#43 Add the option to not make requests to the tMDb when loading the database

vor 7 Jahren geöffnet von nvb · 0 Kommentare
nvb kommentierte vor 7 Jahren

As an attempt to make the application less dependent on tMDb, make it possible to load the database entirely locally. Right now only personal changes (rating, start date, status, etc.) are saved offline and everything else (summary, poster, cast, etc.) is pulled from tMDb. This kind of ruins the idea of having a local database, therefore it would seem good to add an option to save the show data on the phone (and to stop requesting data from the API).

As an attempt to make the application less dependent on tMDb, make it possible to load the database entirely locally. Right now only personal changes (rating, start date, status, etc.) are saved offline and everything else (summary, poster, cast, etc.) is pulled from tMDb. This kind of ruins the idea of having a local database, therefore it would seem good to add an option to save the show data on the phone (and to stop requesting data from the API).
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