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lgi User's Guide

All lgi functionality is exported through lgi module. To access it, use standard require construct, e.g.:

local lgi = require 'lgi'

Note that lgi does not use module function, so it does not automatically insert itself into globals, the return value from require call has to be used.

1. Importing libraries

To use any introspection-enabled library, it has to be imported first. Simple way to import it is just referencing its name in lgi namespace, like this:

local GLib = lgi.GLib
local GObject = lgi.GObject
local Gtk = lgi.Gtk

This imports the latest version of the module which can be found. When exact version is requested, use lgi.require(modulename, version):

local Gst = lgi.require('Gst', '0.10')

1.1. Repository structure

Importing library creates table containing all elements which are present in the library namespace - all classes, structures, global functions, constants etc. All those elements are directly accessible, e.g.

assert(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT == 0)

Note that all elements in the namespace are lazy-loaded to avoid excessive memory overhead and initial loading time. To force eager-loading, all namespaces (and container elements in them, like classes, structures, enums etc) contains _resolve(deep) method, which loads all contents eagerly, possibly recursively if deep argument is true. So e.g.

dump(Gtk.Widget:_resolve(true), 3)

prints everything available in Gtk.Widget class, and

dump(Gio:_resolve(true), 5)

dumps the whole contents of Gio package.

Note: the dump function used in this manual is part of cli-debugger Lua package. Of course, you can use any kind of table-dumping facility you are used to instead.

2. Mapping of types between GLib and Lua

In order to call methods and access properties and fields from Lua, a mapping between GLib types and Lua types is established.

  • void is ignored, does not produce any Lua value
  • gboolean is mapped to Lua's boolean type, with true and false values
  • All numeric types are mapped to Lua's number type
  • Enumerations are primarily handled as strings with uppercased GType nicks, optionally the direct numeric values are also accepted.
  • Bitflags are primarily handled as lists or sets of strings with uppercased GType nicks, optionally the direct numeric values are also accepted.
  • gchar* string is mapped to Lua as string type, UTF-8 encoded
  • C array types and GArray is mapped to Lua tables, using array part of the table. Note that although in C the arrays are 0-based, when copied to Lua table, they are 1-based (as Lua uses 1-based arrays).
  • GList and GSList is also mapped to Lua array part of tables.
  • GHashTable is mapped to Lua table, fully utilizing key-value and GHashTable's key and value pairs.
  • C arrays of 1-byte-sized elements (i.e. byte buffers) is mapped to Lua string instead of tables, although when going Lua->GLib direction, tables are also accepted for this type of arrays.
  • GObject class, struct or union is mapped to lgi instances of specific class, struct or union. It is also possible to pass nil, in which case the NULL is passed to C-side (but only if the annotation (allow-none) of the original C method allows passing NULL).
  • gpointer are mapped to Lua lightuserdata type. In Lua->GLib direction, following values are accepted for gpointer type:
    • Lua string instances
    • Instances of lgi classes, structs or unions
    • Binary buffers (see below)

2.1. Calling functions and methods

When calling GLib functions, following conventions apply:

  • All input arguments are mapped to Lua inputs
  • Return value is the first Lua return value
  • All output arguments follow the return value
  • In/Out arguments are both accepted as input and are also added into Lua returns.
  • Functions reporting errors through GError ** as last argument use Lua standard error reporting - they typically return boolean value indicating either success or failure, and if failure occurs, following return values represent error message and error code.

2.1.1. Phantom boolean return values

GLib based libraries often use boolean return value indicating whether logically-output argument is filled in or not. Typical example is gboolean gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GtkTreeModel *tree_model, GtkTreeIter *iter), where iter is filled in case of success, and untouched in case of failure. Normal binding of such function feels a bit unnatural in Lua:

local ok, iter = model:get_iter_first()
-- Even in case of failure, iter contains new 0-initialized
-- instance of the iterator, so following line is necessary:
if not ok then iter = nil end

To ease usage of such method, lgi avoids returning first boolean return. If C function returns false in this case, all other output arguments are returned as nil. This means that previous example must be instead written simply as:

local iter = model:get_iter_first()

2.2. Callbacks

When some GLib function or method requires callback argument, a Lua function should be provided (or userdata or table implementing __call metamethod), and position for callback context (usually called user_data in GLib function signature) should be ignored completely. Callbacks are invoked in the context of Lua coroutine which invoked the original call, unless the coroutine is suspended - in this, case a new coroutine is automatically created and callback is invoked in this new context.

Callback arguments and return values are governed by the same rules of argument and type conversions as written above. If the Lua callback throws an error, the error is not caught by the calling site, instead propagated out (usually terminating unless there is some pcall in the call chain).

It is also possible to provide coroutine instance as callback argument. In this case, the coroutine is resumed, providing callback arguments as parameters to resume (therefore they are return values of coroutine.yield() call which suspended the coroutine passed as callback argument). The callback is in this case considered to return when either coroutine terminates (in this case, callback return value(s) are coroutine final result(s)) or yields again (in this case, callback return value(s) are arguments to coroutine.yield() call). This mode of operation is very useful when using Gio-style asynchronous calls. However, it is recommended to use lgi-specific Gio.Async facility for this purpose, as described in its own documentation, because it wraps and hides many intricacies which arise with coroutines and mainloop integration.

3. Classes

Classes are usually derived from GObject base class. Classes contain entities like properties, methods and signals and provide inheritance, i.e. entities of ancestor class are also available in all inherited classes. lgi supports Lua-like access to entities using . and : operators.

There is no need to invoke any memory management GObject controls, like ref or unref methods, because lgi handles reference management transparently underneath. In fact, calling these low-level methods can probably always be considered either as a bug or workaround for possible bug in lgi :-)

3.1. Creating instances

To create new instance of the class (i.e. new object), call class declaration as if it is a method:

local window = Gtk.Window()

Optionally, it is possible to pass single argument, table containing entity name mapping to entity value. This way it is possible to initialize properties, fields and even signal handlers in the class construction:

local window = Gtk.Window {
   title = "Title",
   on_destroy = function() print("Destroyed") end

For some classes, which behave like containers of other things, lgi allows adding also a list of children into the array part of the argument table, which contains children element to be added. A typical example is Gtk.Container, which allows adding element in the constructor table, allowing construction of the whole widget hierarchy in Lua-friendly way:

local window = Gtk.Window {
   title = "Title",
   on_destroy = function() print("Destroyed") end,
   Gtk.Grid {
      Gtk.Label { label = "Contents", expand = true },
      Gtk.Statusbar {}

There is also possibility to create instances of classes for which the introspection typelib data is not available, only GType is known. Use as illustrated in following sample:

local gtype = 'ForeignWidget'
local widget =
local window = Gtk.Window { title = 'foreign', widget }

3.2. Calling methods

Methods are functions grouped inside class (or interface) declarations, accepting pointer to class instance as first argument. Most usual technique to invoke method is using : operator, e.g. window:show_all(). This is of course identical with window.show_all(window), as is convention in plain Lua.

Method declaration itself is also available in the class and it is possible to invoke it without object notation, so previous example can be also rewritten as Gtk.Window.show_all(window). Note that this way of invoking removes dynamic lookup of the method from the object instance type, so it might be marginally faster. However, in case that window is actually instance of some GtkWindow descendant, lets say MyWindow, which also defined my_window_show_all() method, there will be a difference: window:show_all() will invoke my_window_show_all(window), while Gtk.Window.show_all(window) will of course invoke non-specialized gtk_widget_show_all(window).

3.2.1. Static methods

Static methods (i.e. functions which do not take class instance as first argument) are usually invoked using class namespace, e.g. Gtk.Window.list_toplevels(). Very common form of static methods are new constructors, e.g. Note that in most cases, new constructors are provided only as convenience for C programmers, in lgi it might be preferable to use window = Gtk.Window { type = Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL } instead of window =

3.3. Accessing properties

Object properties are accessed simply by using . operator. Continuing previous example, we can write window.title = window.title .. ' - new'. Note that in GObject system, property and signal names can contain - character. Since this character is illegal in Lua identifiers, it is mapped to _, so can-focus window property is accessed as window.can_focus.

3.4. Signals

Signals are exposed as on_signalname entities on the class instances.

3.4.1. Connecting signals

Assigning Lua function connects that function to the signal. Signal routine gets object as first argument, followed by other arguments of the signal. Simple example:

local window = Gtk.Window()
window.on_destroy = function(w)
   assert(w == window)
   print("Destroyed", w)

Note that because of Lua's syntactic sugar for object access and function definition, it is possible to use signal connection even in following way:

local window = Gtk.Window()
function window:on_destroy()
   assert(self == window)
   print("Destroyed", self)

Reading signal entity provides temporary table which can be used for connecting signal with specification of the signal detail (see GObject documentation on signal detail explanation). An example of handler which is notified whenever window is activated or deactivated follows:

local window = Gtk.Window()
window.on_notify['is-active'] = function(self, pspec)
   assert(self == window)
   assert( == 'is-active')
   print("Window is active:", self.is_active)

Both forms of signal connection connect handler before default signal handler. If connection after default signal handler is wanted (see G_CONNECT_AFTER documentation for details), the most generic connection call has to be used: object.on_signalname:connect(target, detail, after). Previous example rewritten using this connection style follows:

local window = Gtk.Window()
local function notify_handler(self, pspec)
   assert(self == window)
   assert( == 'is-active')
   print("Window is active:", self.is_active)
window.on_notify:connect(notify_handler, 'is-active', false)

3.4.2 Emitting signals

Emitting existing signals is usually needed only when implementing subclasses of existing classes. Simplest method to emit a signal is to 'call' the signal on the class instance:

local treemodel = <subclass implementing Gtk.TreeModel>
treemodel:on_row_inserted(path, iter)

3.5. Dynamic typing of classes

lgi assigns real class types to class instances dynamically, using runtime GObject introspection facilities. When new classes instance is passed from C code into Lua, lgi queries the real type of the object, finds the nearest type in the loaded repository and assigns this type to the Lua-side created proxy for the object. This means that there is no casting needed in lgi (and there is also no casting facility available).

Hopefully everything can be explained in following example. Assume that demo.ui is GtkBuilder file containing definition of GtkWindow labeled window1 and GtkAction called action1 (among others).

local builder = Gtk.Builder()
local window = builder:get_object('window1')
-- Call Gtk.Window-specific method
local action = builder:get_object('action1')
-- Set Gtk.Action-specific property
action.sensitive = false

Although Gtk.Builder.get_object() method is marked as returning GObject*, lgi actually checks the real type of returned object and assigns proper type to it, so builder:get_object('window1') returns instance of Gtk.Window and builder:get_object('action1') returns instance of Gtk.Action.

Another mechanism which allows complete lack of casting in lgi is automatic interface discovery. If some class implements some interface, the properties and methods of the interface are directly available on the class instance.

3.6. Accessing object's class instance

GObject has the notion of object class. There are sometimes useful methods defined on objects class, which are accessible to lgi using object instance pseudo-property _class. For example, to list all properties registered for object's class, GObject library provides g_object_class_list_properties() function. Following sample lists all properties registered for the given object instance.

function dump_props(obj)
   print("Dumping properties of ", obj)
   for _, pspec in pairs(obj._class:list_properties()) do
      print(, pspec.value_type)

Running dump_props(Gtk.Window()) yields following output:

Dumping props of    lgi.obj 0xe5c070:Gtk.Window(GtkWindow)
name    gchararray
parent  GtkContainer
width-request   gint
height-request  gint
visible gboolean
sensitive   gboolean
... (and so on)

3.7. Querying the type of the object instances

To query whether given Lua value is actually an instance of specified class or subclass, class types define is_type_of method. This class-method takes one argument and checks, whether given argument as an instance of specified class (or implements specified interface, when called on interface instances). Following examples demonstrate usage of this construct:

local window = Gtk.Window()
print(Gtk.Window:is_type_of(window))    -- prints 'true'
print(Gtk.Widget:is_type_of(window))    -- prints 'true'
print(Gtk.Buildable:is_type_of(window)) -- prints 'true'
print(Gtk.Action:is_type_of(window))    -- prints 'false'
print(Gtk.Window:is_type_of('string'))  -- prints 'false'
print(Gtk.Window:is_type_of(nil))       -- prints 'false'

There is also possibility to query the type-table from instantiated object, using _type property.

-- Checks, whether 'unknown' conforms to the type of the 'template'
-- object.
function same_type(template, unknown)
   local type = template._type
   return type:is_type_of(unknown)

3.8. Implementing subclasses

It is possible to implement subclass of any existing class in pure Lua. The reason to do so is to implement virtual methods of parent class (and possibly one or more interfaces).

In order to create subclass, lgi requires to create package first, which is basically namespace where the new classes will live. To create a package, use lgi.package function:

-- Create MyApp package
local MyApp = lgi.package 'MyApp'

Once the package is created, it is possible to reference it from lgi as any other existing namespace:

local Gtk = lgi.Gtk
local MyApp = lgi.MyApp

To create subclass, use package's method class(name, parent[, ifacelist]):

MyApp:class('MyWidget', Gtk.Widget)
MyApp:class('MyModel', GObject.Object, { Gtk.TreeModel })

After that, newly created class behaves exactly the same as classes picked up from GObjectIntrospection namespaces, like shown in following examples:

local widget = MyApp.MyWidget()

Note that it is important to override virtual methods before any instance of the derived class (see chapter about virtual methods below).

3.8.1. Overriding virtual methods

To make subclass useful, it is needed to override some of its virtual methods. Existing virtual methods are prefixed with do_. In order to call inherited virtual methods, it is needed to use an explicit function reference. There is an automatic property called priv which is plain Lua table and allows subclass implementation to store some internal status. All these techniques are illustrated in following sample:

function MyApp.MyWidget:do_show()
   if not self.priv.invisible then
      -- All three lines perform forwarding to inherited virtual:
      -- or:
      -- or:

-- Convenience method for setting MyWidget 'invisible'
function MyApp.MyWidget:set_invisible(invisible)
   self.priv.invisible = invisible

The important fact is that virtual method overrides are picked up only up to the first instantiation of the class or inheriting new subclass from it. After this point, virtual function overrides are ignored.

3.8.2. Installing new properties

To add new property for derived class, a new GObject.ParamSpec instance describing property must be added into _property table of derived class. This must be done before first instantiation of the class.

By default, the value of the property is mirrored in priv table of the instance. However, it is possible to specify custom getter and setter method in _property_set and _property_get tables. Both approaches are illustrated in the following example with property called my_label

MyApp.MyWidget._property.my_label = GObject.ParamSpecString(
    'my_label', 'Nick string', 'Blurb string', 'def-value',
function MyApp.MyWidget._property_set:my_label(new_value)
    print(('%s changed my_label from %s to %s'):format(
    self, self.priv-my_label, new_value))
    self.priv.my_label = new_value
local widget = MyApp.MyWidget()

-- Access through GObject's property machinery
widget.my_label = 'label1'

-- Direct access to underlying storage

4. Structures and unions

Structures and unions are supported in a very similar way to classes. They have only access to methods (in the same way as classes) and fields, which are very similar to the representation of properties on the classes.

4.1. Creating instances

Structure instances are created by 'calling' structure definition, similar to creating new class: local color = Gdk.RGBA(). For simplest structures without constructor methods, the new structure is allocated and zero-initialized. It is also possible to pass table containing fields and values to which the fields should be initialized: local blue = Gdk.RGBA { blue = 1, alpha = 1 }.

If the structure has defined any constructor named new, it is automatically mapped by lgi to the structure creation construct, so calling local main_loop = GLib.MainLoop(nil, false) is exactly equivalent with local main_loop =, false), and local color = Clutter.Color(0, 0, 0, 255) is exactly equivalent with local color =, 0, 0, 255).

4.2. Calling methods and accessing fields.

Structure methods are called in the same way as class methods: struct:method(), or StructType.method(). For example:

local loop = GLib.MainLoop(nil, false)
-- Following line is equivalent

Fields are accessed using . operator on structure instance, for example

local color = Gdk.RGBA { alpha = 1 } = 0.5
print(,, color.alpha)
-- Prints: 0    0.5    1

5. Enums and bitflags, constants

lgi primarily maps enumerations to strings containing uppercased nicks of enumeration constant names. Optionally, a direct enumeration value is also accepted. Similarly, bitflags are primarily handled as sets containing uppercased flag nicks, but also lists of these nicks or direct numeric value is accepted. When a numeric value cannot be mapped cleanly to the known set of bitflags, the remaining number is stored in the first array slot of the returned set.

Note that this behavior changed in lgi 0.4; up to that alpha release, lgi handled enums and bitmaps exclusively as numbers only. The change is compatible in Lua->C direction, where numbers still can be used, but incompatible in C->Lua direction, where lgi used to return numbers, while now it returns either string with enum value or table with flags.

5.1. Accessing numeric values

In order to retrieve real enum values from symbolic names, enum and bitflags are loaded into repository as tables mapping symbolic names to numeric constants. Fro example, dumping Gtk.WindowType enum yields following output:


["table: 0xef9bc0"] = {  -- table: 0xef9bc0
  POPUP = 1;

so constants can be referenced using Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL construct, or directly using string 'TOPLEVEL' when a Gtk.WindowType is expected.

5.2. Backward mapping, getting names from numeric values

There is another facility in lgi, which allows backward mapping of numeric constants to symbolic names. Indexing enum table with number actually provides symbolic name to which the specified constant maps:





Indexing bitflags table with number provides table containing list of all symbolic names which make up the requested value:


["table: 0xe5dd10"] = {  -- table: 0xe5dd10
  ODD = 2;
  EVEN = 1;
  SORTED = 32;
  FIRST = 4;
  LAST = 8;


["table: 0xedbba0"] = {  -- table: 0xedbba0
  SORTED = 32;
  ODD = 2;

This way, it is possible to check for presence of specified flag very easily:

if Gtk.RegionFlags[flags].ODD then
   -- Code handling region-odd case

If the value cannot be cleanly decomposed to known flags, remaining bits are accumulated into number stored at index 1:


["table: 0x242fb20"] = {  -- table: 0x242fb20
  EVEN = 1;
  SORTED = 32;
  [1] = 16;
  ODD = 2;

To construct numeric value which can be passed to a function expecting an enum, it is possible to simply add requested flags. However, there is a danger if some definition contains multiple flags , in which case numeric adding produces incorrect results. Therefore, it is possible to use bitflags pseudoconstructor', which accepts table containing requested flags:

=Gtk.RegionFlags { 'FIRST', 'SORTED' }


=Gtk.RegionFlags { Gtk.RegionFlags.ODD, 16, 'EVEN' }


6. Threading and synchronization

Lua platform does not allow running real concurrent threads in single Lua state. This rules out any usage of GLib's threading API. However, wrapped libraries can be using threads, and this can lead to situations that callbacks or signals can be invoked from different threads. To avoid corruption which would result from running multiple threads in a single Lua state, lgi implements one internal lock (mutex) which protects access to Lua state. lgi automatically locks (i.e. waits on) this lock when performing C->Lua transition (invoking Lua callback or returning from C call) and unlocks it on Lua->C transition (returning from Lua callback or invoking C call).

In a typical GLib-based application, most of the runtime is spent inside mainloop. During this time, lgi lock is unlocked and mainloop can invoke Lua callbacks and signals as needed. This means that lgi-based application does not have to worry about synchronization at all.

The only situation which needs intervention is when mainloop is not used or a different form of mainloop is used (e.g. Copas scheduler, Qt UI etc). In this case, lgi lock is locked almost all the time and callbacks and signals are blocked and cannot be delivered. To cope with this situation, a lgi.yield() call exists. This call temporarily unlocks the lgi lock, letting other threads to deliver waiting callbacks, and before returning the lock is closed back. This allows code which runs foreign, non-GLib style of mainloop to stick lgi.yield() calls to some repeatedly invoked place and thus allowing delivery of callbacks from other threads.

7. Logging

GLib provides generic logging facility using g_message and similar C macros. These utilities are not directly usable in Lua, so lgi provides layer which allows logging messages using GLib logging facilities and controlling behavior of logging methods.

All logging is controlled by lgi.log table. To allow logging in lgi-enabled code, lgi.log.domain(name) method exists. This method returns table containing methods message, warning, critical, error and debug methods, which take format string optionally followed by inserts and logs specified string. An example of typical usage follows:

local lgi = require 'lgi'
local log = lgi.log.domain('myapp')

-- This is equivalent of C 'g_message("A message %d", 1)'
log.message("A message %d", 1)

-- This is equivalent to C 'g_warning("Not found")'
log.warning("Not found")

Note that format string is formatted using Lua's string.format(), so the rules for Lua formatting strings apply here.

8. Interoperability with native code

There might be some scenarios where it is important to either export objects or records created in Lua into C code or vice versa. lgi allows transfers using Lua lightuserdata type. To get native pointer to the lgi object, use _native attribute of the object. To create lgi object from external pointer, it is possible to pass lightuserdata with object pointer to type constructor. Following example illustrates both techniques:

-- Create Lua-side window object.
local window = Gtk.Window { title = 'Hello' }

-- Get native pointer to this object.
local window_ptr = window._native

// window_ptr can be now passed to C code, which can use it.
GtkWindow *window = lua_touserdata (L, x);
char *title;
g_object_get (window, "title", &title);
g_assert (g_str_equal (title, "Hello"));
g_free (title);

// Create object on the C side and pass it to Lua
GtkButton *button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Foreign");
lua_pushlightuserdata (L, button);
lua_call (L, ...);

-- Retrieve button on the Lua side.
assert(type(button) == 'userdata')

Note that while the example demonstrates objects, the same mechanism works also for structures and unions.

9. GObject basic constructs

Although GObject library is already covered by gobject-introspection, most of the elements in it are basic object system building blocks and either need or greatly benefit from special handling by lgi.

9.1. GObject.Type

Contrary to C GType representation (which is unsigned number), lgi represents GType by its name, as a string. GType-related constants and methods useful for handling GType are present in GObject.Type namespace.

Fundamental GType names are imported as constants into GObject.Type namespace, so that it is possible to use for example GObject.Type.INT where G_TYPE_INT would be used in C code. Following constants are available:


Moreover, functions operating on GType are also present in GObject.Type namespace:

parent, depth, next_base, is_a, children, interfaces, query, fundamental_next, fundamental

There is special new method, Type.type(gtype) which returns lgi native type representing specified gtype. For example:

assert(Gtk.Window == GObject.Type.type('GtkWindow'))
assert(Gtk.WidgetPath == GObject.Type.type('GtkWidgetPath'))

When transferring GType value from Lua to C (e.g. calling function which accepts argument of GType), it is possible to use either string with type name, number representing numeric GType value, or any loaded component which has its type assigned. Some examples of GType usage follow:

lgi = require 'lgi'
GObject = lgi.GObject
Gtk = lgi.Gtk

-- prints "void" in both cases

-- prints "GtkWindow"

print(GObject.Type.is_a(Gtk.Window, GObject.Type.OBJECT))
-- prints "true"

-- prints "GtkBin"

9.2. GObject.Value

lgi does not implement any automatic GValue boxing or unboxing, because this would involve guessing GType from Lua value, which is generally unsafe. Instead, an easy to use and convenient wrappers for accessing GValue type and contents are provided.

9.2.1. Creation

To create new GObject.Value instances, use similar method as for creating new structures or classes, i.e. 'call' GObject.Value type. The call has two optional arguments, specifying GType of newly created GValue and optionally also the contents of the value. A few examples for creating new values follow:

local lgi = require 'lgi'
local GObject = lgi.GObject
local Gtk = lgi.Gtk

local empty = GObject.Value()
local answer = GObject.Value(GObject.Type.INT, 42)
local null_window = GObject.Value(Gtk.Window)
local window = GObject.Value(Gtk.Window, Gtk.Window())

9.2.2. Boxing and unboxing GObject.Value instances

GObject.Value adds two new virtual properties, called gtype and value. gtype contains actual type of the value, while value provides access to the contents of the value. Both properties are read/write. Reading of them queries current GObject.Value state, i.e. reading value performs actual GValue unboxing. Writing value performs value boxing, i.e. the source Lua item is attempted to be stored into the GObject.Value. Writing gtype attempts to change the type of the value, and in case that value already has a contents, it also converts contents to the new type (using g_value_transform()). Examples here continue using the values created in previous section example:

assert(empty.gtype == nil)
assert(empty.value == nil)
assert(answer.gtype == GObject.Type.INT)
assert(answer.value == 42)
assert(null_window.gtype == 'GtkWindow')
assert(null_window.value == nil)

empty.gtype = answer.gtype
empty.value = 1
assert(empty.gtype == GObject.Type.INT)
assert(empty.value == 1)
answer.gtype = GObject.Type.STRING)
assert(answer.value == '42')

Although GObject.Value provides most of the GValue documented methods (e.g. g_value_get_string() is accessible as GObject.Value.get_string() and getting string contents of the value instance can be written as value:get_string()), value and gtype abstract properties are recommended to be used instead.

9.3. GObject.Closure

Similar to GObject.Value, no automatic GClosure boxing is implemented. To create a new instance of GClosure, 'call' closure type and provide Lua function as an argument:

closure = GObject.Closure(func)

When the closure is emitted, a Lua function is called, getting GObject.Value as arguments and expecting to return GObject.Value instance.