Von Koch fractal.
  766. ◆ fraidycat : Follow blogs, wikis, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram and more.
  767. ◆ fraktal : Podcast Manager in Electron.
  768. ◆ frame-eth-dev : A privacy focused Ethereum wallet.
  769. ◆ francetv : The france.tv site in an application.
  770. ◆ francis : Pomodoro technique, get more productive. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  771. ◆ franz : Messaging app for WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, HipChat and much more.
  772. ◆ frappebooks : Book-keeping software for small-businesses and freelancers.
  773. ◆ freac : fre:ac, free audio converter and CD ripper for various encoders.
  774. ◆ freecad-assembly3 : Assembly3 workbench for FreeCAD.
  775. ◆ freecad : Free and open source AutoCAD alternative.
  776. ◆ freefilesync : folder comparison and synchronization software.
  777. ◆ freeman : A free, extensible, cross-platform file manager for power users.
  778. ◆ freeshow : User-friendly presenter software.
  779. ◆ freetexturepacker : Creates sprite sheets for you game or site, graphics.
  780. ◆ freetube : An Open Source YouTube app for privacy.
  781. ◆ freeze : Generate images of code and terminal output.
  782. ◆ freezer : An unofficial client for Deezer.
  783. ◆ freshfetch : An alternative to Neofetch in Rust with a focus on customization.
  784. ◆ friction : Flexible, user expandable 2D animation software.
  785. ◆ friture : Real-time audio visualizations, spectrum, spectrogram, etc..
  786. ◆ fromscratch : Simple autosaving scratchpad.
  787. ◆ frontimer : Desktop timer application always displayed in the forefront of the screen.
  788. ◆ fspy : An open source, cross platform app for still image camera matching.
  789. ◆ fukayo : Manga reader.
  790. ◆ funkin : A rhythm game made with HaxeFlixel
  791. ◆ funkin-legacy : Legacy GLibC Linux support for Friday Night Funkin. A rhythm game made with HaxeFlixel.
  792. ◆ funkin-psych : Engine originally used on Mind Games mod, forked only for ease of use for Linux users who don't know how to compile code.
  793. ◆ funterm : A Linux Terminal Emulator.
  794. ◆ fx : Terminal JSON viewer & processor.
  795. ◆ fynodoro : Fynodoro, the Pomodoro Widget.
  796. ◆ fzf : A command-line fuzzy finder.
  797. ◆ gaiasky : Gaia Sky, a real-time 3D space simulator & astronomy visualisation.
  798. ◆ galacteek : IPFS Multi-platform browser for the distributed web.
  799. ◆ gallery-dl : Command-line program to download image galleries and collections.
  800. ◆ gameconqueror : Unofficial. Memory scanner designed to isolate the adress of an arbitrary variable in an executing process (gtk GUI).
  801. ◆ gamehub : Unified library for all your games from different platforms.
  802. ◆ gameimage : Pack a runner/emulator/game and it's configs in a single AppImage.
  803. ◆ gams-studio : Development environment of General Algebraic Modeling System.
  804. ◆ ganache : Personal Blockchain for Ethereum, latest AppImage for Linux.
  805. ◆ gaphor : A UML and SysML modeling application written in Python.
  806. ◆ gargoyle-bin : Interactive Fiction multi-int. for all major IF formats.
  807. ◆ gaucho : Minimalist task launcher
  808. ◆ gdesktopsuite : Google Suite as a desktop app, made possible with Electron.
  809. ◆ gdevelop : Cross-platform game engine designed to be used by everyone.
  810. ◆ gdlauncher : Simple, yet powerful Minecraft custom launcher.
  811. ◆ gdm-settings : A settings app for GNOME's Login Manager, GDM.
  812. ◆ geany : Unofficial, a fast and lightweight IDE.
  813. ◆ gedit : Unofficial. The popular GNOME text editor Gedit.
  814. ◆ geeqie : Claiming to be the best image viewer and photo collection browser.
  815. ◆ geforcenow-electron : Desktop client for Nvidia GeForce NOW game streaming.
  816. ◆ gemalaya : A keyboard-driven Gemini browser written in QML.
  817. ◆ gemget : Command line downloader for the Gemini protocol.
  818. ◆ genact : A nonsense activity generator.
  819. ◆ genesis : Open source blockchain platform.
  820. ◆ geofs : GeoFS flight sim as a desktop application.
  821. ◆ geometrize : Images to shapes converter, graphics.
  822. ◆ gerbv : Gerber file viewer for PCB design.
  823. ◆ gert : A command line tool to download media from Reddit.
  824. ◆ getthermal : Cross-platform Thermal Camera Viewer.
  825. ◆ gextractwinicons : Extract cursors, icons and images from MS Windows files.
  826. ◆ ghdl : A much more convenient way to download GitHub release binaries on the command line.
  827. ◆ gh-eco : gh cli extension to explore the ecosystem.
  828. ◆ gh : GitHub’s official command line tool.
  829. ◆ ghostty : Unofficial AppImage(s) of Ghostty terminal emulator.
  830. ◆ ghrel : Download and verify GitHub release.
  831. ◆ giada : Hardcore audio music production tool and drum machine for DJs.
  832. ◆ gibs : Generally In-source Build System, build C++ projects without a project.
  833. ◆ gickup : Backup your Git repositories with ease.
  834. ◆ gifcurry : The open-source, Haskell-built video editor for GIF makers.
  835. ◆ gimp-dev : Unofficial, Cross-platform image and photo editor, Developer Edition.
  836. ◆ gimp-git : Unofficial, Cross-platform image and photo editor, built from GIT.
  837. ◆ gimp-hybrid : Unofficial, GIMP including third-party plugins and python2 support.
  838. ◆ gimp : Unofficial, GNU Image Manipulation Program, cross-platform image and photo editor.
  839. ◆ gingko : Gingko client rewritten in Elm.
  840. ◆ git-cliff : A highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications.
  841. ◆ git-good : Just a simple git client using electron and nodegit.
  842. ◆ githoard : Hoard git repositories with ease.
  843. ◆ github-desktop : Electron-based GitHub app.
  844. ◆ gitify : GitHub notifications on your menu bar.
  845. ◆ gitjournal : Mobile first Note Taking integrated with Git.
  846. ◆ gitkraken : GitKraken Client including an intuitive GUI & powerful CLI.
  847. ◆ gitleaks : Protect and discover secrets using Gitleaks.
  848. ◆ gitlight : GitHub & GitLab notifications on your desktop.
  849. ◆ gitnote : A modern note taking app based on GIT.
  850. ◆ gitql : A git query language.
  851. ◆ gitqlient : Multi-platform Git client written with Qt.
  852. ◆ gittyup : GUI Git client designed to help you understand and manage your source code history.
  853. ◆ gitui : Blazing fast terminal-ui for git written in rust.
  854. ◆ glab : A GitLab CLI tool bringing GitLab to your command line.
  855. ◆ glabels : Create labels, business cards and media covers.
  856. ◆ glaxnimate : A simple and fast vector graphics animation program.
  857. ◆ glow : Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!
  858. ◆ gltf-insight : C++11 based glTF 2.0 data insight tool.
  859. ◆ glulxe : AppImage of the glulxe interactive fiction interpreter.
  860. ◆ gl-warp2mp4 : Utility to pre-warp a movie similar to TGAWarp.
  861. ◆ glyphr-studio-desktop : Professional font design programs.
  862. ◆ gmail-desktop : Unofficial. Nifty Gmail desktop app.
  863. ◆ gm-companion : A tool for rpg gamemasters.
  864. ◆ gncdu : Implements NCurses Disk Usage(ncdu) with golang.
  865. ◆ gnome-boxes : Unofficial, A simple GNOME application to access virtual machines.
  866. ◆ gnome-calculator : Unofficial, Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations.
  867. ◆ gnome-tweaks : Unofficial, Experimental AppImage port of advanced GNOME 3 settings GUI.
  868. ◆ gnumeric : Unofficial. An open-source spreadsheet program.
  869. ◆ godmode : AI Chat Browser fast, full webapp access to ChatGPT/Claude/Bard/Bing/Llama2.
  870. ◆ godot : Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine with a feature-rich editor.
  871. ◆ gojq : Pure Go implementation of jq.
  872. ◆ gokey : A simple vaultless password manager in Go.
  873. ◆ goland : Capable and Ergonomic Go IDE.
  874. ◆ goldencheetah : Cycling Power Analysis Software.
  875. ◆ goldendict : A feature-rich dictionary lookup program.
  876. ◆ gooboxfileshare : Goobox File Share App.
  877. ◆ goodls : This is a CLI tool to download shared files and folders from Google Drive.
  878. ◆ goofcord : Take control of your Discord experience with GoofCord.
  879. ◆ google-chrome-beta : Unofficial, Web Browser, Beta version.
  880. ◆ google-chrome-dev : Unofficial, Web Browser, Unstable version.
  881. ◆ google-chrome : Unofficial, Web Browser, Stable version.
  882. ◆ google-docs : Unofficial, Google Docs Desktop App made with electron.
  883. ◆ google-tasks-desktop : Unofficial Google Tasks Desktop Client.
  884. ◆ google-task-tauri : An Unofficial Desktop Client for Google Tasks.
  885. ◆ gooseberry : A command line utility to generate a knowledge base from Hypothesis annotations.
  886. ◆ gopass : The slightly more awesome standard unix password manager for teams.
  887. ◆ go-pd : A free easy to use pixeldrain.com go client pkg and CLI upload tool.
  888. ◆ go-pd-gui : DRAINY is a free easy to use cross plattform upload tool for pixeldrain.com.
  889. ◆ gopeed : A modern download manager that supports all platforms.
  890. ◆ gospel : Poppler based fast pdf viewer written in PyQt5.
  891. ◆ go-spotify-cli : Control Spotify with CLI commands.
  892. ◆ gost-shred : GOST R 50739-95 Data Sanitization Method (2 passes).
  893. ◆ gotimer : A simple terminal based digital timer for Pomodoro.
  894. ◆ goto : A simple terminal SSH manager that lists favorite SSH servers.
  895. ◆ got : Simple golang package and CLI tool to download large files faster than cURL and Wget!
  896. ◆ goverlay : An opensource project that aims to create a Graphical UI to help manage Linux overlays.
  897. ◆ gpgfrontend : A Cross-Platform OpenPGP Frontend Software.
  898. ◆ gpg-tui : CLI, manage your GnuPG keys with ease!
  899. ◆ gping : Ping, but with a graph.
  900. ◆ gpredict : A satellite tracking application.
  901. ◆ gpt-anywhere : Use GPT anywhere with just one shortcut.
  902. ◆ gptfusion : GPT Aggregation Ed., in chinese, supports POE, and more.
  903. ◆ gpupad : A flexible GLSL shader editor and IDE.
  904. ◆ gqrx : Software defined radio receiver, SDR.
  905. ◆ grabscr : Yet another screenshot maker.
  906. ◆ gradestats : Import xls spredsheets, store/analyze student grade.
  907. ◆ granatier : Bomberman clone. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  908. ◆ graphql-playground : GraphQL IDE for better development workflows.
  909. ◆ graviton : A simple code editor.
  910. ◆ greenlight : Client for xCloud and Xbox home streaming made in Typescript.
  911. ◆ gridcoin-research : POS-based cryptocurrency.
  912. ◆ gridea : A static blog writing client, 一个静态博客写作客户端.
  913. ◆ gridplayer : Play videos side-by-side.
  914. ◆ gridsync : Synchronize local directories with Tahoe-LAFS storage grids.
  915. ◆ grinplusplus : A C++ Grin Node & Wallet.
  916. ◆ grist-desktop : Desktop Grist, packaged with Electron.
  917. ◆ gron.awk : True JSON parser in pure Awk. fast with Gawk/Mawk/GoAWK.
  918. ◆ gron : Make JSON greppable! Transform JSON into discrete assignments to grep.
  919. ◆ groot : Graphical Editor to create BehaviorTrees.
  920. ◆ grx : Fastest Web Gerber Renderer.
  921. ◆ gsequencer : Tree based audio processing engine.
  922. ◆ gsubs : Finds you the perfect subtitle match.
  923. ◆ guarda : A secure, easy-to-use cryptocurrency wallet.
  924. ◆ guglielmo : A FM, DAB/DAB+ decoder using Qt and C++.
  925. ◆ guiscrcpy : GUI integration for android screen mirroring system.
  926. ◆ guitar : Graphical git client.
  927. ◆ gum : A tool for glamorous shell scripts.
  928. ◆ gvim : Edit text files.
  929. ◆ gxc-smart-contract-ide : Gxchain smart contract IDE alpha.
  930. ◆ gyroflow : Video stabilization using gyroscope data.
  931. ◆ hades-emu : A Nintendo Game Boy Advance Emulator.
  932. ◆ hamsket : Free and Open Source messaging and emailing app.
  933. ◆ handbrake : Unofficial, An open-source multiplatform video transcoder.
  934. ◆ handlr : fork of the original handlr, with support for regular expressions.
  935. ◆ hapee : Best cross-platform downloader ever.
  936. ◆ harmonoid : Plays & manages your music library. Looks beautiful & juicy. Playlists, visuals, synced lyrics, pitch shift, volume boost & more.
  937. ◆ hascard : Flashcard TUI CLI with markdown cards.
  938. ◆ hashsum : A universal tool for finding file duplicates and modified files.
  939. ◆ hastyheroes : An endless 2D jumping game.
  940. ◆ haveno-reto : Decentralized P2P exchange built on Monero and Tor.
  941. ◆ hctl : A tool to control your Home Assistant devices from the command-line.
  942. ◆ hdrmerge : Merge several raw images into a single DNG raw image.
  943. ◆ heat1d : UI for testing the soilFluxex3D library, CRITERIA1D.
  944. ◆ heimer : Simple cross-platform mind map, diagram, and note-taking tool.
  945. ◆ helio : One music sequencer for all major platforms, desktop and mobile.
  946. ◆ helioslauncher : Custom launcher for modded minecraft written in Electron.
  947. ◆ helix : A post-modern modal text editor.
  948. ◆ henson : A puppet manager for NationStates.
  949. ◆ hermesmessenger : Desktop client version for Hermes Messenger.
  950. ◆ hero-display : App for display on HERO robot.
  951. ◆ heroic-games-launcher : A Native GOG and Epic Games Launcher for Linux.
  952. ◆ hexinator : Hex editor for reverse engineering & binary file analysis.
  953. ◆ hexoclient : A cross-platform hexo client, build on electron.
  954. ◆ hexoeditor : Markdown editor for Hexo built with Electron.
  955. ◆ heynote : A dedicated scratchpad for developers.
  956. ◆ hiddify-next : Auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria.
  957. ◆ hide.me : Hide.me CLI VPN client for Linux.
  958. ◆ hidpi-fixer : Fractional scaling configuration on X11 desktops.
  959. ◆ hilbish : The Moon-powered shell! A comfy and extensible shell for Lua fans!
  960. ◆ himalaya : CLI to manage emails.
  961. ◆ hmcl : A Minecraft Launcher which is multi-functional, cross-platform and popular.
  962. ◆ hoptodesk : Allows users to share their screens and remotely control access.
  963. ◆ hotspot : The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis.
  964. ◆ houdoku : Manga reader and library manager for the desktop.
  965. ◆ hpack : A fine tool to convert any data into C header.
  966. ◆ hsinstall : Pack a haskell project into a deployable directory structure.
  967. ◆ htmldoc : HTML & Markdown Conversion Software to output PostScript and PDF.
  968. ◆ htop : Unofficial, CLI utility to monitor system resources.
  969. ◆ httpie-desktop : HTTPie for Desktop.
  970. ◆ hugin : Stitch photographs together.
  971. ◆ hugor : A cross-platform, multimedia interpreter for Hugo adventure games.
  972. ◆ humanlog : Logs for humans to read.
  973. ◆ huwinterpreter : HuwCode interpreter.
  974. ◆ hw-probe : Probe for hardware and upload result to the Linux hdw database.
  975. ◆ hydra : Game launcher with its own embedded bittorrent client.
  976. ◆ hydrogen-music : The advanced drum machine.
  977. ◆ hyper : A terminal built on web technologies.
  978. ◆ hyperdex : BarterDEX desktop app.
  979. ◆ hyperfine : A command-line benchmarking tool.
  980. ◆ hyperionide : Hyperion IDE for JIRA.
  981. ◆ hyperkeys : Unleash you keyboard shorcuts.
  982. ◆ hypersomnia : Hardcore arena mixing eSports with pixely nostalgia.
  983. ◆ hyperspace : A fluffy client for Mastodon in React.
  984. ◆ hypnotix : Unofficial. An IPTV streaming application with support for live TV.
  985. ◆ i3-auto-layout : Automatic, optimal tiling for i3wm. Fork of dead version.
  986. ◆ i3lock-color : The world's most popular non-default computer lockscreen.
  987. ◆ i3 : Unofficial, A tiling window manager for X11.
  988. ◆ iagoncloudapp : Iagon Cloud Application.
  989. ◆ ibus-rime : Zhongzhou Yun input method, ibus-rime in AppImage format.
  990. ◆ icalingua++ : A client for QQ and more.
  991. ◆ icecat : GNU IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox web browser.
  992. ◆ icedrive : The next generation of cloud storage.
  993. ◆ icestudio : A real gamechanger in the world of Open Source FPGAs.
  994. ◆ ideamerit : Diagramming tool. Software for drawing Objectives and Key Results.
  995. ◆ igdm : Desktop application for Instagram DMs.
  996. ◆ iheartradio-webapp : Election WebApp for iHeartRadio.
  997. ◆ imagemagick-clang : CLI to create, edit, compose, or convert digital images.
  998. ◆ imagemagick-gcc : CLI to create, edit, compose, or convert digital images.
  999. ◆ imagemosaicwall : Create an image based on a bunch of other images.
  1000. ◆ imageplay : A rapid prototyping app for image processing.
  1001. ◆ imagine : PNG/JPEG optimization.
  1002. ◆ imapsyncclient : An electron-vue project.
  1003. ◆ imgbrd-grabber : Very customizable imageboard/booru downloader.
  1004. ◆ imgcat : Display images and gifs in your terminal.
  1005. ◆ imhex : A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers and Programmers.
  1006. ◆ impact : Music Management and Playback.
  1007. ◆ impposter : Post to my own development blog.
  1008. ◆ inboxer : Simple client for Google Inbox.
  1009. ◆ index-maui : Browse your system files and preview your multimedia.
  1010. ◆ infection-monkey : An automated penetration test tool, security.
  1011. ◆ infinitex : Editor for academics with cryptography.
  1012. ◆ infra-app : Infra App for Linux.
  1013. ◆ inkdown : A WYSIWYG Markdown editor, improve reading and editing experience and generate your Markdown files.
  1014. ◆ inkscape-next : Vector-based drawing program, SVG, PDF, AutoCAD..., Unstable.
  1015. ◆ inkscape : Vector-based drawing program, SVG, PDF, AutoCAD..., Stable.
  1016. ◆ innerbreeze : Guided breathing meditation app based on the Wim Hof breathing method.
  1017. ◆ insight : The GUI front-end of GDB with Tcl/Tk.
  1018. ◆ insomnia : API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets and gRPC.
  1019. ◆ insomnium : A local API testing tool privacy-focused, fork of Kong/insomnia.
  1020. ◆ instead : Simple Text Adventures Interpreter.
  1021. ◆ internxt-drive : Electron React Boilerplate uses Electron and React.
  1022. ◆ intiface : Desktop Intiface Application.
  1023. ◆ invoice-generator : Invoice Generator in Electron.
  1024. ◆ iota1k : IOTA based messenging app.
  1025. ◆ ipfs-desktop : An unobtrusive and user-friendly app for IPFS on Linux.
  1026. ◆ iptracker : Desktop tool to keep track of your IP address and update you when it changes.
  1027. ◆ iptvnator : IPTV player application.
  1028. ◆ ipuissance-4d : Connect Four video game with a 3-Dimentional rendering.
  1029. ◆ iqpuzzle : A diverting I.Q. challenging pentomino puzzle.
  1030. ◆ irccloud-desktop : IRCCloud Desktop Client.
  1031. ◆ irscrutinizer : Capture/generate/analyze/import/export infrared signals.
  1032. ◆ isle-editor : Editor for Integrated Statistics Learning Environment lessons.
  1033. ◆ isoimagewriter : Write an ISO Image to a USB Disk. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1034. ◆ isolate : Lightweight image browser.
  1035. ◆ itusb1-manager : Control the ITUSB1 USB Test Switch.
  1036. ◆ jabref : Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases.
  1037. ◆ jag : Program for telemetry veiwing.
  1038. ◆ james : HTTP/HTTPS proxy built in Electron and React.
  1039. ◆ jan : FOSS Alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer.
  1040. ◆ jazz2 : Open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
  1041. ◆ jdappstreamedit : A graphical Program to create and edit AppStream files.
  1042. ◆ jddesktopentryedit : A graphical Program to create and edit Desktop Entries.
  1043. ◆ jdminecraftlauncher : Unofficial classic styled Minecraft Launcher.
  1044. ◆ jdmrpackinstaller : Install Modrinth modpacks.
  1045. ◆ jdnbtexplorer : A Editor for Minecraft NBT files.
  1046. ◆ jdreplace : With jdReplace you can replace a text in all files of a directory.
  1047. ◆ jdtextedit : jdTextEdit is a powerful texteditor with a lot of features.
  1048. ◆ jellyamp : A client for listening to music from a Jellyfin server.
  1049. ◆ jellyfin : Media player. Stream to any device from your own server.
  1050. ◆ jetbrains-toolbox : Essential tools for software developers and teams.
  1051. ◆ jexiftoolgui : Java/Swing graphical frontend for ExifTool.
  1052. ◆ jfcord : An Jellyfin rich presence client for Discord.
  1053. ◆ jgrasp : An IDE with Visualizations for Improving Software Comprehensibility.
  1054. ◆ jimud : MUD client for ShadowMUD.com, based on webclient.
  1055. ◆ jira-timer : Menubar app for JIRA time logging.
  1056. ◆ jitsi-meet : Jitsi Meet Desktop App.
  1057. ◆ jklubtv : Chess Round Robin Tournament Manager.
  1058. ◆ jless : CLI JSON viewer designed for reading, exploring, and searching.
  1059. ◆ jnv : Interactive JSON filter using jq.
  1060. ◆ joaldesktop : Electron application boilerplate.
  1061. ◆ join-desktop : A companion app for the Join website.
  1062. ◆ joplin-beta : A cross-platform note taking and to-do app.
  1063. ◆ joplin : Note and to-do application with synchronization capabilities.
  1064. ◆ jottem : A lean, low friction terminal app for managing markdown notes.
  1065. ◆ journalv : Journaling app for your days and dreams.
  1066. ◆ joy2droidx : Turn Android phones into virtual Xbox 360 controller.
  1067. ◆ jpg-glitch-electron : Desktop app for glitching images.
  1068. ◆ jq : Command-line JSON processor.
  1069. ◆ jqp : A TUI playground to experiment with jq.
  1070. ◆ jreleaser : The quick way to release your project.
  1071. ◆ jrom-manager : A Rom Manager entirely written in Java and released under GPL-2.
  1072. ◆ jscad-desktop : Jscad desktop application.
  1073. ◆ js-design : A professional UI design software tailored for Chinese designers.
  1074. ◆ juggernaut : Decentralized messaging and payments.
  1075. ◆ julius : An open source re-implementation of the Caesar III game.
  1076. ◆ jumpfm : A file manager that lets you jump.
  1077. ◆ junest : Arch Linux based distro that runs rootless on any other Linux distro.
  1078. ◆ kade : A desktop application for Q Methodology.
  1079. ◆ kadium : App for staying ontop of YouTube channels' uploads.
  1080. ◆ kage : GUI for Metasploit Meterpreter and Session Handler.
  1081. ◆ kaidan : A QtQuick Jabber client.
  1082. ◆ kajongg : Unofficial, An ancient Chinese board game for 4 players. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1083. ◆ kalba : Sentence mining tool.
  1084. ◆ kalc : Complex numbers, 2d/3d graphing, arbitrary precision cli calculator.
  1085. ◆ kalker : Scientific calculator with math syntax for user-defined variables.
  1086. ◆ kalm : Unofficial, Teach you different breathing techniques. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1087. ◆ kando : The Cross-Platform Pie Menu.
  1088. ◆ kanon : Maturita GPJP designed for use with kanon web app.
  1089. ◆ kanri : Modern offline Kanban board app. Built with simplicity and user experience in mind.
  1090. ◆ kapman : Pac-Man clone. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1091. ◆ kardi : Application for taking notes with capabilities to view all content from any device while keeping all data accessible by you only.
  1092. ◆ kate : Unofficial, A multi-document editor part of KDE. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1093. ◆ katomic : Edu. game based around molecular geometry. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1094. ◆ katvan : A bare-bones editor for Typst files, with a bias for Right-to-Left editing.
  1095. ◆ kbackup : Back up your data. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1096. ◆ kblackbox : Unofficial, A game of hide and seek. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1097. ◆ kblocks : Unofficial, Classic Tetris / falling blocks game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1098. ◆ kboard : Terminal game to practice keyboard typing.
  1099. ◆ kbounce : Unofficial, Fill the field game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1100. ◆ kbreakout : Unofficial, Destroy bricks without losing the ball. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1101. ◆ kcalc : Unofficial, Scientific Calculator. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1102. ◆ kcharselect : Unofficial, Character Selector. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1103. ◆ kclock : Unofficial, A universal clock application. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1104. ◆ kcov : Unofficial, An AppImage of Kcov code coverage tool.
  1105. ◆ kdebugsettings : Unofficial, Edits displayed QLoggingCategory. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1106. ◆ kdeconnect : Unofficial, A project that enables all your Android devices to communicate with each other.
  1107. ◆ kdegames : Unofficial, Full & updatable KDE Games suite, metapackage.
  1108. ◆ kdenlive : A powerful Video Editor provided by KDE.
  1109. ◆ kdenlive-daily : A powerful Video Editor provided by KDE (daily builds).
  1110. ◆ kdeutils : Unofficial, Full & updatable KDE Utils suite, metapackage.
  1111. ◆ kdf : Unofficial, view Disk Usage. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1112. ◆ kdialog : Unofficial, a dialog utility. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1113. ◆ kdiamond : Unofficial, Diamond game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1114. ◆ kdiskmark : A simple open-source disk benchmark tool for Linux distros.
  1115. ◆ keditbookmarks : Unofficial, Bookmarks editor. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1116. ◆ keepassxc-devel : Port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”, dev-edition.
  1117. ◆ keepassxc : Port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
  1118. ◆ keep : Desktop app for Google Keep.
  1119. ◆ keeweb : Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass.
  1120. ◆ keibo-moneytracker-x86-64 : Track your income and expenses easily.
  1121. ◆ kettleclient : Client for Kettle REST service.
  1122. ◆ kevedit : ZZT Editor.
  1123. ◆ keyboardclient : Keyboard Settings Client.
  1124. ◆ keycombiner : Learn exactly the keyboard shortcuts you need.
  1125. ◆ keymanager : One-stop certificate app and certificate key management.
  1126. ◆ keyrier-json : A CLI/library/webapp to perfom SQL queries on JSON & CSV.
  1127. ◆ keys : Key management, signing and encryption.
  1128. ◆ keysmith : Generates tokens for your two-factor logins. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1129. ◆ kfind : A search tool. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1130. ◆ kfourinline : Unofficial, 4 in row game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1131. ◆ kgoldrunner : Unofficial, A game with a runner and gold. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1132. ◆ kgpg : A GnuPG frontend. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1133. ◆ kibi : A text editor in ≤1024 lines of code, written in Rust.
  1134. ◆ kicad : Electronic Design Automation suite.
  1135. ◆ kigo : Unofficial, Go strategic board game for two players. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1136. ◆ kiibohd-configurator : Configuration utility for Input Club keyboards.
  1137. ◆ kiku : Play music from youtube on desktop. Supports local api, invidious and piped as source.
  1138. ◆ killbots : Unofficial, Port of the classic console game Robots. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1139. ◆ kimitzu-client : Kimitzu Client.
  1140. ◆ kinopio : Thinking canvas for new ideas and hard problems.
  1141. ◆ kiriki : A dice game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1142. ◆ kitty : Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
  1143. ◆ kitupiikki : Bookkeeping software for small organizations.
  1144. ◆ kjumpingcube : A game of dices on a board. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1145. ◆ klickety : Color matching like SameGame. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1146. ◆ klines : Inspired by well known game of Color Lines. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1147. ◆ klogg : A smart interactive log explorer.
  1148. ◆ kmahjongg : Unofficial, Mahjongg game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1149. ◆ kmines : Unofficial, Classic mine game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1150. ◆ kmonad : An advanced keyboard manager.
  1151. ◆ kmon : Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor.
  1152. ◆ knavalbattle : Unofficial, Battle Ship game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1153. ◆ knetwalk : Unofficial, Net constructing game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1154. ◆ knights : Unofficial, Chess interface for the KDE Platform. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1155. ◆ knowledge : Save/search/access/explore all your favorite websites and files.
  1156. ◆ knowte : Note taking.
  1157. ◆ koboldcpp : Simple 1-file way to run GGML and GGUF models with KoboldAI's UI.
  1158. ◆ koishi-desktop : Launch Koishi from your desktop.
  1159. ◆ kolf : Unofficial, Mini Golf game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1160. ◆ kollision : Unofficial, Dodge red balls in the field. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1161. ◆ kondo : Cleans dependencies and build artifacts from your projects.
  1162. ◆ kongress : Unofficial, A companion application for conferences. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1163. ◆ konquest : Game of planets. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1164. ◆ koodo-reader : Modern ebook manager and reader with sync & backup capacities.
  1165. ◆ kopia : Cross-platform backup tool.
  1166. ◆ koreader : A document viewer.
  1167. ◆ kpat : Unofficial, Klondike, Spider, Free Cell and other Solitaire. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1168. ◆ krecorder : Unofficial, An audio recording application. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1169. ◆ kreversi : Reversi game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1170. ◆ kristall : A web browser without support for css/js/wasm or graphical websites.
  1171. ◆ krita : A professional FREE and open source painting program, graphics.
  1172. ◆ krita-devel : A professional FREE open source painting program, dev-edition.
  1173. ◆ krunker : Krunker (.io) is a fast-paced first-person shooter game with pixel graphics.
  1174. ◆ kshisen : A game similar to Mahjongg. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1175. ◆ ksirk : A strategy board game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1176. ◆ ksnakeduel : A snake race game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1177. ◆ ksnip : Screenshot tool inspired by Windows Snipping Tool and made with Qt.
  1178. ◆ kspaceduel : Unofficial, Battleship with satellites in the space. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1179. ◆ ksquares : Unofficial, Win with most number of completed squares. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1180. ◆ ksudoku : Unofficial, Sudoku game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1181. ◆ kteatime : Unofficial, A handy timer for steeping tea. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1182. ◆ ktimer : Unofficial, Countdown Launcher. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1183. ◆ ktrip : Unofficial, KTrip helps you navigate in public transport. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1184. ◆ ktuberling : Unofficial, Simple Mr. Potato game for children. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1185. ◆ kubeman : The Hero that Kubernetes deserves.
  1186. ◆ kubenav : The navigator for your Kubernetes clusters right in your pocket.
  1187. ◆ kubrick : Unofficial, A logic game based on Rubik's Cube. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1188. ◆ kure : CLI password manager with sessions.
  1189. ◆ kuro : An elegant Microsoft ToDo desktop client for Linux, a fork of Ao.
  1190. ◆ kvrt : Official Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool for Linux.
  1191. ◆ kwave : A sound & audio editor designed for the KDE Desktop Environment.
  1192. ◆ kweather : A convergent weather application. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1193. ◆ kwrite : Unofficial, KWrite is a text editor by KDE. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  1194. ◆ labplot : Data Visualization and Analysis software accessible to everyone and trusted by professionals.
  1195. ◆ lagrange : A Beautiful Gemini Client.
  1196. ◆ laidout : Laidout, desktop publishing software
  1197. ◆ laigter : Tool to generate normal/specular/occlussion/parallax 2D maps.
  1198. ◆ lambda-lantern : A 3D game about functional programming patterns.
  1199. ◆ landrop : Drop any files to any devices on your LAN.
  1200. ◆ langly : Manage Laravel json language files.
  1201. ◆ lan-mouse : Mouse & keyboard sharing via LAN.
  1202. ◆ lanshare : LAN file transfer app for any kind and size of files and folders.
  1203. ◆ lapce : Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust.
  1204. ◆ laravel-kit : Easy Laravel application management.
  1205. ◆ launcher : Generic application's launcher.
  1206. ◆ lbry-desktop : A browser and wallet for LBRY.
  1207. ◆ lcedit : Editor, unknown.
  1208. ◆ ldtk : Modern and efficient 2D level editor.
  1209. ◆ ldview : LDraw Model Viewer.
  1210. ◆ leaflet : POSP official notes application, written in flutter, beautiful, fast and secure.
  1211. ◆ leapp : The DevTool to access your cloud.
  1212. ◆ led.custom.palette : Design the lights on your Model01 with an ease.
  1213. ◆ ledger-live-desktop : Wallet desktop app for multiple cryptocurrencies.
  1214. ◆ left : Distractionless Writing Tool.
  1215. ◆ legcord : Legcord is a custom client designed to enhance your Discord experience while keeping everything lightweight.
  1216. ◆ legendary-kingdoms : Implementation of Legendary Kingdoms Gamebooks in C++.
  1217. ◆ lemon : A tiny judging environment for OI contest based on Project_LemonPlus.
  1218. ◆ lens : App you need to take control of your Kubernetes clusters.
  1219. ◆ leocad : Create virtual LEGO models.
  1220. ◆ leonflix : Multi-platform desktop application for watching movies & TV shows.
  1221. ◆ lepton : Democratizing Code Snippets Management.
  1222. ◆ lescovex : Lescovex decentralized exchange, wallet and contract issuer.
  1223. ◆ levior : Converts web pages on-the-fly to the gemtext format.
  1224. ◆ lexido : A terminal assistant, powered by Generative AI.
  1225. ◆ lf : lf, as in "list files" is a terminal file manager written in Go.
  1226. ◆ libassist : Library Assistant.
  1227. ◆ libertem : Pixelated scanning transmission electron microscopy.
  1228. ◆ librecad : 2D CAD program written in C++11 using the Qt framework.
  1229. ◆ libreoffice : Free and powerful office suite, and a successor to OpenOffice.
  1230. ◆ librepcb : Design Schematics and PCBs.
  1231. ◆ libresprite : Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool. Fork of the last GPLv2 commit of Aseprite.
  1232. ◆ librewolf : Firefox-based Web Browser focused on privacy, security, freedom.
  1233. ◆ lightning : Lightning Wallet Application.
  1234. ◆ lightning-peach-wallet : Wallet for lightning network
  1235. ◆ liground : A mordern Chess Variant Analysis GUI, game.
  1236. ◆ liketaskmanager : Process/performances monitor, CPU, RAM, Disks and Network.
  1237. ◆ lime3ds : Nintendo 3DS emulator, continuation of citra.
  1238. ◆ linedancer : Arcade game and entry for Ludum Dare 35.
  1239. ◆ linked : Daily journaling without distraction.
  1240. ◆ linphone : A libre SIP client.
  1241. ◆ linuxdeployqt : Convert a linux program to an AppDir or an AppImage.
  1242. ◆ linux-intel-undervolt-gui : Undervolting GUI for Intel Linux Systems.
  1243. ◆ linuxqq : New Linux QQ based on Electron.
  1244. ◆ linwood-butterfly : Powerful, minimalistic, cross-platform, note-taking app.
  1245. ◆ lisk-desktop : Lisk graphical user interface for desktop.
  1246. ◆ listen1-desktop : One for all free music in China.
  1247. ◆ listen.moe : Official LISTEN.moe Desktop Client.
  1248. ◆ liteide : LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE.
  1249. ◆ lite-xl : A lightweight text editor written in Lua.
  1250. ◆ litime : A terminal literature clock telling time with quotes from literature.
  1251. ◆ liveme-pro-tools : Browse, search and manage accounts, replays and more.
  1252. ◆ lmms : FL Studio® alternative that allows you to produce music with the PC.
  1253. ◆ lmstudio : Experimenting with local and open-source Large Language Models.
  1254. ◆ local-browser : Share your localhost in a unique way.
  1255. ◆ localsend : An open source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
  1256. ◆ lockbook-cli : The private, polished note-taking platform, CLI.
  1257. ◆ lockbook-desktop : The private, polished note-taking platform.
  1258. ◆ lofi : A mini Spotify player with WebGL visualizations.
  1259. ◆ loginized : Loginized Gnome GDM Login Theme Manager.
  1260. ◆ logseq : A privacy-first platform for knowledge management and collaboration.
  1261. ◆ looofix : Minimalist Desktop Lofi Player To Relax and Enjoy.
  1262. ◆ loopauditioneer : Software for loop and cue handling in .wav files.
  1263. ◆ lore-forge : The app for writers & worldbuilders.
  1264. ◆ lorien : Infinite canvas drawing/whiteboarding app.
  1265. ◆ losslesscut : The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing.
  1266. ◆ lovelive : A LoveLiver Music Player.
  1267. ◆ lovesay : Cowsay, but full of love and now a little rusty.
  1268. ◆ love : The unquestionably awesome 2D game engine.
  1269. ◆ lovr : Lua Virtual Reality Framework.
  1270. ◆ lowfi : An extremely simple lofi player. CLI.
  1271. ◆ lpub3d : An LDraw Building Instruction Editor.
  1272. ◆ lsd : The next gen ls command.
  1273. ◆ lskat : Unofficial, Fun and engaging card game for two players. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1274. ◆ lumi : A tool to create and display interactive content with H5P.
  1275. ◆ luminance-hdr : Create and tonemap HDR images.
  1276. ◆ luna : Manage npm dependencies through a modern UI.
  1277. ◆ lunar-client : Free Minecraft Client, a modpack for all versions of Minecraft.
  1278. ◆ lunatask : All-in-one encrypted to-do list, notebook, habit and mood tracker.
  1279. ◆ lutris : Unofficial. Install and play video games from all eras and from most gaming systems, by leveraging and combining existing emulators, WINE included.
  1280. ◆ lux : A free open source image and panorama viewer.
  1281. ◆ lx-music-desktop : 一个基于electron的音乐软件.
  1282. ◆ lxtask : A lightweight and desktop-independent task manager.
  1283. ◆ lyricistant : A helpful writing assistant for lyricists.
  1284. ◆ macchina : A system information frontend with an emphasis on performance.
  1285. ◆ magento2-upgrade-gui : Magento 2 Upgrade GUI.
  1286. ◆ magicfountain : A novel and screenwriting program.
  1287. ◆ makagiga : To-do manager, notepad, RSS reader and much more.
  1288. ◆ makoureactor : Can edit field from Final Fantasy VII, PS & PC.
  1289. ◆ malice : GUI Programming Tool for iCE40.
  1290. ◆ manager-io : Free Accounting Software for Linux, Server.
  1291. ◆ mandelbulber2 : Explore trigonometric, hyper-complex and other 3D fractals.
  1292. ◆ mangadesk : Terminal client for MangaDex.
  1293. ◆ mangal : Most advanced, yet simple CLI manga downloader in the universe!
  1294. ◆ manga-tui : Terminal-based manga reader and downloader with image support.
  1295. ◆ mangbandclient : A free online multi-player realtime roguelike game.
  1296. ◆ manta : Flexible invoicing app with beautiful & customizable templates.
  1297. ◆ mapeo : Local-first mapping and monitoring in remote environments.
  1298. ◆ mapollage : Photo kml generator for Google Earth.
  1299. ◆ mapton : Some kind of map application.
  1300. ◆ markflowy : Modern markdown editor application, Build fast and efficient workflows.
  1301. ◆ markman : A markdown editor.
  1302. ◆ mark-mind : Multiplatform mind map and outliner editor with markdown support.
  1303. ◆ marktext : A simple and elegant markdown editor multiplatform.
  1304. ◆ marlin-conf : Configuration tool for Marlin project.
  1305. ◆ martian : Websocket testing tool.
  1306. ◆ marvin : Open Source record and playback test automation for the web.
  1307. ◆ mastervyrn : MasterVyrn is a clean dedicated GBF loader.
  1308. ◆ materialious : Modern material design for Invidious.
  1309. ◆ mate-system-monitor : Unofficial, Process viewer and system resource monitor, from MATE.
  1310. ◆ mathcha-notebook : Desktop version of Mathcha, built for your privacy.
  1311. ◆ matm : Watch anime, movies, tv shows and read manga from comfort of the cli.
  1312. ◆ mattermost-desktop : Secure collaboration across entire software development.
  1313. ◆ mayo : 3D CAD viewer and converter based on Qt + OpenCascade.
  1314. ◆ mazesolver : A tool which shows how different algorithms solves mazes.
  1315. ◆ mbcord : An Emby/Jellyfin rich presence client for Discord.
  1316. ◆ mcfly : Fly through your shell history. Great Scott!
  1317. ◆ mcpelauncher : The main repo for the Linux Bedrock edition Minecraft launcher.
  1318. ◆ mcpodcast : Electron app for tasks around Podcast mp3 files.
  1319. ◆ m : Data oriented programming language for game developers.
  1320. ◆ mdcat : Command line, "cat" for markdown.
  1321. ◆ mdl : MDL wallet.
  1322. ◆ mdsilo-app : Lightweight Knowledge Base and Feed Reader.
  1323. ◆ mdview : Application that renders and displays Markdown files.
  1324. ◆ measur : Energy efficiency calculation app for use with industrial equipment.
  1325. ◆ mechtype : A lightweight app designed to elevate your typing experience by allowing you to enjoy custom soundtracks with every keystroke.
  1326. ◆ mechvibes : Play mechanical keyboard sounds as you type.
  1327. ◆ mediachips : Manage your videos, add any metadata to them and play them.
  1328. ◆ media-downloader : Cross-platform audio/video downloader.
  1329. ◆ media-dupes : Content duplicator for common media services like YouTube.
  1330. ◆ mediaelch : Media Manager for Kodi.
  1331. ◆ mediainfo : Supplies technical & tag information about a video or audio file.
  1332. ◆ median-xl : Launcher for Median XL mod, Diablo II overhaul.
  1333. ◆ mediathekview : Searches the online media libraries of various broadcasters.
  1334. ◆ megaglest : MegaGlest real-time strategy game engine (cross-platform, 3-d).
  1335. ◆ mellowplayer : Cloud music integration for your desktop.
  1336. ◆ melodie : Simple-as-pie music player.
  1337. ◆ melonds : DS emulator, sorta.
  1338. ◆ memento : A video player for studying Japanese.
  1339. ◆ memocast : Yet another elegant Wiz Note Client.
  1340. ◆ memospot : Memospot is a self-contained desktop version of Memos -a privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service.
  1341. ◆ mendeley : Search over 100 million cross-publisher articles and counting.
  1342. ◆ menyoki : Screen{shot,cast} and perform ImageOps on the command line.
  1343. ◆ meow-sql : An attempt to port HeidiSQL to C++/Qt.
  1344. ◆ mercury-avx2 : Firefox fork, with compiler optim. and patches from Librewolf.
  1345. ◆ mercury : Firefox fork with compiler optimizations and patches from Librewolf.
  1346. ◆ mercury-sse3 : Firefox fork with compiler optim. and patches from Librewolf.
  1347. ◆ mercury-sse4 : Firefox fork with compiler optim. and patches from Librewolf.
  1348. ◆ meshlab : Processor and editor of large 3D triangular meshes.
  1349. ◆ meshmill : The world's greatest open source 3D CAM software, maybe one day.
  1350. ◆ meta-grabber : A tool to grab metadata for tv shows and rename files on PC.
  1351. ◆ mgba : Game Boy Advance Emulator.
  1352. ◆ micropad : µPad is an open digital note taking app.
  1353. ◆ microsoft-edge-beta : Web Browser provided by Microsoft, Beta Edition.
  1354. ◆ microsoft-edge-dev : Web Browser provided by Microsoft, Developer Edition.
  1355. ◆ microsoft-edge : Web Browser provided by Microsoft, Stable Edition.
  1356. ◆ midori : Surf lightly, quickly and safely with Midori Web Browser.
  1357. ◆ miesimulatorgui : MieSimulatorGUI by Virtual Photonics.
  1358. ◆ mightymike : Pangea Software's Mighty Mike, Power Pete for modern systems.
  1359. ◆ migu : Stream anime torrents, real-time with no waiting for downloads.
  1360. ◆ milkytracker : An FT2 compatible music tracker.
  1361. ◆ mindmapp : Electron application to draw mind maps.
  1362. ◆ mine-craft.io : Minecraft and even more!
  1363. ◆ minecraft-launcher : Game downloader and launcher for Minecraft.
  1364. ◆ minetest : Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox.
  1365. ◆ minetime : Smart scheduling assistant.
  1366. ◆ mini-diary : Simple and secure journal app.
  1367. ◆ minififa : OpenGL-powered third-person football, soccer game.
  1368. ◆ minimal-podcasts-player : Subscribe, listen and download your podcasts.
  1369. ◆ minions : A productive tool inspired by LaunchBar in macOS.
  1370. ◆ mini-qml : Minimal Qt deployment.
  1371. ◆ minizinc-ide : A free and open-source constraint modeling language.
  1372. ◆ mira-backup : Mira Auto Database Backup app.
  1373. ◆ mirage : Matrix chat client for encrypted and decentralized communication.
  1374. ◆ miru : Bittorrent streaming software for cats. Stream anime torrents.
  1375. ◆ mission-center : Monitor your CPU, Memory, Disk, Network and GPU usage.
  1376. ◆ miteiru : An open source Electron video player to learn Japanese.
  1377. ◆ mjml-app : The desktop app for MJML.
  1378. ◆ mki3dgame : A game of searching, in 3D stages.
  1379. ◆ mk : Interactive Task Runner for Makefile.
  1380. ◆ mkvtoolnix : Matroska files creator and tools.
  1381. ◆ mlv-app : All in one MLV processing app, audio/video.
  1382. ◆ mmapper : Graphical MUD client for the game MUME.
  1383. ◆ mmseqs2-search : MMseqs2 app to run on your workstation or servers.
  1384. ◆ moarperf : Front-end for MoarVM's / Rakudo's profilers.
  1385. ◆ mob : A handsome Himalayan desktop client.
  1386. ◆ mochi : A simple markdown-powered SRS app.
  1387. ◆ mockman : Manage and start the mock servers on your local platform easily.
  1388. ◆ mockoon : Mock servers in seconds.
  1389. ◆ moderndeck : A beautiful, powerful Twitter client for desktop.
  1390. ◆ modrinth : Open source launcher that allows you to play your favorite mods.
  1391. ◆ modv : Modular audio visualisation powered by JavaScript.
  1392. ◆ monit : Desktop widgets displaying various information, in chinese.
  1393. ◆ moniteur-admin : The admin panel for the lightweight info screen solution.
  1394. ◆ monokle : Lets you create, analyze, and deploy YAML manifests.
  1395. ◆ monoline : Your personal micro journal.
  1396. ◆ mood-fi : App with 30+ lo-fi live streams between 8 different lo-fi types.
  1397. ◆ moolticute : Mooltipass crossplatform daemon/tools.
  1398. ◆ moonfm : A modern, fully featured audio podcast player.
  1399. ◆ moonlight : Stream games from your NVIDIA GameStream-enabled PC.
  1400. ◆ moonplayer : AIO video player to play Youtube, Bilibili... and local videos.
  1401. ◆ moose : An application to stream, cast and download torrents.
  1402. ◆ moosync : Music player capable of playing local audio or from Youtube/Spotify.
  1403. ◆ motrix : A full-featured download manager.
  1404. ◆ movie-monad : Free and simple to use video player made with Haskell.
  1405. ◆ moyu : An online collaborative api interface management tool.
  1406. ◆ mozaic : Massive Online Zeus Artificial Intelligence Competition platform.
  1407. ◆ mp3-tagger : An Electron app to edit metadata of mp3 files.
  1408. ◆ mp4grep : CLI for transcribing and searching audio/video files.
  1409. ◆ mpv : Unofficial, A free, open source, and cross-platform media player, Multiple-choices.
  1410. ◆ mqttcute : An advanced desktop MQTT client for binary protocol development.
  1411. ◆ mqtt-explorer : Explore your message queues.
  1412. ◆ mqttx : MQTT 5.0 Desktop, CLI, and WebSocket client tools.
  1413. ◆ mrcode : An opinionated editor based on VSCodium / VSCode.
  1414. ◆ mr.dclutterer : Minimal App To Aggregate And Rename Files In Bulk.
  1415. ◆ mrwriter : Notetaking and blackboard replacement application. Inspired by Xournal. Written in C++/Qt.
  1416. ◆ ms-365-electron : Unofficial Microsoft 365 Desktop Wrapper made with Electron.
  1417. ◆ mtcelledit : Lightweight spreadsheet program.
  1418. ◆ mudita-center : Mudita Center Electron App.
  1419. ◆ mudlet : Play immersive, multiplayer, pure-text games on Mudlet.
  1420. ◆ muffon : Music streaming browser,retrieves audio, video and metadata.
  1421. ◆ mullvad-browser : A Tor-based Web Browser.
  1422. ◆ multimc : A Minecraft launcher.
  1423. ◆ munt : The payment system of the future.
  1424. ◆ mupdf : Lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer.
  1425. ◆ muse : A digital audio workstation with support for both Audio and MIDI.
  1426. ◆ museeks : A simple, clean and cross-platform music player.
  1427. ◆ musescore : An open source and free music notation software.
  1428. ◆ musicalypse : Audio/Music player and server built with Web technologies.
  1429. ◆ music-assistant-companion : The desktop companion app for Music Assistant.
  1430. ◆ music-blocks : .Exploring Math, Music, and Programming.
  1431. ◆ music-kitten : Use your own soundtrack in Counter-Strike.
  1432. ◆ music-player : Desktop Electron app for playing and downloading music.
  1433. ◆ music-quiz : Jepardy like game, guess as many songs as possible.
  1434. ◆ mutool : All purpose tool for dealing with PDF files.
  1435. ◆ muwire : A file sharing client for I2P.
  1436. ◆ mybelka : Accounting system written in C++ with QTCore.
  1437. ◆ my-budget : Offline cross-platform budgeting solution built with Electron.
  1438. ◆ mycroft-ai : Qt5 Frontend for Mycroft Ai
  1439. ◆ mycrypto : MyCrypto web and electron app.
  1440. ◆ my-jira : A lite jira desktop.
  1441. ◆ mypaint : Simple drawing and painting program, graphics.
  1442. ◆ mystiq : Qt5/C++ FFmpeg Media Converter.
  1443. ◆ mytonwallet : Feature-rich web wallet and browser extension for TON Network.
  1444. ◆ n3h : Nodejs implementation of holochain networking / p2p backend process.
  1445. ◆ naev : A 2d action/rpg space game that combines elements from the action.
  1446. ◆ nami : A clean and tidy decentralized package manager.
  1447. ◆ nanosaur2 : Pangea Software’s Nanosaur II for modern systems.
  1448. ◆ nanosaur : Pangea Software’s game, adventure of a cybernetic dinosaur.
  1449. ◆ nanovault : Wallet for interacting with Nano.
  1450. ◆ nap : Code spippets in your terminal.
  1451. ◆ naruto-arena : Naruto-based online multiplayer strategy game.
  1452. ◆ nault-bin : Official Nault AppImage client.
  1453. ◆ navi : An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line.
  1454. ◆ nazuna : Download Twitter videos using your terminal!
  1455. ◆ ncsa-mosaic : One of the first graphical web browsers.
  1456. ◆ ncspot : Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust, inspired by ncmpc and the likes.
  1457. ◆ neanes : A scorewriter for notating Byzantine chant in Byzantine notation.
  1458. ◆ neko : Neko is a cross-platform cursor-chasing cat.
  1459. ◆ neohtop : htop on steroids.
  1460. ◆ neon : Light wallet for NEO blockchain.
  1461. ◆ neovide : No Nonsense Neovim Client in Rust
  1462. ◆ nepaliunicode : An Unicode Converter app.
  1463. ◆ nerdfetch : A POSIX *nix fetch script using Nerdfonts.
  1464. ◆ nerimity-desktop : Electron desktop app for Nerimity.
  1465. ◆ nest-desktop : A web-based GUI application for NEST Simulator.
  1466. ◆ netbeans : Apache NetBeans installers.
  1467. ◆ netpad : A cross-platform C# editor and playground.
  1468. ◆ netpanzer : Online multiplayer tactical warfare game for fast action combat.
  1469. ◆ newlogic : A circuit builder.
  1470. ◆ newton-adventure : A 2D game with a twist, player can rotate gravity at 360°.
  1471. ◆ nextcloud : Client-server software for creating & using file hosting services.
  1472. ◆ nextplayer : A blue-ray player, originally named TheNewPlayerFree.
  1473. ◆ nexus-mods : A mod installer, creator and manager for all your popular games.
  1474. ◆ nexus-wallet : Official interface layers of the Nexus Software Stack.
  1475. ◆ nfctools : A library which allows userspace application access to NFC devices.
  1476. ◆ ngpost : Usenet poster for binaries developped in C++/QT.
  1477. ◆ ngrev : Reverse Engineering for Angular.
  1478. ◆ nheko : Desktop client for Matrix.
  1479. ◆ niffler : A grin gui wallet.
  1480. ◆ nightpdf : Dark Mode PDF Reader built using Electron and PDF.js.
  1481. ◆ nightwave-plaza-electron : https://plaza.one/ radio station desktop app.
  1482. ◆ nimbus-weather : A beautiful weather app built using the Dark Sky API.
  1483. ◆ nitch : Incredibly fast system fetch written in nim.
  1484. ◆ nitrokey : Manage your Nitrokey devices.
  1485. ◆ nix-bucks : A money tracker. Your income and expenses at your control. Finance.
  1486. ◆ nixnote : Use with Evernote to remember everything.
  1487. ◆ nmeasimulator : NMEA sentence generator utility to broadcast via TCP.
  1488. ◆ nnn : n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager
  1489. ◆ nodeflow : An Editor for creating simple or complex OCR workflows.
  1490. ◆ nodes : A new way to create with code.
  1491. ◆ node : This is the official suite of Node.js tools, also known as "NodeJS", a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  1492. ◆ no-fwl : NoFWL Desktop Application.
  1493. ◆ nootka : Application for learning musical score notation.
  1494. ◆ nora : An elegant music player built using Electron and React.
  1495. ◆ nordvpn-appimage : Unofficial. A nicer way to connect to NordVPN, in electron.
  1496. ◆ normcap : OCR powered screen-capture tool to capture info instead of images.
  1497. ◆ nosqlbooster : Essential admin GUI for mongodb.
  1498. ◆ nostlan : A multiplatform game launcher for video game emulators.
  1499. ◆ notable : The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
  1500. ◆ nota-maui : Text editor with tab support, syntax highlight and more.
  1501. ◆ notedown : Note taking with react + rust.
  1502. ◆ notekit : A GTK3 hierarchical markdown notetaking app with tablet support.
  1503. ◆ notemaster : Note-taking app to help boost productivity.
  1504. ◆ notepadnext : A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++.
  1505. ◆ notepadqq : Edit source code files.
  1506. ◆ notepad++ : Unofficial Appimage of Notepad++, with WINE prefix.
  1507. ◆ noter : Simple serial terminal application.
  1508. ◆ noteshrink-qt : GUI for noteshrink.py with preview and pre-processing opt.
  1509. ◆ notes-nc : Cross-platform Notes desktop application for markdown notes.
  1510. ◆ notesnook : Private note-taking app that encrypts everything on client side.
  1511. ◆ notes : Note-taking application, write down your thoughts.
  1512. ◆ novelwriter : Plain text editor designed for writing novels, supports a minimal markdown-like syntax for formatting text.
  1513. ◆ npm : Package manager for Node.js. This script installs the full "node" suite.
  1514. ◆ nrf-connect : Framework for desktop apps for development kits.
  1515. ◆ nteract : An open-source organization.
  1516. ◆ ntfydesktop : A desktop client for ntfy. Allows you to subscribe to topics from any ntfy server and recieve notifications natively on the desktop.
  1517. ◆ nu : A new type of shell.
  1518. ◆ nuclear : Streaming music player that finds free music for you.
  1519. ◆ nuclia : A low-code API to build an AI multi-language semantic search engine.
  1520. ◆ nuclino : Bring knowledge, docs, and projects together in one place.
  1521. ◆ numara : Simple notepad calculator built on Electron.
  1522. ◆ nuxeo-drive : Desktop synchronization client for the Nuxeo platform.
  1523. ◆ nvim : NeoVim, Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability.
  1524. ◆ nvim-nightly : NeoVim, Vim fork, the most recent development build.
  1525. ◆ nvtop : GPUs process monitoring for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA.
  1526. ◆ nxshell : An easy to use new terminal.
  1527. ◆ nx-software-center : A GUI to install and manage AppImages, Nitrux OS.
  1528. ◆ nyaa : A nyaa.si tui tool for browsing and downloading torrents.
  1529. ◆ nyan : CLI, colored "cat" command.
  1530. ◆ nychess : A python Chess Engine and AI.
  1531. ◆ nym-wallet : Use the Nym network and take advantage of it.
  1532. ◆ nyrna : Suspend games and applications.
  1533. ◆ obliqoro : A cross-platform tauri gui where Oblique Strategies meets Pomodoro.
  1534. ◆ obsidian : A powerful knowledge base, plain text Markdown files.
  1535. ◆ obsidian-cli : Interact with Obsidian in the terminal. Open, search, create, update, move and delete notes!
  1536. ◆ obs-studio-full : Unofficial. Software for video recording and live streaming. Full version with browser support.
  1537. ◆ obs-studio : Unofficial. Software for video recording and live streaming.
  1538. ◆ ocat : OpenCore Auxiliary Tools, editing config.plist files for Acidanthera.
  1539. ◆ ocenaudio : Unofficial. Multiplatform Audio Editor.
  1540. ◆ ocvvid2fulldome : Take flat videos, distort them to fit fulldome.
  1541. ◆ ocvwarp : Warping images and videos for planetarium fulldome display.
  1542. ◆ odicto : An offline English dictionary app for desktop.
  1543. ◆ oh : A new Unix shell.
  1544. ◆ oh-my-git : An open source game about learning Git!
  1545. ◆ oh-mymd : A markdown editor,support cloud sync.
  1546. ◆ olive : Free open-source non-linear video editor, nightly build.
  1547. ◆ olive-legacy : Free non-linear video editor, version 0.1.
  1548. ◆ ollama : Get up and running with Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other LLMs.
  1549. ◆ omekasy : Command line application that converts alphanumeric characters to various styles 𝚍𝚎𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎.
  1550. ◆ ommpfritt : Semantic, procedural, non-destructive vector modelling.
  1551. ◆ omnispeak : Re-implementation of "Commander Keen in Goodbye Galaxy".
  1552. ◆ onedrive-gui : Microsoft OneDrive Client GUI.
  1553. ◆ onefetch : Command-line Git information tool.
  1554. ◆ one-gpt : Aggregate ChatGPT official version, Wenxin Yiyan, Poe, chatchat.
  1555. ◆ onekey-wallet : Open source crypto wallet.
  1556. ◆ onenote : P3X Onenote Linux.
  1557. ◆ onionmediax : OnionMedia X. Convert and download videos and music quickly and easily.
  1558. ◆ onlyoffice : Office Suite with full support for MS Windows formats and cloud.
  1559. ◆ onlyrefs : Organize all of your references, notes, bookmarks and more.
  1560. ◆ onnx2bnn : Binary neural networks inference framework for mobile platform.
  1561. ◆ onnx2daq : Wrapper of NNAPI, "DNNLibrary" is for "daquexian's NNAPI libs.
  1562. ◆ onshape : Onshape desktop app, web application shell.
  1563. ◆ onyx : Decentralized messaging application based on PSS.
  1564. ◆ opal : Plays relaxing music in the background.
  1565. ◆ open-ai-translator : Browser extension for translation based on ChatGPT API.
  1566. ◆ openapi-tui : Terminal UI to list, browse and run APIs defined with openapi.
  1567. ◆ openarena : Violent & sexy, multiplayer first person shooter game, ioquake3.
  1568. ◆ openaudible : Download and manage your Audible audiobooks.
  1569. ◆ openblok : A customizable falling block puzzle game like tetris.
  1570. ◆ openbor : Ultimate 2D side scrolling engine for beat em ups, shooters...
  1571. ◆ opencomic : Comic and Manga reader, written with Node.js and using Electron.
  1572. ◆ openhv : A mod for OpenRA based on the Hard Vacuum, game.
  1573. ◆ openlens : OpenLens Binary Build Repository.
  1574. ◆ open-markup-editor : Pluggable markup editor.
  1575. ◆ openmw : OpenMW is an open-source open-world RPG game engine that supports playing Morrowind.
  1576. ◆ openop2 : Re-implementation of the game Outpost 2, using the OpenRA engine.
  1577. ◆ openosrs-launcher : Open-source client for Old School RuneScape.
  1578. ◆ openpilot-workbench : Fix problems with EON/Openpilot.
  1579. ◆ openra-dune : Real-time strategy game engine, MOD Dune 2000.
  1580. ◆ openramodsdk : Dev Kit for building your own games using the OpenRA engine.
  1581. ◆ openra-red-alert : Real-time strategy game engine, MOD Red Alert.
  1582. ◆ openra-tiberian-dawn : Real-time strategy game engine penGL, MOD TD.
  1583. ◆ openrct2 : Re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (RCT2), expanding the game with new features.
  1584. ◆ openrgb : RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software.
  1585. ◆ openscad : The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller.
  1586. ◆ openshot : A powerful Video Editor.
  1587. ◆ openstream-music : The OpenStream Music source.
  1588. ◆ opentodolist : A note and task managing application.
  1589. ◆ opentrons : Opentrons desktop application.
  1590. ◆ open-typer : A free and open source typing tutor program.
  1591. ◆ open-video-downloader : A cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron.
  1592. ◆ openxcom : An open-source clone of the original UFO Enemy Unknown.
  1593. ◆ opera-beta : Unofficial. Fast and secure web browser, Beta version.
  1594. ◆ opera-dev : Unofficial. Fast and secure web browser, Developer version.
  1595. ◆ opera : Unofficial. Fast and secure web browser, Stable version.
  1596. ◆ orange : Cross-platform local file search engine.
  1597. ◆ oras : OCI registry client managing content like artifacts, images, packages.
  1598. ◆ orcaslicer-any : G-code generator for 3D printers, the most recent release.
  1599. ◆ orcaslicer-beta : G-code generator for 3D printers, Beta release.
  1600. ◆ orcaslicer : G-code generator for 3D printers, Stable release.
  1601. ◆ orcaslicer-rc : G-code generator for 3D printers, Release Candidate.
  1602. ◆ osrs-tools : Several tools for OSRS.
  1603. ◆ ossia-score : Sequencer for audio-visual artists for interactive shows.
  1604. ◆ ostara : To monitor and interact with Spring Boot Applications via Actuator.
  1605. ◆ osu : A free-to-win rhythm game. Rhythm is just a click away!
  1606. ◆ ots : Share end-to-end encrypted secrets with others via a one-time URL.
  1607. ◆ ottomatic : Pangea Software’s Otto Matic, a game of robots.
  1608. ◆ outer-wilds-mod-manager : The mod manager for the Outer Wilds Mod Loader
  1609. ◆ outline-client : Lean on the Cordova and Electron frameworks.
  1610. ◆ outline-manager : Create and manage access to Outline servers.
  1611. ◆ overbind : A utility that allows binding keyboard buttons to virtual Xbox360 controller joystick outputs.
  1612. ◆ overte : Overte open source virtual worlds platform.
  1613. ◆ ovideo : Video Editor.
  1614. ◆ owallet : A comprehensive Ontology desktop wallet.
  1615. ◆ ow-mod-man : The mod manager for the Outer Wilds Mod Loader.
  1616. ◆ owncloud : The most essential productivity tool since email.
  1617. ◆ oxen-gui-wallet : Oxen electron GUI wallet.
  1618. ◆ p2p-chat : P2P LAN chatting and file sharing tool.
  1619. ◆ p2pderivatives : Enables users to enter into Discreet Log Contracts.
  1620. ◆ p3x-redis-ui : A very functional handy database GUI and works in your pocket.
  1621. ◆ packetsender : Network utility for sending/receiving TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP.
  1622. ◆ packsquash : A Minecraft Java Edition resource and data pack optimizer.
  1623. ◆ paclear : CLI, paclear is a clear command with PAC-MAN animation.
  1624. ◆ padloc : Electron Wrapper for Padloc app.
  1625. ◆ painel-web : Novo SGA panel.
  1626. ◆ paket : A simple and fast package manager for the Fish shell written in Rust.
  1627. ◆ palapeli : Jigsaw puzzle game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1628. ◆ palemoon : Web browser, a Firefox fork with a classic UI and modern APIs.
  1629. ◆ paletti : Reduces an image into fewer colors to simplify, color palettes.
  1630. ◆ panini : Perspective views from panoramic images.
  1631. ◆ panwriter : Markdown editor with pandoc integration.
  1632. ◆ paper : A CLI Tool to set a random wallpaper from Unsplash.com.
  1633. ◆ papercraft : A tool to unwrap 3D models.
  1634. ◆ parallelcoin : Parallelcoin qt wallet appimage binary.
  1635. ◆ parchment : A minimal minimal text editor written using web technologies.
  1636. ◆ parity-fether : Fether Wallet.
  1637. ◆ parsec-linux : Parsec game streaming client.
  1638. ◆ parsec : Open source Dropbox-like file sharing with full client encryption.
  1639. ◆ passky : Simple and secure password manager.
  1640. ◆ passphraser : Phrase-based password generator that can use your own list of words.
  1641. ◆ pastel : A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors.
  1642. ◆ patchbay : An alt. Secure Scuttlebutt client compatible with Patchwork.
  1643. ◆ patchelf : Utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables.
  1644. ◆ patchwork : Messaging and sharing app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt.
  1645. ◆ pathephone : Distributed audio player.
  1646. ◆ patternpaint : Making beautiful light shows is as easy as drawing a picture.
  1647. ◆ pavo : A mini desktop wallpaper application.
  1648. ◆ pavucontrol-qt : Qt port of pavucontrol Pulseaudio mixer, unofficial AppImage.
  1649. ◆ pay-respects : Terminal command correction, alternative to thefuck written in Rust.
  1650. ◆ pb-for-desktop : Pushbullet Desktop app.
  1651. ◆ pboy : A small .pdf management tool with a command-line UI.
  1652. ◆ pcsx2 : The Playstation 2 Emulator.
  1653. ◆ pcsx-redux : The PCSX-Redux project is a collection of tools, research, hardware design, and libraries aiming at development and reverse engineering on the PlayStation 1. The core product itself, PCSX-Redux, is yet another fork of the Playstation emulator, PCSX.
  1654. ◆ pdf2htmlex : Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
  1655. ◆ pdf4qt : Open source PDF editor.
  1656. ◆ pdfcompress : A utility to compress PDF documentas based on Ghostscript and YAD.
  1657. ◆ pdfcrackgui : GUI overlay for the popular and highly regarded pdfcrack.
  1658. ◆ pdf-diff : A CLI tool for visualizing differences between two pdf files.
  1659. ◆ pdfquirk : Creating PDFs from images or scanner made easy.
  1660. ◆ pdf-sync : PDF Reader in JavaScript with Sync.
  1661. ◆ pdmaner : A relational database modeling tool.
  1662. ◆ peazip : Unofficial. PeaZip Appimage for linux 64bits.
  1663. ◆ peep : The CLI text viewer tool that works like less command on small pane within the terminal window.
  1664. ◆ pelusica : Action game, control the blue dot with your keyboard/create music.
  1665. ◆ pencil : Pencil2D is an easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations.
  1666. ◆ pennywise : Open any website or media in a floating window.
  1667. ◆ perl-executing-browser : HTML5 user interface for Perl 5 desktop apps.
  1668. ◆ permastead : Desktop software for managing a homestead using permaculture design.
  1669. ◆ peruse : A reader application for comic books.
  1670. ◆ pet : Simple command-line snippet manager.
  1671. ◆ pext : Python-based extendable tool.
  1672. ◆ pfetch-rs : A rewrite of the pfetch system information tool in Rust.
  1673. ◆ pget : The fastest, resumable file download CLI client.
  1674. ◆ phinch : Phinch is a framework for visualizing biological data.
  1675. ◆ pho : The AppImage Manager that Linux always deserved.
  1676. ◆ photocrea : Unofficial Photopea wrapper, image editor that includes all the familiar features like layers, filters, magic wand selection, etc.
  1677. ◆ photoflare : A simple but featureful image editor.
  1678. ◆ photoflow : Edit images from digital cameras.
  1679. ◆ photogimp : A patched version of GIMP for Adobe Photoshop users.
  1680. ◆ photoname : Rename photo image files based on EXIF shoot date.
  1681. ◆ photon : Cross-platform file-transfer application built using flutter. It uses http to transfer files between devices.
  1682. ◆ photopealoader : Photopea desktop app that loads local files and plugins.
  1683. ◆ photoqt : View and manage images.
  1684. ◆ photoquick : Light-weight image viewer, resize, collage, filters....
  1685. ◆ phototeleport : Upload your photos to multiple services at once.
  1686. ◆ phreshplayer : Electron based media player app.
  1687. ◆ pia : Version Portable Outil PIA.
  1688. ◆ picacg-qt : PicACG Comic PC Client For Linux.
  1689. ◆ picgo : Easy to upload your pic & copy to write.
  1690. ◆ piclist : Cloud storage platform management & file upload tool based on PicGo.
  1691. ◆ picmi : Single player logic-based puzzle game. This script installs the full "kdegames" suite.
  1692. ◆ picocrypt : A very small, very simple, yet very secure encryption tool.
  1693. ◆ picsimlab : PICsimLab - Programmable IC Simulator Laboratory.
  1694. ◆ picterm : CLI, TUI image viewer.
  1695. ◆ picturama : Digital image organizer powered by the web.
  1696. ◆ pigs-n-cows : A relaxing game for children and adults alike.
  1697. ◆ pile : App to organize your piled work at one place.
  1698. ◆ pince : Reverse engineering tool for linux games.
  1699. ◆ pingendo : ???
  1700. ◆ pingnoo : An open source network ping analyser.
  1701. ◆ pingu : CLI, ping command but with pingu.
  1702. ◆ pingviewer : Ping viewer interface.
  1703. ◆ pinokio : AI Browser.
  1704. ◆ pinta-dev : Simple GTK Paint Program (developer edition).
  1705. ◆ pipes-rs : An over-engineered rewrite of pipes.sh in Rust. CLI.
  1706. ◆ pixelhopper : Animated GIF player for Linux (X11).
  1707. ◆ pixelorama : A powerful and accessible open-source pixel art multitool. Whether you want to create sprites, tiles, animations, or just express yourself in the language of pixel art.
  1708. ◆ pixfetch : Another CLI fetch program with pixelized images written in Rust.
  1709. ◆ pix-maui : Image gallery and viewer with basic editing features.
  1710. ◆ pixsrt : Pixel sorter.
  1711. ◆ pizarra : A digital, vectorial and infinite chalkboard.
  1712. ◆ pkg2appimage : Utility to convert .yml recipes to AppDir, see appimagetool.
  1713. ◆ plagpatrol : Detecting documents tampered to bypass plagiarism detectors.
  1714. ◆ planes : Variant of battleships game.
  1715. ◆ planet-blupi : A delirious spell-binding game.
  1716. ◆ platform-tools : Official Suite of command line utilities to manage Android devices.
  1717. ◆ platinum-md : Graphical MiniDisc NetMD conversion and upload.
  1718. ◆ play-2048 : Another implementation of the 2048 game.
  1719. ◆ playback : Play and manage your cartridges and replay your childhood games.
  1720. ◆ playbox : An audio playback system for the live production industry.
  1721. ◆ playerctl : Unofficial, MPRIS media player command-line controller.
  1722. ◆ playit : Want to run an online game server? playit.gg is a global proxy that allows anyone to host a server without port forwarding.
  1723. ◆ playme : Elegant YouTube Music desktop app.
  1724. ◆ play : PlayStation 2 emulator on your computer or mobile device.
  1725. ◆ playyourdamnturn : Desktop Client to assist with playing your damn turns.
  1726. ◆ plexamp : The best little audio player on the planet.
  1727. ◆ plex : The ultimate home theater experience.
  1728. ◆ plotjuggler : The Time Series Visualization Tool that you deserve.
  1729. ◆ plotly-orca : CLI generating static images of interactive charts.
  1730. ◆ plover : Stenographic input and translation.
  1731. ◆ plume : A note-taking app written in Qt C++ and QML.
  1732. ◆ png2svg : CLI, convert small PNG images to SVG Tiny 1.2.
  1733. ◆ pnpm : A single file, powered by AppImage.
  1734. ◆ pocket-browser : A FOSS browser made for privacy and going towards security.
  1735. ◆ pocketcasts-electron : Pocket Casts wrapper with mapped media keys.
  1736. ◆ poddr : Podcast client that uses iTunes RSS feeds and Search API.
  1737. ◆ podium : A Markdown-based native presentation tool.
  1738. ◆ podman-appimage : AppImage of podman.
  1739. ◆ podman-desktop-companion : Podman command line interface.
  1740. ◆ podman : Free & open source tool to manage containers, pods, and images.
  1741. ◆ poe-ladder : Path of Exile ladder viewer.
  1742. ◆ pointless : An endless drawing canvas desktop app made with Tauri (Rust) and React.
  1743. ◆ poi : Scalable KanColle browser and tool.
  1744. ◆ pokeget-rs : A better rust version of pokeget. CLI.
  1745. ◆ pokego : Command-line tool that lets you display Pokémon sprites in color directly in your terminal.
  1746. ◆ pokete : A terminal based Pokemon like game.
  1747. ◆ polar-bookshelf : Personal knowledge repository for PDF and web content.
  1748. ◆ polar : One-click Bitcoin Lightning networks for local app development.
  1749. ◆ polkakey : A secure way to generate Polkadot/Kusama/Edgeware address.
  1750. ◆ polybar : Unofficial AppImage of polybar. A fast easy-to-use status bar.
  1751. ◆ polypane : Browser for web developers.
  1752. ◆ pomatez : Stay Focused. Take a Break.
  1753. ◆ pomodorolm : A simple, good looking and multi-platform pomodoro tracker.
  1754. ◆ pomotroid : Simple and visually-pleasing Pomodoro timer.
  1755. ◆ popcorn : BitTorrent client with integrated media player.
  1756. ◆ pop : Send emails from your terminal.
  1757. ◆ popsicle : Multiple USB File Flasher.
  1758. ◆ positron : Manage your movie and show watchlist.
  1759. ◆ postcat : An extensible API tool.
  1760. ◆ postman : API platform for building and using APIs, AppImage.
  1761. ◆ postybirb : Multimedia crossposter for multimedia websites.
  1762. ◆ postybirb-plus : Helps artists post art to multiple websites more quickly.
  1763. ◆ potatopresenter : Create presentation slides and exported as PDF.
  1764. ◆ pot-desktop : A cross-platform software for text translation and recognition.
  1765. ◆ powder-toy : AppImage build of The Powder Toy built from source.
  1766. ◆ powerliminals-player : Powerliminal audios in the background, Audio player.
  1767. ◆ powershell : Microsoft PowerShell.
  1768. ◆ ppet3 : Put a cute girl on your desk for more fun.
  1769. ◆ ppsspp : Unofficial, PSP emulator written in C++.
  1770. ◆ pragtical : The practical and pragmatic code editor.
  1771. ◆ pretty-handy-privacy : User interface for basic encryption tasks.
  1772. ◆ primate : A modern dashboard for Kong Gateway admins.
  1773. ◆ prime-world-editor : Edit world assets from games by Retro Studios.
  1774. ◆ principia : Open source physics-based sandbox game.
  1775. ◆ printerclient : A printer client.
  1776. ◆ prisma-studio : The easiest way to explore and manipulate your data.
  1777. ◆ prismlauncher : Launcher for Minecraft, manage multiple installations.
  1778. ◆ prismlauncher-qt5 : Launcher for Minecraft, manage multiple installations (Qt5 version).
  1779. ◆ privacy.sexy : Tool to enforce privacy & security best-practices.
  1780. ◆ privaxy : The next generation tracker and ads/advertisement blocker.
  1781. ◆ procdepmonitor : Obtaining information about loaded process dependencies.
  1782. ◆ procs : A modern replacement for ps written in Rust.
  1783. ◆ procspin : CLI to create a process/progress animation with text.
  1784. ◆ procyon : Note Keeper.
  1785. ◆ programmer-browser : A fast-searching and space-saving browser specially designed for programmers.
  1786. ◆ promethium : Extensible and innovative web browser with built-in AdBlock.
  1787. ◆ proofkeeper : Desktop tool to automate proof management.
  1788. ◆ prospect-mail : An Outlook mail desktop client powered by Electron.
  1789. ◆ protoman : A Postman-like API client for protobuf-based messages.
  1790. ◆ protonmail-desktop : Unofficial Electron wrapper for ProtonMail.
  1791. ◆ protonup-qt : Manage Proton-GE/Luxtorpeda for Steam/Wine-GE for Lutris.
  1792. ◆ proxyman : Modern and Delightful HTTP Debugging Proxy.
  1793. ◆ prusa-slicer : Prusa3d/PrusaSlicer, G-code generator for 3D printers.
  1794. ◆ psi+ : Communicate over the XMPP network.
  1795. ◆ pstube : Watch and download videos without ads.
  1796. ◆ psydoom : A backport of PSX Doom to PC.
  1797. ◆ publii : A desktop-based CMS that makes creating static websites fast.
  1798. ◆ puddletag : Unofficial, Powerful, simple, audio tag editor for GNU/Linux.
  1799. ◆ pullp : Pull request monitoring app for Github.
  1800. ◆ pulsar : A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor.
  1801. ◆ pulse : Pulse desktop client.
  1802. ◆ pulseview : PulseView (sometimes abbreviated as "PV") is a Qt based logic analyzer, oscilloscope and MSO GUI for sigrok.
  1803. ◆ puppetry : Solution for non-developers on top of Puppeteer and Jest.
  1804. ◆ puush-qt : A GUI frontend for puush on Linux.
  1805. ◆ pyappimage : Simple appimage builder for Python applications.
  1806. ◆ pyfa : EVE Online Fitting Assistant.
  1807. ◆ python2.7 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 2.7.
  1808. ◆ python3.10 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 3.10.
  1809. ◆ python3.11 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 3.11.
  1810. ◆ python3.12 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 3.12.
  1811. ◆ python3.5 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 3.5.
  1812. ◆ python3.6 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 3.6.
  1813. ◆ python3.7 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 3.7.
  1814. ◆ python3.8 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 3.8.
  1815. ◆ python3.9 : Unofficial. Interactive high-level object-oriented language, version 3.9.
  1816. ◆ qaddapp : Qt5 Gui app that helps you add AppImages and binary archives into your Desktop environment.
  1817. ◆ qaterialgallery : Demonstrate Qaterial library.
  1818. ◆ qaterialhotreload : Qml HotReload software.
  1819. ◆ qawl : Read the Holy Qur’ān whenever, wherever, however you like.
  1820. ◆ qbittorrent : A powerful QT-based Bittorrent Client, official AppImage.
  1821. ◆ qbittorrent-enhanced : Unofficial qBittorrent Enhanced, based on qBittorrent.
  1822. ◆ qctools : Quality Control Tools for Video Preservation.
  1823. ◆ qdriverstation : Cross-platform clone of the FRC Driver Station.
  1824. ◆ qelectrotech : Edit electrical diagrams.
  1825. ◆ qemu-appimage : Unofficial. Prove of the concept to run a virtual machine from Appimage.
  1826. ◆ qemu-ppc : Run PowerPC operating systems on 64-bit Intel Linux hosts.
  1827. ◆ qflipper : Flipper Zero multitool for pentesters and geeks in a toy-like body.
  1828. ◆ qfsm : Qt Finite State Machine Designer.
  1829. ◆ qgroundcontrol : Ground control for unmanned vehicles.
  1830. ◆ qikqr : Minimal desktop app to create QR codes.
  1831. ◆ qmasterpassword : A password manager based on Qt.
  1832. ◆ qmediathekview : An alternative front-end to the MediathekView database.
  1833. ◆ qmidictl : MIDI Remote Controller via UDP/IP Multicast.
  1834. ◆ qmidinet : MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP Multicast.
  1835. ◆ qmplay2 : Video and audio player whit support of most formats and codecs.
  1836. ◆ qnapi : Qt-based, multi-engine, multi-platform subtitle downloader.
  1837. ◆ qortal-ui : Decentralize the world, data storage, communications.
  1838. ◆ qownnotes : Plain text notepad and todo list manager.
  1839. ◆ qpdf : CLI tool to perform content-preserving transformations on PDF files.
  1840. ◆ qppcad : Molecule and crystal editor written in c++
  1841. ◆ qprompt : Personal teleprompter software for all video creators.
  1842. ◆ qrab : Grabs text of QR code from a screen and copies it to clipboard.
  1843. ◆ qradiolink : Multimode SDR transceiver for GNU radio.
  1844. ◆ qr-code-generator : Create custom QR Codes, resize, save them as PNG image.
  1845. ◆ qrop : Crop planning and recordkeeping software.
  1846. ◆ qrscan : Scan a QR code in the terminal using the system camera or an image.
  1847. ◆ qsdrswr : Qt SWR analyser using an SDR and soapy_power.
  1848. ◆ qtads : A cross-platform, multimedia interpreter for TADS adventure games.
  1849. ◆ qtalarm : Alarm clock for Computers.
  1850. ◆ qtchan : 4chan browser in qt5.
  1851. ◆ qt-dab : Listening to terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting.
  1852. ◆ qtjsondiff : Json difference checker widget and viewer.
  1853. ◆ qtmips : Qt Mips emulator.
  1854. ◆ qtox : Qt 5 based Tox instant messenger for secure communication.
  1855. ◆ qtractor : An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer.
  1856. ◆ qt-raster-lines : Lines between points using rasterization, DDA, Bresenham.
  1857. ◆ qtrfpowermeter : Improve usage of chinese RF power meter RF8000.
  1858. ◆ quamodbusclient : Modbus to OPC UA Gateway
  1859. ◆ quark-player : An Electron based Web Video Services Player.
  1860. ◆ quark : Sketchbook for rapid prototyping and development of your projects.
  1861. ◆ quarto-cli : Scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.
  1862. ◆ quaternion : A Qt5-based IM client for Matrix.
  1863. ◆ quba : A viewer for electronic invoices.
  1864. ◆ qucs-s : An Universal GUI for Circuit Simulators.
  1865. ◆ quentier : Note taking app integrated with Evernote.
  1866. ◆ quick-clone : Search through gitlab and clone git-repositories.
  1867. ◆ quickgui : An elegant virtual machine manager for the desktop.
  1868. ◆ quicknote : QuickNote helps to paste some random text or take some notes right from your taskbar!
  1869. ◆ quickredis : A free Redis Desktop manager.
  1870. ◆ quicktwitch : Electron React Redux Boilerplate.
  1871. ◆ quickviewer : A image viewer application for folders/archives.
  1872. ◆ quiet : A private, p2p alternative to Slack and Discord built on Tor & IPFS
  1873. ◆ quokkagit : A small, TortoiseGit inspired git log viewer for linux.
  1874. ◆ quran-companion : Free and open-source desktop Quran reader and player.
  1875. ◆ qv2ray : Cross-platform v2ray GUI Client in Qt.
  1876. ◆ qview : Practical and minimal image viewer.
  1877. ◆ qxgedit : QXGEdit is a Qt GUI XG editor application.
  1878. ◆ r2modman : Mod manager for several Unity games using Thunderstore.
  1879. ◆ r3play : High-value third-party Netease cloud player, chinese.
  1880. ◆ rabix-composer : A desktop IDE for working with Common Workflow Language.
  1881. ◆ radioit : Automation software for Radios.
  1882. ◆ radix-wallet : Radix DLT desktop wallet.
  1883. ◆ rainbow-board : 22nd Century Whiteboard App.
  1884. ◆ rambox : Free and Open Source messaging and emailing app.
  1885. ◆ rare : GUI for legendary. An Epic Games Launcher open source alternative.
  1886. ◆ raspirus : A user and resources-friendly signatures-based malware scanner.
  1887. ◆ rasterdraw : Simple shape drawn using rasterisation.
  1888. ◆ rasterview : Raster Viewer for CUPS-Raster, Apple-Raster and PWG-Raster.
  1889. ◆ rats-search : P2P BitTorrent search engine.
  1890. ◆ raven-reader : Simple Desktop RSS Reader made using VueJS.
  1891. ◆ rawtherapee : An advanced raw photo development program.
  1892. ◆ rbdl-toolkit : Application for visualizing and working with rbdl models.
  1893. ◆ rbdoom-3 : Doom 3 BFG Edition source port with updated DX12/Vulkan renderer.
  1894. ◆ rbw : Unofficial Bitwarden password manager cli.
  1895. ◆ rclone-browser : Simple cross platform GUI for rclone.
  1896. ◆ rclone : "rsync for cloud storage", CLI that supports Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files.
  1897. ◆ reactotron : Reactotron desktop mode engage.
  1898. ◆ realm-studio : A tool for everything Realm.
  1899. ◆ real-video-enhancer : Interpolate and Upscale easily.
  1900. ◆ reaper : A complete digital audio production app, offering a full multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing and mastering toolset.
  1901. ◆ rebaslight : An easy to use special effects video editor.
  1902. ◆ rebos : Rebos is a tool that aims at mimicking what NixOS does (repeatability), for any Linux distribution.
  1903. ◆ recoll : Full-text search for your desktop.
  1904. ◆ record-compare : Record Compare.
  1905. ◆ recordscript : Cross-platform screen recorder, transcript, subtitle.
  1906. ◆ redeclipse : A great first person 3D arena shooter with online support, game.
  1907. ◆ redis-gui : Modern graphical user interface to peek into redis DB.
  1908. ◆ redis-viewer : A Redis visualization client tool.
  1909. ◆ redminetimetracker : Time Tracking tool for Redmine.
  1910. ◆ reliefvalve : Helps manage the Steam client application.
  1911. ◆ remind-me-again : Toggleable cron reminders app.
  1912. ◆ remnote : Build your Knowledge Base anywhere and without distractions.
  1913. ◆ rendertune : Electron app that uses ffmpeg to combine audio.+image files into video files.
  1914. ◆ reor : AI note-taking app that runs models locally.
  1915. ◆ repath-studio : A cross-platform vector graphics editor.
  1916. ◆ reqable : Advanced API Debugging Proxy and REST Client.
  1917. ◆ responsively : A browser for developing responsive web apps.
  1918. ◆ retroarch : Frontend for emulators, game engines and media players.
  1919. ◆ retrom : A centralized game library/collection management service with a focus on emulation.
  1920. ◆ retroshare : Securely share files with your friends.
  1921. ◆ revealed : A platform and store for apps, games, and more.
  1922. ◆ revealgo : Markdown driven presentation tool written in Go!
  1923. ◆ revolt : Revolt Desktop App.
  1924. ◆ rhb : Rapid HTML Builder/Prototyper.
  1925. ◆ rhythmbox : The popular Audio Player Rhythmbox.
  1926. ◆ ricochet : Anonymous peer-to-peer instant messaging.
  1927. ◆ ricochlime : Satisfying slime shooter.
  1928. ◆ ridereceipts : Automation app to download and organize your tax invoices.
  1929. ◆ riichi-city : A competitive urban-style Anime mahjong game, featuring beginner-friendly mahjong tutorials.
  1930. ◆ rimage : This is CLI tool inspired by squoosh.
  1931. ◆ ripcord : Chat client for group-centric services like Slack and Discord.
  1932. ◆ ripes : Graphical processor simulator and assembly editor for the RISC-V ISA.
  1933. ◆ ripgrep-all : A ripgrep version to also search in documents and archives.
  1934. ◆ ripgrep : Search directories for regex pattern while respecting gitignore.
  1935. ◆ rmg : Rosalie's Mupen GUI.
  1936. ◆ rmw : A safe-remove utility for the command line.
  1937. ◆ roborock-control-center : Control Your Xiaomi Vacuum.
  1938. ◆ rocketfetch : A WIP command line system information tool written with multithreading in rust for performance with toml file configuration.
  1939. ◆ rock.so : Messaging + Tasks.
  1940. ◆ rofi : Unofficial, A window switcher, runs dialogs, dmenu like, etc.
  1941. ◆ roloviewer : Image slideshow viewer.
  1942. ◆ rotki : A portfolio tracking, asset analytics and tax reporting app.
  1943. ◆ rpan-studio : OBS Studio with RPAN integration.
  1944. ◆ rpcs3 : An open-source PlayStation 3 emulator/debugger written in C++.
  1945. ◆ rquickshare : Rust implementation of NearbyShare/QuickShare from Android.
  1946. ◆ rrip : Bulk image downloader for reddit.
  1947. ◆ rssguard : Feed reader which supports RSS/ATOM/JSON, no-webengine version.
  1948. ◆ rstudio : RStudio is an integrated development environment, IDE for R.
  1949. ◆ rtneuron : Framework for geometrically detailed neuron simulations.
  1950. ◆ rubikscube : Rubik's cube in OpenGL.
  1951. ◆ rucola : Terminal-based markdown note manager.
  1952. ◆ ruffle : A Flash Player emulator written in Rust.
  1953. ◆ runanode : Lets run a node.
  1954. ◆ runelite : Open source Old School RuneScape client.
  1955. ◆ runjs : JavaScript playground. Write code with Node.js & browser APIs access.
  1956. ◆ running-dinner-tool : Running Dinner Tool.
  1957. ◆ rustdesk : Virtual/remote desktop infrastructure, like TeamViewer/Citrix.
  1958. ◆ rustdict : A dictionary CLI tool in Rust inspired by BetaPictoris's dict.
  1959. ◆ rustypaste : A minimal file upload/pastebin service.
  1960. ◆ rusty-rain : CLI, a cross platform matrix rain made with Rust.
  1961. ◆ rx-bin : A modern and extensible pixel editor implemented in Rust.
  1962. ◆ ryowallet : Modern GUI interface for Ryo Currency.
  1963. ◆ ryujinx : Continuation of the original Ryujinx with new features.
  1964. ◆ ryujinx-mirror : Hard-fork of Ryujinx, more similar to the original Ryujinx.
  1965. ◆ s3drive : Convert S3, SFTP, WebDAV or Rclone back-end into your encrypted storage.
  1966. ◆ sabaki : Modern, elegant, cross-platform Go/Baduk/Weiqi game board.
  1967. ◆ saber : A work-in-progress cross-platform libre handwritten notes app.
  1968. ◆ safe-multisig : Allowing crypto users manage funds in a safer way.
  1969. ◆ samira : Steam achievement manager for Linux written with Tauri and Rust.
  1970. ◆ samrewritten : Steam Achievement Manager For Linux. Rewritten in C++.
  1971. ◆ saphyr : A C++ like compiler.
  1972. ◆ satisfactory : Satisfactory Mod Manager.
  1973. ◆ saucedacity : Audio editor based on Audacity focusing on general improvements.
  1974. ◆ savvycan : Facilitates reverse engineering of canbus captures.
  1975. ◆ sayonara : Music player and music library admininstration.
  1976. ◆ sbe : An unofficial Scrapbox desktop app.
  1977. ◆ sblauncher : Minecraft Launcher.
  1978. ◆ scatter : Scatter desktop signature server.
  1979. ◆ scavengers : Unity Roguelike tutorial, game.
  1980. ◆ sc-controller : User-mode driver and GTK3 based GUI for Steam Controller.
  1981. ◆ schilbidi-chat : Matrix client / Element Web/Desktop fork.
  1982. ◆ schildichat : A Matrix Client.
  1983. ◆ school-sections : This project was generated with Angular CLI v1.7.4.
  1984. ◆ sciencefair : Desktop science reading app for Linux.
  1985. ◆ scilab : Scientific software package for numerical computations.
  1986. ◆ scraper : Simple desktop scraper app.
  1987. ◆ scratux : Linux client for scratch programming.
  1988. ◆ scrcpy : Display and control your Android device.
  1989. ◆ screencloud : Capture and share screenshots easily.
  1990. ◆ scribus : Powerful desktop publishing software.
  1991. ◆ scrite : Multilingual Screenplay Writing App from TERIFLIX.
  1992. ◆ scrum-retroboard : Electron application based on React.
  1993. ◆ scytale : Scytale Desktop Client for Linux.
  1994. ◆ sd : Intuitive find & replace CLI, sed alternative.
  1995. ◆ secops : A Linux Desktop Application for managing security.
  1996. ◆ seismic : A taskbar app for displaying USGS magnitude 2.5+ earthquakes from the past day.
  1997. ◆ selenium-ide : Open Source record and playback test automation for the web.
  1998. ◆ sengi : A multi-account desktop client for Mastodon and Pleroma.
  1999. ◆ senpa-io-client : Official Client for Senpa.io
  2000. ◆ sentinel : An open-source decentralized VPN network application.
  2001. ◆ serialplot : Small and simple software for plotting data from serial port.
  2002. ◆ serial-studio : Multi-purpose serial data view program.
  2003. ◆ serioussamtfe : Game engine for Serious Sam Classic, TFE.
  2004. ◆ serioussamtfe-vk : Game engine for Serious Sam Classic, Vulkan support, TFE.
  2005. ◆ serioussamtse : Game engine for Serious Sam Classic, TSE.
  2006. ◆ serioussamtse-vk : Game engine for Serious Sam Classic, Vulkan support, TSE.
  2007. ◆ ser-player : Video player for SER files used for astronomy-imaging.
  2008. ◆ session-desktop : Onion routing based messenger.
  2009. ◆ setcolors : Another way to set colors in Linux shells.
  2010. ◆ sfbrename : Bulk file renamer.
  2011. ◆ sfp : This utility is designed to allow you to apply skins to the modern Steam client.
  2012. ◆ sfrt-attendance : The attendance tracking program for robotics.
  2013. ◆ sf-tube : Watch and download videos without ads.
  2014. ◆ shadowsocks : Shadowsocks GUI client.
  2015. ◆ shadow-tech : Shadow.tech, cloud computing service.
  2016. ◆ shadps4 : An early PlayStation 4 emulator written in C++.
  2017. ◆ shadps4-nightly : An early PlayStation 4 emulator written in C++.
  2018. ◆ shannon-calculator : Self-information content of a message text.
  2019. ◆ sharemyhost : One click to share your files in your local network.
  2020. ◆ sharp-tune : Music player build upon the node using the electron.
  2021. ◆ sheikah : A Witnet compatible desktop wallet.
  2022. ◆ shelf-maui : Document viewer for various document formats.
  2023. ◆ shell-assistant : Ad free Terminal SSH & SFTP client File manager and Code editor.
  2024. ◆ shellcheck : ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts.
  2025. ◆ shellharden : The corrective bash syntax highlighter.
  2026. ◆ shipwright : Ship of Harkinian.
  2027. ◆ shotcut : A powerful Video Editor.
  2028. ◆ shradiko : Make Portable AppImages from Distro Packages.
  2029. ◆ shutter : Professional converter & compression tool designed by video editors.
  2030. ◆ shuttle : The fastest access to your favorite applications.
  2031. ◆ sideka : Platform Tata Kelola Desa
  2032. ◆ sideload : Utility, from elementaryOS 6 to install Flatpak apps from Flathub.
  2033. ◆ sidenote : A CLI tool that helps to manage plain text notes per working directory.
  2034. ◆ sigdigger : Signal analyzer, using Suscan core and Sigutils DSP library.
  2035. ◆ sigma-file-manager : A free, open-source, modern file manager.
  2036. ◆ sigmaspectra : Semi-automated selection and scaling of time series.
  2037. ◆ signal : Unofficial AppImage package for Signal (communication).
  2038. ◆ sigrok-cli : Control your logic analyzer, oscilloscope, or MSO.
  2039. ◆ silex-desktop : This is the official Silex desktop version.
  2040. ◆ siliconsneaker : View runs from your Garmin brand watch
  2041. ◆ silverkey : The best Qt Application Ever.
  2042. ◆ simdock : Small dock with pseudo-transparency and good window handling.
  2043. ◆ simdsp : DSP Simulator.
  2044. ◆ simplechroot : Simple command line chroot with ease.
  2045. ◆ simpleinstabot : Simple Instagram bot.
  2046. ◆ simplenote-electron : Simplenote.
  2047. ◆ simpleos : EOS Blockchain Interface & Wallet.
  2048. ◆ simple-s3-uploader : Easily uploading files and sharing links via AWS S3.
  2049. ◆ simple-scan-gtk3 : Unofficial. A simple document scanner, version 3.38.1, for all GNOME4+ haters.
  2050. ◆ simplescreenrecorder : Unofficial. Feature-rich screen recorder supporting X11 & OpenGL.
  2051. ◆ simplest-file-renamer : Simplest file renamer, rename your files quickly and easily.
  2052. ◆ simple-timer : A really simple timer with a customizable logo and heading.
  2053. ◆ simplex-chat : First messaging platform operating without user identifiers.
  2054. ◆ simtoolkitpro : The all-in-one flight simulation EFB.
  2055. ◆ singlebox : AppView template for WebCatalog.
  2056. ◆ sinon : A handy video tool.
  2057. ◆ sioyek : PDF viewer designed for reading research papers and technical books.
  2058. ◆ sipgate-softphone : The sipgate softphone is developed directly by sipgate.
  2059. ◆ siril : Astronomical image pre-processing program.
  2060. ◆ siyuan : A local-first personal knowledge management system.
  2061. ◆ skanpage : A simple scanning application. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  2062. ◆ skrifa : A simple word processor built with web technologies.
  2063. ◆ skyemu : Game Boy Advance, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and DS Emulator.
  2064. ◆ skype : Unofficial. VoIP-based videoconferencing, voice calls and instant messaging app.
  2065. ◆ slackbackup : An app to archive Slack messages.
  2066. ◆ slacktronic : Connect your Slack workspace to Arduino.
  2067. ◆ slang-ed : An Electron/Ionic app to edit i18n language translations files.
  2068. ◆ sleek : Multiplatform todo.txt manager.
  2069. ◆ slic3r : Open Source toolpath generator for 3D printers.
  2070. ◆ slippi : Slippi Launcher program for browsing and playing replays.
  2071. ◆ slogidex : Task management and automation tool.
  2072. ◆ smallbasic : A fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter.
  2073. ◆ smartgit : A Git-Client.
  2074. ◆ smart-media-cutter : The fastest way to cut and trim streams and long videos.
  2075. ◆ smartservogui : Scan for servo devices easily view.
  2076. ◆ smassh : Smassh your Keyboard, TUI Edition.
  2077. ◆ smath-studio : Tiny, but powerful mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor.
  2078. ◆ smf-dsp : Standard MIDI file player.
  2079. ◆ smplayer : Media Player with built-in codecs for all audio and video formats.
  2080. ◆ smuview : A Qt based source measure unit GUI for sigrok.
  2081. ◆ snake-js : Canvas/JavaScript based Snake Game with support for controllers.
  2082. ◆ snapshot-slider : Present/print/email Snapshots of modern mathematics.
  2083. ◆ snes9x : Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System TM emulator.
  2084. ◆ snippetstore : A snippet management app for developers.
  2085. ◆ snomcontrol : An application to control snom D3xx phones from the desktop.
  2086. ◆ snowball : Find and filter literature, fast.
  2087. ◆ soapy-sdr : I/Q recorder and processor using SoapySDR as backend.
  2088. ◆ soar : A fast, modern package manager for Static Binaries, Portable Formats, AppImage, AppBundle, FlatImage, Runimage & More.
  2089. ◆ socnetv : Social Network Analysis and Visualization software.
  2090. ◆ soft-serve : The mighty, self-hostable Git server for the command line.
  2091. ◆ software-challenge-gui : GUI für die Software-Challenge.
  2092. ◆ soil-editor : A tool to edit the soil properties, CRITERIA1D.
  2093. ◆ solars : Visualize the planets of our solar system.
  2094. ◆ solarwallet : Stellar wallet. Secure and user-friendly.
  2095. ◆ soniclineup : Comparative visualisation of multiple audio files.
  2096. ◆ sonicvisualiser : Viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files.
  2097. ◆ sonixd : A full-featured Subsonic/Jellyfin compatible desktop music player.
  2098. ◆ sonusmix : Next-gen Pipewire audio routing tool.
  2099. ◆ s : Open a web search in your terminal.
  2100. ◆ soul-arena : Bleach-based online multiplayer strategy game.
  2101. ◆ soundcloud-rpc : A SoundCloud client with Discord Rich Presence and AdBlock.
  2102. ◆ sourcetrail : Source explorer to get you productive on unfamiliar source code.
  2103. ◆ sozi : A "zooming" presentation editor.
  2104. ◆ spacebar-debug : Extendable discord-compatible native Spacebar client, debug.
  2105. ◆ spacebar : Themeable and extendable discord-compatible native Spacebar client.
  2106. ◆ spacecadet : Unofficial. Reverse engineered port of 3D Pinball for Windows XP Space Cadet.
  2107. ◆ spacemesh : Spacemesh App, Smesher + Wallet.
  2108. ◆ spacewars : A re-imagining of the classic game Spacewar using Amethyst engine.
  2109. ◆ spark.payments : Terminal app for processing DASH payments.
  2110. ◆ spark-wallet : A wallet GUI for c-lightning, accessible over web/mobile/pc.
  2111. ◆ speaky-miniplayer : A miniplayer with a synthetic radio speaker.
  2112. ◆ special-eureka : A desktop mangareader built in Tauri and React
  2113. ◆ speedcrunch : A high-precision scientific calculator featuring a fast, keyboard-driven user interface.
  2114. ◆ speedcrunch-appimage : Unofficial AppImage of the SpeedCrunch Calculator.
  2115. ◆ speed-dreams : A Torcs fork, 3d motorsport simulation and race cars game.
  2116. ◆ speedyloader : Speeduino universal firmware loader.
  2117. ◆ speek : Privacy focused messenger.
  2118. ◆ sphia : A Proxy Handling Intuitive Application.
  2119. ◆ spicy-launcher : Cross-platform launcher for Spicy Lobster games.
  2120. ◆ spivak : Karaoke player based on GStreamer and Qt5.
  2121. ◆ spm : A simple CLI package manager written in bash mainly for AppImages.
  2122. ◆ spmp : A YouTube Music client with a focus on customisation of colours and song metadata.
  2123. ◆ spotifetch : A simple and beautiful CLI fetch tool for spotify, now rusty.
  2124. ◆ spotify-dl : A command-line utility to download songs and playlists directly from Spotify's servers.
  2125. ◆ spotify-player : A Spotify player in the terminal with full feature parity.
  2126. ◆ spotify-qt : Lightweight Spotify client using Qt.
  2127. ◆ spotify-tui : Spotify for the terminal written in Rust.
  2128. ◆ spotify : Unofficial. A proprietary music streaming service.
  2129. ◆ spotube : Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium.
  2130. ◆ spritemate4electron : A simple Electron-wrapper for Esshahn's awesome Spritemate-webapp.
  2131. ◆ sptlrx : Synchronized lyrics in your terminal.
  2132. ◆ spyglass : A personal search engine to create a searchable library from your personal documents, interests, and more.
  2133. ◆ sqlitebrowser : DB Browser is a light GUI editor for SQLite databases.
  2134. ◆ squirrel-disk : Cross-Platform and Super Fast Disk Usage Analysis Tool.
  2135. ◆ srb2k : AppImage Package for Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, game.
  2136. ◆ ssh-mitm : Server for security audits supporting public key authentication.
  2137. ◆ ssplot : A simple plotting utility for dynamical systems.
  2138. ◆ stacer : Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring.
  2139. ◆ stackandconquer : A challenging tower conquest board game "Mixtour" inspired.
  2140. ◆ standard-notes : A simple and private place for your notes.
  2141. ◆ starc : Story Architect, reinventing the screenwriting software.
  2142. ◆ stash-electron : The friendly secret storage made for teams.
  2143. ◆ station : A single place for all of your web applications.
  2144. ◆ station-maui : Terminal emulator with quick functions support for touch.
  2145. ◆ statsbook-tool : A tool for error checking WFTDA Statsbooks.
  2146. ◆ statuspilatus : Monitor your PC like never before.
  2147. ◆ steamcad : 2D CAD especially designed to draw steam locomotives.
  2148. ◆ steamdepotdownloadergui : Easily download older versions of games from Steam.
  2149. ◆ steam-rom-manager : An app for managing ROMs in Steam.
  2150. ◆ steam-tui : Rust TUI client for steamcmd.
  2151. ◆ steam : Unofficial. The ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games.
  2152. ◆ steem-messenger : Messer for Steem.
  2153. ◆ stele : Kiosk app wrapper for museum media exhibits.
  2154. ◆ stellarium : Planetarium that shows a realistic sky in 3D.
  2155. ◆ stereophotoview : 3d stereoscopic photo/video viewer and editor.
  2156. ◆ stew : An independent package manager for compiled binaries.
  2157. ◆ sticker-convert : Convert animated stickers.
  2158. ◆ stockstalk : Your stocks on your desktop.
  2159. ◆ stoplight : The kickass API platform.
  2160. ◆ storadit : Minimalistic Todo list/notes taking app.
  2161. ◆ storaji : The Light/Responsive Inventory Management System.
  2162. ◆ storyboarder : Visualize a story as fast you can draw stick figures.
  2163. ◆ strans : A powerful command-line utility.
  2164. ◆ strata : Semi-automated selection and scaling of time series.
  2165. ◆ strawberry : Unofficial AppImage of the strawberry music player.
  2166. ◆ streamcapture2 : Download video streams.
  2167. ◆ streamdock : Streaming service viewer.
  2168. ◆ streamlink : Command-line which pipes video streams from various services.
  2169. ◆ streamlink-twitch-gui : A multi platform Twitch.tv browser for Streamlink.
  2170. ◆ streamon : Create streaming links to instagram live.
  2171. ◆ stretchly : App that reminds you to take breaks when working on your PC.
  2172. ◆ strike-maui : Simple convergent IDE.
  2173. ◆ strongbox : A World of Warcraft Addon Manager aimed at Linux players.
  2174. ◆ structure : A knowledge management tool.
  2175. ◆ studymd : Flashcards from Markdown.
  2176. ◆ stunt-car-remake : Remake of the old game Stunt Car Racer.
  2177. ◆ subillmanager : A simple Flutter app to manage electricity bill.
  2178. ◆ substrate-ide : Graphic IDE for developing Substrate blockchains.
  2179. ◆ subsurface : Official upstream of the Subsurface divelog program.
  2180. ◆ subtitle-composer : KF5/Qt Video Subtitle Editor for KDE.
  2181. ◆ subtitler : Quickly download subtitles.
  2182. ◆ sudachi : Nintendo Switch emulator.
  2183. ◆ sugarizer : A taste of Sugar on any device.
  2184. ◆ sultanpos : Simple POS for minimarket.
  2185. ◆ summoners.war.exporter : To parse intercepted data from Summoners War.
  2186. ◆ sumoco : Simple Unified Model for Orthopaedics.
  2187. ◆ sunamu : Show your currently playing song in a stylish way.
  2188. ◆ sunny : Screenshot software that supports OCR and image translation features.
  2189. ◆ sunsama : The daily planner for elite professionals.
  2190. ◆ sunshine : Sunshine is a Gamestream host for Moonlight.
  2191. ◆ sup : A Slack client with WhatsApp like UI.
  2192. ◆ superbacked : Don’t lose your secrets. A secret management platform used to back up and pass on sensitive data from one generation to the next.
  2193. ◆ superfile : Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager.
  2194. ◆ supernotes : Enjoy efficient note-taking without the hassle.
  2195. ◆ superpaper : A cross-platform multi monitor wallpaper manager.
  2196. ◆ superproductivity : An advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing.
  2197. ◆ superslicer-bin : G-code generator for 3D printers.
  2198. ◆ superslicer-prerelease-bin : G-code generator for 3D printers.
  2199. ◆ supertag : A tag-based filesystem written in Rust.
  2200. ◆ supertux : Classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game inspired to Super Mario.
  2201. ◆ supertuxkart-appimage : Unofficial. Racing game focused on Fun.
  2202. ◆ supertuxkart : The original Free kart racing game focused on Fun!
  2203. ◆ surrealist : Surrealist is the ultimate way to visually manage your SurrealDB database.
  2204. ◆ suyu : Open-source, Nintendo Switch emulator, continuation of yuzu.
  2205. ◆ svelte-electron : Create desktop apps with this Svelte boilerplate.
  2206. ◆ svgwall : SVG Wallpaper Utility for Xorg.
  2207. ◆ swaglyrics : SwagLyrics AppImage, unofficial.
  2208. ◆ swc-minecraft-launcher : SWC Minecraft Launcher.
  2209. ◆ sweeper : Unofficial. System Cleaner. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  2210. ◆ sweethome3d : An interior design app to draw house plans & arrange furniture.
  2211. ◆ swell : Testing for streaming APIs, right at your desktop.
  2212. ◆ swift : Communicate over the Jabber/XMPP network, v4.0.2.
  2213. ◆ swiftnessx : Electron application boilerplate based on React/Webpack.
  2214. ◆ swifty : Free Offline-first Password Manager.
  2215. ◆ swish : Command Line Interface for Swisstransfer Infomaniak's free service.
  2216. ◆ switchhosts : Switch hosts quickly!
  2217. ◆ switchshuttle : Run predefined commands in various terminal applications.
  2218. ◆ swradio : Shortwave receiver for use with sdrplay/hackrf/dabsticks/pmsdr.
  2219. ◆ symphonium : A tool to help when learning to play the piano.
  2220. ◆ syncmyl2p : L2P synchronisation tool.
  2221. ◆ syncplay : Synchronize video playback over network.
  2222. ◆ syncthing-tray : Tray application for Syncthing.
  2223. ◆ synfigstudio : A free and open-source 2D animation software, graphics.
  2224. ◆ synthein : A space ship building and combat game.
  2225. ◆ synthv1 : An old school polyphonic synthesizer.
  2226. ◆ system-monitor-gtk3 : Unofficial, Version 3.38.0, for all those who hate GNOME4+ UIs.
  2227. ◆ sysz : An fzf terminal UI for systemctl.
  2228. ◆ szyszka : Szyszka is fast and powerful file renamer.
  2229. ◆ tabby : A terminal for a more modern age
  2230. ◆ tablo-tools : Tools to Bulk Delete and Export from Tablo DVR.
  2231. ◆ tag-editor : Tag Editor, supports MP4, ID3, Vorbis, Opus, FLAC and Matroska.
  2232. ◆ tagspaces : An offline, open source, document manager with tagging support.
  2233. ◆ tagstoo : Tagstoo tagging application.
  2234. ◆ tagtime-desktop : Time tracking for space cadets, desktop edition.
  2235. ◆ tangent : A clean and powerful open source notes app.
  2236. ◆ taskade : AI-Powered productivity.
  2237. ◆ taskell : Command-line Kanban board/task manager with support for Trello boards and GitHub projects.
  2238. ◆ taskizer : A task management app.
  2239. ◆ tastee-ui : Tool helping you write executable specifications in your lang.
  2240. ◆ tb : Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat.
  2241. ◆ tc : A desktop chat client for Twitch.
  2242. ◆ tdlib-rs : Rust wrapper around the Telegram Database Library.
  2243. ◆ teams : Unofficial, Business communication platform developed by Microsoft.
  2244. ◆ teamviewer : Deliver remote IT support to your customers and colleagues, anytime, anywhere. Communication, network.
  2245. ◆ teamviewer-host : Host utility for TeamViewer, if you want to set up unattended access to a device.
  2246. ◆ teamviewer-qs : QuickSupport utility for TeamViewer, if you want to receive support.
  2247. ◆ teledrive : Automatically backup Telegram Saved Messages.
  2248. ◆ telegram : Official desktop version of Telegram messaging app.
  2249. ◆ telly-skout : A convergent Kirigami TV guide. This script installs the full "kdeutils" suite.
  2250. ◆ tenacity : An easy-to-use, cross-platform multi-track audio editor/recorder.
  2251. ◆ tere : Terminal file explorer.
  2252. ◆ terminalos-sim : A terminalOS simulator.
  2253. ◆ termshot : Creates screenshots based on terminal command output.
  2254. ◆ teslacam-browser : A minimal TeslaCam Browser.
  2255. ◆ tesler : The Tesla Sentinel Viewer.
  2256. ◆ tess : A hackable, simple, rapid and beautiful terminal.
  2257. ◆ tesseract : Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine AppImage.
  2258. ◆ testdisk : TestDisk & PhotoRec, tools to recover lost partitions and files.
  2259. ◆ texmacs : Free scientific text editor, inspired by TeX and GNU Emacs.
  2260. ◆ texstudio : LaTeX development environment.
  2261. ◆ textnote : Simple tool for creating and organizing daily notes on the command line.
  2262. ◆ textosaurus : Cross-platform text editor based on Qt and Scintilla.
  2263. ◆ texts : All of your messages in one inbox.
  2264. ◆ tgpt : AI Chatbots in terminal without needing API keys.
  2265. ◆ thedesk : Mastodon Client for PC.
  2266. ◆ theframe : Animation tool.
  2267. ◆ theia-blueprint : Building desktop-based products based on Eclipse Theia.
  2268. ◆ thermusqt : Calculate particle composition of hadronic state.
  2269. ◆ the-way : A code snippets manager for your terminal.
  2270. ◆ theweb : Web Browser.
  2271. ◆ thief : An innovative cross-platform fishing tool, in chinese.
  2272. ◆ thinreports-section-editor : A template editor for Thinreports.
  2273. ◆ thlink : Touhou Project Game Netplay Tool.
  2274. ◆ thoptv : Enjoy Ultimate Movies, sports Matches, IPL and Latest Shows.
  2275. ◆ thorium-avx2 : AVX2 Linux builds of Thorium Browser.
  2276. ◆ thorium-client : A locked-down electron kiosk for Thorium.
  2277. ◆ thorium-reader : Desktop application to read ebooks.
  2278. ◆ thorium-sse3 : Web Browser, Chromium fork with Widevine and FFmpeg support.
  2279. ◆ thorium-sse4 : Web Browser, Chromium fork with Widevine and FFmpeg support.
  2280. ◆ thorium : Web Browser, a Chromium fork including Widevine and FFmpeg support.
  2281. ◆ thunderbird-appimage : Unofficial. Mail client's Unofficial AppImage, Stable.
  2282. ◆ thunderbird-beta-appimage : Unofficial. Mail client's Unofficial AppImage, Beta.
  2283. ◆ thunderbird-beta : Free and open source eMail client, Beta Edition.
  2284. ◆ thunderbird : Free and open source eMail client, Stable.
  2285. ◆ thunderbird-nightly-appimage : Unofficial. Mail client's Unofficial AppImage, Nightly.
  2286. ◆ thunderbird-nightly : Free and open source eMail client, Nightly Edition.
  2287. ◆ ticker : Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracking.
  2288. ◆ tidal-hifi : The web version of listen.tidal.com running in electron.
  2289. ◆ tilde-podcast : Podcast client to listen to all you favorite podcasts.
  2290. ◆ tiled : Tile map editor.
  2291. ◆ tilinggenerator : Generator of regular and irregular tilings.
  2292. ◆ timely : The release branch for Timely electron apps.
  2293. ◆ timenaut : Desktop time tracking application.
  2294. ◆ timer : Time recurring events.
  2295. ◆ tipitaka-pali-reader : A Pali Reading app made in Flutter.
  2296. ◆ tlock : Two-Factor Authentication Tokens Manager in Terminal.
  2297. ◆ tmon : A simple CLI tool for monitoring/reporting CPU temperatures.
  2298. ◆ tmux : Tmux AppImage build via Docker.
  2299. ◆ tnt : A computer-assisted translation tool.
  2300. ◆ tockler : An application that tracks your time by monitoring.
  2301. ◆ tod : An unofficial Todoist command line client written in Rust.
  2302. ◆ todesktop : Web app to desktop app in minutes.
  2303. ◆ todo-bash : Todo list for the Bash command line.
  2304. ◆ todoist : The to-do list to organize work & life.
  2305. ◆ todorant : Todorant releases.
  2306. ◆ todorust : Simple ToDoList made in rust.
  2307. ◆ toerings : A clone of Conky Seamod using Tauri.
  2308. ◆ toipe : yet another typing test, but crab flavoured.
  2309. ◆ tomatox : An online free VIP video analysis player, in chinese.
  2310. ◆ tonuino-toolbox : SD card manager for your Tonuino.
  2311. ◆ topgrade : Upgrade all the things, this is the universal upgrade manager.
  2312. ◆ tor-browser-alpha : Privacy-oriented Web Browser for sites blocked in your country.
  2313. ◆ tor-browser : Privacy-oriented Web Browser for sites blocked in your country.
  2314. ◆ torcs : The 3D Open Racing Car Game and Simulator.
  2315. ◆ torrenttools : Cli tool to inspect/create/edit BitTorrent metafiles.
  2316. ◆ toru : Bittorrent streaming CLI tool. Stream anime torrents real-time.
  2317. ◆ torzu : Unofficial AppImage of Torzu (fork of yuzu), with optimized builds for modern cpus.
  2318. ◆ toughcookies : A modern flash cards study and management app.
  2319. ◆ trackaudio : A next generation Audio-For-VATSIM ATC Client.
  2320. ◆ trader : Play Star Traders, a simple game of interstellar trading.
  2321. ◆ trans : CLI translator using Google/Bing/Yandex Translate, etc...
  2322. ◆ transfernow : TransferNow is a simple and free way to safely share your data.
  2323. ◆ translatium : Translate Any Languages like a Pro.
  2324. ◆ transmission-gtk : Unofficial. Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client, GTK+ GUI.
  2325. ◆ transmissionic : Remote for Transmission Daemon.
  2326. ◆ trezor-suite : Trezor Suite desktop application.
  2327. ◆ trgui-ng : Remote GUI for Transmission torrent daemon.
  2328. ◆ triagem-touch : Novo SGA triage client.
  2329. ◆ trilium : Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes.
  2330. ◆ trinity-desktop : Desktop wallet for IOTA.
  2331. ◆ tropy : Research photo management.
  2332. ◆ tssh : trzsz-ssh is an alternative to ssh client, offers additional features.
  2333. ◆ tt : A simple Time Tracker to stay basic and intuitive.
  2334. ◆ tts-now : A chinese text-to-speech assistant based on the speech synthesi.
  2335. ◆ ttth : An electron based desktop app for online services.
  2336. ◆ ttyper : Terminal-based typing test.
  2337. ◆ tulip : Large graphs analysis, drawing and visualization framework.
  2338. ◆ tumblr-downloader-gui : Download Tumblr posts that you liked.
  2339. ◆ tumblr-scraper : Scrape a Tumblr profile for user uploadede posts.
  2340. ◆ tunepack : Finding and download HQ audio files.
  2341. ◆ turbowarp : Scratch mod with a compiler to run projects faster.
  2342. ◆ turntable : Simple youtube DJ app made with Electron and Angular4.
  2343. ◆ tusk : Evernote desktop app.
  2344. ◆ tutanota : The world's most secure email service, easy to use and private.
  2345. ◆ tuxplorer : Tuxplorer is a terminal based file explorer.
  2346. ◆ t.viewer : Cross Platform Tizen Log Viewer.
  2347. ◆ twake : Desktop App for Twake.
  2348. ◆ tweaksophia : An app to automatically renew the books of the SophiA system.
  2349. ◆ tweet-tray : Tweet quickly from the desktop without any distractions.
  2350. ◆ twetter : Client for the pubsub app.
  2351. ◆ twitch-wrapper : An Electron wrapper for Twitch.tv.
  2352. ◆ typioca : Cozy typing speed tester in terminal.
  2353. ◆ tzared : Real-time strategy game.
  2354. ◆ uad-ng : GUI Rust wrapper for ADB to debloat non-rooted Android devices.
  2355. ◆ ubiquity : A cross-platform markdown editor.
  2356. ◆ ubports-installer : A simple tool to install Ubuntu Touch on UBports devices
  2357. ◆ uhk.agent : Configuration app of the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard.
  2358. ◆ uivonim : Fork of the Veonim Neovim GUI.
  2359. ◆ ultimmc : Offline Minecraft launcher.
  2360. ◆ ultragrid : UltraGrid low-latency audio/video network transmission system.
  2361. ◆ ultrascreen : Share your screens with friends.
  2362. ◆ ums : Universal Media Server. A DLNA, UPnP and HTTP(S) Media Server.
  2363. ◆ uncov : A tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
  2364. ◆ unetbootin : Install Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive.
  2365. ◆ ungoogled-chromium : Chromium Web Browser without Google services.
  2366. ◆ unified-communications : Unified Communication from Mundio Mobiles.
  2367. ◆ unishellect : JSON parser file and menu customizez Hyper-inspired.
  2368. ◆ unoffical-flomo : Unofficial Flomo Appimage Client.
  2369. ◆ unoffical-microsoft-loop : Unofficial. People who want to create together with ease.
  2370. ◆ unoffical-qwerty-learner : Unofficial. Words learning and English muscle memory training.
  2371. ◆ unoffical-sonos-controller : Unofficial sonos controller for linux.
  2372. ◆ unoffical-weread : Unofficial WeRead Appimage Client.
  2373. ◆ unoffical-xiaohongshu : Unofficial xiaohongshu Appimage Client.
  2374. ◆ unoffical-yuque : Unofficial YuQue Appimage Client.
  2375. ◆ unofficial-homestuck-collection : An offline collection of Homestuck and its related works.
  2376. ◆ unofficial-zalo : Unofficial Zalo App.
  2377. ◆ unreel : A GUI to create Reveal presentations.
  2378. ◆ unveil : Unveil Rs is a tool to create presentations from markdown inspired by reveal.js, mdbook and zola.
  2379. ◆ unyo : Anime streaming and Manga reader desktop app without ads.
  2380. ◆ updatedeployqt : Tool to deploy auto update for qt applications.
  2381. ◆ upgit : CLI, another upload hub that supports clipboard. It works well with Typora, Snipaste, VSCode.
  2382. ◆ upnotes : A notes app for software developers.
  2383. ◆ upnote : Stay focused and productive with a clean and clutter-free note space.
  2384. ◆ upscayl : Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler.
  2385. ◆ upterm : A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  2386. ◆ urbanterror : A team-based tactical game shooter based on the Quake 3 Engine.
  2387. ◆ utilso : Regex Tester, JWT Verify, Image Converter, Format JSON, Decode...
  2388. ◆ uv : An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
  2389. ◆ uwufetch : A meme system info tool for Linux, based on nyan/uwu trend.
  2390. ◆ uyou : This is a todo list with electron.
  2391. ◆ v2ray-desktop : V2Ray GUI client for Linux.
  2392. ◆ valentina : Open source pattern-making software.
  2393. ◆ valeronoi : Companion app for Valetudo for generating WiFi heat maps.
  2394. ◆ vcloudcam : Solution for the camera systems of gas and fuel stations.
  2395. ◆ vechain : A browser that empowers DApps on VeChain.
  2396. ◆ vegeta : HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000!
  2397. ◆ ventoy : Tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHDx/EFI files.
  2398. ◆ verto : A multi-currency crypto wallet with support for EOS & VTX.
  2399. ◆ vesktop : Vesktop gives you the performance of web Discord.
  2400. ◆ vessel : A simple wallet for managing your Steem accounts.
  2401. ◆ vgmtrans : A tool to convert proprietary, sequenced videogame music.
  2402. ◆ vhc-viewer-wayland : Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer.
  2403. ◆ vhc-viewer-x11 : Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer.
  2404. ◆ vhs : Your CLI home video recorder.
  2405. ◆ vial : GUI and a QMK fork for configuring your keyboard in real time.
  2406. ◆ via : Your keyboard's best friend.
  2407. ◆ viber : Proprietary cross-platform IM and VoIP software.
  2408. ◆ vidcutter : Simple and fast video cutter and joiner.
  2409. ◆ viddy : A modern watch command line utility. Time machine and pager etc.
  2410. ◆ video-hub : A fastest way to browse and search for videos on your computer.
  2411. ◆ videomass : Free, open source and cross-platform GUI for FFmpeg.
  2412. ◆ vieb : Vim Inspired Electron Browser.
  2413. ◆ vifm : File manager with curses interface providing Vim-like environment.
  2414. ◆ vigad : Extract live-data from your screen.
  2415. ◆ vikunja : The open-source, self-hostable to-do app.
  2416. ◆ vimeo-dl : A cli tool to download private videos on vimeo. Written in golang.
  2417. ◆ violetbug : Roku Debugger Graphical Interface.
  2418. ◆ viper-browser : Fast and lightweight Qt web browser.
  2419. ◆ viper : Launcher and Updater for TF2 Northstar.
  2420. ◆ vipster : Visual periodic structure editor.
  2421. ◆ vircadia : Open Source continuation of the High Fidelity metaverse.
  2422. ◆ virtscreen : Make your iPad/tablet/computer into a secondary monitor on Linux.
  2423. ◆ virtualbox : Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use.
  2424. ◆ visipics : Windows software to find and remove duplicate pictures. Unofficial AppImage built using "wine32-deploy" and powered by "wine".
  2425. ◆ visual-define-xml-editor : Editor for CDISC Define-XML standard.
  2426. ◆ visualfamilytree : Create a family tree with information and pictures.
  2427. ◆ vita3k : Experimental PlayStation Vita emulator.
  2428. ◆ vitomu : Easy to use video to audio converter.
  2429. ◆ viu : Terminal image viewer with native support for iTerm and Kitty.
  2430. ◆ vivaldi-snapshot : Unofficial. Advanced Web Browser, Testing Version.
  2431. ◆ vivaldi-stable : Unofficial. Advanced Web Browser, Stable Version.
  2432. ◆ vivifyscrum : Agile Tool for Professionals.
  2433. ◆ vizgraph : A simple tool for Using Graphviz.
  2434. ◆ vk-desktop : Cross-platform client VKontakte.
  2435. ◆ vk-music-fs : Listen to the music from VK.
  2436. ◆ vlc-git : Unofficial. Free and Open Source Video & Media player, GIT version.
  2437. ◆ vlc : Unofficial. Free and Open Source Video & Media player for Audio, streaming and more.
  2438. ◆ vlc+ : Unofficial. Video & Media player for Audio, streaming and more, with JAVA support.
  2439. ◆ vnote : Note-taking application for pleasant Markdown.
  2440. ◆ vocabsieve : Simple sentence mining tool for language learning.
  2441. ◆ voicevox : Offical Frontend for the free VOICEVOX TTS Engine.
  2442. ◆ volaris : Volaris-Gui is the wrapper for Volaris, a secure file encryption software.
  2443. ◆ vpaint : Experimental vector graphics and 2D animation editor.
  2444. ◆ vrest-ng : Zero code API test automation solution.
  2445. ◆ vrew : Your first video editor, your easiest choice.
  2446. ◆ vscodium : Community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of MS VSCode.
  2447. ◆ vterm : Extensible terminal emulator.
  2448. ◆ vtm : Text-based desktop environment.
  2449. ◆ vt : VirusTotal Command Line Interface.
  2450. ◆ vue-calc : A Simple VueJS's Calculator built with ElectronJS.
  2451. ◆ vuerd : A desktop ERD app.
  2452. ◆ vup : Private and decentralized cloud storage.
  2453. ◆ vvave-maui : Manage your music collection and stream it from the cloud.
  2454. ◆ w2vgrep : semantic-grep for words with similar meaning to the query.
  2455. ◆ walc : WhatsApp Linux Client, Unofficial.
  2456. ◆ walk : Terminal file manager.
  2457. ◆ wallettech : BytechCoin GUI Wallet.
  2458. ◆ warp-terminal : Terminal reimagined with AI and collaborative tools.
  2459. ◆ wasistlos : Unofficial, WhatsApp Linux Client, formerly known as "whatsapp-for-linux".
  2460. ◆ watched : A media player and a browser for Excellent entertainment.
  2461. ◆ watchflower : Read and plot datas from your Xiaomi devices.
  2462. ◆ watchit : Open movies everywhere.
  2463. ◆ waterfox-appimage : Browse the World Wide Web, current version.
  2464. ◆ waterfox : Browse the World Wide Web, current version.
  2465. ◆ wavebox : The next generation of web-desktop communication.
  2466. ◆ waydroid-helper : App that provides a user-friendly way to configure Waydroid and install extensions, including Magisk and ARM translation (android).
  2467. ◆ wazo-desktop : Wazo desktop client for wazo VOIP server.
  2468. ◆ weakauras : App to provide missing link between Wago.io and World of Warcraft.
  2469. ◆ weatherdump : A WeatherDump GUI.
  2470. ◆ webamp : Winamp Player 2.9 reimplementation in HTML5 and JS.
  2471. ◆ webcamoid : A multi-platform camera capture app focused on providing all major features required by power users with a very simple and intuitive interface.
  2472. ◆ webcatalog : App store for web apps. Find the right software and services.
  2473. ◆ webcord : A Discord and Fosscord client implemented without Discord API.
  2474. ◆ webdesktop : WebDesktop make apps with just a text editor and nodejs.
  2475. ◆ webkitty : Local web development IDE.
  2476. ◆ webrecorder : A complete packaging of Webrecorder hosted service in Electron.
  2477. ◆ weektodo : WeekToDo is a Free and Open Source Weekly Planner.
  2478. ◆ westeroscraftlauncher : Custom launcher for modded Minecraft, game.
  2479. ◆ wethr : Command line weather tool.
  2480. ◆ wewechat : Unofficial WeChat client built with React, MobX and Electron.
  2481. ◆ wexond : Extensible, fast and innovative web browser with material UI.
  2482. ◆ wezterm : A GPU-accelerated terminal emulator and multiplexer.
  2483. ◆ wezterm-nightly : A GPU-accelerated terminal emulator and multiplexer.
  2484. ◆ whalebird : An Electron based Mastodon client.
  2485. ◆ whatsapp-nativefier : Unofficial, Electron-based WhatsApp Linux Client.
  2486. ◆ whatstron : Unofficial WhatsApp desktop client for Linux.
  2487. ◆ whirlpool-gui : Desktop GUI for Whirlpool by Samourai-Wallet.
  2488. ◆ whiteboard : Activity-based slideshow for coding webinars and presentations.
  2489. ◆ whu-library-seat : Wuhan University Library Assistant, for Jinan University.
  2490. ◆ wick-editor : A free and open-source tool for creating games, animations and everything in-between!
  2491. ◆ widelands : Real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns.
  2492. ◆ window-pet : Pet overlay app that lets you have adorable companion such as pets, anime characters on your screen.
  2493. ◆ windows2usb : Flash Drive burning utility, MBR/GPT, BIOS/UEFI, FAT32/NTFS.
  2494. ◆ windows95 : Unofficial. Windows 95 in Electron.
  2495. ◆ wine32-deploy : Tool for creating AppImages for 32-bit Microsoft Windows apps.
  2496. ◆ wine-devel : Unofficial. Compatibility layer to run x86_64 Windows programs, Dev Edition.
  2497. ◆ wine-stable : Unofficial. Compatibility layer to run x86_64 Windows programs, Stable.
  2498. ◆ wine-staging-ge-proton : Unofficial. Run x86_64 Windows programs, Staging GE Proton.
  2499. ◆ wine-staging : Unofficial. Compatibility layer to run x86_64 Windows programs, Staging.
  2500. ◆ wine : Unofficial. Run Windows programs, select a version from mmtrt/WINE_AppImage.
  2501. ◆ winrar : Unofficial, data compression, encryption and archiving tool.
  2502. ◆ wireframesketcher : A wireframing tool that helps designers, developers and product managers. A desktop app and a plug-in for any Eclipse IDE.
  2503. ◆ wireguard-gui : A wireguard client GUI for Debian/Linux made with nextauri.
  2504. ◆ wireshark : Unofficial, the world's most popular network protocol analyze.
  2505. ◆ wire : The most secure collaboration platform.
  2506. ◆ wishdemo : A μ Tcl/Tk distribution statically linked, AppImage.
  2507. ◆ wives : A beautiful, modern & feature-rich Terminal Emulator.
  2508. ◆ wiznote : Create a powerful knowledge graph from personal notes to team wiki.
  2509. ◆ wiznoteplus : The third party that supports the plug-in is Zhinote client.
  2510. ◆ wkp : A CLI tool designed to fetch Wikipedia excerpts written in Rust.
  2511. ◆ wnr : Work/Rest Timer. Stricter. Prettier. More features.
  2512. ◆ woke : A REST client with grand ambitions and limited scope.
  2513. ◆ wolai : A new form of document/note/information system, in chinese.
  2514. ◆ wonderpen : A professional writing app with markdown support.
  2515. ◆ wonderwall : Wallpaper manager for Linux.
  2516. ◆ woocommerce-pos : Electron Desktop App for WooCommerce POS
  2517. ◆ wootility : Utility for configuring Wooting keyboards.
  2518. ◆ wooting-analog-midi : Virtual MIDI device for, Wooting analog keyboards.
  2519. ◆ wootomation : The official Wooting Macros software.
  2520. ◆ wora : A beautiful player for audiophiles.
  2521. ◆ wordtsar : Document mode clone for Wordstar, supports Wordstar, RTF and DOCX.
  2522. ◆ workflowy : A notetaking tool.
  2523. ◆ wournal : Simple "digitial paper" for note taking and PDF annotation. Heavily inspired by Xournal.
  2524. ◆ wowup : WowUp the World of Warcraft addon updater.
  2525. ◆ wps-office : Unofficial, Office suite built from the official .deb package.
  2526. ◆ wrapbox : An Electron wrapper for web pages.
  2527. ◆ writemonkey : A Windows zenware writing application with an extremely stripped down user interface, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words.
  2528. ◆ wsjtz : AppImage of WSJT-Z – fork of WSJT-X with automation features.
  2529. ◆ wsocks : A light websocket based proxy.
  2530. ◆ wtfutil : The personal information dashboard for your terminal.
  2531. ◆ wthrr : Weather companion for the terminal.
  2532. ◆ wxmaxima : A document based interface for the computer algebra system Maxima.
  2533. ◆ wxmedit : A cross-platform Text/Hex Editor, an improved version of MadEdit.
  2534. ◆ xchat : Chat with other people using Internet Relay Chat.
  2535. ◆ xclicker : Fast gui autoclicker for x11 linux desktops.
  2536. ◆ xcloud-desktop : An unoffical desktop app for the XCloud web beta.
  2537. ◆ xdelta3-cross-gui : A cross-platform GUI for creating xDelta3 patches.
  2538. ◆ xde : The Expo Development Environment.
  2539. ◆ xdg-ninja : Script that checks your $HOME for unwanted files and directories.
  2540. ◆ xelfviewer : A multiplatform ELF file viewer/editor.
  2541. ◆ xemu : Original Xbox Emulator.
  2542. ◆ xgetter : Download video on Youtube, Facebook, X(Twitter), Instagram, Tiktok, Bilibili, Douyin and more.
  2543. ◆ xilinota : Note-taking app boasting instant syncing among devices and direct keeping of markdown files.
  2544. ◆ xl-converter : Powerful image converter with support for multithreading.
  2545. ◆ xlights : A sequencer for Lights and sequences manager.
  2546. ◆ x-loc : Extra localizations/translations manager for Stardew Valley.
  2547. ◆ xm8 : PC-8801 emulator.
  2548. ◆ xmedcon : An open-source toolkit for medical image conversion.
  2549. ◆ x-minecraft-launcher : An Open Source Minecraft Launcher with Modern UX.
  2550. ◆ xnconvert : A fast, powerful and free cross-platform batch image converter.
  2551. ◆ xnviewmp : Graphic viewer, browser, converter.
  2552. ◆ xonsh : Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell.
  2553. ◆ xournal++ : A C++ handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support.
  2554. ◆ xournal++nightly : C++ notetaking software with PDF annotation support, DEV.
  2555. ◆ xpeviewer : PE file viewer/editor.
  2556. ◆ xpipe : Your entire server infrastructure at your fingertips. Manage all your servers from your local desktop. No remote setup required.
  2557. ◆ x-pixiv : CLI, pixiv downloader.
  2558. ◆ xplist : Cross-platform Plist Editor.
  2559. ◆ xplorer : Xplorer, a customizable, modern file manager.
  2560. ◆ xtuber : Simple YouTube Downloader.
  2561. ◆ xxh : Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh.
  2562. ◆ yaf : Yet another system CLI fetch that is minimal and customizable.
  2563. ◆ yaka : No fuss todo-list manager with full keyboard navigation.
  2564. ◆ yam : Unofficial Game Updater for the F95Zone platform.
  2565. ◆ yana : Note-taking app with nested documents, text search/editor, code...
  2566. ◆ yandex-browser-beta : Unofficial Yandex Browser AppImage, Beta.
  2567. ◆ yandex-browser-corporate : Unofficial Yandex Browser AppImage, Corporate.
  2568. ◆ yandex-browser : Unofficial Yandex Browser AppImage, Stable.
  2569. ◆ yangdownloader : Downloads best-quality audio and video from YouTube.
  2570. ◆ yank-note : A Hackable Markdown Note Application for Programmers.
  2571. ◆ yaya : Yet Another Yahtzee-esque Application.
  2572. ◆ yazi : Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust.
  2573. ◆ yesplaymusic : A third party music player for Netease Music.
  2574. ◆ ym-desktop : The YouTube music desktop app.
  2575. ◆ youtubeanddownloader : An app to use youtube and download videos as mp3s or mp4s.
  2576. ◆ youtube-downloader : Download video/audio from youtube (and instagram) videos.
  2577. ◆ youtube-download : GUI and CLI for downloading YouTube video/audio.
  2578. ◆ youtube-music : Unofficial. Amazing electron wrapper for YouTube Music featuring plugins.
  2579. ◆ youtubesearchfilter : YouTube searches with/without a pre-filter from CLI.
  2580. ◆ youtube-tui : An aesthetically pleasing YouTube TUI CLI written in Rust.
  2581. ◆ ytarchive : Garbage Youtube livestream downloader CLI.
  2582. ◆ yt-dlandcut : Download and cut Youtube videos by providing url and time range.
  2583. ◆ yt-dlg : A front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
  2584. ◆ yt-dlp : A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader.
  2585. ◆ ytdownloader : App for downloading Videos and Audios from hundreds of sites.
  2586. ◆ ytermusic : An in terminal youtube music client with focus on privacy, simplicity and performance.
  2587. ◆ ytmdesktop2 : Unofficial Youtube Music Desktop App, with LastFM support.
  2588. ◆ ytmdesktop : A Desktop App for YouTube Music.
  2589. ◆ yts-streaming : Stream or play yts and torrent movies.
  2590. ◆ yubikey-manager : Configure your YubiKey over all USB transports.
  2591. ◆ yup : Arch Linux AUR Helper with ncurses functionality and better searching and sorting.
  2592. ◆ yuview : YUV player with an advanced analytic toolset.
  2593. ◆ zap : Delightful command line AppImage package manager for appimage.github.io.
  2594. ◆ zapdesktop : Desktop application for the lightning network.
  2595. ◆ zapzap : WhatsApp desktop application written in Pyqt6 + PyQt6-WebEngine.
  2596. ◆ zed : High-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom.
  2597. ◆ zegarek : A simple clock with millisecond resolution.
  2598. ◆ zegrapher : Math graphing software.
  2599. ◆ zellij : A terminal workspace with batteries included.
  2600. ◆ zen-browser : Experience tranquillity while browsing the web without tracking.
  2601. ◆ zenity : Unofficial, A CLI utility that creates dialog boxes, GTK3 version.
  2602. ◆ zenkit : A platform for collaboration and project management.
  2603. ◆ zenroomstudio : Extensible IDE which targets multiple dev platforms.
  2604. ◆ zettlr : A Markdown Editor for the 21st century.
  2605. ◆ zfind : Search files, even inside tar/zip/7z/rar using a SQL-WHERE filter.
  2606. ◆ zfxtop : [WIP] fetch top for gen Z with X written by bubbletea enjoyer.
  2607. ◆ zk : A plain text note-taking assistant
  2608. ◆ zmninja : Ionic app for Home/Commerical Security Surveillance.
  2609. ◆ znax : Znax is a cross platform puzzle / arcade game using SDL2 libraries.
  2610. ◆ znote : A Beautiful markdown editor inspired by Jupyter.
  2611. ◆ zograscope : Syntax-aware diff that provides a number of additional tools.
  2612. ◆ zoom : Unofficial. Video Conferencing and Web Conferencing Service.
  2613. ◆ zotero : Collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.
  2614. ◆ zoxide : A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
  2615. ◆ zramen : Manage zram swap space.
  2616. ◆ zsync2 : A rewrite of the advanced file download/sync tool zsync.
  2617. ◆ zulip : Zulip Desktop Client for Linux.
  2618. ◆ zxinfo-file-browser : Organize and manage your emulator files for ZX Spectrum.
  2619. ◆ zx-poly : a multi-CPU ZX-Spectrum 128 concept platform.
  2620. ◆ zy-player : Video resource player, simple, ad-free and high-value.