#42 Add functionality to add your own shows without being dependent on the tMDb API

Créé il y a 7 ans par nvb · 0 commentaires
nvb a commenté il y a 7 ans

As an attempt to make the application less dependent on tMDb, make it possible to add your own shows to the local database.

This can be done by adding a option in the database to add a show yourself. This will in turn direct you to a new activity where you can fill in the necessary data (title, poster, summary etc.) that will be saved locally.

As an attempt to make the application less dependent on tMDb, make it possible to add your own shows to the local database. This can be done by adding a option in the database to add a show yourself. This will in turn direct you to a new activity where you can fill in the necessary data (title, poster, summary etc.) that will be saved locally.
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