990 B

TTFQI: TrueType Fonts Quick Installer

ttfqi is a simple and crappy program written in C that is meant to be an easy way to install TrueType Fonts (TTF) in your GNU/Linux system.

This program was tested using Lubuntu!


  1. Clone this repo git clone
  2. Select the repo directory cd ttfqi
  3. Install the program by running ./install
  4. If a password prompt appears, just type your root password.
  5. Use ttfqi -h to check if installation succeded.
  6. Done!


You can install .ttf fonts by running either sudo ttfqi -u [FILES] or sudo ttfqi -i [FILES].

  • -u installs fonts and updates the font cache.
  • -i installs fonts without updating the font cache, so you'll need to either manually update the font cache or reboot your system.
