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Third-party databases for applications (NeoDB)

Use the option newrepo or neodb to add new repositories to use instead of this one. This works for both online and offline repositories.

Set a new default repo, use "add" to append the path to a local directory or an online URL:

am newrepo add {URL}\{PATH}


appman newrepo add {URL}\{PATH}

then use "select" to use it by default:

am newrepo select


appman newrepo select

a message will warn you about the usage of this repo instead of the default one.

In the screenshot below, I'm adding an offline directory and an online "RAW" fork of "AM" Istantanea_2024-08-25_20-10-47

Use "on"/"off" to enable/disable it:

am newrepo on
am newrepo off


appman newrepo on
appman newrepo off

Use "purge" to remove all 3rd party repos:

am newrepo purge


appman newrepo purge

Use "info" to see the source from where installation scripts and lists are taken.

am newrepo info


appman newrepo info

if no third-party repo is in use, you will see the default URLs from this repo.

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