#24 Advanced grid sizes

7 سال پیش باز شده توسط dimqua · 2 دیدگاه

IMHO, medium grid size is too small (3 columns on 720p screen) and the big size is too big (1 column). Small grid size provide 5 columns.

I suggest to add two new sizes: for 2 columns and for 4 columns.

IMHO, medium grid size is too small (3 columns on 720p screen) and the big size is too big (1 column). Small grid size provide 5 columns. I suggest to add two new sizes: for 2 columns and for 4 columns.
nvb نظر 7 سال پیش

Also a possibility to change grid size for the People tab is needed, in addition to: #24.

> Also a possibility to change grid size for the People tab is needed, in addition to: #24.
nvb ارجاع این مسئله به کامیت 7 سال پیش
nvb 7 سال پیش بسته شد
dimqua نظر 6 سال پیش

@nvb it's still not possible to change grid size for the People tab.

@nvb it's still not possible to change grid size for the People tab.
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