123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- return function(parent, dir)
- local lgi = require 'lgi'
- local Gtk = lgi.Gtk
- local window = Gtk.Dialog {
- title = "GtkExpander",
- transient_for = parent,
- resizable = false,
- buttons = {
- { Gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, Gtk.ResponseType.NONE },
- },
- on_response = Gtk.Widget.destroy,
- }
- local content = Gtk.Box {
- orientation = 'VERTICAL',
- spacing = 5,
- border_width = 5,
- Gtk.Label {
- label = "Expander demo. Click on the triangle for details.",
- },
- Gtk.Expander {
- label = "Details",
- Gtk.Label {
- label = "Details can be shown or hidden.",
- }
- },
- }
- window:get_content_area():add(content)
- window:show_all()
- return window
- end,
- "Expander",
- table.concat {
- [[Gtk.Expander allows to provide additional content that is ]],
- [[initially hidden. This is also known as "disclosure triangle".]]
- }