123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261 |
- #! /usr/bin/env lua
- --
- -- Lua console using Vte widget. It uses homegrown poor-man's
- -- Lua-only readline implementation (most of the code of this sample,
- -- not really related to GLib/Gtk in any way).
- --
- local lgi = require 'lgi'
- local Gtk = lgi.require('Gtk', '3.0')
- local Vte = lgi.require('Vte', '2.90')
- -- Simple readline implementation with asynchronous interface.
- local ReadLine = {}
- ReadLine.__index = ReadLine
- function ReadLine.new()
- return setmetatable(
- {
- insert_mode = true,
- columns = 80,
- history = {},
- }, ReadLine)
- end
- function ReadLine:start_line(prompt)
- self.input = ''
- self.pos = 1
- self.prompt = prompt or ''
- self.history_pos = #self.history + 1
- self.display(self.prompt)
- end
- -- Translates input string position into line/column pair.
- local function getpos(rl, pos)
- local full, part = math.modf((pos + #rl.prompt - 1) / rl.columns)
- return full, math.floor(part * rl.columns + 0.5)
- end
- -- Redisplays currently edited line, moves cursor to newpos, assumes
- -- that rl.input is updated with new contents but rl.pos still holds
- -- old cursor position.
- local function redisplay(rl, newpos, modified)
- if newpos < rl.pos then
- -- Go back with the cursor
- local oldl, oldc = getpos(rl, rl.pos)
- local newl, newc = getpos(rl, newpos)
- if oldl ~= newl then
- rl.display(('\27[%dA'):format(oldl - newl))
- end
- if oldc ~= newc then
- rl.display(('\27[%d%s'):format(math.abs(newc - oldc),
- oldc < newc and 'C' or 'D'))
- end
- elseif newpos > rl.pos then
- -- Redraw portion between old and new cursor.
- rl.display(rl.input:sub(rl.pos, newpos - 1))
- end
- rl.pos = newpos
- if modified then
- -- Save cursor, redraw the rest of the string, clear the rest of
- -- the line and screen and restore cursor position back.
- rl.display('\27[s' .. rl.input:sub(newpos, -1) .. '\27[K\27[J\27[u')
- end
- end
- local bindings = {}
- function bindings.default(rl, key)
- if not key:match('%c') then
- rl.input = rl.input:sub(1, rl.pos - 1) .. key
- .. rl.input:sub(rl.pos + (rl.insert_mode and 0 or 1), -1)
- redisplay(rl, rl.pos + 1, rl.insert_mode)
- end
- end
- function bindings.enter(rl)
- redisplay(rl, #rl.input + 1)
- rl.display('\n')
- rl.commit(rl.input)
- end
- function bindings.back(rl)
- if rl.pos > 1 then redisplay(rl, rl.pos - 1) end
- end
- function bindings.forward(rl)
- if rl.pos <= #rl.input then redisplay(rl, rl.pos + 1) end
- end
- function bindings.home(rl)
- if rl.pos ~= 1 then redisplay(rl, 1) end
- end
- function bindings.goto_end(rl)
- if rl.pos ~= #rl.input then redisplay(rl, #rl.input + 1) end
- end
- function bindings.backspace(rl)
- if rl.pos > 1 then
- rl.input = rl.input:sub(1, rl.pos - 2) .. rl.input:sub(rl.pos, -1)
- redisplay(rl, rl.pos - 1, true)
- end
- end
- function bindings.delete(rl)
- if rl.pos <= #rl.input then
- rl.input = rl.input:sub(1, rl.pos - 1) .. rl.input:sub(rl.pos + 1, -1)
- redisplay(rl, rl.pos, true)
- end
- end
- function bindings.kill(rl)
- rl.input = rl.input:sub(1, rl.pos - 1)
- redisplay(rl, rl.pos, true)
- end
- function bindings.clear(rl)
- rl.input = ''
- rl.history_pos = #rl.history + 1
- redisplay(rl, 1, true)
- end
- local function set_history(rl)
- rl.input = rl.history[rl.history_pos] or ''
- redisplay(rl, 1, true)
- redisplay(rl, #rl.input + 1)
- end
- function bindings.up(rl)
- if rl.history_pos > 1 then
- rl.history_pos = rl.history_pos - 1
- set_history(rl)
- end
- end
- function bindings.down(rl)
- if rl.history_pos <= #rl.history then
- rl.history_pos = rl.history_pos + 1
- set_history(rl)
- end
- end
- -- Real keys are here bound to symbolic names.
- local function ctrl(char)
- return string.char(char:byte() - ('a'):byte() + 1)
- end
- bindings[ctrl'b'] = bindings.back
- bindings['\27[D'] = bindings.back
- bindings[ctrl'f'] = bindings.forward
- bindings['\27[C'] = bindings.forward
- bindings[ctrl'a'] = bindings.home
- bindings['\27OH'] = bindings.home
- bindings[ctrl'e'] = bindings.goto_end
- bindings['\27OF'] = bindings.goto_end
- bindings[ctrl'h'] = bindings.backspace
- bindings[ctrl'd'] = bindings.delete
- bindings['\127'] = bindings.delete
- bindings[ctrl'k'] = bindings.kill
- bindings[ctrl'c'] = bindings.clear
- bindings[ctrl'p'] = bindings.up
- bindings['\27[A'] = bindings.up
- bindings[ctrl'n'] = bindings.down
- bindings['\27[B'] = bindings.down
- bindings['\r'] = bindings.enter
- function ReadLine:receive(key)
- (bindings[key] or bindings.default)(self, key)
- end
- function ReadLine:add_line(line)
- -- Avoid duplicating lines in history.
- if self.history[#self.history] ~= line then
- self.history[#self.history + 1] = line
- end
- end
- -- Instantiate terminal widget and couple it with our custom readline.
- local terminal = Vte.Terminal {
- delete_binding = Vte.TerminalEraseBinding.ASCII_DELETE,
- }
- local readline = ReadLine.new()
- if Vte.Terminal.on_size_allocate then
- -- 'size_allocate' signal is not present in some older Gtk-3.0.gir files
- -- due to bug in older GI versions. Make sure that this does not trip us
- -- completely, it only means that readline will not react on the terminal
- -- resize events.
- function terminal:on_size_allocate(rect)
- readline.columns = self:get_column_count()
- end
- end
- function readline.display(str)
- -- Make sure that \n is always replaced with \r\n. Also make sure
- -- that after \n, kill-rest-of-line is always issued, so that
- -- random garbage does not stay on the screen.
- str = str:gsub('([^\r]?)\n', '%1\r\n'):gsub('\r\n', '\27[K\r\n')
- terminal:feed(str, #str)
- end
- function terminal:on_commit(str, length)
- readline.columns = self:get_column_count()
- readline:receive(str)
- end
- function readline.commit(line)
- -- Try to execute input line.
- line = line:gsub('^%s?(=)%s*', 'return ')
- local chunk, answer = (loadstring or load)(line, '=stdin')
- if chunk then
- (function(ok, ...)
- if not ok then
- answer = tostring(...)
- else
- answer = {}
- for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
- answer[#answer + 1] = tostring(select(i, ...))
- end
- answer = #answer > 0 and table.concat(answer, '\t')
- end
- end)(pcall(chunk))
- end
- if answer then
- readline.display(answer .. '\n')
- end
- -- Store the line into rl history and start reading new line.
- readline:add_line(line)
- readline:start_line(_PROMPT or '> ')
- end
- -- Create the application.
- local app = Gtk.Application { application_id = 'org.lgi.samples.gtkconsole' }
- -- Pack terminal into the window with scrollbar.
- function app:on_activate()
- local grid = Gtk.Grid { child = terminal }
- grid:add(Gtk.Scrollbar {
- orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
- adjustment = terminal.adjustment,
- })
- terminal.expand = true
- readline.display [[
- This is terminal emulation of standard Lua console. Enter Lua
- commands as in interactive Lua console. The advantage over standard
- console is that in this context, GMainLoop is running, so this
- console is ideal for interactive toying with Gtk (and other
- mainloop-based) components. Try following:
- Gtk = lgi.Gtk <Enter>
- window = Gtk.Window { title = 'Test' } <Enter>
- window:show_all() <Enter>
- window.title = 'Different' <Enter>
- ]]
- local window = Gtk.Window {
- application = self,
- title = 'Lua Terminal',
- default_width = 640,
- default_height = 480,
- has_resize_grip = true,
- child = grid,
- }
- window:show_all()
- readline.columns = terminal:get_column_count()
- readline:start_line(_PROMPT or '> ')
- -- For convenience, propagate 'lgi' into the global namespace.
- _G.lgi = lgi
- end
- -- Start the application.
- app:run { arg[0], ... }