123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471 |
- //===-- sanitizer_coverage.cc ---------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- //
- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // Sanitizer Coverage.
- // This file implements run-time support for a poor man's coverage tool.
- //
- // Compiler instrumentation:
- // For every interesting basic block the compiler injects the following code:
- // if (*Guard) {
- // __sanitizer_cov();
- // *Guard = 1;
- // }
- // It's fine to call __sanitizer_cov more than once for a given block.
- //
- // Run-time:
- // - __sanitizer_cov(): record that we've executed the PC (GET_CALLER_PC).
- // - __sanitizer_cov_dump: dump the coverage data to disk.
- // For every module of the current process that has coverage data
- // this will create a file module_name.PID.sancov. The file format is simple:
- // it's just a sorted sequence of 4-byte offsets in the module.
- //
- // Eventually, this coverage implementation should be obsoleted by a more
- // powerful general purpose Clang/LLVM coverage instrumentation.
- // Consider this implementation as prototype.
- //
- // FIXME: support (or at least test with) dlclose.
- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- #include "sanitizer_allocator_internal.h"
- #include "sanitizer_common.h"
- #include "sanitizer_libc.h"
- #include "sanitizer_mutex.h"
- #include "sanitizer_procmaps.h"
- #include "sanitizer_stacktrace.h"
- #include "sanitizer_symbolizer.h"
- #include "sanitizer_flags.h"
- atomic_uint32_t dump_once_guard; // Ensure that CovDump runs only once.
- // pc_array is the array containing the covered PCs.
- // To make the pc_array thread- and async-signal-safe it has to be large enough.
- // 128M counters "ought to be enough for anybody" (4M on 32-bit).
- // With coverage_direct=1 in ASAN_OPTIONS, pc_array memory is mapped to a file.
- // In this mode, __sanitizer_cov_dump does nothing, and CovUpdateMapping()
- // dump current memory layout to another file.
- static bool cov_sandboxed = false;
- static int cov_fd = kInvalidFd;
- static unsigned int cov_max_block_size = 0;
- namespace __sanitizer {
- class CoverageData {
- public:
- void Init();
- void BeforeFork();
- void AfterFork(int child_pid);
- void Extend(uptr npcs);
- void Add(uptr pc);
- void IndirCall(uptr caller, uptr callee, uptr callee_cache[],
- uptr cache_size);
- void DumpCallerCalleePairs();
- uptr *data();
- uptr size();
- private:
- // Maximal size pc array may ever grow.
- // We MmapNoReserve this space to ensure that the array is contiguous.
- static const uptr kPcArrayMaxSize = FIRST_32_SECOND_64(1 << 22, 1 << 27);
- // The amount file mapping for the pc array is grown by.
- static const uptr kPcArrayMmapSize = 64 * 1024;
- // pc_array is allocated with MmapNoReserveOrDie and so it uses only as
- // much RAM as it really needs.
- uptr *pc_array;
- // Index of the first available pc_array slot.
- atomic_uintptr_t pc_array_index;
- // Array size.
- atomic_uintptr_t pc_array_size;
- // Current file mapped size of the pc array.
- uptr pc_array_mapped_size;
- // Descriptor of the file mapped pc array.
- int pc_fd;
- // Caller-Callee (cc) array, size and current index.
- static const uptr kCcArrayMaxSize = FIRST_32_SECOND_64(1 << 18, 1 << 24);
- uptr **cc_array;
- atomic_uintptr_t cc_array_index;
- atomic_uintptr_t cc_array_size;
- StaticSpinMutex mu;
- void DirectOpen();
- void ReInit();
- };
- static CoverageData coverage_data;
- void CoverageData::DirectOpen() {
- InternalScopedString path(1024);
- internal_snprintf((char *)path.data(), path.size(), "%s/%zd.sancov.raw",
- common_flags()->coverage_dir, internal_getpid());
- pc_fd = OpenFile(path.data(), true);
- if (internal_iserror(pc_fd)) {
- Report(" Coverage: failed to open %s for writing\n", path.data());
- Die();
- }
- pc_array_mapped_size = 0;
- CovUpdateMapping();
- }
- void CoverageData::Init() {
- pc_array = reinterpret_cast<uptr *>(
- MmapNoReserveOrDie(sizeof(uptr) * kPcArrayMaxSize, "CovInit"));
- pc_fd = kInvalidFd;
- if (common_flags()->coverage_direct) {
- atomic_store(&pc_array_size, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
- atomic_store(&pc_array_index, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
- } else {
- atomic_store(&pc_array_size, kPcArrayMaxSize, memory_order_relaxed);
- atomic_store(&pc_array_index, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
- }
- cc_array = reinterpret_cast<uptr **>(MmapNoReserveOrDie(
- sizeof(uptr *) * kCcArrayMaxSize, "CovInit::cc_array"));
- atomic_store(&cc_array_size, kCcArrayMaxSize, memory_order_relaxed);
- atomic_store(&cc_array_index, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
- }
- void CoverageData::ReInit() {
- internal_munmap(pc_array, sizeof(uptr) * kPcArrayMaxSize);
- if (pc_fd != kInvalidFd) internal_close(pc_fd);
- if (common_flags()->coverage_direct) {
- // In memory-mapped mode we must extend the new file to the known array
- // size.
- uptr size = atomic_load(&pc_array_size, memory_order_relaxed);
- Init();
- if (size) Extend(size);
- } else {
- Init();
- }
- }
- void CoverageData::BeforeFork() {
- mu.Lock();
- }
- void CoverageData::AfterFork(int child_pid) {
- // We are single-threaded so it's OK to release the lock early.
- mu.Unlock();
- if (child_pid == 0) ReInit();
- }
- // Extend coverage PC array to fit additional npcs elements.
- void CoverageData::Extend(uptr npcs) {
- if (!common_flags()->coverage_direct) return;
- SpinMutexLock l(&mu);
- if (pc_fd == kInvalidFd) DirectOpen();
- CHECK_NE(pc_fd, kInvalidFd);
- uptr size = atomic_load(&pc_array_size, memory_order_relaxed);
- size += npcs * sizeof(uptr);
- if (size > pc_array_mapped_size) {
- uptr new_mapped_size = pc_array_mapped_size;
- while (size > new_mapped_size) new_mapped_size += kPcArrayMmapSize;
- // Extend the file and map the new space at the end of pc_array.
- uptr res = internal_ftruncate(pc_fd, new_mapped_size);
- int err;
- if (internal_iserror(res, &err)) {
- Printf("failed to extend raw coverage file: %d\n", err);
- Die();
- }
- void *p = MapWritableFileToMemory(pc_array + pc_array_mapped_size,
- new_mapped_size - pc_array_mapped_size,
- pc_fd, pc_array_mapped_size);
- CHECK_EQ(p, pc_array + pc_array_mapped_size);
- pc_array_mapped_size = new_mapped_size;
- }
- atomic_store(&pc_array_size, size, memory_order_release);
- }
- // Simply add the pc into the vector under lock. If the function is called more
- // than once for a given PC it will be inserted multiple times, which is fine.
- void CoverageData::Add(uptr pc) {
- if (!pc_array) return;
- uptr idx = atomic_fetch_add(&pc_array_index, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
- CHECK_LT(idx * sizeof(uptr),
- atomic_load(&pc_array_size, memory_order_acquire));
- pc_array[idx] = pc;
- }
- // Registers a pair caller=>callee.
- // When a given caller is seen for the first time, the callee_cache is added
- // to the global array cc_array, callee_cache[0] is set to caller and
- // callee_cache[1] is set to cache_size.
- // Then we are trying to add callee to callee_cache [2,cache_size) if it is
- // not there yet.
- // If the cache is full we drop the callee (may want to fix this later).
- void CoverageData::IndirCall(uptr caller, uptr callee, uptr callee_cache[],
- uptr cache_size) {
- if (!cc_array) return;
- atomic_uintptr_t *atomic_callee_cache =
- reinterpret_cast<atomic_uintptr_t *>(callee_cache);
- uptr zero = 0;
- if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&atomic_callee_cache[0], &zero, caller,
- memory_order_seq_cst)) {
- uptr idx = atomic_fetch_add(&cc_array_index, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
- CHECK_LT(idx * sizeof(uptr),
- atomic_load(&cc_array_size, memory_order_acquire));
- callee_cache[1] = cache_size;
- cc_array[idx] = callee_cache;
- }
- CHECK_EQ(atomic_load(&atomic_callee_cache[0], memory_order_relaxed), caller);
- for (uptr i = 2; i < cache_size; i++) {
- uptr was = 0;
- if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&atomic_callee_cache[i], &was, callee,
- memory_order_seq_cst))
- return;
- if (was == callee) // Already have this callee.
- return;
- }
- }
- uptr *CoverageData::data() {
- return pc_array;
- }
- uptr CoverageData::size() {
- return atomic_load(&pc_array_index, memory_order_relaxed);
- }
- // Block layout for packed file format: header, followed by module name (no
- // trailing zero), followed by data blob.
- struct CovHeader {
- int pid;
- unsigned int module_name_length;
- unsigned int data_length;
- };
- static void CovWritePacked(int pid, const char *module, const void *blob,
- unsigned int blob_size) {
- if (cov_fd < 0) return;
- unsigned module_name_length = internal_strlen(module);
- CovHeader header = {pid, module_name_length, blob_size};
- if (cov_max_block_size == 0) {
- // Writing to a file. Just go ahead.
- internal_write(cov_fd, &header, sizeof(header));
- internal_write(cov_fd, module, module_name_length);
- internal_write(cov_fd, blob, blob_size);
- } else {
- // Writing to a socket. We want to split the data into appropriately sized
- // blocks.
- InternalScopedBuffer<char> block(cov_max_block_size);
- CHECK_EQ((uptr)block.data(), (uptr)(CovHeader *)block.data());
- uptr header_size_with_module = sizeof(header) + module_name_length;
- CHECK_LT(header_size_with_module, cov_max_block_size);
- unsigned int max_payload_size =
- cov_max_block_size - header_size_with_module;
- char *block_pos = block.data();
- internal_memcpy(block_pos, &header, sizeof(header));
- block_pos += sizeof(header);
- internal_memcpy(block_pos, module, module_name_length);
- block_pos += module_name_length;
- char *block_data_begin = block_pos;
- char *blob_pos = (char *)blob;
- while (blob_size > 0) {
- unsigned int payload_size = Min(blob_size, max_payload_size);
- blob_size -= payload_size;
- internal_memcpy(block_data_begin, blob_pos, payload_size);
- blob_pos += payload_size;
- ((CovHeader *)block.data())->data_length = payload_size;
- internal_write(cov_fd, block.data(),
- header_size_with_module + payload_size);
- }
- }
- }
- // If packed = false: <name>.<pid>.<sancov> (name = module name).
- // If packed = true and name == 0: <pid>.<sancov>.<packed>.
- // If packed = true and name != 0: <name>.<sancov>.<packed> (name is
- // user-supplied).
- static int CovOpenFile(bool packed, const char* name) {
- InternalScopedBuffer<char> path(1024);
- if (!packed) {
- CHECK(name);
- internal_snprintf((char *)path.data(), path.size(), "%s/%s.%zd.sancov",
- common_flags()->coverage_dir, name, internal_getpid());
- } else {
- if (!name)
- internal_snprintf((char *)path.data(), path.size(),
- "%s/%zd.sancov.packed", common_flags()->coverage_dir,
- internal_getpid());
- else
- internal_snprintf((char *)path.data(), path.size(), "%s/%s.sancov.packed",
- common_flags()->coverage_dir, name);
- }
- uptr fd = OpenFile(path.data(), true);
- if (internal_iserror(fd)) {
- Report(" SanitizerCoverage: failed to open %s for writing\n", path.data());
- return -1;
- }
- return fd;
- }
- // This function dumps the caller=>callee pairs into a file as a sequence of
- // lines like "module_name offset".
- void CoverageData::DumpCallerCalleePairs() {
- uptr max_idx = atomic_load(&cc_array_index, memory_order_relaxed);
- if (!max_idx) return;
- auto sym = Symbolizer::GetOrInit();
- if (!sym)
- return;
- InternalScopedString out(32 << 20);
- uptr total = 0;
- for (uptr i = 0; i < max_idx; i++) {
- uptr *cc_cache = cc_array[i];
- CHECK(cc_cache);
- uptr caller = cc_cache[0];
- uptr n_callees = cc_cache[1];
- const char *caller_module_name = "<unknown>";
- uptr caller_module_address = 0;
- sym->GetModuleNameAndOffsetForPC(caller, &caller_module_name,
- &caller_module_address);
- for (uptr j = 2; j < n_callees; j++) {
- uptr callee = cc_cache[j];
- if (!callee) break;
- total++;
- const char *callee_module_name = "<unknown>";
- uptr callee_module_address = 0;
- sym->GetModuleNameAndOffsetForPC(callee, &callee_module_name,
- &callee_module_address);
- out.append("%s 0x%zx\n%s 0x%zx\n", caller_module_name,
- caller_module_address, callee_module_name,
- callee_module_address);
- }
- }
- int fd = CovOpenFile(false, "caller-callee");
- if (fd < 0) return;
- internal_write(fd, out.data(), out.length());
- internal_close(fd);
- VReport(1, " CovDump: %zd caller-callee pairs written\n", total);
- }
- // Dump the coverage on disk.
- static void CovDump() {
- if (!common_flags()->coverage || common_flags()->coverage_direct) return;
- if (atomic_fetch_add(&dump_once_guard, 1, memory_order_relaxed))
- return;
- uptr size = coverage_data.size();
- InternalMmapVector<u32> offsets(size);
- uptr *vb = coverage_data.data();
- uptr *ve = vb + size;
- SortArray(vb, size);
- MemoryMappingLayout proc_maps(/*cache_enabled*/true);
- uptr mb, me, off, prot;
- InternalScopedBuffer<char> module(4096);
- InternalScopedBuffer<char> path(4096 * 2);
- for (int i = 0;
- proc_maps.Next(&mb, &me, &off, module.data(), module.size(), &prot);
- i++) {
- if ((prot & MemoryMappingLayout::kProtectionExecute) == 0)
- continue;
- while (vb < ve && *vb < mb) vb++;
- if (vb >= ve) break;
- if (*vb < me) {
- offsets.clear();
- const uptr *old_vb = vb;
- CHECK_LE(off, *vb);
- for (; vb < ve && *vb < me; vb++) {
- uptr diff = *vb - (i ? mb : 0) + off;
- CHECK_LE(diff, 0xffffffffU);
- offsets.push_back(static_cast<u32>(diff));
- }
- const char *module_name = StripModuleName(module.data());
- if (cov_sandboxed) {
- if (cov_fd >= 0) {
- CovWritePacked(internal_getpid(), module_name, offsets.data(),
- offsets.size() * sizeof(u32));
- VReport(1, " CovDump: %zd PCs written to packed file\n", vb - old_vb);
- }
- } else {
- // One file per module per process.
- internal_snprintf((char *)path.data(), path.size(), "%s/%s.%zd.sancov",
- common_flags()->coverage_dir, module_name,
- internal_getpid());
- int fd = CovOpenFile(false /* packed */, module_name);
- if (fd > 0) {
- internal_write(fd, offsets.data(), offsets.size() * sizeof(u32));
- internal_close(fd);
- VReport(1, " CovDump: %s: %zd PCs written\n", path.data(),
- vb - old_vb);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (cov_fd >= 0)
- internal_close(cov_fd);
- coverage_data.DumpCallerCalleePairs();
- }
- void CovPrepareForSandboxing(__sanitizer_sandbox_arguments *args) {
- if (!args) return;
- if (!common_flags()->coverage) return;
- cov_sandboxed = args->coverage_sandboxed;
- if (!cov_sandboxed) return;
- cov_fd = args->coverage_fd;
- cov_max_block_size = args->coverage_max_block_size;
- if (cov_fd < 0)
- // Pre-open the file now. The sandbox won't allow us to do it later.
- cov_fd = CovOpenFile(true /* packed */, 0);
- }
- int MaybeOpenCovFile(const char *name) {
- CHECK(name);
- if (!common_flags()->coverage) return -1;
- return CovOpenFile(true /* packed */, name);
- }
- void CovBeforeFork() {
- coverage_data.BeforeFork();
- }
- void CovAfterFork(int child_pid) {
- coverage_data.AfterFork(child_pid);
- }
- } // namespace __sanitizer
- extern "C" {
- SANITIZER_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE void __sanitizer_cov() {
- coverage_data.Add(StackTrace::GetPreviousInstructionPc(GET_CALLER_PC()));
- }
- __sanitizer_cov_indir_call16(uptr callee, uptr callee_cache16[]) {
- coverage_data.IndirCall(StackTrace::GetPreviousInstructionPc(GET_CALLER_PC()),
- callee, callee_cache16, 16);
- }
- SANITIZER_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE void __sanitizer_cov_dump() { CovDump(); }
- SANITIZER_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE void __sanitizer_cov_init() {
- coverage_data.Init();
- }
- SANITIZER_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE void __sanitizer_cov_module_init(uptr npcs) {
- if (!common_flags()->coverage || !common_flags()->coverage_direct) return;
- // dlopen/dlclose interceptors do not work on Android, so we rely on
- // Extend() calls to update .sancov.map.
- CovUpdateMapping(GET_CALLER_PC());
- }
- coverage_data.Extend(npcs);
- }
- sptr __sanitizer_maybe_open_cov_file(const char *name) {
- return MaybeOpenCovFile(name);
- }
- } // extern "C"